Today: Our Choices for the State Senate -SEE EDITORIAL PAGE 6_ Weather Mostly cloudy today, high around HOME JO. Cloudy tonight, low in lower 50s. Cloudy tomorrow with rain THEBMLY VJPPTQTFD likely late in day or night, high In lower 60s. Friday's outlook, FINAL fair with little temperature "sis" i liuWlDl Jjfi. change. * y : DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS VOL. 90, NO. 90 j RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Thte Big Topic in Atlantic Highlands Urban By LEE STARNES possible for the borough. We are Robert Paddack, 45 East High- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - at the crossroads. It is either up- lands Ave., a building contractor, A random survey of borough res- hill or dowrmill from, here." said he was against urban re- idents yesterday indicated a ma- Mrs. William Hogan, Asbury newal. jority are in favor of urban re- Ave* said: ""Because my shop is located newal here, "I am for it. The only thing on First Ave., to make me move Although many persons refused that is going, to help the town would cost me money." Mr. Pad to tell The Daily Register how is urban renewal. Nothing has dack said. they felt about the controversial been done before." subject, an overwhelming num- "Mrs. William Connell, 111 Bay ber voiced the opinion that ur- Ave., was positive about her feel-. than what they would give mejo ban renewal was the only* hope ings toward the proposal. the town. But I am against the for the borough. "Definitely I am for it," she Next Tuesday, residents will be said. "There is a nered." voting on two special referendum Mrs. Connell pointed toward the Mr. Paddack said he had been questions: a modern borough buildings along First Ave. a lifelong resident- of the town. complex to house the various rr>U' "Everybody knows how . bad He said his father owned the bus" nicipal departments and urban re First Ave. is and everybody has!iness be{o'e him. newal. read a£out urban- renwal. The Richard Stockton, Robert Duncan, 20 East High town needs it. James Lane, a surveyor, said he lands Ave., indicated he origi- "I hate to take my business preferred a self-help approach to nally had mixed emotions re- out of town. We need facilities the borough's problems:' garding the proposed project. He and stores here and urban re- "Too few of these urban re- said he is voting "yes." newal can give it to us. If you newal projects are ever com- "I see no alternative for pur want to buy many things you pleted. I feel we .would be short- town," Mr. Duncan said. "I tlfink have to go out of town. This isn't changed by it if it ever went Robert Paddack Mrs. William Connell Robert Duncan Richard Stockton Mrs. William Hogan it is the only survival method good." through," he said. Humphrey Sees War Shortening Viet Cong Press Mortar Siege SAIGON (AP) — Viet Cong|day on suspected Communist:C118 transport' that lumbered; The U.S. Command disclosed that' Humphrey arrived in Kualai Some 200 youths massed In mortarmen carried the attack on \ camps and supply areas. ! over the U.S. Marines' war-30 to 40 Viet Cong attacked an; Lumpur, the Malaysian cap-downtown 'Kuala Lumpur last the Vietnamese district head-! Ground fighting was generally! scarred battlefront at an altitude Army helicopter compound at ital, from Saigon today as night but scattered when riot qquarters at Loc Ninh into the:light across the country, but of 1,500 feet. Hours before; Chu Lai last night to plani ex- hundreds of steel-helmeted riot police arrived. fourtfh h dad y bub t lleft the National troops of the U.S. 25th Infantry;Humphrey's plane droned over!plosive charges, but the com- police guarded against a repmi- Flying,a quarter of a-mile hiRh Day parade in Saigon alone. Division reported killingt22 Vietjthe DMZ, Marine fighter-bomb-!mand said the attack apparently] tiqn of Jhe violence, that brokejbetween the range of Communist Cong in a fierce eight-hour fighters attacked a suspected surface-!had no-cannectiBn"wftrrfrTe: vice'out during President Johnson's!.machine guns and missi'-:, The 200-round barrage fired at .—*—* ... _.= , .--< •—,•- -•..- <----"•-• president's- visit. Ten Ameri-jvisit last October. i Humphrey surveyed the U.S. one of the American battalions yesterday only 19 miles north to-air missile site just north of defending Loc Ninh wounded onlyl"^™- Americans the zone, but Humphrey's plane icans were reported wounded and Humphrey's effigy was hanged \Marines' batleground along Vict- one man. A total of 365 Com-I^' killed and 11 was 1,500 feet below effective damage-to aircraft and equip-'in I'eiang. a hothed of. leftist inam's demilitarized zone earlier mupists have been reported killed j lce President Hubert •SAM range. jment was reported 'light, There | activity 180 'miles to :he north, today. From his lumrm""f-; in attempts this week to overrun: . Humphrey also visited U.S. was no report of enemy casual- a few hours before he arrived transport plane, he saw U.S. ar- the town 72 miles north of Saigon, 'zone from a units at Da Nang and Chu Lai. ties. in a big U.S. Air Fnrcs jet. tillery hammering Red positions. apparently for a propaganda victory to take some bloom off the inauguration of President Two Democratic Senators Jury Hears Nguyen Van Thieu. GRAND PRIZE'— Jane Oucey, 17, drum nwjoretfj Allied casualties at Loc Ninh Russo In «f-Long Branch- High - School- -Band, -accepts -D>i so far were reported ta be seven Alexander Vineburg trophy from Joseph E. Sirianni, Americans and 18 South Viet- namese killed, .and 21 Americans Police Probe chairman of Exchange Club Mardi Gras Committee, and 64 South Vietnamese Party Debate War FREEHOLD - Despite his de- after last night's Mardi Gras parade. Band won wounded. B52 bombers dropped nia 300,000 pounds of explosives to- WASHINGTON (AP) — Two challenge to the President," Me- Fulbright said polls indicate aihaps a confrontation at the con- ' Mondayy , Anthony "Little grand prize as best unit in parade. j Democratic crjtics of President Carthy.said. widespread public belief that thejvention itself.- He recently said Pussv" Russ° appeared yester- Johnson's Vietnam policy sug- McCarthy said in-party debate nation is not getting the full there should be primary chal- dad y beforbf e thhe Monmouth County I Register Staff Photo) Grand Jur durin tticiMrh inwst gest the kind of war debate over Vietnam would be politi- story on Vietnam, and pre-cam- lenges unless the war situation y 8 '- V Deadline improves • |.gation of police interference which has raged in the Senate cally better for the Democrats ,p,paigg n Democratic discussion of be carried on in party councils ' '. „ , charges in Long Branch. For Candidates than "to pretend a unity which the issue would help overcome Just because—Congress—a4 *s~Democrais prepare for the is not,genuine. that. journs, I don't ses an* reason Russo was named in a Sept. 1 In an effort to provide full 1968 WhiteJJpse.campaign. Xife_magaiine—article as "tho ..ShQuld,JohnsBn,,-as-expoctedrIl -why-we-'should' all May rJnwii MS IfflpaftM™coverage'"of *. .. rackets boss of Monmouth Coun- Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, T> seek a second full term in the "It would be-a very-healthy!j our arms" and just drop this," contests in Tuesday's general ty," charges he has denied. Minn., said yesterday the pro- White House, it would -appear I thing for the country," Fulbright the senator"" said. "This is not election, The Daily.Register cess he envisions could lead to virtually impossible for any chal-|said. The West Long Branch contrac- has set a deadline of 5 p.m. the kind of issue you can argue contests over foreign policy pro- lenger to wrest the nomination ''"This debate should be within in chambers. You have to lake tor spfcnt about half "an hour be- Classy Parade Friday for. statements and nouncements in the Democratic fore lhe Gran(1 Jur J from him. •"•••_ the Democratic party," McCar-|it to - And'"the jury"isj > . nut. could press releases of candidates. platform — and perhaps over • • - not bbe reachereached fofor commencomment folfol- Every effort will be made to McCarthy acknowledged that, thy said in an interview. "Re- the people, between now and the the presidential nomination it- but said the process of challenge publicans are not really con- convention." lowing the session. publish both sides of contro- self. ' versies in Monday's news- could itself have some impact fronting this." McCarthy said he was not tak- Long Branch Municipal Court At Mardi Gras paper. "You have to anticipate ulti- on administration policy. McCarthy said the war issue ing the part of any potential Judge Stanley M. Cohen was an- LONG BRANCH — Goblins and across a ramp directly in front mately that there" may be a Chairman' J. W. Fulbright, D- might arise in attempts to in- Johnson rival but intends to keep other witness called before the ghosts, witches and warlocks, and of the judges. Ark-., of the Foreign Relations fluence the Democratic platform discussing the topic. There have jury yesterday along- with four detectives. even Charlie Brown's Great Sponsored by the Long Branch Committee said open discussion or the selection and commitment!been pprivati e indicationidii s t>(l agree- Pumpkin with Snoopy in at- Exchange Club, the Mardi Gras of war policy in the months be- of delegates. ment from some other Demo- Also called were State Police tendance were featured in last celebration was planned by a com GOP Head Places fore the Democratic national con- He said there could be favorite cratic senators who are re- Detective Howard Graff, Investi- night's Mardi Gras parade, mittee headed by Joseph E.
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