RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department "Ancient Greece from the Air" Slides 931 slides Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name: SCHODER.GRE 7 Meta I Slide Boxes Location: I8C In August 1962, August 1967, and June of 1968 Fr. Raymond V. Schader, S.J., photographed ancient Greek archeological sites from the air. Most of these photographs were taken through the open door of a DC3 plane piloted by and belonging to the Hellenic Air Force. Of these photographs 140 were published in Wings over Hcllas: Ancient Greece from the Air by Raymond V. Schader, S.J. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974). 1 In the introduction to his work Fr. Schader explains the procedures employed in taking these photographs and the aim which motivated him: to present all important excavated sites of ancient Greece, both mainland and islands and from Minoan to Roman times, from this advantageous point of view as a new aid to archeology and to historical studies as well as to visitors to the sites .... Only ancient sites are included, though many medieval centres are also meaningful from the air and I have photographed them also. The photographic slides taken by Fr. Schoder during this project make up the bulk of the collection of slides listed below. Although ancient ruins arc the predominant subject of the slides, there are several slides depicting contemporary cities from above. Interesting to note arc the first three slides showing the technique which Fr. Schader used to photograph from the air. The slides arc maintained numerically in the order in which they were transferred to the Archives. Except for the first three slides, the arrangement is alphabetic by name of site. The slide identifications preserved below are those of Fr. Schoder. 1This same book was also printed in England as Ancient Greece from the Air (London: Thames and Hudson, 1974), in Germany as Das antike Griechenland aus der Luft, in Holland as La Grece antique vue du cicl: les sites archeologigues photographies d'avion, and in Belgium as Hellas in vogclvlucht: Het oude Grickcnland vanuit de Iucht gezien. RAYMOND V. SCHODER. S.J.: ANCIENT GREECE FROM THE AIR SLIDES BOX I OF 7 I. RVS [Raymond V. Schoder] in action, June 1968 (3.4) 2. Photographing from the air, Peter Beard (25) 3. Air photography, Peter Beard 4. ABDERA: E., buildings below acropolis, 1968 (8.31) 5. ABDERA: E., buildings below acropolis, 1968 (8.33) 6. ABDERA: E., below acropolis, (part of Agora?), 1968, (8.30) 7. ABDERA: Gen., bays, acropolis, 1968 (8.29) 8. ABDERA: General, SE, bay, acropolis, beyond, (c22) 9. ABDERA: E., close of buildings below acropolis, (c20) 10. ABDERA: E. gen.: bay, acropolis, buildings beyond, (c21) II. ABDERA: (Democrit.), 12. ACHAIA: Mountains above Gulf Cor. 13. ACHELOUS: Valley and Lake Trichonis, 1973 14. ACTIUM: Far SE, 1965 (n22) 15. ACTIUM: General, S., Prcveza and beyond, 1969 16. ACTIUM: General, N., Preveza (e21) 17. ACTIUM: General, NE to Preveza, Leukas beyond 1965 (n23) 18. ACTIUM: Preveza, high from farE, 1971 (n21) 19. ACTIUM: Preveza from NE, 1971 20. ACTIUM: Preveza from S., 1965 (n21) 21. ACTIUM: Gen. from S. far, 1965 (mal) 22. ACTIUM: Preveza from N., 1971 23. ACTIUM: Preveza from ENE, 1971 24. AEGINA: Town, harbor, Aphrod. T., 1971 25. AETOLIA: Mt. Lidorikios, E. of Triehonis (el9) 26. AIGOSTHENA: General from W. on coast (aoo.l) 27. AIGOSTHENA: General from S. (aoo.2) 28. AMPHIAREION: General, close SE (e2) 29. AMPHIAREION: E., general, close, 1968 (5.3) 30. AMPHIAREION: E., general (5.1) 31. AMPHIPOLIS: N., general of site Strymon, 1968 (8.21) 32. AMPHIPOLIS: Strymon, acropolis edge, 1968 (7.6a) 33. AMPHIPOLIS: From S., W. Strymon mouth, 1967 (n2) 34. AMPHIPOLIS: Acrop. 5-6 c.Xn. Basilicas(3), 1968 (8.20) 35. AMPHIPOLIS: Acrop. 5-6 c.Xn. Basilicas, 1968 (7.7) 36. AMPHIPOLIS: S., & Strymon 37. AMPHIPOLIS: From S., W. Strymon mouth, 196(5)? (n3) 38. AMPHIPOLIS: Fr. NE to sea (n4) 39. AMPHIPOLIS: Acrop. 5-6 c.Xn. Basilicas(2), 1968 (8.19) 40. AMPHIPOLIS: Acrop. 5-6 c.Xn. Basilicas, 1968 (7.6) 41. AMPHIPOLIS: NE general: site, Strymon, 1968 (8.22a) 42. ANTIMELOS: Air, 1956 (f7) 43. ARGIVE HERAION: GeneralS. (xiS) 44. ARGIVE HERAION: General N. (xl9) 45. ARGIVE HERAION: Gen., close SE, (old T. on hill top) 1965 (r31) 46. ARGIVE HERAION: NewT. close NE, Stoa, altar, banquet hall (xl5) 47. ARGIVE HERAION: Setting (ruins right of center) 1965 (r29) 48. ARGIVE HERAION: GeneralS., 1965 (x21) 2 RAYMOND V. SCHODER. S.J.: ANCIENT GREECE FROM THE AIR SLIDES BOX 1 OF 7 (CONTINUED) 49. ARGIVE HERAION: N., old & new temples, banquet hall, (x22) 50. ARGOS: S., Odeion, Th., Roman Baths, 1967 (x6) 51. ARGOS: General from W., above theater, 1965 (r33) 52. ARGOS: General from S., Aspis beyond, 1965 (r34) 53. ARGOS: E., general, agora top, theater, baths (x7) 54. ARGOS: Air gen. from E., Larissa and fort beyond (r35) 55. ARGOS: Close, Larissa Fort, 1968 (3.25a) 56. ARGOS: Close from S., theater, baths, Odeion (x5) 57. ARGOS: E., close: theater, Odeion(l), 1965 (r36) 58. ARGOS: NE, gen.: theater, agora (r37) 59. ARGOS: Theater, Roman Basilica, baths 60. ARGOS: N., theater, baths, Odeion, 1968 (3.25) 61. ARGOS: SW Far, 1971 62. ARGOS: Aspis ruins gen. S. (x9) 63. ARGOS: Aspis ruins 64. ARTEMISION: Of coast toN. (s33) 65. ARTEMISION: General (s32) 66. ARTEMISION: Along point toward W., 1968 (6.14) 67. ARTEMISION: NE, close of islet, bay, 1967, (ulO) 68. ARTEMISION: Air at point, lighthouse, 1968 (6.12) 69. ARTEMISION: From point toward W., 1968 (6.13) 70. AR TEMISION: Air of strait, 1967 (u9) 71. ASINE: General 72. ASTYPALAEA: Isle from air (ff.13) 73. ATHENS: From NW, Acropolis 74. ATHENS: NW, Acropolis (aoo.ll) 7 5. ATHENS: Acropolis, close, E. 76. ATHENS: From S., Acropolis, theaters, Agora, 1967 77. ATHENS: W. close, Acropolis, Odeion, Roman Agora at left, 1968 (5.8) 78. ATHENS: Air S., W. Agora (aoo.13) 79. ATHENS: Acrop., SW close: Syntagma, Lykabettos, 1968 (5.9) 80. ATHENS: E. close, Acrop., Pnyx, Muses Hill, 1968 (5.25) 81. ATHENS: SE, close: A crop., theater, Od., Part h. (5.22) 82. ATHENS: Acrop: Air NE, Kephissos, Pireaus (is tel. fr. Lykabettos) 83. ATHENS: S. near Acropolis (aoo.l2) 84. ATHENS: E. general, Acropolis (a 1) 85. ATHENS: NW, general Keram, Agora, Acrop., stadium, 1968 86. ATHENS: Acropolis from SW, Agora to Lykabettos 87. ATHENS: NW from air (A2) 88. ATHENS: Acropolis, Roman Agora, Areop., W. (dim) 89. ATHENS: Acrop. E, edge close, Theater (5.24) 90. ATHENS: Acropolis, S., close, Areop., Agora (5.10) 91. ATHENS: Acropolis, NE, close 92. ATHENS: N., W. edge of Agora 93. ATHENS: W., Acrop., w. Areopagus, Olympieion, Roman Agora 94. ATHENS: SW: A crop., Olympieion 95. ATHENS: Acropolis, Propylaea 96. ATHENS: Acropolis, W. close 3 RAYMOND V. SCHODER S.J.: ANCIENT GREECE FROM THE AIR SLIDES BOX I OF 7 (CONTINUED) 97. ATHENS: Acropolis NW, close 98. ATHENS: Acropolis SW, close 99. ATHENS: Acropolis SSE, close 100. ATHENS: Acrop., Areop., Agora, S., close (5.16) I 0 I. ATHENS: A crop. from S., Agora, Philopappus (aoo.4) 102. ATHENS: NE, high, Acrop., Ag., Pnyx., Areop., Stadium (z37) 103. ATHENS: S: Acrop., Olympieion 104. ATHENS: W., Acrop., Anyx., Areop., Agora, Olymp., Stadium (e14) I 05. ATHENS: E., 01., A crop., Agora, Pnyx. (ell) I 06. ATHENS: NW, Acrop., Roman A g., Areop., Stadium (5.20) 107. ATHENS: Agora, W. 108. ATHENS: N. general, Rom. Agora, Areop., 1971 109. ATHENS: Agora NE, w. edge Rom. Ag. 110. ATHENS: Acrop. N., Rom. Ag., Hadrian's Library at bottom 1968 (5.18) Ill. ATHENS: Agora W., Stoa Attalos (tel) (aoo.6) 112. ATHENS: Agora general W., Hadrian's Library, Rom. Ag. (a3) 113. ATHENS: NE all, w.Roman Ag., Hephaisteion 114. ATHENS: Agora close W., Rom. A g., A crop., Areop., 1971 115. ATHENS: N. Agora, Hadrian's Library, Rom. Ag. 1968 (5.19) 116. ATHENS: Agora from NW, w. Areop., Rom. A g., A crop., 1971 117. ATHENS: Agora from NW, w. Areop., Rom. Ag., Areop., 1971 118. ATHENS: Agora W., close, Hadrian's Library, Rom., Agora, 1968 (5.14) 119. ATHENS: Areopagus, Acrop., Rom. Ag., W. (5.15) 120. ATHENS: Hephaisteion, Agora edge 121. ATHENS: Tower of Winds, Roman Agora E. end 122. ATHENS: Modern city center, 1971 123. ATHENS: Air of town, Lykabettos from S., 1971 124. ATHENS: Lyka bettos NW, w. American Embassy beyond, 1971 125. ATHENS: Philopappus (rt) W. close (elO) 126. ATHENS: Olympieion E., Hadrian's Arch., 1968 (5.11) 127. ATHENS: Stadium NE straight down (el2) 128. ATHENS: NW, Kcramikos, Dipylon (5.21) 129. ATHENS: Kcramikos close, NNW (5.26) 130. ATHENS: Close W., Keramikos, 1967 (a2) 131. ATHENS: Olympieion, SE, w.houses, Hadrian's Arch. (e6) 132. ATHENS: Areop., Acrop., from NW, Olympieion, stadium, 1962 (aoo.IO) 133. A THOS: Panteleimon, SW side, 1965 (t29) 134. A THOS: Docheiariou, SW side, 1965 (t27) 135. A THOS: Dionysou ? on SW side, 1965 (t33a) 136. ATHOS: Akti Bay SE of Xerxes' Canal, 1965 (t24) 137. ATHOS: S. tip of (Persian wreck) from SE (t36) 138. ATHOS: From SW, S. tip of (Persian wreck) (t34) 139. ATTICA: S. of Athens, coast (ff.l4) 140. AULIS: From NE, general, both bays, 1962 (ao.22) 141. AULIS: View of E. harbor, peninsula, W. harbor 142. BASSAE: N. close on ridge 143. BASSAE: From N., ridge, 1965 (ql6) 144. BOEOTIA: Fields between Plataea & Thebes (dim) (d16) 4 RAYMOND V. SCHODER. S.J.: ANCIENT GREECE FROM THE AIR SLIDES BOX I OF 7 (CONTINUED) 145. BRAURON: Gen., Site, Mus., Bay (na.IO) 146.
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