La irjuiR tipmnrrJTOtm lair daiiaa •aitj' nw tn tH UialQr* la M y , fn a m r ; ManehMtsr-^A City of VUlago Charm (CtaMlfM AarartMaf oa ^aca U) (TWENTY PAGES) M a n c h e s t e r , c c n n ^ T h u r s d a y , Oc t o b e r i s , i960. PRICE FIVE CHWfH -Vv; J' ■ State News : *’• U.S. Backs Red Bid i' !' \ Roundup ■/ •.»»•i-i « '■•'At i- . :.'•': J- it For CoIiEKnies Debate r . ' r. Bus DrivErs — — ‘ ■ '■"' ' tr United Nations, N. Y., Oct. 18 <yp>—SoviEt PrEmiEr Khrush­ 1 ' GEl Pay HikE chEv today denounced U.S. spj^lStiE fliGhts , as actually A f *- step bEyond thE brink of war. He demanded a TJ.S. apoloGy i „ ' Hartford. Oct. 13 W —'ThE bEforE thE General AssEmbly. \ 1 ConnEcticut Co. and the union KhrushchEv’s demand camE imm^iatEly aftEr thE Gen­ 1 rEprEsEntinG its bus drivErs eral AssEmbly sEt thE staGE for a fullNlEbatE on colonialism I” ■-■/I' • •Naj \ opEratEd under a new contract by abcEptinG unanimously a SoviEt rEsolutiompn frEEinG a ll i ' today, thEir 2-yEar disputE at coloni^Kareas. It waS cErtain, howEvEr, that^this meant conn- an end. ' triEs under SoviEt domination also would bE discussed. •ThE nEw pact pro-vides about ThE UnitEd States opposed the SoviEt attEmpt to place thE bacausa wa haVa^ « 1,050 drivEr* and mEchanics with spy fliGht complaint bEforE thE assEmbly for. a full debate, a pay raisE of 24 cEnts art hour, sayinG thE SEcurity Council had considErEd both' thE U2 and Proportioned sprEad out ovEr a 33-month pEriod datinG back to OctobEr 1058. RB47 casEs and found no Grounds for action. ThE UnitEd SLA CKS by A’ •3-man arbitration board, StatEs is .willing to discuss thE infittEi* in fhE 99-nation po^ , named last May when a schEdulEd litical committEE. strikE aGainst the carriEr was KhrushchEv, dEmanding an apoloGy for incidEnts likE thE Queen Casuals avErtEd, workEd out the new con­ ♦ ♦ ♦ tract. U2 spy plane fliGht of last may, said if thE U.S. GovErn­ 5.99! A spokEsman for the AmalGa­ ment “ will not wish to show Good will and will not condEmn matEd Association of StrEEt, ElEc­ the practicE of sEndinG its spy planes to thE SoviEt Union tha parfact bland tric Railway and Motor Coach and othEr countriEs, thE UnitEd Nations should in all strict­ of wool and dacron ^ EmployEs o f AmErica, said yEs ness condEmn such aGGrEssivE actions on thE part of onE of tErday thE pay raise will brinG with concaalad zip-, hourly ratEs for drivErs and mE­ the biGGEst powErs aGainst othEr countriEs.’’ \ Law Pittabunrh PiratE*' pitchEr, makE* a lEapinG *top of NEw York YMkEE* pars and salf baitsi Vsnum chanics to 32.40 by January 1961 Such acts, he said, could have-^- catchEr iohn Blanchard’* hot drivE in thE third inninG of t r a y ’s last World Seriea Gam ^ ThE ratE prior to the sEttlEmEnt thE “most j;ravE consEquEncEs for| iodan graan, char- In backGroiGr^d is PiratE* third basEman Don Hoak. (AP Photofax). - ^ was 32.154. world pEacE.’’ c o a I, cambridga ThE old contract ExpirEd in “ Such a policy of thE U.S.A., State GOP Set 1008, a n d . thE strikE thrEat dE­ said KhrushchEv, “ should be con-1 gray, gray stripad. vElopEd whEn thE company and the dEnihEd^wd stoppEd so that such short, 10 to 18 union could not sGrEE to tErms for provocallvE^lncidEnta would not For Nixon, Pat a nEw pact. lead the worlfi to thE brink of war. ave you avaraga, 10 to 20 ThE AmErican aGGrEssivE flights Yanks Jj^ud 5-4 in 7 th UndEr tErms of the nEw contract Weekend Visit tali 12 to 20. now in EffEct, union mEmbErs rE­ arE actually a stEp 'bEyond this baeaus* wa hava . / No runs, no hits, no Errors, nonE cEivEd a 6-cEnta hourly incrEasE brink.'' PittsburGh. Oct. IS. (flV-Thaflor Groat*______ hiGh popup. SkinnEr^ It’s bEEn a lonG session. ' Russian PrEmiEr Nikita KhrushchEv KhrushchEv spokE calmly, frohiA.] main floo^ w alk^ on a full count. NElson hit left. from Oct. 1, 1068 to Oct. 1, 1059. Hartford, Oct 13 (/PV-REpuWIcaa REAL-FORM NEw York YankEEs lEd thE PltU- ThE rEst of thE phy raisE will be rEsts his hEad in his hands just bEforE start of thE U.N. General prEparEd tExt. StatE HEadquartErs was a frEnZy burGh PiratE* 6 to i a* thE team* a homE run into thE lowEr riGht PIRATES SECOND sportswaar sprEad out ovEr the past yEar, AssEmbly mEEtinG thia morninG. (A P Photofax). \ His addrEss camd aftEr thE aa- of a^vlto today in. prEparationE startEd thE sevEnth inninG o f the fiEld stand*, a drivE o f about 3f(0 BurGEss rammEd a sinGlE inside brinGinG thE hourly waGE ratE as sEmbly'swlfUy disposEd of his pro­ for Vice^'Jhrealdent Richard M. SO FT SKINS sEvEnth and dEcidinG GamE of thE fEEt, scorinG SkinnEr ahEad of the first basE line into thE riGht Add comEr. MariE’s quick' rEcov­ o f O ct 1, thia yEar to 32.874 an posal for discussion of immEdiatENixon’s___ wEEkEltiLatay’ .Stay- Jn Hartford World SErie* today. ___ ■ him and puttinG^hE PiratE* Into a I Ery kEpt thE runnEr at first. Bill hour. After Wounding Wife frEEdom for colonial and dEpEndEnt I Monday's 3-m p FR O M 2.001 YANKEES rOtST 2-0 lead. It was PittsburGh’s first x areas, adoptinG it by acclamation' _ ___ ____ Stafford rEplacEd ’TurlEy on thE ThE raisas will ba ooinpl*I*<l I tom* across thE statE. Both- bul^Mn* wErE activE bE­ homE nm sincE thE opEninG- GamE i^tEr thE tlnltod SUtEa supportEd I p„"sidiitlai ca^iiMfitE briafs, . pantia gir- forE a pitch wa* thrown. Rlchard- of thE aEriEs. mound. Hoak .walkEd on four pitch­ Jan. 1, 1061 whan thE waGE ratE : I EnO hi* wifE, Pat, will arrivE L, . Bon linEd law’s first pitch to ClemEntE poppEd to Richardson es. LEfthandEr Bobby Shantx and will Jump to 32.40 for both drivErs **■ stratEGy, dlas. girdlas, all of riGhthandEr Ralph TErry warmEd and machanics. UnvEilinG U.S. ^*®"*at BradlEy FiEld Saturday Groat. KubEk poppEd to HasE- bEhind sEcond base. Father KUls Baby,^, GrtE Francis O. Wilcox kniftad puckarad roskl bEhind first basE. Mari* Two runs, onE hit, . no Errors, up for thE Yanks. MaZEroski ThE hEw contract alaq provides, buntEd down thE third basE line thrstffi-HUton ¥otol Joul^ to Hpak. non* lEft. a sEvEnth paid holiday and' a Jaitax with a nylon and bEat Stafford’s off-bslancs fourth rivaek o f vacation for am- ^ ®®^**1for a day of rEst bEforE hittinG No |Uh*. no hits, no Errors, nonE YANKEES SBOOMD throw for an infield sinGlE, fillinG front panail guar> . ICantlo Hied to Virdon in riGht ployEs with thE - company 25 lEGatE JamEs J. WadE- campaiGn trail Monday mom- liME thE basEs. ManaGEr StEnGEl camE {.toG. antaad n o n • runl r s B s / t cEntEr. Roak madE a divinG stop yEars or morE. Self in New Britain worth rEpli^ at oncE to Khrush­ but to thE mound and confErrEd of BErni’s sisElinG GroundEr to UndEr -snothEr provision, thE chEv’s accusation of AmErican An EntirE floor of thE hotEl baK waihas and drias SfurlEy** first pitch to Virdon with his younG pitchEr. bEEn rEsErvEd for thE VicE PrEs­ was hiGh and inidde for. % ball. his lEft and thrEw out thE runnEr company will takE ovEr paymEnt aGGresslon.,.thTouGh spy planE Ilka a hanky! 2.00 Law hit a onE-bouncEr back to of thE EmployEs’ wElfarE and In­ NEw Britain,. Oct. 13 (A>) — A4wound in hEr stomach. ShE was idEnt and -his staff. In addition. Virdon filEd to BErra In lEft cEn­ from a knEElinG poslUon. Groat thE box and Stafford startEd a fliGhts. HE dEnied thE fliGhts wErE surancE bEnEfits nExt NovEmbEr. ablE to talk With policE. ^ two additional floors win bE aach! also . tha tEr. KubEk backEd into short lEft tossEd out Skowron. double play via homE platE, thE formEr VErmont printEr killEd his ^GrEssivE, and T«®ted ITEsIdEnt ^ yjG ThE ConnEcticut Co., a subsid­ Mr*. Mary A. REnaud, ownEr .of pitchEr to catchEr Blanchaid to 2-yEar-oId dauGhtEr and himsElf to­ ElsEnhowEr as sayinG thEy wErE "f. long lag styla, 5.00. iary of thE NEw HavEn Railroad, day aftEr woundinG his wifE. thE apartmEnt housE, told policE part of an Effort to Guard thE touraGE, which includEs about 66 SkowTon at first. Virdon drovE a out-of-statE rEprEsEntativEs of thE bacausa wa hava sErvEs ridErs in NEw HavEn, Hart­ PolicE identifled thE man as shE was EatinG lunch with hEr frEE world aGainst aurprise at­ lonG sinGlE to riGht cEntEr scor­ nEws mEdia. John W. HEmEy,] ford, Stamford, Norwich, NEw ThaddEus Smolak, 59 DwiGht St, mothEr-in-law, Mrs. RosE REnaud, tack. For Plot 'Against Castro inG Hoak and MaZEroski InqNasinG HE rElations counsEl for Reputu bacausa wa hava . Gordon Debsox thE PiratEs lEad to 4-0. Virdon-took London and surroundinG towns. who with his wifE, AlicE, and about 12:16 p.m., whEn "wE heard In turn, hE rEpEatEd thE U.S. I dauGhtEr, had movEd into thE a noisE and scrEam comE from thE StatE HEadquartErs, wlU operatar'n. sEcond whEn Maris fumblEd thE hEadquartEr, at thE hotEl tor FASHION A-FOOT by JOYCE! A Pair! ball. Legal Fee* Slathed apartmEnt yEstErday. Smolak apartmEnt.” to July downEd an -4mErican ^ BoyEr thrEw out Groat.
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