C ENS U S 0 FIN D I A 1981 Series - 9 KARNATAKA PAR TS xm - A & xm - B Village iind To wn Directory Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BID A R DIST RIC T SUPPLEMENT SC HED ULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES B.K.D AS Of the Indian Administrative Service Director, of Census Operations, Karnataka PRE F ACE The Registrar General and Census Com missioner of India has, in his- fore ',-; :WG t,0 this set of publications, not only provided the reader with the historical backgr'Ju;:r3 ·,'if the District Census Handbooks but has also explained at some length the scope i'''(: coverage for this country-wide project taken up as a part of the 1931 census oper'2L.- In so far as Karnataka is concerned the pattern of presentation of data ha.s [,;- slightly modified. As certain technical issues pertaining to the Scheduled C :c,,,;t,es ar,i Scheduled Tribes remained unresolved even upto the middle of 1983, and the publication of the volu m e itself could not be put off indefinitely, the feasibility of dividing the volu m e into two portions was exa mined. Accordingly, in order to avoid further delays in the release of data pertaining to that seg m ent of the population who do not co m e under the category of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes it was atlast decided to divide the volu m e into two portions : (i) the main volu me in which there would not be any referenceS whatsoever to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ar'G (li) the supplement which would exclusively contain the data relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Such a course of action beca mean absolute necessity for yet another reason, na m ely, the decision to print these publications by the photo offset ': ~chnique. In pursuance of this decision, the colu m ns relating to the village and to w n as well as ward-wise population data on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were eliminated in the Prim ary Census Abstract. Besides, the appendix to the Prim ary Census A bstract and the annexures thereof as well as appendix IV A and IV B to Village Directory and the Special Prim ary Census A bstract for Scheduled Castes and that for Scheduled Tribes too were eliminated in the main volume. All these details are presented in the supple m ent with a brief introductory note. By the tim e these details could be got ready for print, the main volu m e of the District Census Handbook of Bidar District had been printed out and kept ready for release. As a result, this supple m ent to the District Census Handbook of Bidar district is being brought out as a separate publication. In the case of the re m aining 18 districts, however, even though the supple m ent portion has been co m piled separately it has been included as a separate section after the portion relating to the main volu me, in a single book with a vie w to enhance its utility. B.K.D AS 9th ApY'fi 1984 Director of Census 0 perations, Bangalore Karnataka CONTENTS P age s Introd uctory Note 1 - 4 Statement I : Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population in the taluks and towns of the district 5 State m ent II District P ;i.m ary Census A bstract for Scheduled Castes 6 - 7 Statement III District Prim ary Census A bstract for Scheduled Tribes 6 - 7 State m ent IV Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Popula', ion: (A) Village-wise and (B) Town-wise (within town-ward wise) Aurad Taluk 8 - 10 Basavakalyan Taluk 11 - 13 Bhalki Taluk 14 - 16 Bidar Taluk 17 - 19 Hom nabad Taluk 20 - 22 s'tate ment V Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe:o Population-Urban Blockwise: 1\ urad 23 Sasa vakalya:, 23 - 24 Bhalki 24 5idar 24 - 25 C hitgoppa 25 - 26 Ho m nabad 26 State m ent VI Description of boundaries and details of areas included Ln census enu m eration blocks in UH" case of urban areas of the district: Aurad 27 Basavakalyan 27 - 28 Bhalki 28 - 29 Bidar 29 - 33 C hitgoppa 33 - 34 Ho m nabad 34 - 35 State m ent VII List of villages arranged according to the proportion of (a) Scheduled Castes and (b) Scheduled Tribes population to the total population of the village concerned by ranges: Aurad Taluk 36 Basavakalyan Taluk 36 - 37 Bhalki Taluk 37 - 38 Bidar Taluk 38 - 39 Homnabad Taluk 39 - 40 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 41 - 4:'-. INTR ODU C TO R Y NOTE This supplement to the District Census Handbook is devoted exclusively to the particulars relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The District Census Handbook was first introduced at the 1951 Census to meet the ever increasing demand for micro-level data and since then this has Y'e mained the only census publication which gives out data at the village level in the case of rural areas and at the enu meration block level in the case of urban areas. The scope of this publication was enlarged in 1961 and also in 1971 so as to render it more useful by presenting in it a wealth of information on infrastructural facilities in villages and towns. The current volumes of the District Census Handbook are thus the fourth in the series and are marked by a greater degree of co mprehensiveness and uniformity in approach. As co m pared to the 1971 series the village and town directory formats have been slightly moclified. So also the Prim ary Census Abstract too has undergone certain changes. The previous practice of presenting the ad ministrative statistics and the various district and taluk level tables has been given up. Apart fro m these general changes at the all India level, in so far as Karnataka is concerned, because of certain technical reasons all the particulars relating to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes envisaged for presentation in the District Census Handbook, have been pooled together and brought out in the form of a separate supple ment. These details are presented in the following sequence :- Statement I : Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in the taluks and towns of the district. (These details form part of the General District Prim ary Census Abstract). Statement n: District Primary Census Abstract - Scheduled Castes Statement ill: District Primary Census Abstract - Scheduled Tribes State ment IV : Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population (A) Village wise and (B) Town wise (within town ward-wise) (These details form part of the urban/village Prim ary Census Abstract)· Statement V Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population - Urban Block-wise (This corresponds to the Appendix to urban/village Prim ary Census Abstract). State ment VI: Description of boundaries and details of areas included in in census enu meration blocks - in the case of urban areas of the district (corresponding to the annexure to the Appendix to the urban/village Prim ary Census Abstract). State ment vn: List of villages arranged according to the proportion . of (a) Scheduled Castes and (b) Scheduled Tribes population to the total population of the village concerned by ranges. This would correspohd to Appe"ndix IV A and B to the Village Directory. Statement Vill: List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. 2 The concept of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as evolved by the Government of India and embodied in the Govern m ent of India Act 1935 section 309 for the first tim e and standardised later on for the purposes of the Constitution of the Indian Republic has all along been adopted for purposes of census operations as well. 'Scheduled Castes', means such castes, races or tribes or parts or groups within suCh castes, races or tni.b~s as are dee m ed under Article 341 (of the Constitution of India) to be the Scheduled Castes for purposes of the Constitution of India. No person who professes a religion different fro m the Hindu or the Sikh shall be dee med to be arne m ber of a Scheduled Caste. Likewise, 'Scheduled Tribes' means such tribes or tribal· com munities or 'parts or groups within such tribes or tribal co m m unities as are dee med under Article 342 (of the Constitution of India) to be the Scheduled Tribes for the purposes of the Constitution of India. Persons belonging to the Scheduled' Tribes may profess any religion. statewise statutory lists of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were notified for the first tim e after Independence under. the 'C onstitution (Scheduled Castes) order 1950 and the 'Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order 1950'. These orders have close links with particularly with Article 46 of the Constitution which lays down that "The State shall pro mote with Special care the educational and econo mic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and shall protect the m fro m social injustice and all forms of exploi­ tation". These lists have subsequently been modified, supple mented or am enaed fro m tim e to tim e. As a result· of the re-organisation of the states in 1956 involving transfer of territories from one State to another, a major change became necessary in most of the States. Consequently the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (M odification) order 1956" was promalgated and the interests of these two sections of the society were adequately safeguarded.
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