129 OBSERVATION OF THE T AND T ' MESON IN ELECTRON POSITRON ANNIHILATIONS C.W. Darden, H. Hasemann, A. Krol zig, W. Schmidt-Parzefal l, H. Schroder, H.D. Schulz, F. Selonke, E. Steinmann , R. Wurth , Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg W. Hofmann , D. Wegener, Institut fLlr Physik, Uni versitat Dortmund H. Albrecht, K.R. Schubert, Insti tut fUr Hochenergiephysik der Universitat Hei delberg P. Bockmann, L. Jonsson Insti tute of Physics, Uni versity of Lund presented by W. Schmi dt-Parzefall Abstract : • The T and T ' have been observed using the DASP detector at the DORIS storage ring. A fi rst study of the decays of the T meson has been performed . Resume : Le et le T ' ont ete observes en uti l isant le detecteur DASP aupres de l'anneT au de stockage DORIS. Nous presentons des premieres etudes sur les desi ntegrations du meson T. 130 A Columbia-FNAL-Stony Brook col l aborati on in studying the reaction + - l) p + N + µ µ + X discovered peaks in the muon pair invariant mass distri bution near 10 GeV. They identified these peaks wi th three new mesons, which they called T(9.4), T' (10.0) and T"(l0.4) . Since the observed width was equal to the experimental resol ution, these new mesons were interpreted in analogy wi th the J/¢ mesons as a bound state bb of a new heavy quark b with a new flavour. + The best way to investigate such a state is its production in e e- annihilation. Thus can be found out whether it is real ly a state as narrow as expected for a bound bb system , and a detailed study of its decay properties can be perfonned . The upgrading of the e+e- storage ring DORIS to reach the energy region of the T required its conversion into a single-ring , single-bunch machine and the instal lation of additional RF cavi ties. This operation, which started in fall of 1977 was done in several steps ending in Apri l 1978, when DORIS started to 30 -2 -1 operate in the T region wi th a peak luminosi ty of about 10 cm s . A maximum energy of 10.2 GeV has been reached. In the two interaction regions of DORIS, initially measurements were perfonned with the detectors PLUTO and DASP . The Double Arm Spectrometer DASP, however, was run by a new col l aboration. Later on PLUTO moved to PETRA and was replaced by the Na I -Lead-Gl ass detector of the DESY-Heidel berg group, again operated by 2l a new col l aboration . Thus each measurement has been performed twi ce, and the agreement between the results has been generally very close. We report here on results obtained with the Double• Arm Spectrometer DASP The 3) . apparatus consists of a non-magnetic inner detector, which covers a sol id angle of about 50% of 4rr, and two magnetic outer detectors , which cover appro ximately 5% of 4n . The properties of the detector have been descri bed before . The storage ring luminosity wa s continuously monitored by a counter system of four telescopes positi oned at scatteri ng angl es of 8° to record smal l an le g Bhabha scattering. Large angle Bhabha scattering was recorded wi th the inner detector independently. The two methods agreed to within ± 15%. The cross section of a for the reaction e+e- + hadrons has been obtained in h 4 the fo owing way : Abo1Jt 10 triggers lead to one good event . To reject inter­ 11 acti ons with the res idual gas in the storage ring and cosmic rays , a set of 131 selection criteria was applied : Particle tracks were reconstructed with the five layer scintillator hodoscopes of the inner detector. At least three tracks were required , which did not al l lie in the same hemisphere. The total energy deposited in the shower counters' of the detector was required to be more than MeV wi th no single track 450 depositing more than GeV. Events whi ch passed thi s tes t were visually .5 scanned for tracks in3 the proportional tube counters . Again at least three tracks were required which did not all lie in the same hemisphere . They had to originate from a common vertex point close to the interaction region. Finally the accepted events were computer reconstructed . The resulting visible cross secti on versus energy is shown in Fig. 1. The curve 1 is the best fi t of a gaussian wi th radiati ve corrections 4 ) and a ;s back­ ground. A clear resonance signal is observed at a mass of ± 0.010) GeV . (9.457 The error refl ects the present precision of the energy cal i bration of DORIS. The measured r.m.s. wi dth of the resonance is 7.6 MeV , in perfect agreement wi th the mass resolution of the storage ring, and exactly what would be expect­ ed for a narrow resonance. The corresponding resul ts of the PLUTO col l abor­ ation 5) is shown in Fig. 2. + The partial width for the decay T + e e- can be obtai ned from the ree integrated cross section 'hdE for hadron production, using the Breit-Wigner formula f M dE 2 h 6 2 1f I (J Wi th the assumption 5 ) h R : (J ± 0. at GeV I crµµ 4.5 5 9.4 we determine the acceptance of our detector and selection criteria for hadron events off resonance to. be n Since the average multipl icity that we c = 4 %. measure increases slightly for events2 on resonance, we estimate that the acceptance of our detector increases to on resonance . Including radiati ve 47% corrections we get an integrated hadronic cross section of o dE (370 ± 100) MeV nb. J h = 132 nb OASP Z 8 4 t t t t 0 9.35 9.40 945 9.5 0 GeV Visibl e cross section of the reaction e+e- +hadrons . The solid curve is a single resonance with Gaussian energy resolution and radiative corrections . One standard deviation of the energy resolution is 7.6 MeV . 20 cr(nb) PLUTO 15 10 0 9.1 5 9.25 9.35 9.45 9.55 is(GeV) Fig. 2 Cross section for the reaction e+e- +hadrons versus CM energy as measured by PLUTO. 133 The error contains the estimated systematic uncertainties . + - To determine the branching ratio B for the decay T(9.4) + µ µ we used the DASP inner detector with its largeµµ sol id angle. The selection criteria were : exactly two tracks, no showers and the tracks should be col linear. To reject cosmic ray muons, the time of fl ight to the fifth layer of the scintillator hodoscope had to be equal within 1 ns. For cosmic ray muons the difference is typical ly 6 ns. The detector blocks above and below the beam tube could not be used since there the flight path was too short for suffi cient discrimination against cosmi c rays . Finally, the events had to occur in coincidence with the bunch-crossing. The two muon track determined the z-coordinate - along the beam - of the inter­ action . The z-distribution is shown in Fig. 3. After subtraction of the remain­ ing cosmic ray background , we obtained 86 ± 13 events in the T resonance and 44 ± 10 events outside. The visible cross section for muon pair production in the continuum outside the resonance is c a . (0.30 ± 0.08) nb , µµVlS which determi nes the acceptance of the detector, 0.31 ± 0.08 . '\iµ = The visible cross section in the peak of the resonance is T . (o.41 ± 0.07) nb . a µµVlS + - Combining the resul ts, we find the integrated cross section of e e + r(9.4) + + - µ µ Ja dE (10 ± 8) nb. µµ = We assume the three leptonic widths r ' and r of the (9.46) to be ee r TT equal and estimate that about half of the µµ decays are included in our measured hadronic cross section. This allows us to obtain values for the partial width r and the branching ratio B r /r : ee ee ee r ee 0.4) keV. (1.5 ± B B (2.5 ± 2.1) %. ee = µµ = 134 N 25 20 15 10 5 o+-�...-.�........ � ....... ���� ......... ....... -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 (mm) � Vertex distribution for the reaction T(9.46) µµ showi ng the � si gnal and a background ori ginating from cosmi� c rays . KeV re ele� in KeV 20 w Y(eQ= -1/3) J/¢ 10 i· � t 0 2 4 6 B 10 M(GeV) Fi g. 4 The ratio of the electronic width r over the square of the ee quark charge e2 for radial ground state vector mesons as Q a function of mass. 135 The quoted errors are one standard deviation, including estimated systematic errors. The total width r of the T(9.46) has a best estimate of 60 keV and a two-standard deviations lower limit of 20 keV; the statistics obtained do not yet permit us �o give a reasonable upper limit. Non-relativistic potential model s of a bound bb system make specific predictions for ree· It is a direct measure of the square of the charge eb of the b quark. 6) where ¢(0) is the wave function at the origin. Eichten and Gottfried find 1 ree = 0.7 keV for e b = ;3 e0• It is important to note that the tatio r /e is roughly the same for the vect0r mesons ¢?)and J/¢.
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