2014 LOK SABHA REPLIES WINTER SESSION, 2014 [3rd SESSION OF 16th LOK SABHA][24th November, 2014 to 23rd December,2014] INDEX Sl.No. Question Question Date Subject Division Page No. Type No. 1. 8 Starred 24.11.2014 Fast Track Courts for Justice.II 1 Women and Children 2. 9 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Reservation for Women Desk Side 4 Judges 3. 41 Unstarred 24.11.2014 National Mission for NM 6 Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms 4. 42 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Working Days in Courts Jusice.I 8 5. 48 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Digitization of Colurts Justice.II 9 6. 54 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Performance of Judges Justice.I 11 7. 55 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Pending Court Cases NM 13 8. 56 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Appointment of Judges Desk Side 21 9. 64 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Cases against MPs and NM 24 MLAs 10. 118 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Corruption in Judiciary Desk Side 26 11. 133 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Setting up of Legal Aid LAP 28 Clinic 12. 149 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Vacant Posts of Judges Desk Side 31 13. 171 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Cases Disposed of by JR Desk 35 Gram Nyayalayas 14. 182 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Pending Cases Related NM 37 to Labour 15. 203 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Cases Disposed of by LAP 40 Lok Adalats 16. 224 Unstarred 24.11.2014 Functioning of Fast Justice.II 43 Track Courts 17. 167 Starred 04.12.2014 Indian Legal Service JS(MD) 47 and State Judicial Service 18. 170 Starred 04.12.2014 Gram Nyayalayas JR Desk 49 19. 1850 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Use of Information Justice.II 51 Technology 20. 1856 Unstarred 04.12.2014 The Dowry Prohibition Justice.II 52 Act 21. 1863 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Recruitment and NM 54 Administration in Lower Courts 22. 1903 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Law Commission Report NM 56 23. 1913 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Faith in Judiciary NM 58 24. 1955 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Appointment of Judges Desk Side 60 25. 1973 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Special Courts Justice.II 63 26. 1983 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Dismissal of an Appeal NM 65 27. 1995 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Crimes by the Juveniles Justice.II 66 28. 1999 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Alleged Irregularities in Desk Side 68 Judiciary 29. 2013 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Project on Access to A2J 70 Justice 30. 2059 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Use of Hindi and Justice.I 72 Regional Languages 31. 2067 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Say Order from Higher NM 74 Courts 32. 2070 Unstarred 04.12.2014 Political Appointment of Justice.I 75 Retired Judges 33. 263 Starred 11.12.2014 Legal Aid to Poor LAP 77 34. 267 Starred 11.12.2014 Accident Related NM 83 Cases 35. 268 Starred 11.12.2014 Judicial Standards Desk Side 86 and Accountability Bill 36. 3024 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Cases of Irregularities AU(II) 88 against Meat Exporter 37. 3035 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Court Timings in Justice.I 89 Subordinate Courts 38. 3109 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Pending Court Cases NM 90 39. 3139 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Setting up of High Desk Side 92 Courts 40 3161 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Cases against Elderly Justice.II 96 Persons and Children 41. 3162 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Appointment of Judges Desk Side 98 42. 3170 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Use of Technology in Justice.II 101 Judiciary 43. 3178 Unstarred 11.12.2014 Family Courts Justice.II 103 44. 366 Starred 18.12.2014 Delhi High Court Justice.I 106 Amendment Bill 45. 4148 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Pending Cases against NM 108 NRIs 46. 4200 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Video Recording of Justice.II 109 Court Proceedings 47. 4238 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Pending Rape Cases Justice.II 110 48. 4247 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Lok Adalats and Gram LAP 113 Nyayalayas 49. 4284 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Pendency due to Stay NM 115 Orders 50. 4297 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Mediation Centres and LAP 117 ADR 51. 4299 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Removal of Judges Desk Side 120 52. 4311 Unstarred 18.12.2014 Cases Pending Against NM 121 Actors 53. 4333 Unstarred 18.12.2014 All India Judicial Service NM 122 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF·L.AW& JUSTICE (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) lOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. 8 TO BE ANSWERED ON MONDAY, THE 24th NOVEMBER, 2014 Fast Tracl( Courts for Women and Children *8. SHRI C. N. JAVADEVEN: SHRI PREM DAS RAI: Will the Minister of LAWAND JUSTICEbe pleased to state: (a) whether the Government has taken adequate steps for expeditious disposal, including setting up of Fast Track Courts (FTCs)'for cases relating to crime against women and children in the country including North East Region; (b) if so, the details thereof; (c) the number of cases related to racial crime, hate crime, rape and sexual harassment pending in the Supreme Court and various High Courts in the country along with the number of such cases disposed of by FTCs during each of the last three years and the current year, court-wise; and (d) the other steps taken by the Government to provide legal assistance and to ensure speedy justice to the victims of such crimes? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW & JUSTICE (SHRI D. V. SadanandaGowda) (a)to(d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House. 1 STATEMENIT REFERREU TO AN REPLY TO PAIR1rS(a) TO (d) OF LOI( SABHA STARREDQUE\STION NO.8 FOR24/11/2014 REGARDING FAUT TRACK COURTSFOR WOMEN AND CHilDREN (a)&(b): '~;overnment has written to the Chief Justices of the High Courts to ccmstttute Fast Track Courts (FTCs)for Sl)eedy trial of the pending rape cases in district/subordinate courts having a high pendency ot:such cases and to monitor the progress of these cases. The Chief Ministers of States have been requested to provide financial SUlllPortto the ttigh Courts for setting up FTCs for cases of crime agait1lstwomen.'-'!Setting up of subordinate courts including FTCsfor sp,eedytrial of cases relating to crime against women and children in the country including NOI1.h East Region, is the responsibiliity of the respective State Governments under the Constitutiol1lof India, (c): As per information received from the Suprema Court, the number of pending matters relating to subject categories dealing with crime against wemen and children filod from 1.1.2011 to 16.7~2014was 1920. As per report received from the National Crinle Records Bt'lreau, the <:ases registered and cases convicted in subordinate courts under rape (u/s 376 IPC) during 2011 to 2013 are as under: -- Year Number of cases registered Number of cases convicted ---------- -~- All the states NE States All the States NE States 2011 24206 2246 -r 4072 Z81 193 2012 24923 2376 3563 2013 33707 2663 5101 270 '----- (d): '-.:Government has also requested the State Governments and High Court!.' to conalder setting-up FTCs for disposal of cases relating to offences a!~ainst women, ehttdren, differently abled persons, senior citizens; and marginalized sections of society as resolved in the ConferElnce of Chief Ministers and Chief .Justices held on 7"' "'~pril,2013. ..._// 2 I legislative provisions have been made by the Government for setting up of speciaHcourts for speedy trial of offences agains,t children. Section 2',5 of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 provideathat f(tr the purpose of providing speedy trial of offences against children In of violation of child rights, the State Governmentmay, with the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court, by notification, specify at least a court in the State OIrspecify, for each district, a COllirt of Session to be a Children's Court to try the said offence. Secf:ion 28(1) of the Protection of ChBldrenfrom Sexual Offences Act, 2012 provides that for the purposes of providing a speedy trial, the State Government shall in consultation with the Chief Justice of the! High Court, by notification in the Official Gazette, dE!signatefor each district, a Court of Session to be a Special Court 11:0 try the offences under the Act provided that if a Court of Session is notified as a Children's Court under the COlnlnissions for Pro1l:ectionof Child Rights Act, 2005 or a Special Court designated for similar purpoaee under any other law for the time being ill force, then, such court shall be deemedto be a Special Court under this;section. Attention of the Chief Justices olf High Court::;has also been h1vi~edto the use of provisions under SE!ctiollS157, :309 & 327 of the Cr'.P.C. with a view to examination of witnesses (.n a day to day basis, keepil1gadjoul'l1mentat a bare rninimum and expediting trial of cases involving heinous crimes such as rape. They were requested to lmpreaa upon the district judges to scrupulously adhere to these provlalons in erial of ca!;es involving heinous crimes such as rape and to conduct trials without adjournment as far as possible. 3 "_ ....._ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW & JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LOKSABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO.9 TO BE ANSWERED ON MONDAY THE 24.11.2014 Reservation for Women Judges 9. SHRI RAM CHARITRA NISHAD: SHRI RAVINDRA KUMAR PANDEY: Will the Minister of LA W AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: (a) whether the number of women Judges in Supreme Court and various high courts is meagre; (b) if so, the details thereof and the number of women Judges in Supreme Court and various high courts, State-wise and court-wise; (c) whether there has been a demand for a minimum of 20 per cent reservation for women Judges in high courts; (d) if so, the details thereof; and (e) the steps taken by the Government to ensure adequate representation of women Judges in the judiciary? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI D.V.
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