® CREATIVELY AND INDEPENDENTLY PRODUCED BY THE RESIDENTS OF LAKE NONA AUGUST 2019 The Artist: Capturing The Perfect Image Volume 4 | Issue 8 On page 15 MAKING A HOUSE A HOME FABULOUS, FREEING 50! MORE THAN SPANDEX AND SPOKES KIDS PLAY. COACHES COACH. IN THIS ISSUE 16 E8 E11 PARENTS CHEER. E12 LOCAL LEADERS, 4 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE, 8 FEATURES, 14 HEALTH & WELLNESS, 18 EDUCATION, 22 FOOD & DRINKS E2 LAKE NONA LIVING E4 LIFESTYLE E8 SPORTS & FITNESS E10 ARTS & CULTURE E16 Orlando, FL 32827 FL Orlando, 6555 Sanger Rd Sanger 6555 Nonahood News LLC News Nonahood EDITOR'S NOTE ® CREATIVELY AND INDEPENDENTLY PRODUCED Home, Sweet Home BY THE RESIDENTS OF LAKE NONA BY ELAINE VAIL Publishers/Owners Rhys & Jenny Lynn This month marks four years since Editor-in-Chief & Operations Manager we packed up our home in Indiana Elaine Vail and left everyone and everything Director of Content we’d known as a family for more Nicole LaBosco than 20 years. It was exciting and Production Manager scary all at once. I couldn’t wait for Kyle Hamm my Midwestern daughters to see Writers & Reporters palm trees and experience the roar Nir Bashan, Linda Carvin, Christian Casale, Chris of waves hitting the beach, both for Clark, Dennis Delehanty, Natalia Foote, Sharon the first time. The only stop of many Fuentes, Rodney Gage, Dr. Deborah C. German, that I remember during my years as Kyle Hamm, Amber Harmon, Katie Jasiewicz, a young Navy brat is Norfolk, Vir- Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, TN, Nicole LaBosco, Philip Long, Don Long, Debra ginia, and I was anxious for my girls Photo Credit Elaine Vail Lowe, Ishu Martinez, Dr. Toralben Patel, David to have a similar experience. his wife, and my very cute nieces and nephew. We played Pavlik, Daniel Pyser, Sophia Rogers, Dr. Donovan It was crazy moving so far so quickly. I had nightmares games together, took many laps on the lazy river together, Rosas, Camille Ruiz Mangual, Vernice Salveron- for two years. Even after months of living here and being ate together, laughed together (we can be quite obnoxious) Gasper, Dr. Michael Seifert, Fabio Silva, Valerie settled in, I would sometimes wake up feeling disoriented Sisco, Demi Taveras, Elaine Vail, Chris White … it was so great and much needed. and taking a few moments to remember where I was. De- Copy Editor spite the anxiety of such a dramatic change, we embraced We took the route home that includes driving through Demi Taveras our new adventure as a family, searching for new beaches, Cherokee, North Carolina. We stopped to eat there and Proofreading springs and parks to explore every other weekend. The en- spent many hours taking photos of the mountains, walking Joe Henry chantment of having banana trees in our backyard and the through parks, and pulling over to creek stomp and watch Layout Design startling, prehistoric-sounding Sandhill cranes only added butterflies. It was one of the best days I’ve had with my hus- Marnie Brophy to the surreal feeling of our new home. band and youngest daughter since our oldest daughter left for college, which has been a huge adjustment. I’m trying Creative Director/Producer I wondered how long it would take for Florida to feel like to say this was an amazing, beautiful trip that I won’t soon James Rayner home. We travel every summer for a family reunion on my forget. Promotional Manager mother’s side, and for the first three summers, when locals Melanie Miller would ask where we were visiting from, I would catch my- And then, after two days in the car, we started seeing famil- Director of Public Relations self starting to say “Indianapolis” instead of “Central Flor- iar sights. The palm trees. The Orlando Eye (or whatever its Saul Markowitz ida.” I love it here, but I think for those first three years, it current name is). The Volcano. The lights. Familiar street just felt like a strange, extended vacation where I still had to names and exits. Ahhhh … HOME! earn a living while visiting. Orlando, Central Florida, St. Cloud … it all finally feels like Submissions Well, something has finally clicked. We traveled to Gatlin- not just an extended vacation, but it’s home! What a great If you have news you would like to share with burg, Tennessee for this year’s family reunion. The Smoky feeling! your community, visit nonahood.to/stories or Mountains feel like a second home since that is most often What changed? We’ve loved it here from day one, so it email [email protected]. where our reunion takes place with a variation every few wasn’t a lack of affection. Maybe it’s just the time that has Advertising years. It’s lush and green and beautiful there. I truly love passed. Maybe it’s the people we’ve gotten to know and For rates, deadlines, and specifications, visit it. We had a wonderful time visiting with my 88-year-old work with. Maybe it’s the lessons we’ve learned and the grandfather who I adore, along with my sweet mother, two nonahood.to/ads or email [email protected]. experiences we’ve gained. Maybe it’s the trials – and hur- of my aunts, a handful of cousins, my incredible brother and Nonahood News, LLC is an independent, privately owned ricanes – we’ve endured and the strength we’ve gathered as company. All submissions become the property of Nonahood a result. Maybe it’s a little bit of all of those things News, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of this paper may be combined. reprinted without permission of publisher. All advertisements, announcements, and articles submitted are subject to refusal or editing at publisher’s discretion. © 2019. Whatever it is, I know that Lake Nona – its innovative approach to living and the outstanding people here – is an integral part of this tropical paradise finally Nonahood News is a nona.media publication feeling like home. And I’m so grateful for that! Welcome home, Lake Nona! FLORIDA’S LARGEST COLLECTION OF CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE THE EDGE From the subtle stitching in the Aniline leather cushion, to the hand-rubbed, oil-finished Walnut frame, all the way down to the brass accents on each foot, the Edge is an exercise in balance and grace. ORLANDO • 4045 S KIRKMAN RD • 407.992.7777 SCANDESIGN.COM ALTAMONTE SPRINGS • 999 DOUGLAS AVE • 407.862.9775 www.NONAHOODNEWS.com | 2 | AUGUST 2019 feel relief by bedtime #1 ER nearby You thought it was just another ordinary day. Then, your child gets hurt and you need help now. The good news is, expert pediatric emergency care is right around the corner. We’re a network of board-certified, emergency physicians with nationally recognized children’s care. In settings specifically designed to calm your child, your family can feel safe. Feel better. Feel whole. AdventHealthforChildren.com/ER A part of AdventHealth Orlando 19-SYSTEM-04547 LOCAL LEADERS “It gives motivated stu- dents, or those interested New Program in procedure-based spe- cialties, a chance to re- view the equipment and Offers Med steps involved in different advanced medical proce- Students More dures,” she said. The program is part of our Hands-On 7,500-square-foot Clini- cal Skills and Simulation Training Center, which provides clinical settings for stu- Practice Sessions” or “PSPS,” began in dents to gain hands-on ex- response to students requesting more BY DR. DEBORAH C. GERMAN, M.D. perience to learn and prac- clinical experiences before treating real tice essential skills. patients during their rotations in area hospitals and clinics. It offers five- proce Students can train on a dures: venipuncture, IV placement, lum- virtual simulation patient, bar puncture, central line placement, and who is programmed to intubation. represent particular con- ditions, or the manikins In the lab, instructors can control the that help them distinguish heart rates, oxygen levels, blood levels particular heart, lung and and breathing as well as simulate real-life bowel sounds – all impor- medical emergencies on three different tant clues in a diagnosis. manikins – adult male and female patients Rounding out the experi- as well as a child. ence are more than 100 “I found the clinical skills session very standardized patients – helpful,” third-year medical student Tu- actors trained to provide a leagh Innes-Gawn said. “It was very useful specific medical history so to get to learn practical skills on a manikin that students can reinforce before performing them on a real patient.” their exam and communi- Dr. Deborah German Dr. Christopher Gallagher, professor of cation skills. anesthesiology, said the complexity of the The center serves an av- patient cases changes based on the educa- erage of 300 medical stu- Seeing patients for the first time can be tion level of the student, and he helps stu- dents on a weekly basis throughout the ac- a nerve-wracking experience for medical dents work through each case to prepare ademic year and also serves other medical students. So, a new UCF College of Medi- them for the real thing. institutions by training residents, nurses cine training program geared toward giv- “If you make a mistake … it’s not going to and physicians. ing third- and fourth-year students addi- Deborah German, M.D. is the Vice hurt them,” he said. “We can take a time- Thanks to advances in technology and tional practice time on “dummy” patients President for Health Affairs and Found- out and figure it out.” medical education, the Clinical Skills and is providing them with the skills to tackle ing Dean of the UCF College of Medicine.
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