r A r ;..y -v^ ^ ^ t ’ ^ , - < r ••'V w■.’V•^.i' -v-./-'-.'^v i- ■ -“ -.’ yi”.' >•' - .• . .. AIVkBAOB DAILY CnODLAnOM fw IlM'liMrtk «f Mwdi. im - o f Dm A o D t A • »'■-. VOL. L n « NO. 159. Advertiriag od P o fo t»y M^CHESTBR. CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1988. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS FDtSTQDOTAS Blimp’s Rescue Effort Ends in Tragedy ROOSEVELT HAS OFF TOMORROW P L A N T O U F t F O R M JOBS G O IB ^ A R G O 25,000 Men From 17 Giles P r ^ e o t To Isooe Orders In Keeps Nerve Through Akron’s Plunge LL-Commaiider Wiley aaii u p Be Sent To Military Near F o tiir^T o Arrange Two Memliers of Akroo Camps-4lost Needy In Conference Abo Widi (krew Tb Gire Testimoiiy First Conth^ents. Prime Minister MacDonald At Probe To Be HeU Tb W«abia|:ton, April 6— (A P )—The Washington, Apri’ 5.—(AP)— Se$ What Caused (Sasl^ flret 30,000 men who will form part Presldsat Roosevelt’s program for of the ConeervatloD Corpa, will be action, domestic and International, sent to military camps for condl* An errand of mercy turned Into tragedy when the Navy blimp J-8, fiying from Lakehwnit N. J., to search forged ahead today on varied No lo r e Bodies Recofcr- for sturvlvors of the Akron, crashed into the sea a mile off shore at Beach Haven, N. J., killing two of its crew fronts^ tlonlng beghming tomorrow. and Injuring five. The photo shows the stricken bUmp as Coast Guard craft dashed to the rescue. Quotas from which this first de­ W ^ e Congress kept its pace on ed and Only One Small tachment will be drawn have been leglalatiqn he has pnt before It > fixed for 17 dties. farm relief, unemployment and se­ curity regulation. It developed that Piece of Wreckage Fonni President Boosevelt by executive TWOmitEFIGErS the Chief Executive intended In order today made avallsble |10,000,- ASSEMBLY BILL FORBIDS the immediate future to lift the 000 to finance the beginning of Federal embargo on gold. New York, April 6.— (A P)—^Tha work. His order took the money Also th< Chief lizecutive, who troubled waten off the Jersey Coast from unexpended construction ftmds. lUlEADFORWnS held his semi-weekly conference today held most of the evidence M ost N eed y BEER UNTIL APRIL 25 with newspapermen this morning, which might lead to determination The first contingent will be select­ issued a statoment expreesing hope ed from among men most In need of that Prime Minister MacDonald of of the cause of the airship Akron’a help and whose drcumstanoes are crash at sea with a loss of 71 men. Ratification and Regnhtion Great Britain could visit him here fuOy and accurately known. Unless Regulatory Legisla­ to confer on the economic and But official forces moved swiftly HITLER PRAISES TTie Labor Department decided to­ arms questions, which the adminis­ to use what little evidence and di­ day that the camps will be operated Stin Needed, Mrs. Sabin tration is anxloiu to push to world rect testimony was still available on a five-day working basis with a tion Shall Take Meet Be­ agreem ent. toward solution of the secret ot his­ maximum of 40 hours a week. Pay GERMAN FARMERS TeDs Her Followers. Hines' Report tory’s greatest tragedy of the sir. will be at the rate of $30 a month, fore That Date— ^^Demo­ The President received from lieut. Commander Herbert V. payable twice a month. Frank T. Hines, veterans’ adminis­ Wiley and the only other survivors, The first group w ill be selected sus tra to r a report th at $1,203,000,000 M . E . Ehrwin and Richard Deal, w ere follo w s: crats Hold Canens. Says Peasantry Backed Up W ashington, A p ril 5.— ( A P ) — is going to be saved the govern­ ordered to proceed at once by air to New York C3ty, 7,500; Buffalo, Mrs. Charles H. Sabin today told the ment eventually from one feature Washington to report to Rear Ad­ 000; Chicago, 4,000; Philadelphia, 8,- fourth annual conference of the alone of the new economy program miral Ftatt, chief of naval opera­ / OQO;. Pittsburgh, 900; Detroit, 2,100; Hartford, April S.*—(AP) — A Goyemment Almost 100 —curtailed expenditures for hospi­ tions. After being rescued from / Cleveland, 1,000: Cincinnati, 500; Women’s CrganlzktioD for National tals and - eterans’ care. the sea they were brought here bill ftwrt^g^r^asle, of beer in the Prohibition Reform that, with “the St. Loiiis, 900; Kansas Qty, |400; On top of that it developed that yesterday and spent the night in first big, decisive battle for repeal Baltimore, 1,000; Bostofi, 900; M il­ state .im ti} April ?25, unless regula­ Per Cent In Some Cases. by Friday the Chief Executive the naval hospital. waukee, 600; Washington, 500; tory l^^Slation shall take effect won” her followers bad ahead just hopes, to Iry one more big task be­ The only physical evidence for in­ two more battles, "ratification and fore Congress—restoration of the vestigators to study was held by the prior to that time, was adopted in regulation." fOonttaned On Page Three) Berlin, April 5.— (A P )—Chancel­ Ug Musde Shoals power and ni­ Navy here, a section of bent both Houses of .the Legislature today lor Hitler, addraastag the Gnpan "Thep,” said Mrs. Sabin in open-’ trate plant, together with the teuminum ventilating tube which tinder suspenrion of the rules. was the only piece of wreckage Agricultural (Camber ConvanOon ing the convention, "w e may dlsbatid rounded development of the Ten­ and go home to our koitttag." nessee river b a^. from the great ship recovered. The bQl had be«i adopted In the today, asld the future of tha" prep­ House yesterday with' provisions She prophesied th a t . iMahaTwOytjf Ball Reorganization Miraculously alive after plirnging 1600 feet- with the ill-fated Akron May Find More DAVIS ARRANGING definitely banning the sale of the ent government .Is assured because would "free for intelHgent political Mr. Itoosevelt also pushed his into the stormy Atlantic and dinging, with three other men, to an air But there was still hope that bsveMge until such time as regula­ it has at heart the interests of action. the largest body of instruct­ railroad reorganization proposalSi mattress until rescued, Lieutehlmt Commander Herbert V. Wiley,', the more wreckage might be found off tory legislation shall have passed. small farmsi and peasants. ed, knowledgeable ytomen ever let fxpected to be drawn up by Friday Craft’s executive officer, showed no sign of the ordeal as he greeted pho- the Jersey shore to serve as mute fORDEBTFARLEY The amendment making li effective Germany woultf have to start all loose in a Demtocracy." so legislation may be offered In tographrs In the Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., as shown here. testimony of the tense momenta only until AptU 25, was Introduced over with “veiy .- primitive com- The .'membership ^ the women's Congress by next week. jWhen Wiley stood calmly in the Akron’s control rOom and realized, ip the Senate by Senator Joseph P. monsense prindplea,;’ lu every field organization w as given as 1,802,708. This plan centers on control of that a .crash was inevitable. Oo<mey who had the original bill of endeavor, he said, rince in the They have been trained, she.sai^ in all rail transportation 1^ a Federal M et fifteen years "thees has been “b r^ e a l p6Utlca’*’^-hairlug le«raed co-ordinator and .the iH ^deqt Ini- Ships and planes coursed back F ru ce Jobs Bribio h tabled in the Upper House yester- -V l.iCb u n h sard-tf in te i^ w e sria g / o f In- "to q u es ^ bafidldates. to gbtthe tw<^ 1;^ into the exist-. the stormy wattew tf«y . ' . hl'lMeMNSte’^ a rter ’ for- - anythlttg Ihe apMadment was adopted 'terests aoithit U is htrdly possible am neordh-te-nean^m iliiliiait^ Leg*' ' •bbiUBBeree■ e r -eemnils_______ n l^ R d iiR T o S e s i f i n ; ^ to proceed a step wlthoiit Jiumpliig islators with lynx-lilm sytf.” slon, with itqr'Tegulatofy functions. Md^raalifiRtectva aimiv^iilnt aa to the ^H o^ .with l^ktla exactly what caused the Akron, gainst material. and splmual obr- Her i^ p , she said, had "helped He expects the two to work to­ Repr4santatlv4 Daffiienbei imugbt in a fieraa electric atorm, to Bridgeport, thanked the booy tor n b tio n .” in sending to defeat six bone-dry gether, wlibout in any way cramp­ To the Amnkoii C a ; ^ ing the L C.^C.’s authority. descend so rapldfy that there waa approving an .amendment on the present regime never could Senators, among them some who only an interlude of. 80 seconds be­ This was seen here to point to Unes he suggested yesterday.' make basic mistakes, the chancel­ seemed as permanent fixturas in the tween the moment when Wiley gave The amendment was brought Into lor B ^ . because its prime mission Capitol as the very walls.'* Joseph B. Eastman, member of the the order to stand by for a crash Paris, April 6.— (AP)->An Initial the Beaste,after a long Democratic was to; sustain the German peas­ Claims Part Ors^t. Interstate (fommerce Commission Legid^n Poi&g b: 13 and the time when the Akron struck world economic conference will be osuciu .which held up the 'regular antry, which, he said, backed up Mrs.
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