The 2005 Notices Index January issue: 1–192 May issue: 497–592 October issue: 1001–1168 February issue: 193–312 June/July issue: 593–712 November issue: 1169–1312 March issue: 313–392 August issue: 713–824 December issue: 1313–1464 April issue: 393–496 September issue: 825–1000 Index Section Page Number AMS Assists Mathematicians Affected by Hurricane, 1364 AMS Congressional Fellowship, 463 The AMS 1443 AMS Congressional Lunch Briefing, 72 Announcements 1444 AMS Epsilon Fund, 1064 Authors of Articles 1446 Deaths of Members of the Society 1447 AMS Establishes Robbins Prize, 1066 Education 1448 AMS Holds Workshop for Department Chairs, 553 Feature Articles 1448 AMS President’s Address at Abel Celebration, 745 Letters to the Editor 1450 AMS Prizes Awarded in Atlanta, 439–458 Mathematicians 1450 AMS Scholarships for Math in Moscow, 766 Mathematics Articles 1453 AMS Short Course in San Antonio, 1102 Mathematics History 1454 AMS Sponsors Mass Media Fellow, 659 Meetings Information 1454 AMS Sponsors NExT Fellows, 358 Memorial Articles 1455 AMS Website Connects Math and the Public, 219 New Publications Offered by the AMS 1455 Biographies of Candidates 2005, 920 Officers and Committee Members 1455 Breaking News, 321 Opinion 1455 Brought to You by…AMS Staff, 58 Opportunities 1455 Bylaws of the American Mathematical Society, 1239 Prizes and Awards 1456 Call for the 2007 Summer Research Conferences Propos- The Profession 1458 als, 1115 Reference and Book List 1458 Call for Applications for Mathematical Reviews Associate Reviews 1458 Editor Position, 937 Surveys 1458 Call for Nominations for 2005 Frank and Brennie Morgan Tables of Contents 1459 AMS-MAA-SIAM Prize for Outstanding Research in Math- ematics by an Undergraduate Student, 469 About the Cover Call for Nominations for 2006 George David Birkhoff Prize, 61, 198, 323, 438, 557, 611, 727, 840, 1104, 1215, 1329 Frank Nelson Cole Prizes, Levi L. Conant Prize, Distin- guished Public Service Award, 468 The AMS Call for Nominations for AMS Award for Exemplary Pro- 2004 AMS Election Results, 284 grams, 213, 318 2004 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (First Re- Call for Nominations for D. R. Fulkerson Prize, 1375 port), 236 Call for Nominations for Leroy P. Steele Prizes, 283, 364 2004 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (Second Call for Proposals for the 2007 von Neumann Symposium, Report), 747 984 2004 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (Third Call for Suggestions for 2005 AMS Elections, 285 Report), 871 Contacting the Notices/Information for Notices Authors, 2005 American Mathematical Society Election (Special Sec- 660 tion), 913 “Current Events” Session at Joint Meetings, 72 2005 AMS Election (Nominations by Petition), 286 Deaths of AMS Members, 74, 359, 553, 659, 768, 890, 2005 AMS Menger Awards, 884 1221, 1368 2005–2006 AMS Centennial Fellowships Awarded, 653 Einstein Public Lecture in the Mathematical Sciences, 831, 2006 AMS Election (Nominations by Petition), 935 1007 Acknowledgment of Contributions, 558 Ellen Maycock Joins AMS Executive Staff, 889 American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, Epsilon Awards for 2005, 658 886, 1216 Epsilon Memorial Scholarships Awarded for 2005, 1220 AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellowships, 1064 Fan China Exchange Program Names Awardees, 658 AMS Advocates Research Funding, 890 General Information Regarding Meetings & Conferences of AMS Announces Congressional Fellow, 768 the AMS, 100 DECEMBER 2005 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1443 2005 Index Login Now Required for Online Notices, 553 AMS Congressional Lunch Briefing, 72 Math in Moscow Scholarships Awarded, 254, 768 AMS Epsilon Fund, 1064 Mathematical Sciences Employment Center in San Antonio, AMS Establishes Robbins Prize, 1066 973, 1105 AMS Holds Workshop for Department Chairs, 553 MathSciNet Matters, 62, 459, 650, 1061 AMS Scholarships for Math in Moscow, 766 Meetings and Conferences of the AMS, 101, 297, 379, 485, AMS Sponsors Mass Media Fellow, 659 583, 695, 807, 985, 1117, 1299, 1433 AMS Sponsors NExT Fellows, 358 My Summer at Scientific American, 73 AP Calculus Readers Sought, 463 New Publications Offered by the AMS, 83, 292, 373, 479, AWM Collaborative Research Grants for Women, 67 571, 676, 790, 958, 1089, 1265, 1384 AWM Essay Contest, 1218 Officers and Committee Members, 1073 AWM Essay Contest Winners Announced, 462 Officers of the Society 2004 and 2005 Updates, 564 AWM Prizes Presented in Atlanta, 545 (A) Photographic Look at the Joint Meetings, Atlanta 2005, AWM Travel Grants for Women, 888 397 Bañuelos Awarded Blackwell-Tapia Prize, 252 Pi Mu Epsilon Student Paper Presentation Awards, 1364 Ben Green Awarded 2005 Salem Prize, 884 Presenters of Papers and Program of Sessions, Atlanta Bhargava Receives Blumenthal Prize, 461 Meeting, 114 B. H. Neumann Awards Given, 1364 Presidential Reflections: Interview with David Eisenbud, 216 Birgé Awarded Brouwer Medal, 654 Presidential Views: Interview with James Arthur, 350 Bos Awarded 2005 May Prize, 1363 Reciprocity Agreements, 1227 Boyd Awarded CRM-Fields Prize, 548 Report of the Executive Director, State of AMS, 2005, 776 Call for the 2007 Summer Research Conferences Propos- Report of the Treasurer (2004), 780 als, 1115 San Antonio Meeting Registration Forms, 1165, 1309, 1461 Call for Nominations for 2005 Frank and Brennie Morgan San Antonio Meeting Timetable, 1154 AMS-MAA-SIAM Prize for Outstanding Research in Math- Statistics on Women Mathematicians Compiled by the ematics by an Undergraduate Student, 469 AMS, 1084 Call for Nominations for AMS Award for Exemplary Pro- Teachers, Exams, Standards: AMS Committee on Education grams, 213, 318 Examines Issues, 234 Call for Nominations for Distinguished Public Service Ten Years of the “New” Notices, 54 Award, 468 Tenth Anniversary Issue, 7 Call for Nominations for D. R. Fulkerson Prize, 1375 Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards Presented, 358 Call for Nominations for Frank Nelson Cole Prizes, 468 Where Do Notices Covers Come From?, 727 Call for Nominations for George David Birkhoff Prize, 468 Workshop on the Mathematics Major, 1220 Call for Nominations for the ICTP/IMU Ramanujan Prize, Announcements 656 Call for Nominations for Information-Based Complexity 2004 Morgan Prize, 457 2005 AMS Menger Awards, 884 Prize, 356 2005 Bôcher Prize, 443 Call for Nominations for Leroy P. Steele Prizes, 283, 364 2005 Book Prize, 449 Call for Nominations for Levi L. Conant Prize, 468 2005 Cole Prize in Number Theory, 445 Call for Nominations for Lucien Godeaux Prize, 355 2005 Conant Prize, 454 Call for Nominations for Sloan Fellowships, 656 2005 International Mathematical Olympiad, 1213 Call for Nominations for Third World Academy of Sci- 2005 JPBM Communications Award, 541 ences Prizes, 1218 2005 Satter Prize, 447 Call for Nominations for Waterman Award, 1218 2005 Steele Prizes, 439 Call for Nominations: Monroe H. Martin Prize, 67 2005 Whiteman Prize, 451 Call for Proposals for 2006 NSF-CBMS Regional Confer- 2005–2006 AMS Centennial Fellowships Awarded, 653 ences, 255 AAAS Fellows Elected, 65 Call for Proposals for the 2007 von Neumann Symposium, AAUW Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants, 984 1217 Call for Submissions for Sunyer i Balaguer Prize, 767 ADVANCE: New NSF Program to Increase Women’s Par- Cerf and Kahn Receive Turing Award, 653 ticipation, 656 Clay Mathematics Institute 2005 Summer School, 256 AIM Five-Year Fellow Announced, 549 Clay Research Award Winners Announced, 252 American Academy Elections, 764 Clay Research Fellow Nominations, 1065 American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, Collaboration in Mathematical Geosciences, 354 886, 1216 Comments on Female Math Ability Spark Reaction, 552 AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellowships, 1064 “Current Events” Session at Joint Meetings, 72 AMS Advocates Research Funding, 890 Deadlines and Target Dates at the DMS, 66 AMS Announces Congressional Fellow, 768 de Boor and Luce Receive National Medal of Science, 634 AMS Assists Mathematicians Affected by Hurricane, 1368 Departments Coordinate Job Offer Deadlines, 70 1444 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 52, NUMBER 11 2005 Index Distinguished International Postdoctoral Research Fel- National Academy of Sciences Elections, 764 lowships, 887 National High School Calculus Award, 1364 DMS Employment Opportunities, 357 NDSEG Fellowships Awarded, 1363 DMS Focus on Stochastic Systems, 1217 News from AIM, 1219 DMS Special Meetings Competition, 888 News from the Clay Mathematics Institute, 657 DMV Awards Media and Journalism Prizes, 254 News from the CRM Montreal, 1366 EDGE Summer Program, 1365 News from The Fields Institute, 551, 1218 Edwards and Lee Awarded 2005 Dirac Medals, 1211 News from the IMA, 68, 1065 Einstein Public Lecture in Mathematics, 831, 1007 News from the Institut Mittag-Leffler, 1219 Ellen Maycock Joins AMS Executive Staff, 889 News from MSRI, 356 Enhancing the Mathematical Sciences Workforce in the News from Oberwolfach, 69, 551 Twenty-First Century, 550, 1064 News from SAMSI, 257 Epsilon Awards for 2005, 658 Newton Fellowship Program, 1366 Epsilon Memorial Scholarships Awarded for 2005, 1220 Nominations Sought for 2005 IBC Young Researcher Award, European Mathematical Society Announces New Article 767 Competitions, 355 NRC-Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships, 1365 Everett Pitcher Lectures, 357 NRC-Ford Foundation Fellowships for Minorities, 67 Fan China Exchange Program Names Awardees, 658 NRC-Ford Foundation Minority Fellowships Awarded, 253 Fedkiw Receives NAS Award for Initiatives in Research, 548 NSA Grant and Sabbatical Programs, 886 Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prizes Awarded, 764 NSF Career
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