The Auckland University College Magazine AUGUST, 1916 Pricc: 1/6 Volume Eleven Good Printing Otherwise JI Skilled Craftsman hits the mark just as easily as a poor one misses it, and with less effort.^sc, It is as easy for us to do Good Printing as to turn out a poor job, because we have acquired the first and never assimilated the second, ^sa «c> 4=so If you entrust us with printing that needs to be done Cheaply, you still obtain a good class of work, and you will pay no extra for the better result. Good Printing Cheap, {^^ffi Let the test be your next line of Catalogues, Del. Books, Order Books, Check Books, Letter Heads, or whatever you require, and note the result.^so Q)e are, at your service ABEL, DYKES LTD. For BETTER Work at LOW Prices, 46 - 48 SHORTLAND STREET - - AUCKLAND University Students ! GET YOUR KODAKS ANI) All your Photographic Accessories FROM W. H. WOOLLAMS The'Varsity Chemist. QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND DEVELOPING AND PRINTING DONE FOR AMATEURS Paeroa Mineral Waters Students should drink Lemon and Paeroa, most Refreshing and Invigorating. PAEROA NATURAL MINERAL WATER by analysis the best Table W ater on the market. Sole Proprietors of the Paeroa Sl>rinas Grey & Menzies, Ltd. EDEN CRESCENT, AUCKLAND Phone 1'2'j <50 For Your Friend at the Front A CAMERA FROM HARRINGTONS We have the largest and best variety ofSoldiers'Cameras inN.Z. No. 1 Ensignette, from 32/6 Ao. 1 Anseo, from 37/6 Vest Pocket Kodak, from 33/- Other Models at all prices it/) to £6 10s. Call and inspect these dainty little Instruments at Harringtons (N.Z.), Ltd., ELLISON CHAMBERS - - QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND Students ! Tennis Players ATTENTION ! GO TO E have been repairing Tennis Racquets for years, and have ex- ceptional facilities for this work. LasWt year we repaired OVER 500 RAC- QUKT.s.eloquent testimony of the quality and price of our work. We should be Ludzki & Co. pleased to have a trial, and can guar- antee to execute all work in a 185 QUEEN STREET, thoroughly satisfactory manner. Racquets Re-Strung FOR Equal to Nezv We make a specialty of Country Club work, and all Country orders will Hand Made receive prompt and careful attention. Phone 2617 Cigarettes A. BRUCE, And all Smoking Requisites Tennis Racquet Stringer, 94 ALBERT ST. (off Victoria St.) Walking Shoes ! Gym. Shoes ! Golf Shoes ! For Ladies and Gentlemen JAMES ADAMS & Co. (Opposite Y.M.G.A.). WELLESLEY STREET EAST iii. " Orderly and well, accordingly to the fashion of the time" —Shakespeare. A name of fame for value in apparel The Firm of Fowlds " The Popular Outfitters" Victoria Arcade ir. Fashionable Tailoring Correct Suitable Tailoring Prices T. W. Brough Ladies1 and Gentlemen's Fashionable Tailor 170 Karangahape Road, Auckland 'Phone 1851 STILL SOARING O Auckland, O o May 9, 191G. o THE HON. W. CARNCROSS, M.L.C., Wellington. Dear Sir,— Allow me to congratulate you on being selected for the London Mission. Probably you will be in a quandary as to what policy to adopt. The Hon. Hughes was in a similar plight until lie read my manifesto, which is enclosed, and by adopting its policy he has been soaring ever since. I have no objection to you using it. Trusting that you will break the record—which is assured —by keeping away from Ireland. With best wishes, accompanied with good luck, and a safe return by dodging submarines, bombs, and gas. I remain, Yours truly, P. VIRTUE. REPLY TO ABOVE Received by Wire, May 13, 1916 :— P. VIRTUE, Auckland. Thanks for your congratulations and advice. Will recom- mend your "Champion" Muscle Raiser to Geo. Rex, thus com- bining business with Imperial pleasure. (Sd.) CARNCROSS. Manifesto referred to. To My People (LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT.) Doubtless you are aware Englaiid is now in the throes of her free trade policy, i.e., the open door. Prior to the war she was the receptacle for our enemies' goods and undesirables, thus allowing the latter to creep into every crevice of the Empire, to England's peril. To remove past anomalies "Champion" suggests reason- able protection and a closed door to our enemies, which would enable England to be a much larger manufacturer, with better working conditions and wages for her workers, who have so nobly responded to the Empire's call. Meantime— Fortify on CHAMPION" Muscle and Courage Raiser I have spoken, v., Auckland, New Zealand. 0° • °o vi. STUDIOS 270 Queen Street Auckland, N.Z. • ° Ols^O o • Photographer by Special Appointment to His Excellency the l;<irl of Li\crpool Under Special 1 )ati'onaj>e of H.K.H. |)rince George of battenbery. • O 81^8 ° • Medal of Honour. Panama | )acific Exposition. I'irst Award and Gold Medal Anglo-Erench Exhibition. Speeiiil Award Cjold Medal and f irst Award and Gold Medal Auckland Exhibition. live (jolcl Medals and 1 wo Special Awards N.Z. International Inhibition. Medallist at World's Fair. St. Louis, U.S.A. vii. CITY ROAD, AUCKLAND Principal - Miss Hammond. A beautiful private home, near all the Colleges, very high elevation, commanding view of the harbour, quiet and healthy. For Students, Scholars of Secondary Schools, and other girls needing a home in town. YOUNG GIRLS SPECIALLY CARED FOR AND LOOKED AFTER For terms apply to "The Principal" Yiii. J. F. Leighton & Son LIMITED Printers Stationers Bookbinders Specialists :—OFFICE APPLIANCES and LOOSE- LEAF LEDGERS For Quotations, etc., rinjt up 'Phone 691 Head Office : 4, 6, 8, High Street, Auckland Factory: Excelsior Bldgs., Custom Street. Auckland HA IRDRESSER ! TOE A CCONIST ! Jonathan W. Coleman, 4 Shops : 9, 48, 49 and H.M. Arcade, Queen St., Auckland Y SALOONS are up-to-date, and I employ the largest staff of ex- pert hairdressers in the Dominion. Send a postal note for 7/6 and I will send you a first quality Bengali Razor, the same as is used in my Saloons. I have a fine stock of Briar, Meerschaum, and Calabash Pipes, including Comoy, G.B.D., B.B.B., and Loeive & Co. My stock of Gold and Silver-mounted Cigar and Cigarette Tubes for presentation is selected to meet all requirements. ^ I have a splendid range of Havana Cigars, including Manuel Garcia, Henry Clay, J. S. Murias, Flor de Naves, Partagas, and Por Larranaga.Jt My Manila Cigars include a very large variety of shape made by the La Rosa Co. of Manila. I am agent for all the leading brands of Cigars made by Jose Tin- chant and Gonzales & Co., Antwerp, Belgium. I recommend our Leader Cigars, 6/- per box of 25. ix. LAW TEXT BOOKS, NOTES and all Law Books for your use may be inspected and obtained at lowest STUDENTS prices, including :— GARROW'S NOTES for the 7 Subjects of the Law Pro- fessional Examinations. Anson's Contracts Kenny's Commercial Law Salmond's Torts Williams' Real and Personal Property Underbill's Trusts Phipson's Evidence and all other Current Text Books may be obtained from : AGENTS FOR THE W. G. ALLEN & CO. LAW BOOK CO. OF Law & Commercial Stationers N.Z. LTD. HERALD BLDGS., AUCKLAND A Story of Every Youth Is a Story of Growth and Change ! A Good Photograph now and then will mean everything to you—and :: :: to them in after years. :: :; Crozvn Studios Auckland and Wellington X. The Kiwi Auckland University College Magazine Volume XI August, 1916 Editorial ^ Editor: Mr. C. H. J. Wily. Sub-Editor: Mr. W. T. G. Airey. Business Manager: Mr. J. A. Kyd. Committee: Miss C. E. Hames and Mr. L. J. Comrie. Looking back over the past twenty months we cannot but be struck at the change that has come over the College. This change is none the less noticeable for the fact that it seems scarcely a definite alteration in any specific thing or things, but rather a feeling that we are not the same as we were a short time ago. We do not hesitate to ascribe this feeling—this atmosphere of change—to the war and its direct effect upon us. And when we think of the number of students who were with us a few months ago and who are now thousands of miles away taking part in the great world-struggle that is convulsing Europe, do we wonder that the College is not as it used to be ? In our actual numerical strength there has been little depreciation. Many have gone, it is true, but then many have flowed in to take their places. But it is the older men whom we have lost, and whom we miss—the men who used to lead our Committees and Executives, who were the moving spirits in our social gatherings; the men who, before several worthy gentlemen became enraged at the interruption of the soporific effect of their interminable droning, and frowned down the Capping-ceremony, were the life and soul of that jovial function—these are the men whose places cannot be filled in a term; no, nor in many terms, either. Yet we must not overlook the fact that the younger students have come to the front sur- prisingly well, and endeavoured with no small success to fill the vacant places. Nor have we, who are left behind, forgotten those who have answered the call, and flung themselves into that great mass of struggling humanity we term "The Front," to strike a blow for 3 honour and freedom against perfidy, violence, and insatiable greed—in other words, Prussian Militarism and German Kultur. We recognise that they have done much—have suffered and fore- gone much—that we whom they leave behind should be safe in our homes; that we should be able to go about our daily occupa- tions in comfort and security.
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