LED ZEP: PLAGIARISTS OR INNOVATORS? | ARRAM SINNREICH PSYCHOLOGISTS SAY ‘NO’ TO TORTURE | REBECCA GORDON PUTIN-NAZI PARANOIA | CJ HOPKINS ColdTypeISSUE 168 WRITING WORTH READING ● PHOTOS WORTH SEEING MID-SEPT 2018 . Fabricated money, financial gangsters and the next recession Have you read all 167 issues of ColdType? ISSUE 160 THE SIMULATION OF DEMOCRACY | CJ HOPKINSWHEN THE SHARKS SMELL BLOOD | JONATHAN COOK LIES. MYTHS. REALIFTINGL TITYHE VEIL ON SAUDI ARABIA | DOUGIET WALLAHEN THEYCE CAME FOR THE GLOBALISTS | CJ HOPKINS ROMANO DAVID GRANVILLE JONATHAN KTRUMPEVIN DRONES ON | REBECCA GORDONMAKING ATROCITIES GREAT AGAIN | REBECCA GORDON RUBEO EDWARDS WILLIAMS COOK RYAN ISSUE 161 ColdISSUE 157 Type pays tribute on the UK remembers tells how examines WRITING WORTH READING ● PHOTOS WORTH SEEING MID-MAY 2018 to a murdered clothes shop the last stand The Guardian the problems Palestinian propaganda of Britain’s helped with conspiracy nurse machine minerworkers antisemites theories ColdType WRITING WORTH READING ● PHOTOS WORTH SEEING Cold JUNE 2018 Type WRITING WORTH READING ● PHOTOS WORTH SEEING GAZA APRIL 2018 MASSACRE ISSUE 162 How long can Israel get away with its “deliberate policy of killing and maiming unarmed protesters and bystanders?” ColdType BORDER WRITING WORTH READING ● PHOTOS WORTH SEEING MID-JUNE 2018 PLUS CROSSINGS PA RADISE CONN HALLINAN on Spain’s ● With the Undocumented: new socialist-led government a photo essay by John Moore INSIDE A CJ HOPKINS on the coming Putin-Nazi apocalpse ● One man against the wall LOST EMPIRE SAM PIZZIGATI on the urgent by Chellis Glendinning NATE ROBERT visits Iran need to cap the boss’s pay Photo: John Moore, Getty Images Getty Moore, John Photo: Sam Pizzigati and George Monbiot tell how Karl bosses get richer as workers become poorer BREAD & Marx Filip Reyntjens and Helen Cowie tackle a at CIRCUSES bizarre soccer sponsorship, and lion taming 200 DAVID MICHAEL GREEN | DISPATCHES FROM THE END OF EMPIRE FATHER KNOWS BEST | JOE BAGEANT JACOB ZUMA’S LONG WALK TO HUMILIATION | DAVID NIDDRIE | JOHN W. 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Just ANOTHER PONZI SCHEME – Lee Camp 3 34 LOBBY ATTACKS ON CORBYN WILL BACKFIRE – Jonathan Cook 40 PLAstIC SOUP – George Monbiot 42 40 YEARS IN THE MEDIA FRONTLINE – Granville Williams 44 WHY IS AMAZON ROBBING TAXPAYERS?– Jim Hightower INSIGHTS 45 The weaponisation of the US dollar – Pepe Escobar 47 Catholic support for war: more child abuse – Brian Terrell 49 Will South Africa go the same route as Zimbabwe? – Trevor Grundy 50 netanyahu’s veiled threat of nuclear attack – Alison Weir ColdType 7 Lewis Street, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada LG7 1E3 Contact ColdType: Write to Tony Sutton, the editor, at [email protected] Subscribe: For a FREE subscription to Coldtype, send an e-mail to: [email protected] Back Copies: Download back copies at www.coldtype.net/reader.html or at www.issuu.com/coldtype © ColdType 2018 ColdType | Mid-September 2018 | www.coldtype.net REBECCA GORDON Psychologists say ‘No’ to torture When we’re smart, committed, and organised, the good guys can win OMETIMES the good guys do win. Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes. That’s what happened on August 8th For a year-and-a-half, I also served on a spe- in San Francisco when the Council of cial ethics commission established by the APA Representatives of the American Psy- after ugly revelations came out about how that chological Association (APA) decided to organisation’s officials had, in the Bush years, Sextend a policy keeping its members out of the manoeuvred to allow its members to collude with US detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. the US government in settings where torture was The APA’s decision is important – and not just used. In fact, an independent review it commis- symbolically. Today we have a president who sioned in 2015 concluded that “some of the asso- 4 has promised to bring back torture and “load ciation’s top officials, including its ethics director, up” Guantánamo “with some bad dudes”. When sought to curry favour with Pentagon officials by healing professionals refuse to work there, they seeking to keep the association’s ethics policies in are standing up for human rights and against line with the Defense Department’s interrogation torture. policies”. Indeed, those leaders colluded “with It wasn’t always so. In the early days of important DoD officials to have [the] APA issue Guantánamo, military psychologists contrib- loose, high-level ethical guidelines that did not uted to detainee interrogations there. It was for constrain [the] DoD in any greater fashion than Guantánamo that US Defense Secretary Donald existing DoD interrogation guidelines”. Rumsfeld approved multiple torture methods, in- In the wake of that independent review, the cluding excruciating stress positions, prolonged APA’s Council of Representatives voted that same isolation, sensory deprivation, and enforced nudi- year to keep psychologists out of national security ty. Military psychologists advised on which tech- interrogation settings. It’s modestly encouraging niques would take advantage of the weaknesses that this August two-thirds of its governing body of individual detainees. And it was two psycholo- voted against a resolution that would have re- gists, one an APA member, who designed the CIA’s turned psychologists to sites like Gitmo. whole “enhanced interrogation program”. What makes the new vote less than complete- Here’s a disclaimer of sorts: ever since I wit- ly satisfying, however, is this: The 2015 vote es- nessed the effects of US torture policy firsthand tablishing that policy was 157-to-1. This year, a in Central America in the 1980s, I’ve had a deep third of the council was ready to send psycholo- personal interest in American torture practic- gists back to Guantánamo. Like much of the rest es. In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, I wrote of Donald Trump’s United States, the APA seems two books focused on the subject, the latest be- to be in the process of backsliding on torture. ing American Nuremberg: The US Officials Who The details of the parliamentary wrangling at ColdType | Mid-September 2018 | www.coldtype.net REBECCA GORDON Illustration: Lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo 5 the August meeting are undoubtedly of little in- personnel”. terest to outsiders. The actual motion under con- Proponents of the new motion argued sideration was important, however, because it that keeping psychologists out of places like would have rescinded part of the organisation’s Guantánamo deprives detainees of much needed historic 2015 decision, prohibiting its members psychological treatment. If the association really from providing psychological treatment, as it cared about detainees, they claimed, it would not put it, “at the Guantánamo Bay detention facil- deny them the treatment they need. ity, ‘black sites’, vessels in international waters, Opponents argued that allowing psychologists or sites where detainees are interrogated under to work at Guantánamo gives ethical cover to an foreign jurisdiction unless they are working di- illegal detention site where detainees are still be- rectly for the persons being detained or for an ing tortured with painful forced feedings, solitary independent third party working to protect hu- confinement, and the hopelessness induced by in- man rights or providing treatment to military definite detention without charges. It’s worth not- ColdType | Mid-September 2018 | www.coldtype.net REBECCA GORDON ing that the military still refuses to allow the UN’s viously an impossible standard to meet, since no special rapporteur on torture to speak privately one knows for sure what will happen in the fu- with detainees at Gitmo. In addition, at such a de- ture. In that way, they essentially redefined any tention and interrogation site, any psychologist form of cruelty, including waterboarding, in any who was a member of, or employed by, the US mil- of the CIA’s black sites then scattered around the itary would face an inevitable conflict of interest world or at Guantánamo, as anything but tor- between the desires of his or her employers and ture. the needs of detainee clients. As it happened, even as defined by the Bush The 2015 resolution also prevented APA mem- administration, much of what was done in those bers from participating in national security inter- years would have qualified as torture.
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