Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 STOP MLB: CR grad Humphreys traded to Giants /B1 WASTING MONDAY MONEY ON CITRUSCOUNTY TODAY SPECTRUM/ & next morning BRIGHTHOUSE HIGH CALL 92 Sunshine with an 1-888-851-7283 000YTXU LOW isolated storm. 74 PAGE A4 SEE PAGE A2 www.chronicleonline.com AUGUST 3, 2020 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 125 ISSUE 300 NEWS Isaias crawls up Florida’s east coast BRIEFS Florida kept a close watch on the east coast of Central Florida, and Citrus COVID-19 Storm slowly moves toward Carolinas storm that was weakened from a about 385 miles south of Myrtle hurricane to a tropical storm Sat- Beach, South Carolina. update WILFREDO LEE AND Florida’s east coast Sunday, with urday afternoon, but still brought It strengthened slightly earlier in Sixty-three new posi- DÁNICA COTO the tropical storm strengthening heavy rain and flooding to Flori- the evening with maximum sus- Associated Press slightly in the evening on its way da’s Atlantic coast. tained winds just under a Category tive cases were reported up the Eastern seabord. The National Hurricane Center 1 hurricane, taking a north-north- in Citrus County since the VERO BEACH — Bands of Officials dealing with surging advised at 8 p.m. Sunday that the west path, according to the center. latest FDOH update. heavy rain from Isaias lashed cases of the coronavirus in storm was about 55 miles off the See ISAIAS/Page A3 Three new hospitaliza- tions were reported; one new death was reported. To date in the county, 1,291 people have tested positive (including two non-residents), 121 have been hospitalized and 30 have died. Talk of the town Vote-by-mail ballot deadline The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot for Primary Election is 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020. The Primary Election is Aug. 18, 2020. Any voter can request a vote-by-mail ballot for themselves or a family member for a specific election or for all elections through two general elec- tion cycles. To request a ballot, call the Supervisor of Elections office: 352- 564-7120, fax 352-564- 7121; email Vote@ VoteCitrus.com; or visit www.votecitrus.com. Vote-by-mail ballots may be hand delivered or dropped off in the 24/7 secure drop box at the Supervisor of Elec- tions office at 1500 W. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crys- tal River 34429. Vote-by- MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle mail ballots delivered Old Homosassa Heritage Park and Working Waterfront Committee members Kathy Green, seated, and husband, Terry Green, who is also after 7 p.m. on Election president of the Homosassa Civic Association, speak with Roger Cullen, right, committee member and vice president of the Civic Day cannot be counted. Association, Friday, July 31, 2020. The committee recently closed on buying property for a park where they are pictured. It will be situated Vote-by-mail ballots along the waterfront of the Homosassa River. The Cracker-style house behind them will be converted into a museum. may also be dropped off at the early vote sites during early voting times for the Homosassa gets Primary from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. Aug. 7-15, 2020, Early voting locations are waterfront park located at: Inverness City Hall, 212 W. Main St., In- MIKE WRIGHT verness 34450; Central Staff writer Ridge Library, 425 W. Terry Green and friends Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly were so sure the stars would Hills 34465; Homossasa not align for a Homosassa wa- Public Library, 4100 S. terfront park that they kept the Grandmarch Ave., entire process under wraps — Homosassa 34446, and for nearly five years. the Crystal River early But it all worked out when vote site at the Supervisor the Homosassa Civic Club, of of Elections office, which Green is president, se- 1500 W. Meadowcrest cured a $1.4 million state grant Blvd., Crystal River 34439. to buy about 2 acres of land along the river next to Mac- POLL Rae’s of Homosassa for devel- ONLINE POLL: opment of the Old Homosassa A majestic great blue heron stalks prey along the water’s edge on the Homosassa River where the new Heritage Park and Working Old Homosassa Heritage Park and Working Waterfront will be established. Waterfront. Homosassa is a working wa- pay for it. to Sen. Wilton Simpson, Your choice? The county is “We were never confident terfront community, but with The group zeroed in on two R-Trilby, who at the time we were going to get it,” Green no access to the river other parcels: The Locklar property owned a weekend home in considering a move to said of the funding. “We’ve had than the public boat ramp at next to MacRae’s, and the for- Homosassa. Simpson and Rep. take control of the the rug pulled out from us be- MacRae’s. mer Sportsman’s Cove near Ralph Massullo, R-Lecanto, emergency operations fore. We kept quiet. Now we They formed an Access to the Homosassa water tower off were able to include $850,000 center (EOC). Is that a can talk about it.” the River Committee, later Yulee Drive. Locklar’s prop- in the state budget to help buy wise move? The concept from a handful changed to the heritage park erty was for sale; Sportsman’s the property, but they needed A. Yes. Most counties in of residents in 2015 seemed committee, and started looking Cove was not. more. Florida are in charge of simple enough. for potential sites and ways to Community leaders looked See PARK/Page A7 their own EOC. B. No. The county typically shortchanges the operations they run. C. I don’t know. I want Husband to donate kidney SpaceX, NASA to see the plan before deciding. To vote, visit www. chronicleonline.com. to wife as an anniversary gift make a splash Scroll down the home NANCY KENNEDY page and look for the Staff writer MARCIA DUNN poll box in the right- Associated Press hand column. For their fifth anniversary on Aug. 1, Results will appear 2020, Craig “Bubba” Elsass had the per- CAPE CANAVERAL — Two NASA astronauts re- next Monday. Find last fect gift for his wife, Melinda — one of turned to Earth on Sunday in a dramatic, retro-style week’s online poll his kidneys. splashdown, their capsule parachuting into the Gulf results./Page A3 It’s fitting, since 22 years ago she stole of Mexico to close out an unprecedented test flight his heart. by Elon Musk’s SpaceX company. INDEX On Aug. 5, 2020, Melinda Murphy- It was the first splashdown by U.S. astronauts in Classifieds ............... B6 Elsass is scheduled for the first of two 45 years, with the first commercially built and oper- surgeries; this one to remove her dam- ated spacecraft to carry people to and from orbit. The Comics .................... B5 aged kidneys and to repair a hernia. Special to the Chronicle return clears the way for another SpaceX crew Crossword ................ B8 Then two or three weeks later, the If all goes as scheduled, Craig “Bubba” Elsass launch as early as next month and possible tourist Editorial ....................A6 couple will be in surgery at the same will be giving his wife, Melinda Murphy- flights next year. Entertainment ...........A4 hospital for the actual kidney transplant Elsass, a one-of-a-kind anniversary gift for Test pilots Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken rode Food Programs .........A5 surgery, Bubba’s healthy kidney trans- their fifth anniversary — one of his kidneys. the SpaceX Dragon capsule back to Earth less than Horoscope ................A4 planted into his ailing wife’s body. disease, a genetic disorder that causes a day after departing the International Space Sta- Lottery Numbers ...... B3 “It’s definitely a God thing,” said multiple fluid-filled cysts to grow in your tion and two months after blasting off from Florida. Lottery Payouts ........ B3 49-year-old Melinda. “I never knew kidneys, and that she was in Stage 5 — The capsule parachuted into the calm gulf waters TV Listings ............... B4 years ago when we met that I would there is no Stage 6. about 40 miles off the coast of Pensacola, hundreds need a kidney, much less that I was going Since September, 2019, Melinda has of miles from Tropical Storm Isaias pounding Flori- to marry him, but God knew.” been on dialysis, and up until June 18, da’s Atlantic coast. She only discovered less than four 2020, she has been working full-time at “Welcome back to planet Earth and thanks for flying years ago that she had polycystic kidney See KIDNEY/Page A7 See SPLASH/Page A5 A2 Monday, august 3, 2020 Citrus County (FL) ChroniCLe F RUSTRATED W ITH Y OUR C URRENT A ND R ISING C ABLE R ATES ? LOW CABLE RATES FOR ALL FLORIDA COUNTIES SAVE $$$ FFrustrated Frruussttrraatteedd WithWWiitthh Spectrum,SSppeeccttrruumm,, Brighthouse,BBrriigghhtthhoouussee,, DishDDiisshh NetworkNNeettwwoorrkk OrOOrr DirectTV?DDiirreeccttTTVV?? CALL NOW & START SAVING MONEY 1-888-851-7283 • FREE DVR Record up to 5 or 16 different shows • FREE Equipment & Installation • NO HD Fee • FREE Showtime and Starz for 3 months BUDGET BUSTER BUDGET BUSTER BUDGET BUSTER PLUS DELUXE PREMIUM $ 9999 $ 9999 $ 9999 PER MONTH PER MONTH PER MONTH 3399 PLUS TAX 5544 PLUS TAX 5599 PLUS TAX INCLUDES ALL LOCAL CHANNELS INCLUDES ALL LOCAL CHANNELS INCLUDES ALL LOCAL CHANNELS OPEN 7 DAYS • 24 HOURS Senior Cable LOWEST PRICES 000ULHI Prices and Channel availability may vary. Call for details. 1-888-851-7283 EVERY OFFERED! 000YTXY N OTHI N G ABOVE PI N K LI N E Page A3 - MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 2020 STATE &Citrus L CountyOCA ChroniCle L YMCA sets mandatory face mask times CLEANING AND DISINFECTION Face coverings requirement lasts one hour a day, three days a week n The facility is cleaned and sanitized Chronicle staff Beginning Monday, Aug.
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