subscribe! RAMPIKE features select talent from around the world within a unique thematic: framework. $11 pays for a one-year s~J,sc:riptlon of two issues. Postage Included. Some back issues of RAMPIK'E are still avail· able In very limited numbers. Recent back Issues Include: the Violence Issue (sold out), the Erotica Issue (still available, a hundred copies still In stock), the Dream Issue (sold out), the Institutions Issue (approaching sell-out, twenty copies In stock), the Propaganda Issue (approaching sell-out, twenty copies In stock), and the Food Issue (approaching sell-out, forty copies in stock). INDEX Past numbers have featured: Laurie Anderson, VIto Acc:oncl, Claude Beausoleil, Joseph Beuys, Charles Bernstein, Stuart Brlsley, Chris Editorial 2 Burden, Nicole Brossard, George Bowerlng, William S. Burroughs, bpNicho/ 4 VIctor Coleman, Jean-Paul Curtay, Sandor Csoori, Jean-Paul Daoust, Frank Davey, Jacques Derrlda, Michael Delisle, Christopher Dewdney, Karl Jirgens 8 Luc:len Francoeur, John Glorno, Dave Godfrey, Brion Gysin, Noel Richard Truhlar 12 Harding, Herbert Huneke, Richard Kostelanetz, Ell Mandel, Robert MichaelWinkler 13 Mapplethorpe, David McFadden, Steve McCaffery, Opal L. Nations, Maurice Roche 14 bpNic:hol, Dennis Oppenheim, AI Purdy, Josef Skvorec:ky, Phllippe Jean-Pau.lDaoust 15 Sollers, Takls, France Theoret, Yolande Vlllemaire, Michael Winkler, Mas'udZavarzadeh·16 Lars Vilks, Joel-Peter Witkin, and others. DavidUU 20 For further information about RAMPIKE please order a free backllst. Thomas Townsley 22 RoyMiki 23 Order RAMPIKE dlrec:t and be certain to receive it before it sells out. Monty Cantsin 24 The upcoming issue of RAMPIKE will have no spectnc theme. JohnRiddell 26 SubmisslODS due: spring l!J87. Charles Bernstein 28 Shaunt Basmajian 29 Subscriptions: $12 for two issues. Sample copies, $6. Philippe Sollers 30 ~onnement: a deux numeros, U$. Numero specimen, 6$. Opal Louis Nations 31 Boris Wanowitch 32 All correspondence, Tont correspondance, Raymond Federman 34 Editorial and administration: RM&ction et administration: TristanRenaud 36 Dennis Oppenheim 37 RAMP IKE Carol Dallaire 39 95 Rivercrest Road Russell Banks 40 Toronto, Ontario Brian Edwards 42 Canada M6S 4H7 Ooko. Makoto 43 (416) 767-6713 Kirby Olson 46 ISSN 0711-7646 DavidMcFadden 47 ©1986 Andras Petocz 49 PazdNagy 50 Rosemary Sullivan 54 RAMPIKE is listed in: Placid 56 The Cll1UIIlllln Serlals Directory AlanLord 58 Box 1141, Station F, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 2T8 Alain-Arthur Painchaud 58 and A_nonyme Sanregret 58 The lnte1711ltional Directory ofUttle Magazines and Presses Yves Boisvert 59 c/o Dustbooks, PO Box 100, Paradise, California, 95969, U.S.A. Conservation du Present 60 Nq.poleon Moffat 60 Editorial: Karl Tugens. Jean-Luc Bonspiel 61 Cmresponding Editors Michel Lefebvre 62 Toronto: Kateri Damm, David McFadden, bpN'IChol, and Joe Revells. James Gray 64 Montreal: Nicole Brossard, Claude Beausoleil, Michael Delisle, Michael Gay, Alan Lord. D. C. Robertson 66 Boston: James Gray. R. J. Ferrelli 68 · New Yode Holly Anderson, Christopher Brady, and Richard Gessner. France: Jein-Paul Curtay, Roland Sabatier. Joanna Gunderson 70 Italy: Enzo .Minarelli. JohnBerndt 71 Germany: Tom Peiffer, Jtlrgen Olbrich. Susan Parker 71 Hungary: Ivan de Beky. George Chambers 72 Iron Curtain: Peoples' Republic of Poetry. Mark Po/izzotti 74 Great Britain: Ken Hollings. Andrzej Dudek-Durer 75 Roland Sabatier 76 RAMPIKE is published twice ll1llllllllly. We will accept unsolicited photocopies of written Contributors' Notes 80 mbmissions. Please do not forwanl original manuscripts. Please include an SASB. All Gary Shilling 81 manuscripts should be typed, double-spac:ed, and printed only on one side of the manuscript pages. RAMPIKE is not responsible for the return of texts or photographs. Guide lines are available upon requesl Copies of this magazine will be forwarded to contributoD upon publication. The editor is responsible for the choice of texts which appear in this magazine. but any opinions expressed by Ule authors are solely their own. RAMPIKB gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council All copyrights feiJUlin with the contributirig artists/writers. R6daction: Karl Tu-gens. R6daction-Raeau Toronto: Kateri Damm. David McFadden, bpNichol, Joe Revells. Montr6al: Nicole Brossard, Claude Beausoleil. Michael Delisle, Michael Gay, Alan Lord: Boston: James Gray. New York: Holly Anc:leJllon, Christopher Brady, et Richanl Gessner. France: Jean-Paul Curtay, Roland Sabatier. Allemagne: Tom Peiffer, Jtlrgen Olbrich. ltalie: Bnzo Minarelli.. Holigarie: Ivan de Beky. Rideau de Fer: Peoples' Republic of Poetry. Grande Bretagne: Ken Hollings. RAMPIKB parait deux fois l'an. Les manuscrits ~~dresses ala~ doivent etre dac:tylograpbi~ l double interligne et au recto seu1ement. Les auteurs dont pri~ de conserver 1m double de lems artic1es. La revue n'est pas IeSpOIUable des manuscrits ou ouvrages adress6s. La Rdaction ~it sur :nmdez-vous. La mdaction est responsable du, choix des textes qui paraissent dans la revue. mais les opinions n'engagent que leurs auteurs. RAMPIKB est publiee avec le concours du Conseils des arts du Canada et de I'Ontario. Tous droites nSserv~. "copyright" les artistes/auteuiB. Cover image by Gary Shilling./ Couverture par Gary Shilling. Graphic design and layout by Fausto Bedoya. Realisation graphique Fausto Be":ioya. Printed at The Coach House Press./ JmpriJna pat The Coach House Press. ...' EDITORIAL In the west our attachment to the pursuit of knowledge outstrips our Dans les pays occidentaux, la poursuite achamee de la connaissance digestion of knowledge. It is like pouring liquid into a full cup. But we depasse la capacite de digestion: c'est essayer de remplir une tasse deja have "Pataphysics, with its new improved double elision mark! pleine! Heureusement, i1 y a la ''Pataphysique, avec sa double elision, la "Pataphysics, the imaginary science of impossible solutions, can offer ''Pataphysique nouvelle et amelioree, la science des solutions imaginaires instant and gentle relief to clogged mind passages. Digestion of qui peut soulager instantanement et en douceur les circuits mentaux knowledge improves dramatically with regular doses of "Pataphysics. By surcharges! La digestion de la connaissance s'ameliore nettement, a admitting the impossible, or the possibility of the unknown, a vast condition de l'accompagner d'une dose reguliere de la ''Pataphysique. En frontier suddenly opens. Lewis Carroll knew this when he wrote Through admettant !'impossible ou la possibilite de l'inconnu, un immense champ the Looking Glass. Clearly, there is no such thing as clockwise or d'experi~nce s'ouvre. Lewis. Carroll ne l'igno~t ~as en ecnvant Through counter-clockwise. In his book Synergetics Buckminster Fuller has · the l.LJoking Glass. ll est clair que le sens des mguilles d'une montre n'a explained the nonsense of up and Clown. Sunrise? Absurd. The earth pas de sens. Dans son livre Synergetic's, Buckminster Fuller montre turns. But the mind is a pataphysical camera. Sometimes it invents what it l'absurdite des notions de haut et de bas. Le solei! se leve? C'est absurde. sees. Time was invented by people. Set the pataphysical camera's shutter ~·est la terre 9-ui.to~e! ~s resprit est.une camera pataphysique qui speed to 1/infinity in order to catch the universal everlasting moment. Is mvente parfo~s ce qu il vo1t. L homme a mvente le temps. n suffit done there life after death? After all, space is only a concept. Is transcending de regler la Vltesse de la camera pataphysique sur l{mfini pour saisir le space and time possible? The notion of television may seem absurd to moment eternel et universe!. Y a-t-il une vie apres la mort? Apres tout, natives of the rainforest But the pataphysical camera has only one l'espace n'est qu'une representation de l'esprit. Peut-on transcender la moving part-the mind. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle questions notion d'espace et de temps? Pour les habitants de lajungle, l'idee de la the degree to which we affect our perception of things when we try to television est absurde! Mais la camera pataphysique n'a qu'une piece examine them. When did the notion of telekinesis first reach mobile: l'esprit. Et, selon le principe d'incertitude d'Heisenberg, I'esprit consciousness? Einstein pointed out that a triangle on the surface of a. modifie sa propre perception des choses des qu 'il essaie de les examiner. globe has 270 interior degrees. The flat earth 'society was appalled. These Quand l'idee de telekinesie s'est-elle formee pour la premiere fois? words were found written on the surface of a Mobius strip: "There is a lie Einstein soulignait que Ia somme des angles d'un triangle trace a 1a written on the other side of this paper." Playwright Alfred Jarry's insane surface du globe etait superieure a 180•. La societe pour la defense de 1a anti-hero Ubu has become a reporter for so-called news tabloids; Terre plate en etait horrifiee! "ll y a un mensonge sur I'autre oote de cette ''Mermaid Armada Attacks Nuclear Submarine off Virgin Islands." Our bande de papier," trouve-t-on ecnt sur une bande de Mobius. Ubu perception of the world has always been at least partly pataphysical and in I'anti-heros de l'absurde d' Alfred Jarry, est devenu le redacteur en'chef this issue of RAMPIKE we celebrate the wonder of the impossible. A des "tabloids"! ''Des sirenes attaquent un sous-marin nucleaire au large child may ask why the sky is blue, why the grass is green. Don't answer. des lles Vierges!" Notre perception du monde a toujours ete partiellement Instead, put your shoes on your head and jump through the window. pataphysique et, dans ce numero de RAMPIKE, nous celebrons les metveilles de 1'imaginaire. Si un enfant vous demande pourquoi le ciel est bleu, pourquoi l'herbe est verte, ne repondez pas.
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