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Tyagi Emtd. Scientist ‘G’ (Director) & Director in-Charge ICMR - Centre for Research in Medical Entomology Madurai, TN, India; Advisor, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India; Consultant, BCIL-UN FAO Sri Lanka Project on Biosafety & President, Society of Medical Arthropodology Dr Sajal Bhattacharya Dr B. Reddya Naik Associate Professor & HOD, Professor, Department of Zoology, & Department of Zoology, Asutosh College, Osmania University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India Hyderabad, Telangana, India Society of Medical Arthropodology Jodhpur, India 2020 Published by SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS (INDIA) 5 A, New Pali Road, P.O. Box 91 Jodhpur 342 001 (India) E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.scientificpub.com © 2020, Author & Publisher All rights reserved. No part of this publication or the information contained herein may be reproduced, adapted, abridged, translated, stored in a retrieval system, computer system, photographic or other systems or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written prior permission from the publisher. Disclaimer: Whereas every effort has been made to avoid errors and omissions, this publication is being sold on the understanding that neither the editors (or authors) nor the publishers nor the printers would be liable in any manner to any person either for an error or for an omission in this publication, or for any action to be taken on the basis of this work. Any inadvertent discrepancy noted may be brought to the attention of the publisher, for rectifying it in future editions, if published. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. ISBN : 978-93-89412-39-0 eISBN : 978-93-89412-40-6 Printed in India Dedicated to all those scientists who have given their everything – time, energy and resources, for a better understanding of the man’s deadliest foes in biological history – mosquito and malaria – for a happier world to live in. Foreword Dr Col Sir Ronald Ross won the 1902 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for his discovery that Malaria was caused by the mosquito Anopheles and not “mal’ air” as it was widely believed. It is said that there are several thousand writings about him but this book is unique in that it is written completely with an Indian perspective by three eminent Indians hailing from different parts of this country. It is aptly titled “Dr Ronald Ross: Mosquito Malaria India and the Nobel Prize – an untold story of the First Indian Nobel Laureate.” It is my proud privilege to write a foreword for this particular authored book because I hail from the same region where the discovery was made. I am really proud to be an Indian Army Officer born and brought up in Secunderabad in close proximity to the place where the epic discovery was made by a serving Major of the Indian Medical Services (Royal British Medical Corps). It is a strange coincidence that around this place of discovery there are very old learning centres of the same period or slightly prior to it. These are namely, The Jagirdhar College now called The Hyderabad Public School, the first Post Grad College at Secunderabad and Mahbub and Wesley Colleges. Incidentally the learning centre for the erstwhile Satyam Computers was also situated here. Very few of us know that Swami Vivekandandaji visited Mahbub College before leaving for Chicago two years before the discovery period. This is the zone of influence of the place. Another point to note is that Late Sri Rajeev Gandhi was born on the 20th of August which happens to be the date of the discovery and was trained in this same building as a pilot officer. Strangely this building was constructed in brick with mud mortar and lime plaster as it was meant for the functional requirement of a 20 bedded hospital for Indian troops. At this humble place Sir Ronald Ross worked for his discovery using his spare time and utilizing his own funds for the research. His superior officer was not favourable to this work as it was not in the charter of duties and he was not available for the club and play activities. With all these constraints he had worked on stoically to achieve this discovery. He had become a medical doctor much against his own leanings as his father wished him to be one. His father who was a serving senior military officer here also encouraged him to work for a solution for the malaria fever that was causing so much devastation in the Indian subcontinent. His devotion to this cause made him live within the campus with his family to be at walking distance, forgoing the bungalow type accommodation provided for him in the Secunderabad Cantonment with all luxuries befitting his status. We can note viii | Dr Ronald Ross: Mosquito, Malaria, India and the Nobel Prize with interest that after dissecting several numbers of mosquitoes it was from the 20th one that he finally made this discovery. Thus the significance of this momentous finding of Dr Ronald Ross should be given its due regard because he had faced many tough and hostile professional situations in the I.M.S. Knighted and honoured with a large number of distinctions all over the world, the achievement closest to his heart was always the Nobel Prize won for his mosquito-malaria research in India. He is, therefore, truly the first Nobel Laureate of India! I as an Army Officer have been associated with this building of discovery for the last three decades and inspired several students of medicine, architecture and schools to work for a cause for humanity
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