ANALELE ȘTIINȚIFICE ALE UNIVERSITĂȚII „ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA” DIN IAȘI (SERIE NOUĂ) S E C Ț I U N E A I BIOLOGIE ANIMALĂ TOMUL LIX 2013 Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Mustață, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Executive Editor: Reader Dr. Luminița Bejenaru, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Co-editors: Prof. Dr. Lotus Meșter, University of Bucharest, Romania Prof. Dr. Ion Moglan, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Prof. Dr. Mircea Nicoară, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Prof. Dr. Antonio Palanca-Soler, University of Vigo, Spain Prof. Dr. Costică Misăilă, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wietske Prummel, Royal University of Groningen, the Netherlands Reader Dr. Ion Cojocaru, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Subject Editors: Reader Dr. Ștefan Zamfirescu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Lecturer Dr. Simina Stanc, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Lecturer Dr. Mircea-Dan Mitroiu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Scientific Board: Prof. Dr. Patrick Gillet, Western Catholic University of Angers, France Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pešić, Universtity of Montenegro, Potgorica, Montenegro Prof. Dr. Ion Dediu, Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chișinau, Republic of Moldavia Prof. Dr. Iordache Ion, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Prof. Dr. Mircea Varvara, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Prof. Dr. Ion Andriescu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Prof. Dr. Ionel Miron, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania C.P.I. Dr. Dumitru Murariu, Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History, Bucharest, Romania Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christine Lefevre, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France Reader Dr. Carmen Gache, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Reader Dr. Ioan Coroiu, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Lecturer Dr. Anca-Narcisa Neagu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania Dr. Hab. Zbigniew Bocheński, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland Dr. Erika Gál, Archaeological Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Editorial address: Facultatea de Biologie Telephone: +40232201527 Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași Fax: +40232201472 Bd. Carol I, Nr. 20A, 700505 Iași, România http://www.bio.uaic.ro/publicatii/anale_zoologie/anale_zoo_index.html Analele Științifice ale Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, s. Biologie animală, Tom LIX, 2013 CONTENTS ARTICLES .....................................................................................................................5 Doina-Simona GRECU (MĂTIUȚ), Anca-Narcisa NEAGU, Elena-Andreea HĂRMĂNESCU & Ioan MOGLAN - THE PREVALENCE OF SOME INTESTINAL COMMENSAL PROTOZOA IN HUMAN POPULATION FROM IAȘI COUNTY (ROMANIA) AND THE BLASTOCYSTIS HOMINIS INCIDENCE ................................................................................................................. 5 Doina-Simona GRECU (MĂTIUȚ), Anca-Narcisa NEAGU, Elena-Andreea HĂRMĂNESCU & Ioan MOGLAN - IN VITRO DIVISION MODALITIES DEVELOPED BY BLASTOCYSTIS HOMINIS EXAMINED WITH THE ACRIDINE ORANGE STAIN...................................................................................... 13 Gheorghe MUSTAȚĂ & Oriana IRIMIA-HURDUGAN - CLADOCERAN (CRUSTACEA, BRANCHIOPODA, CLADOCERA) BIODIVERSITY AND DYNAMICS IN TINERETULUI LAKE, BUCHAREST .............................................. 19 Odette LOBIUC & Andrei LOBIUC - MICROMORPHOLOGICAL (SEM) ASPECTS OF WING SCALES OF SOME POLYOMMATINAE (LEPIDOPTERA: LYCAENIDAE) TAXA ............................................................................................... 35 Gheorghe MUSTAȚĂ & Mariana MUSTAȚĂ - SPECIES AS A SWARM OF SWARMS IN THE INTERRELATIONS ESTABLISHED WITH OTHER SPECIES ..................................................................................................................... 41 Paula POSTU, Ovidiu Alin POPOVICI & Mircea-Dan MITROIU - TRICHOPRIA SOCIABILIS MASNER, 1965 (HYMENOPTERA: DIAPRIIDAE) NEW TO ROMANIA, WITH NOTES ON ITS LIFE HISTORY .................................................. 53 Paul C. DINCǍ, Alexandru STRUGARIU, Alexandru IFTIME, Oana IFTIME, Oana ZAMFIRESCU & Ștefan R. ZAMFIRESCU - HERPETOFAUNA FROM THE UPPER TOPOLOG RIVER BASIN (ROMANIA) .................................... 61 Lucian Eugen BOLBOACĂ, Emanuel Ștefan BALTAG, Viorel POCORA & Constantin ION - HABITAT SELECTIVITY OF SYMPATRIC TAWNY OWL (STRIX ALUCO) AND URAL OWL (STRIX URALENSIS) IN HILL FORESTS FROM NORTH-EASTERN ROMANIA...................................................... 69 Emanuel TÂRNOVEANU - ETHOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE ROOK (CORVUS FRUGILEGUS L.) IN THE WILD AND IN SEMI-CAPTIVITY ................................... 77 Emanuel TÂRNOVEANU - BIOMETRIC ASPECTS IN ROOK (CORVUS FRUGILEGUS L.) ........................................................................................................ 85 - 3 - Contents Mariana POPOVICI & Simina STANC - OSTEOMETRIC SURVEY OF PIG (SUS DOMESTICUS) IN BRONZE AGE SETTLEMENTS ON ROMANIA’S TERRITORY ............................................................................................................... 93 Vasilica-Monica GROZA, Angela SIMALCSIK & Luminița BEJENARU - SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA IN MEDIEVAL AND POST-MEDIEVAL SKELETONS FROM IASI CITY, IN NORTH-EAST ROMANIA .................................................... 101 Vasilica-Monica GROZA, Georgeta MIU, Angela SIMALCSIK & Robert SIMALCSIK - RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE AND THE LONGEVITY OF THE POPULATION INHABITING THE CITY OF IAȘI DURING THE LATE MIDDLE AGES AND THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD (XVTH-XIXTH CENTURIES) ....................................................................... 115 Robert-Daniel SIMALCSIK & Angela SIMALCSIK - THE MEDIEVAL NECROPOLES (XVITH-XVIIITH CENTURIES) OF BERINDEȘTI AND SĂBĂOANI, NEAMȚ COUNTY (ROMANIA): PALEODEMOGRAPHIC DATA........................................................................................................................ 129 Petruț-Florin TROFIN, Marin CHIRAZI, Cezar HONCERIU & Dumitru COJOCARU - STUDY REGARDING THE VALIDATION OF AN ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL OF VO2MAX ON CYCLE ERGOMETER .................... 139 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................................. 147 Mircea-Dan MITROIU - A REVIEW OF THE PTEROMALIDAE (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA) PARASITIZING SYNANTHROPIC FLIES IN ROMANIA ......... 147 Mircea-Dan MITROIU - PTEROMALIDAE (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA) NEW TO ROMANIA (VII) ........................................................................................ 153 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS ...................................................................................... 157 PROFESSOR IONEL ANDRIESCU ON HIS 80TH ANNIVERSARY ........................................ 157 PROFESSOR IORDACHE ION ON HIS 75TH ANNIVERSARY ............................................... 169 PROFESSOR GHEORGHE MUSTAȚĂ ON HIS 75TH ANNIVERSARY .................................. 175 READER MARIANA MUSTAȚĂ ON HER 65TH ANNIVERSARY ......................................... 183 PROFESSOR MIRCEA VARVARA ON HIS 80TH ANNIVERSARY ........................................ 191 - 4 - Analele Științifice ale Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, s. Biologie animală, Tom LIX, 2013 THE PREVALENCE OF SOME INTESTINAL COMMENSAL PROTOZOA IN HUMAN POPULATION FROM IAȘI COUNTY (ROMANIA) AND THE BLASTOCYSTIS HOMINIS INCIDENCE Doina-Simona GRECU (MĂTIUȚ)1, 2, 3, Anca-Narcisa NEAGU1, Elena-Andreea HĂRMĂNESCU2 and Ioan MOGLAN1 1Faculty of Biology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Carol I Bvd, no. 20A, 700505 Iași, Romania, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2”Investigatii Medicale Praxis” Laboratory, Independenței Bvd, no. 33, 700102 Iași, Romania, [email protected], [email protected] 3DSP - Public Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Nicolae Bălcescu Str., no. 21, 700117 Iași, Romania, [email protected] Abstract. The potentially pathogenic commensal protozoa are nowadays a major concern of the worldwide parasitologists, due to their increasing and frequent involvement in the clinical pathology, by the evidence of the intrinsic pathogenicity (i.g. Blastocystis hominis), and due to the higher receptivity of the human host. The protozoan species studied in this purpose are: Blastocystis hominis, Endolimax nana, Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba hartmanii and Chilomastix mesnili, commonly found in feces and observed by microscopic examination. The study was conducted between the January 1st, 2011, and the August 1st, 2012, and comprised 8300 adults and children. The cumulative prevalence of the commensals protozoan was 12.89%, and the Blastocystis hominis has the highest incidence - 4.93%, followed by the Endolimax nana - 2.54%, Entamoeba coli - 1.92%, Entamoeba hartmanii - 1.82%, and Chilomastix mesnili - 1.6%. The determinations were performed in samples of feces spontaneously emitted, without administration of a purgative, in a wet smear. The used method involves a direct microscopic examination of the feces with a 1% Lugol solution. The clinical manifestations were found to begin and evolve when the number of parasitic elements (cysts, trophozoites) exceeds 5 per microscopic field (400x) - following the quantitative criterion. The manifestation could be transient, or, as in the Blastocystys hominis case - granular and amiboidal
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