CULTURE OF FISH FOOD ORGANISMS Fish food organisms • Includes all plants and animal lives grazed upon by economically important fishes. • Contains all the nutrients such as essential proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. • Hence are commonly known as “living capsules of nutrition”. • Provides it at appropriate time play a major role in achieving maximum growth and survival of the young ones of finfish and shellfish. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 2 • Fish food organisms include; • Microalgae • Rotifer • Copepod • Artemia • Moina micrura • Daphnia pulex • Infosuria FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 3 Microalgae • Floating, microscopic, unicellular plant of the sea water. • Free swimming, pelagic and the size range from 2 to 20mu m. • Important components are diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae, blue-green algae and coccolithophores. MEDIA PREPARATION • For the culture , the sterilized seawater has to be enriched with substances for growth. • For this, a variety of media are available for enrichment. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 4 • 1. Walne’s Conway Medium Solution-A 1 Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) 100g 2 Sodium di Hydrogen Ortho 20 g Phosphate (NaH2PO4.H2O) 3 EDTA(Na) 45g 4 Boric acid 33.6g 5 Ferric Chloride(FeCl3.6H2O) 1.3g 6 Manganese Chloride MnCl2 0.36g FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 5 • Solution-B 1 Zinc Chloride ZnCl2 2.1g 2 Cobalt Chloride CoCl2 2.0g 3 Copper Sulphate CuSO4.6H2O 2.0g 4 Ammonium Molybdate 0.9g (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O) FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 6 Solution-C 1 Vitamin B1(Thiamine) 200g Solution-D 1 Vitamin 10g B12(Cyanocobalamine) Final media preparation Solution A 1ml/L Solution B 0.5ml/L Solution C 1 drop Solution D 1 drop FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 7 2.f/2 Media. Stock solution Per litre 1.NaNO3 75g 2.NaH2PO4.2H2O 5.65g 3. Trace elements(chelated) Na2 EDTA 4.16g FeCl3.6H2O 3.15g CuSO4.5H2O 0.01g ZnSO4.7H2O 0.022g CoC12.6H2O 0.01g MnCl2.4H2O 0.18g Na2MoO4.2H2O 0.006g 4. Vitamin mix Cyanocobalamine (VitaminB12) 0.0005g Thiamine HCl(Vitamin B1) 0.1g Biotin 0.0005g 5. Na2SiO3.9H2O 30g FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 8 Final media preparation NaNO3 1 ml NaH2PO4.2H2O 1 ml Trace elements stock solution (1) 1 ml Vitamin mix stock solution(2) 1 ml Na2SiO3.9H2O(only for diatoms) 1 ml FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 9 Stock culture maintenance Sub culture Mass culture: i. Batch culture ii. Semi-continuous culture iii. Continuous culture: a. Turbidostat culture b. Chemostat culture FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 10 Procedure of mass culture Done in FRP Tanks and are maintained outside in sunlight. Sterilized sea water is enriched with ground nut oil cake @250 gm/ton, urea @ 10 gm/ton and superphosphate @5 gm/ton. Microalgae is inoculated as per requirement from indoor cultures. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 11 Rotifer • Commonly known as wheel animalcules. • Microscopic and size is around 0.1-0.5 mm long. • Males are smaller than females. • Widely used as essential food source for marine fish,shrimp and larvae. • Important source used are Brachionus plicatilis and Brachionus rotundiformis. • Thrives best in 22-25 degree celsius and salinity between 10-15 ppt. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 12 1.STOCK CULTURE . Firstly ,collect B.plicatilis from the stagnant salt water with a scoop net. Dilute the sample by adding fresh clear water. Examine it under stereozoom microscope and pick up rotifer with fine dropper and inoculate in a 10 ml glass tube containing 5ml water. Feed them with yeast @200 ppm. Serially dilute the test tube cultures daily through several large tube of 20ml containing 10ml of water. Increase the volume to 50 to 100 ml capacity beaker and then to 1 to 2 litre to get a density of 100 to 150 individual per ml. Used as inoculums for mass culture. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 13 2. Mass culture . For mass production of B.plicatilis. Can be sorted in to 3 basic methods on food and feeding habits. i. Daily Tank transfer method FRP tanks of capacity 200-500 L is inoculated with chlorella @10-20*10 6 cells per ml. Introduce rotifer @25-50 individuals per ml. Rotifer density reaches to 100-150 individuals per ml 50% is harvested. Other half is harvested and transferred to another tank containing chlorella. Vacated first tank thoroughly cleaned and prepared for chlorella culture for the next and repeated daily. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 14 ii. Continuous culture Maintained for about month First chlorella is cultured using modified medium. After fertilization with this medium, the culture tank is inoculated with pure culture of chlorella. Chlorella reaches peak density, tank is re-fertilized with same medium and at same time rotifer is inoculated. When chlorella cells are consumed, Baker’s yeast is introduced @ 1g/million B.plicatilis. When reaches 100-150 individual per ml, about 25% is harvested and transferred to another tank. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 15 Copepods • Used as live prey. • Nutritional value than artemia. • Their typical zigzag movement, followed by a short gliding phase, is a important visual stimulus for fish larvae. • Males are smaller and lower in abundance. • Candidates belonging to both calanoid and harpacticoid for mass production. • Calanoids are recognized by long first antennae and harpaticoids have only a short first long antennae. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 16 Calanoid Harpacticoids Acartia tonsa Tisbe holothuriae Eurytemora affinis Tigriopus japonicus Calanus finmarchicus & Tisbenta elongata C.helgolandicus Pseudocalanus elongates Schizopera elatensis Collection from wild • From natural waters,copepods are collected by sieving Wild- plankton. • Wild collection using zooplankton net during early morning Hours. • Different sized copepods are separated using mesh net. • Using a light source in darkness, differentiated stages can be separated. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 17 • Collected sample can be kept in a lass container and placed in a dark room. • Phototactic movement of copepod makes it to concentrate near the light source. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 18 Artemia • Also called as brine shrimp or sea monkey. • Widely used species is Artemia salina. • Eggs are produced as a result of mating or parthanogenesis. • Thin shelled eggs hatches immediately and thick shelled eggs remain in dormant state and forms cyst. • Cyst are metabolically inactive. • After 20 hour, the outer membrane bursts and embryo appears. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 19 Procedure of hatching i. Hydration of cyst Artemia cysts are put in container containing low salinity at 25 degree celsius for 1 hour with aeration. After an hour, hydrated cysts are filtered through 100-125 mu m blotting silk cloth. ii. Decapsulation a. Using Sodium hypochlorite b. Using Calcium hypochlorite FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 20 iii. Hatching/Incubation of decapsulated cyst Hatched in a cylindroconical FRP jar having transparent bottom with continuous aeration. Stocked @ 0.5 to 1 g/litre of sea water. Optimum water quality parameters are 27-30 degree celsius, 7.5-8.5 pH, 25-35 ppt salinity. 1000-2000 lux light and saturated DO concentration. iv. Harvesting of nauplii It is hatch out after a period of 12-24 hrs. Top of the cylinder is closed with a lid and illumination is provided at the bottom. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 21 After 5 minutes, the nauplii gets accumulated at the bottom. Outlet of the tank at the bottom is opened and water is sieved through 100-120 mu m net to harvest the hatched out nauplii. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 22 Moina micrura • Transparent zooplankton with thin, flexible and collapsible exoskeleton. • Female body – 0.4 mm to 1.65 mm. • Consist of head, trunk and post abdomen. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 23 STOCK CULTURE . Collect Moina from freshwater ponds using 250-500 micron mesh scoop net. Dilute the sample by adding clear water and examine to pick up Moina using a dropper. Inoculate @ 1no./10 ml of filtered water in a 20 ml glass tube. Feeding by yeast @ 200 no./ml or chlorella. Each gravid Moina produces 8 to 10 offsprings in 18-24h FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 24 MASS CULTURE • Fertilize the tank with single superphosphate, ground nut oil cake and urea @20 ppm, 75 ppm and 8 ppm. • Freshwater chlorella sp.is inoculated on the same day with a cell concentration of 30-50 million/ml. • Inoculate Moina @40-50 no./litre once algal bloom develops. • Within a week it will reach a density of 20000-25000 no./litre. • At this stage, 30-50% of them can be harvested. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 25 Daphnia pulex • Adult – 0.2-3 mm length. • Enclosed in a carapace. • Head is single with a compounded eye. • 2 antennas present. • Mandibles present. • Thorax • Reproduces parthanogenetically. • Feeds on algae, bacteria, fungi and organic debris. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 26 CULTURE • Stock culture is fed with yeast @200 mg/litre. • Culture tanks are first fertilized with groundnut oilcake, single superphosphate and urea @75, 20 and 8 mg/litre repectively. • After fertilization, chlorella is added to the tank. • Inoculate Daphnia @40-50 individuals/litre after 3-4 days. • After 6-7 days of inoculation,a density of 20000-25000 individuals/litre. FISH FOOD ORGANISMS 12/10/2018 27 Infusoria • Collective term for minute aquatic creatures. • Found in green water ponds, freshwater bodies and brackishwater bodies. • Feeds on bacteria, algae, flagellates, debris. • Reproduces sexually by conjugation and asexually by binary fission. • Used for the early stages of freshwater ornamental fishes. • Important species are; Paramecium and Stylonychia- freshwater species.
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