E2292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 16, 2011 team on an outstanding 2011 season. Yester- 1955, he assumed the presidency of the Mem- gan. Mr. Speaker, I ask all of my colleagues day, the Punchers won the Class 1A, Division phis Branch of the NAACP and served in that to join me in honoring the life of Judge H.T. I Texas state championship and ended their position until 1958. H.T. Lockard headed up Lockard. Judge H.T. Lockard will be remem- season with a perfect record, 15–0. their legal committee and contributed to na- bered by many. His was a life well lived. I want to congratulate the team on their tional efforts. During this time, H.T. Lockard f dedication and hard work. It takes determina- was joined by Russell Sugarmon, Vasco and tion and focus to win a state championship, Maxine Smith, Jesse Turner, Billy Kyles and CONGRATULATING SILVER CROSS and the focus must be all the greater to do it the late Benjamin Hooks and A.W. Willis. To- HOSPITAL on top of a perfect season. I applaud the per- gether, these stalwarts of the civil rights move- severance of the team. ment fought for and won many victories in- HON. ADAM KINZINGER Coach Kade Burns, as well as all the young cluding desegregating Memphis Street Rail- OF ILLINOIS men on this team, deserves recognition for the way Co., public buildings, restaurants and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES accomplishment. The 15–0 season was all the University of Memphis, formerly Memphis Friday, December 16, 2011 greater considering this was Coach Burns’ first State University. Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, season as head coach at Mason. H.T. Lockard broke significant barriers and today I rise to congratulate Silver Cross Hos- I know that many years from now, these paved the way for future African-American pital, which is located in my district, for ex- young men from Mason will look back on this politicians in Memphis. In 1964, Mr. Lockard panding its facilities to New Lenox, IL. In this day with fond memories. I encourage them to became the first African-American to hold new facility, the wonderful caregivers of Silver enjoy this achievement to the utmost, as it is elective office in Shelby County by being Cross will be better able to serve the many a once-in-a-lifetime experience. elected to the Shelby County Quarterly Court, residents of Will County. Each and every day, It is my honor to represent the student and now known as the County Commission. He healthcare professionals across the country families Mason and their state championship then became active in local African-American provide life saving and sustaining help to football team. Again, I congratulate the Mason political clubs and played a key role behind those most in need. The professionals at Sil- Punchers on a perfect season and a state the scenes as an advisor on civil rights issues ver Cross exemplify the best qualities we have championship! to President Lyndon B. Johnson. H.T. Lockard come to expect from our healthcare profes- f was appointed to serve as Administrative As- sionals. Their distinguished history provides a sistant to Tennessee Governor Buford Elling- HONORING THE LIFE OF AND tremendous example for others to follow. ton from 1967–1971 thereby becoming the I would like to highlight just a couple of their ACHIEVEMENTS OF JUDGE first African-American cabinet member in the HOSEA T. ‘‘H.T.’’ LOCKARD accolades as they continue construction of State of Tennessee. In 1975, H.T. Lockard be- their new state-of-the-art 289-bed hospital. came a Criminal Court judge and served until First, Silver Cross Hospital has been named a HON. STEVE COHEN 1994. 100 Top Hospital Award recipient for seven OF TENNESSEE Judge Lockard later served as a board consecutive years by Thomson Reuters member of the National Civil Rights Museum IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Healthcare, a leading provider of information in Memphis from 1989–1999. He gave much Friday, December 16, 2011 and solutions to improve the quality and cost of his time to the Memphis Charter Commis- of healthcare. Only four hospitals in the nation Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sion, a non-partisan group that reviewed the have won the award for the last seven con- honor the life of Judge H.T. Lockard, born city Charter and made recommendations for secutive years. Secondly, new programs in- Hosea T. Lockard on June 24, 1920. Judge changes to be presented to the citizens of cluding an enhanced partnership with Chil- Lockard was a civil rights leader, hero and Memphis through voter referendums. Mr. dren’s Memorial Hospital, Rehabilitation Insti- pioneer who fought alongside giants to bring Lockard was awarded the Benjamin L. Hooks tute of Chicago and University of Chicago racial equality to Memphis, Tennessee and the Award by the Memphis Bar Foundation in Medical Center will bring new services to pa- surrounding area. He grew up on a small farm 2010 in recognition of his lifelong commitment tients and improve the health of the commu- near Henning, Tennessee before deciding to to social justice and his prominence on the na- attend LeMoyne College in Memphis in 1940. nity. tional stage. It is a true pleasure to represent Silver Prior to completing his studies at LeMoyne Some of his closest colleagues and friends Cross Hospital. This new facility will allow the College, Mr. Lockard chose to postpone his recounted his dedication to the civil rights Silver Cross family to better fulfill their vision, education to serve his country in the Army movement while he was a lawyer and presi- which is ‘‘We, the Silver Cross Family, are Medical Corps during World War II which in- dent of the NAACP. The late Vasco Smith, a committed to our culture of excellence, and cluded three and half years in North Africa, former Shelby County Commissioner, said will deliver an unrivaled healthcare experience Italy, France and Germany. After his discharge ‘‘. Lockard was pretty much the whole for our patients, their families and the commu- in 1945, he continued his studies at Sorbonne show. He did an outstanding job, and he prob- nity.’’ University in Paris before returning to ably laid the foundation for a lot of things that LeMoyne where he attained his bachelor’s de- happened later on.’’ His wife, Maxine Smith, a f gree in 1947. After finishing at LeMoyne, H.T. former executive secretary of the Memphis RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF Lockard was not allowed to attend a Ten- Branch of the NAACP described him as the JOHN SULLIVAN nessee law school due to segregation. inner circle of the civil rights movement in Undeterred by challenges he faced in Ten- Memphis. Former General Sessions Court HON. JEFF MILLER nessee, he pursued his Juris Doctorate by at- Judge Russell Sugarmon commented on H.T. OF FLORIDA tending Lincoln University Law School in St. Lockard saying ‘‘When he put his mind to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Louis, Missouri where he graduated in 1950. something, he was a plow. He dug in and dug While in law school, H.T. Lockard observed in and wouldn’t let up . If Lockard was on Friday, December 16, 2011 that conditions for African-Americans in St. the other side, you’d better be prepared.’’ Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Louis were far better than those in Tennessee. Judge Lockard was an exceptional judge, today to recognize John Sullivan on his retire- After much debate, he made the tough deci- leader and gentleman. I had the pleasure of ment after 40 years in public service, including sion to move back to Memphis where he meeting him in 1970 when he and I supported 38 with the Social Security Administration. began practicing law and working with the Na- Senator Stan Snodgrass for Tennessee gov- John Sullivan began his career in public tional Association of the Advancement of Col- ernor. In addition to the legacy he leaves be- service in 1972 when he joined NASA as a ored People, NAACP, to improve race rela- hind, I will remember Judge Lockard for his Budget Specialist. Two years later, Mr. Sul- tions in Memphis. service to the community and his dedication to livan transferred to the Social Security Admin- Mr. Lockard once recalled how at a NAACP the bench. As an admirer of classic cars, I will istration, where he would spend the next 38 meeting, the topics of police brutality and seg- also remember his convertible Thunderbird. years. Mr. Sullivan started in the Social Secu- regation in public facilities were like music to Judge Hosea T. ‘‘H.T.’’ Lockard passed rity Administration as Mail Clerk, quickly rising his ears. He said, ‘‘. Good music, because away on December 12, 2011 at 91 years of through the ranks to positions including Claims that’s what I wanted to get involved in and age. He leaves to memory his wife of 49 Representative, Quality Review Specialist, Su- help bring about the change . I was ready years, Ida Walker Lockard; three brothers, pervisory Resident Representative, Branch to roll up my sleeves and go and ready to Emmitt Lockard, Albert Lockard Jr. and Manager, Project Manager, and District Man- tackle anything that needed to be tackled.’’ In Lorenza Lockard; and one sister, Lydia Mor- ager. 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