19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 477 INDEXINDEX Numbers here refer to the 1,001 entry numbers, not to page numbers. Abelard, Pierre, 724 allergies, 238 abortion of kittens, 323 “Alley Cat Song,” 833 Abyssinian (breed), 190 America, cats introduced acknowledgment calls, 6 to, 517–520 acne, 249 American Bobtail (breed), Adamson, Lydia, 770 197 advertising, cats used in, American Cat Association, 943–973 209, 210 Aesop’s fables, 560-562 American Curl (breed), 183 African wildcat, 409 American Shorthair Agatha, Saint, 540 (breed), 175 Agincourt, Battle of, 578 American Tail, An, 934 ailurophilia, ailurophobia, American Wirehair 472, 974, 975 (breed), 194 Alexander the Great, 751 America’s Funniest Home Alexander of Tralles, 570 Videos, 881 ALF, 872 Amis, Kingsley, 723 Algonquin Hotel (New Amory, Cleveland, 755 York),COPYRIGHTED The, 987 ancestors, MATERIAL wild, 392–398 Alice in Wonderland, 804, Angora (breed), 138, 164 805 animal shelters, 357–359 All I Need to Know I anorexia, 382 Learned from My Cat, Anthony, Saint, temptation 759 of, 821 477 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 478 Index antifreeze, dangers of, 279 bathing of cats, 88, 89 apricot (coat color), 155 bees and wasps, 274 Aristocats, The, 935 “before a cat can lick his Aristotle, 474 ear,” 625 Artemis, goddess, 460, 475, belling the cat, 596 476, 481, 499 belly rubbing, 36 aspirin, 266 Bengal (breed), 196 associations, cat registry, Bentham, Jeremy, 725 209–211 Bible, 508–510 Athena, goddess, 477 Bierce, Ambrose, 743 Attila (comic strip cat), 885 Bigglesworth, Mr., 844 Australia, lack of native Bill the Cat, 895 cats in, 401 Bingham, George Caleb, automobile riding, 91, 92 824 Averill, Esther, 798 Bingham, Hiram, 728 Azrael (television cartoon birds, cats preying on, 68 cat), 904 Birman (breed), 161 birth of kittens, 325–329 Babbit and Castello, 922 Black Cat Hosiery, 949 back-crossing, 137, 345 Black Cat stove polish, baking soda products in lit- 959 ter boxes, 388 Black Cat, The (movie), 858 balance, 35 Black Cat, The (magazine), balance disturbances, 252 966 baldness, 246, 247 black cats, myths about, Balinese (breed), 162 523, 527, 576, 577, 580, Balzac, Honore de, 740 588, 589 Barker, Bob, 713, 978 blindness, cats as cure for, Barnet, Will, 826 577 Bast (Egyptian goddess), Blofeld, 843 445, 453, 457–461, 463, blue (coat color), 154 469, 475, 499 bobcat, 412 478 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 479 Index bobcat-housecat hybrid, 203, Capelli, Pietro, 1001 412 caracal, 424 Bombay (breed), 185 “care killed the cat,” 628 Bon Ami cleanser ads, 968 Carlyle, Thomas, 731 Bosch, Hieronymous, 821 Carnivora, 392–393 Bradwardine, Thomas, 726 Caroline in the City, 877 Brahms, Johannes, 748 Carter’s Ink Company ads, Braun, Lilian Jackson, 753 967 Breakfast at Tiffany’s, 848 “cat and dog life,” 670 breed, meaning of, 132 cat and fiddle, 459, 995 breeds of cat, 138–207 “cat and kittens” (drinking Britten, Benjamin, 830 vessels), 1000 Brown, Margaret Wise, 799 cat burglar, 608 brush (tail fur), 147 “cat in the clock,” 669 Bubastis, 457 Cat Fanciers’ Association, Buddha, 528, 530 209, 210 bunting, 4 “cat fight,” 611 burial of cats, 295 “cat fit,” 603 Burmese (breed), 189 “cat got your tongue?” Bush, George W., 681 605 “cat has no conscience,” cesarean section, birth by, 659 329 Cat in the Hat, The, 803 cages in cat shows, 219 Cat Heaven, 794 Calhoun, Mary, 788 Cat House, Key West, 989 calico, 153, 156 cat ice, 622 California Spangled Cat in the Manger, 795 (breed), 202 “cat may look at a king,” Calvin, John, 719 624 canine teeth, 111 “cat music,” 654 cannibalism among cats, “cat on hot tin roof,” 648 318, 328 “cat out of the bag,” 598 479 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 480 Index Cat from Outer Space, The, caterwaul, 610 853 catfish, 678 cat owls, 638 catgut, 673, 981 cat scratch fever, 639 cathouse, 635, 992 cat shows, 208-222 catlap, 636 cat whisker (radio), 643 catnap, 53, 599 Cat Who Came for Christ- catnip, 10, 11, 962 mas, The, 755 Cats (musical), 807, 827 “cat who swallowed the “cats in the belly,” 662 canary,” 664 “cats and dogs” (stock Cata-Muse, 988 market), 618 cat-and-mouse, 595 Cats Don’t Dance, 936 cat-foot, 634 Catskills, 644 cat-hold and monkey-hold, cattail, 641 544 Cattanooga Cats, 929 Cat-Lovers Cookbook, The, cattery, 352 781 Catti, 498 cat-o’-nine-tails, 637 “catting,” 630 Cat’s Eye, 842 “catting around,” 655 cat’s-eye, 645 cattus, 487 cat’s-faces, 650 “catty,” 592 Cat’s Little Instruction Book, catwalk, 642 A, 758 Catwoman, 857 “cat’s pajamas,” 604 Celts, 495, 496, 506 cat’s paw, 601, 640 cemeteries, pet, 295 Cat’s Paw shoe heels, 945 Cervantes, Miguel de, 657 catamaran, 572 Charles I, king of England, catamount, 437, 607 727 catawampus, 606 Chartreux (breed), 201 Catbert, 892 Chateaubriand, Francois catbrier, 614 Rene de, 738 catcall, 609 chatoyancy, 646 480 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 481 Index Chaucer, Geoffrey, 782 coat, double and single, 145 cheetah, 430, 431, 996 Coatsworth, Elizabeth, 791 Cheke, John, 708 “cobby” build, 141 Cheshire cat, 600, 805 Coca-Cola ads, 951 Chessie, 947 Cocteau, Jean, 714 chickens, cats’ behavior Colette, 696, 829 toward, 72 collars and harnesses, 40 chiggers, 255 Color Kittens, The, 799 Child, Julia, 729 color vision in cats, 100 children, cats’ reaction to, Confrey, Zez, 832 42 Coolidge, Calvin, 697 China, cats in, 514, 515 “copycat,” 656 Christianity, 469, 497–499, Cornish Rex (breed), 180 503–507, 512, 527, 998 Cosby, Bill, 718 Christina, queen of Sweden, Cosmo, 901 709 cougar, 437 Churchill, Winston, 684 Courageous Cat, 908 cigar ads, 958 Cowper, William, 778 Cinderella stories, 531 cremation of pets, 294 Cinderella (movie), 933 creodonts, 393 civet cats, 403 crepuscular hunting, 51 Claude Cat, 917 Crimes of the Heart, 849 Claudius Aelianus, 478 Crusades, 504, 512 claw caps, 227 “curiosity killed the cat,” Cleary, Beverly, 789 663 Clement of Alexandria, 469 Currier and Ives, 815 Cleopatra, 695 Cymric (breed), 168 clothes dryers, dangers of, 280 Daniels, A. C., 962 clouded leopard, 436 Darwin, Erasmus, 745 clowder, 651 Day, Doris, 698 Coats and Clark thread, 948 de Gaulle, Charles, 742 481 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 482 Index deafness among white cats, Egypt, ancient, 439–469 251 Egyptian amulets, 452 declawing, 33, 34 Egyptian Mau (breed), 182 Dennis the Menace, 896 Eisenhower, Dwight, 747 dermatitis, 286 electrical cords, gnawing Devon Rex (breed), 181 on, 278 diabetes, 269 electroencephalograph Diana, goddess, 481 (EEG), 53 Dickens, Charles, 699 Eliot, T. S., 807, 827 Dickinson, Emily, 767 “enough to make a cat digestive juices, 128 speak,” 619 digitigrade walking, 117 epilepsy, 264 Diodorus Siculus, 468 estrus (heat), 305–308 direction, sense of, 45, 119 Etruscans, 482 Disney, Walt, 906, 933, Ethyl gasoline ads, 964 935, 938, 940, 942 Europe, cats introduced to, Dodsworth (cartoon cat), 920 470, 488 dogs, cats’ relations with, European Shorthair 83–86 (breed), 199 Doraemon, 900 European wildcat, 408 Dorgan, Tad, 604 Eveready battery ads, 971 dream symbolism, 454 dreaming, 52 false pregnancy, 315 drowning of cats, 277 Fancy Feast ads, 972 dry bathing, 89 Far Side, The, 897 dry food vs. canned food, Farjeon, Eleanor, 760 366–370 farm cats, 50, 63, 72, 78 Durer, Albrecht, 818 Fat Cats (comic strip), 888 fat, cats’ need for, 363 ears, 106, 107 Felicla, Felicula, 486 earthquakes, 46 Felidae, 399, 426 Eek! the Cat, 913 Felidae (movie), 941 482 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 483 Index feline immunodeficiency Freyja, goddess, 545, 985 virus (FIV), 268 Fritz the Cat, 869 feline, meaning of, 400 frostbite, 240 feline urological syndrome (FUL), 260 Gallico, Paul, 757, 856 Felis catus, 402, 411 Garfield, 882, 883, 946 Felis lybica, 398 Gautier, Theophile, 837 Felis lunensis, 397 Gay Purr-ee, 937 Felis silvestris, 398, 405-411 Geisel, Theodore Seuss, Felix the Cat, 902 803 feral cats, 74, 347, 402 Get Fuzzy, 886 ferrets, 493, 562 “gib,” 677 Field, Eugene, 810 Gilbert and Sullivan, 828 Figaro (cartoon cat), 942 ginger (coat color), 154 “fight like cats and dogs,” Glanvil, Bartholomew, 766 83, 670 glaucoma, 250 figureheads, ship, 489 Goodrich, B. F., ads, 965 finicky eating, 375 grain silos, 440 fishing, 69 Gray, Thomas, 277, 773 fishing cat, 420 Greece, ancient, 470-479 Fisk Tire ads, 963 Gregory IX, pope, 505 “fixing,” 296 grooming, 7, 8 flea baths, 235 gums, healthy, 245 flea collars, 239 fleas, 239, 258 hairballs, 223 Florida panther, 438 hairs, different types of, Fontaine, La, 529 123, 145 food allergies, 238 Hale, Kathleen, 808 “foreign” build, 141 Hanna-Barbera cartoons, Francis of Assisi, 542 924–932 Frank, Anne, 746 Hardy, Thomas, 784 freckling, 126 harnesses, 40 483 19_569260_bindex.qxd 7/27/04 2:02 PM Page 484 Index Harry and Tonto, 859 Honest Scrap tobacco ads, Harry Potter, 840 961 “has a cat got a tail?” 615 Hopi Indians, 564 “has his back up,” 617 Howel the Good, 500 Havana (breed), 186 hunting, 63, 64, 65, 71, “having kittens,” 661 339-340 Hayes, Lucy, 704 hunting instinct, 63, 339- hearing, 95, 106, 107, 112 340 heat (estrus), 305-308 Huxley, Aldous, 693 heat stroke, 273 Heath, Edward, 735 I Remember Mama, 850 Heathcliff, 893, 946 ID registries, 289 Hecate, goddess, 527 ID tags, 288 Hello Kitty, 944 Ieper, Belgium, 985 Hemingway, Ernest, 680 illuminated manuscripts, Henry III, king of France, 501 749 impotence among male Herodotus, 460 cats, 316 Herrick, Robert, 692 Incredible Journey, The, 861 Herriot, James, 756 India (White House cat), “high as cat’s back,” 653 681 high-rise syndrome, 276 Indian desert cat, 410 Himalayan (breed), 160 Innocent VIII, Pope, 998 hissing, 29, 79 insects as food, 65 Hodori, 973 insurance, pet, 232 Hoffman, E.
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