NATIONAL ROSTER OF THE NATIONAL ROSTER OF THE Woman's Relief Corps AUXILIARY TO THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC November, I 9 o I t HEADQUARTERS : I BRADFORD, VERMONT Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. OBJECTS. SECTION1. TO specially aid and assist the Grand Army of the Itepublic. and to perpetuate the memory of their heroic dead SECT. 2. TO assist such Union Veterans as need our help and pro- tection, and to extend needful aid to their widows and orphans. To flnd them homes and employment, and assure them of sympathy and friends. To cherish and emulate the deeds of our Army Nurses, and of all loyal women who rendered loving service to our country in her hour of peril. - SECT.3. TO maintain true allegiance to the United States of America5 to inculcate lessons of patriotism and love of country among our children and in the communities in which we live; and encoursge the spread of universal liberty and equal rights to all ORGANIZATION. No Corps shall be organized except as an auxiliary to a Post, upon application approved and endorsed by the Post Commander, ezcept as provided in Rules and Regulations, Chapter II., Article I ,Section 1. ELIGIBILITY TO MENIBERSHIP. Women of good moral character and correct deportment, who have not given aid and comfort to \he enemies of the Union. who would perpetuate the principles to which this association stands pledged, and who have attained the age of sixteen years, shall be elkible to member- ship in the Woman's Relief Corps. NATIONAL ROSTER OF THE OCTOBER, 1901 National President. Calista Robinson Jones - . .Bradford, Vermont National Senior Vice-Pitsidcnt. Belle C. Harris . Emporia, Kansaa National Junior Vicc-P&t. Minnie M. Kyle . U.S. Pension Agency, Chicago, Illinois National Scmtary. Mary Ellen Conant . .Bradford, Vermont National Treasurer. Sarah E. Phillips . 817 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, New York National Ch;rplain, Emily L. Clark . 178 Proapect St, Northampton, Maesachueetts National Inspector. Fanny E. Minot . 83 So. State St., Concord, New Harnpel~ire National Counselor. Emma Stark Eampton . 970 Woodward Ave ,Dthroit, Michigan National Instituting and Instalkg Officer. RachelAbbottH8U . Trenton,Miesowi National Patriotic Instructor. Kate E Jones . Ilion, New York National Executive Board-Lifc Munbcr. Sarah E. Fuller, elected 1887, 7 Alfred St., Medford, Massachusetts National Eucuthrt Board-Elected Memk Lois M.KnaniP, Chainnah . White Hall, Cleveland, Ohio Eliza G. Brown . 209 University Avenue, Rochester, New York Anna E. Kooken . San Diego, California Mary C. MWk . ,. Parkersbnrg, W. Virginia Emma Qalloway . Oregon City, Oregon Board of Directors, National W.R.C. Home. Elected for five veur. Agnes Hitt, Chairman, elected 1897, 612 E. 1lt.h St., Indianapolis, Ind. Emma Stark Hampton, elected 1900 . Detroit. Michigan To fill unexpired term from 18W. Flo Jamison Miller, elected 1899 . Wilmington, Illinois Harriet J. Bodge, elected 1900, 81 Asylum St., Hartford, Conneeticut Mary L Carr, elected 1901 . Longmont, Colorado Andersonville Prison Board. Elected for five ycu'.. Lizabeth A. Tnrnw, Chairman, re-elected 1901, 46 Camp St., New Britain, Connecticut Sarah D Winans. elected 1897 . 1971 Summit St* Toledo, Ohio Sarah A. C. Ylnmmer, elected 1901 . Lansing, Michigan TO ~IUnnsxpireclteA irom m. Mary A. H. Cadden, elected 1899, 1210 Bolton St., Baltimore. Md. Ellen M. Putnam, elected 1900 . Oxford, New York Ex-otticio Members. Ell Torrance. Commander-in-Cht4f.U.A.R. Minneapolis. Minnesota Calista Robinson Jones. Nationd Beaidsnt. W.B.C.. Bradford, Vermont James Atwell, Commander Ez-A.Csoner8 of War &*a, Pittsburgh, Pa. Edward B. Campbell. Common-in-Chiaf, 8.of V. Washington, D C. Advisory Bod. Jamee P. Averlll, Post Department Commander, U.A.B.. Atlanta, Georgia W.W.DaH.ven.PaatCm~ndctPoat6 . Macon, Georgia Charles P. Hoptine . Boonton. New Jersey Isabelle T Ragley . Zanesville, Ohio National Press Correspondat. Mary M. North . Snow Hill, Maryland Dclcgatc to Council of Women. Flo Jamison Miller . Wilmington, Illinois Standing Comm&ee. National Council of Women. Charity Rnsk Craig , . 3 Blake St., Asheville, North Carolina Amanda Thomas Newcomb . 9%Elnl St., Montpelier, Vermont Geraldine E. Friebie . Menlo Park, California Isabelle T Bagley . .. Zanesville, Ohio Ella Jordan Mason . Blddeford, Maine On Legislation. Flo Jamison Miller, Chairman . Wilmington, Illinois Ellen M. Pntnam . Oxford, New York Georgianna Grimth . 140 2d Ave., Troy, New York Manual of Doties cf Officers. Mary L Carr, Chairman ... Longmont, Colorado Abbie Lynch . 808 Church Ave ,Allegheny. Pennsylvania Mary L Grilman . 13 Schnyler St., Roxbory, Mwsachnsetts Qertie Rogers . The Martin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Eliza J. Crisler . Greensburg, Indiana Revision of Burial and Memorial Service. Emma B. Wallace, Chairman, 3817 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Sarah M. E. Battels . Akron,Qhio Sarah E. Fuller - . 7 Alfred Skeet, hbedford, Mae81~:husetta Revision of Charter. Mary Jewett Telford . MeMinnville, Tenncsclee Kate B. Sherwood . 2198 Ashhad Ave ,Toledo, Ohio Liabeth A 'I'urner . - 46 Camp St, New Britain, Connecticut Honorary Mcmbcrs. Paul Van der Voort . Omaha, Nebraska Clara Barton . Washington, D.C. Past National Officus. Past National Presidents SE. Florence Barker . Malden, Massachusetts Kate Brownlee Sherwood . 2123 Ashland Ave.,Toledo, Ohio Sarah E. Fuller . 7 Alfred St , Medford, Massachusetts Elizabeth D'Arcy Kinne, 422 California St., San Francisco, California Emma Stark Hampton . 970 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan Charity Rusk Craig . 3 Blake St., Asheville, North Carolina ffAnnieWittenmyer . - . Sanatoga,Pennsylvania Mary IJesrs McHenry . Denison, Iowa Sue A. Pike Sanders . Bloomington, Illinois Margaret Ray Wickins . Atkinson, Illinois f Sarah C. Mink . Watertown, New York Emma R. Wallace 381'7 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Lizabeth A. Turner . 46 Camp St ,New Britain, Connecticut Agnes Hitt . 612 E. 11th St. ,Indianapolis, Indiana IfSarah J. Martin . Brookfleld, Missouri Flo Jamison Miller . Wilmington, Illinois Harriet J. Bodge . 81 Asylum St., Hartford, Connecticut MaryL.Carr . Longmont, Colorado Past National Senior Vice-Presidents gate Brobnlee Sherwood . 2123 Ashland Ave.. Toledo, Ohio Sarah E. Faller . .7 Alfd St ,Medford, Massnchusetts Elizabeth D'Arcy Kinne. 422 California St., San Francisco. California Sarah C. Nichols . 21 Seminary Ave., Auburn, New York Cora Day Young, . 2028 Parkwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio Abbie Lynch . 808 Church Ave ;Allegheny, Pennsylvania Emma B. Yancheeter, 314 Woodman Building. Omaha. Nebraska Lizsbeth A. Turner . 46 Camp St., New Britain. Connecticut Margaret Ray Wickins . - . Atkinson, Illinois Ida V. Hendricks . Kensington, Maryland Jennie Myerhoff . Evansville, Indiana Helen 8. Morrieon . Smethport. Pennsylvania Mary A. Ninekirk . 1904 W. Madison St., Louisville, Kentucky ffMarie Hasenwinkle . St.Panl,Minnemta Nettie M Norton . 1119 Hennepin Are ,Minneapolis, Minnesot. Suean E Atkins . 135 Norwood Ave ,Buffalo, New York Mary C. Wentzel . Cincinnati. Ohio Ubbie C. Bner . Appleton. Wisconrin Belle M. Satterley - 8226 Washington Ave., St. Louis, lliesonri 1Demued. #Died fn omoe. $Mary A. Stipson . Gnlt, Missouri $Lizzie Anderson . ... Topeka, Kansas Adaline P. Kent . Portsmouth, New Hampshire $Mary E. Starkweather . ... St. Paul, Minnesota $Mary J. Ingraham . Woodbridge, New Jersey Inzetta A. Small . Lewiston, Maine Frances R. Martin . New Haven, Connecticut $Bessie E. Yonng . Kansas City, Missouri Mary Lyle Reynolds . Covington, Kentnclry $Abbie J Whittier . New Brunswick, New Jersey Amanda T. Newcomb . 92 Elm St., Montpelier, Vermont . Lizzie R. Herrick . 226 Dexter Ave., Seattle, Washington Henrietta Steismeier . 1206 Dillon St., St. Louis, Missouri. Amelia F. Colgan . Hampton, Virginia Calista R. Jones . Bradford,Vermont Ellen F. Daniels . Charleston, West Virginia May Evans . - . Walla Walla, Washington Abbie R. Flagg . Battle Creek, Michigan Past National Secretaries Sarah E. Fuller . 7 Alfred St., Medford, Massachusetts Emma D. Sibley Pease . Toledo, Ohio Eleanor B. Wheeler . Boston, Massachusetts Armilla A. Cheney . 327 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park. Illinois Hettie M. Nichols . - . Viroqua, Wisconsin Abbie Lynch . 808 Church Ave., Allegheny, Pennsylvania Hannah R Plimpton . 31 Bolton Place, Cleveland, Ohio Ella Cobean . Delavan, Illinois Flora Preston Hogbin . Sabetha, Kan~s Sarah E. Phillips . 817 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, New York Jennie Bross . 8087 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Illinois Harriett. L Reed . Columbia Ave., Dorcheeter, Massachusetts . Ida S. McBride . Indianapolis, Indiana $Mary H. Shepherd . Brookfield, Missouri Mattie Jamison Tippett . White Heatb, Illinois Charlotte E. Wright 119 Townsend Ave ,Niw Haven, Connecticut Fannie D. W. Hardin . 1616 Welton St., Denver, Colorado Past Natid Treasurers Liesbeth A. Turner . 46 Camp St., New Brltain, Connecticat Armilla A. Cheney . 327 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park. Illinois Isabelle T. Bagley . Zureeville, Ohio ROSTER OF DEPARTMENTS AND DETACHED CORPS DEPARTMENTS. Caliiornia and Nevada -63 Corps -3681 Members. President, Lettie M. Winans, 556 Prospect St., Petalnma, Cal. Secretary, Alice McMurtry, 552 Howard St., Petaluma, Cal. Treasurer, Itma Kahn, 767 Liberty St., Petaluma. Cal Chaplain, Sarah Keller, Station R, Los Angeles, Cal. Inspector, Lue A. Tripp, 161 San Carlos St.. San Jose, Cal. I. and I. OWcer, Julia C Pyburn, Salinas, Cal. Patriotic Instrnctor, Sarah H Tripp, 29 East Sonora St., Stockton, Cal Colorado and Wyoming-42 Corps- 1825 Members. President, Arabella C. Johnson, Fort Morgan,
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