1943 Helm» athletic Foundation - ■ ■ - ■ • For Release: Wednesday Afternoon, December 22, Thursday Morning, December 23, * * * ALL-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA C.I.F. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL ISAM 1943 90S, FLAYER TEAM HEIGHT WEIGHT YEAR REMARKS E ELLERT WXLLIM3. Pasadena 6* 00 168 Sr. Pass Rcr,19 pts. Def. 1 TERRY HENNESSEY. * * MtoCarrael * 6 ’01 198 sr. Pass Rcr»34 pts, Defi T RUSSELL POMEROY. „ Whittier ' 6»00 183 Sr. Charges,Tackles.GoodE T BILL IKTTT . 175 Sr, Rugged & Aggressive,. G KETTFT DEEDS. 5*09 165 Sr. Xlnt blocker.Defense G ROBERT LEFORT. ■ . Leuzinger 6*02 220 Sr. Fast for'siz^aBlóckSí "T ■J RICHARD MAYHEW . • Bonita(LaVerne)- 5’10 175 Sr, Accurate .Defense .inch'-oa B NORMAN VEEH. 6’00 187 Sr, Runs¿Passes¿Kicks,55 pts B BOB NEBO ........ 5*08 158 Sr, Runs«Passes, 79'ptsy " 3 RONNIE DEAN. 5? 09 148 Sr. Runs .Fast .Shifty .71 Q JAMES CHADWICK . , . ■ Santa Monica ■&*08 150 Sr. Runs«Kicks .Good, 72 j > o ■ ' 3B AL Sa.Wi.YA. • , San Diego 6*01 200 Sr. Terrific BlockercLender Comment; Twélve Seniorá gained places on the 1943 All-Southern California Team:. Norman Veeh, of Tustin, a brilliant all-around back, was the only player to cap- tore honors for the second consecutive year, Veeh was chosen for the blocking tack assignment on the 1942 AllSouthern California outfit, ' Williams and Hennesey iinke up a pair of glue-fingered ends, who caught passes galore and knew what to do with the pigskin after they had gathered it in Both boys sparkled on defense, too, Pomeroy was a definite standout in the lino for a strong Whittier eleven, while Hoover Glendale*s Bill Tritt was known far and wide for his brilliant play at a tackle post, Keith Deeds, of Wilson, wasri i. ]arge, but he packed plenty of TNT at a guard berth, I.euzingor’s Bob Lefort is hailed as one of the greatest linesmen in Bay League circles, and that’s a compli -n.r.t — for many out&hnding linesmen have been developed in that League in recent years, Bonita’s Dick Mayhew 'was one of the foremost players of the 1943 prep s'hool football season, Ile was entitled to the center post. He did everything eXpected of an outstanding pivot-man, ' ' The All-Southern California sparkles brightly with fast-stepping backs - Reeh, Nebo, Dean and Chadwick are all speed burners'who know their wáy to the r go .il line, Veeh scored 55 points curing the season, Nebo tallied 79, Dean chalked 71 and Chadwick collected 72, Veeh aslo passed to 42 additional paints. Like Veeh, Nebo eXcelled at passing, Veeh and Chadwick turned in good jobs in the pünting department* Big A1 Sawaya, of Ban Diego, a blocker of the first order, easily anneXed the blocking back assignment* Bob Lefort, guard, is the only 200-pounder on the squad. He tips the hoam at 220, ALL SOUTHERN CALIFQKNIA BOARD OF FOOTBALL , , 1945 SEASON JOHN BEEKMAN (Senior Member) Los Angeles Daily News BILL CLARK............... Los Angeles EXaminer BIIL H U N T ................. Los Angeles Herald-EXpress JOHN DE IAVE G A ............ Los Angeles Times DICK SAUNDERS ........... Hollywood Citizcn-Neivs BILL SCHRCEDEH............. Helms Athletic Foundation Players chosen far All-Southern California High School Football Team honors will be presented with Helms Athletic Foundation awards at Silverwoods Athletic Heil of Fame on Saturday morning, January 8th, at 10:30 A.M., at the annual A1L S"üthern California Board of Football program. © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. * * jJ&-stnreniiRN california c.i.f. high school football team . 1943 SECOND TEAM POS, FIAYER TEAM HEIGHT HEIGHT YEAR REMARKS E FRANK LA BRUM. 6*02 170 Sr. Bass Rcr¿Def,31 pts» E ED TEAGTFA * , r r 6*00 “”165 Jr. Pass Rcr.Blocker. T MAURICE GIBBS. 6*00 190 Sr. Strong , Th. ckles . T RALPH MC CORfcHGK . 6*02 203 Sr. Defense.Charges, G VIC CONDE........ 5*11 194 sr. Leader¿Defense. Good = G FLOYD STEWART. 5*10 170 Sr. Blocks .Defense, G JOHN LUDWICK . 6*04 190 Sr. Valuable.Leáder¿ B EDDIE BYDUKE . 5*10 160 Sr. Runs,Passos.Fid.Gen T B T.EST.TE HORTON,. - - 5*10 160 Sr. EXc.ball carrior. B RICHARD OTTETE . 6*01 200 Sr. Lino plunger.Passes» Kicks.Defense. B JAMES JORDAN . ' 5*10 160 Sr. Hint ball carrier» BB LARRY LANÍMAD3 . ■ • .Newport Harb . 5*10 180 Sr, Blocker¿Lins backer THIRD TEAM _______ FLAYER___________ TEAM HEIGHT HEIGHT YEAR REMARKS E DON HEIN............. Anaheim ' 6*01 182 Sr, DefiFBiAggressive-, E DON 0 0 X ..............Hoover(Glen.) 0*02 *"""172 Jr. SXc* all-around qixL.- T MEEiltS CLEVER.......... Santa Ana 6*00 192 Sr* Strong* Defense0 T DICK CHASE............ Hoover (SD) 6» 01,:^184 Jr. Defensive ace, G YVONNE WILLIAMSON . Downey 6*00 180 Jr, Fast,Charges.Defense G DON CARTER. ...... El Sogundo 6-*02 180 Sr, Big*Stróng,Rugged. ' 0 ARCHIE DESSERT. ... .El Centro 6*02 175 Sr. Defense .Linebacker c a EDWIN SNIDER........ Compton 6*00 165 Sr, Brilliant passerc I‘ DICK FETERSOH........ Montebello 5*10 185 Sr, EXceptional'runner; B KEITH HARNISH ........ So, Pasadena 6*00 165 Sr. Runs .Passes ¿Kicks A NEIL BUCHANAN........ Long Beach' 5*11 175 Sr, Runs .Passes .Kicks „ BB JAM2S MARTIN.......... Bonita(L&V.) 6*00- - 185 Jr. Blocks* And howfc Players chosen on the First, Second and Third All-Southern California High School Football Team will be honored at Silvórwoods Athletic Hall of Fame on Saturday morning, January 8th, at 10:30 A.M., at the annual All Southern Cali­ fornia Board of Football program. Players “will be presented with the Helms Athletic Foundation certificate awards. All Southern Califbrnia Board of Football was created in 1937 by Helms Ath­ letic Foundation. Each of'the Los Angeles daily newspapers — the EXaminer, Herald -EXpress, Daily News, Times and Hollywood Citisen-News — have representa­ tives on All Southern California Board of Football, ■ AJ.1 Southern California Board of Football is sponsored by Paul H. Helms, Helms ■thletic Foundation Founder and sponsor. © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. For Release; TUESDAY, DECMHER 21st. ■ * * * ALL ^-L OS ANGELES CITY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTHILL TEAM * . 1943. POS. ______ FLAYER TEAM. HEICT3T WEIGHT YEAR . REMARKS. E DAVE FICK.... Los Angeles 6*01 184 Sr. Pass Her ¿Defense ¿18 pts E EARL 30KDR ... South Gate 5*11 170 Sr. Pass Rcr.DéfenseilS pts T BOB MARTY...... Franklin 6*02 210 Sr. Big. Strong, Agile .Def eh; T JOE RUBIO..... Hollywood 6*03 201 Sr. Blocks .Tackles .Strong G EDDIE EATON.. Los Angeles 5*10 180 Jr. Hard hittor.Aggressive G FRANK DE PASQUALE. Franklin 5*09 205 Jr. Sharp performer.Blocks C DICK I R A N I ... San Pedro 5*11 192 Sr. Defense ace.Smart .Fast. B BOB MELENDEZ .... Lincoln 5*08 145 Sr. Field general,Passer0 B JOS SOLER........ .. Canoga Park 5*08 150— Jr. Breakaway runner.Tops B DON R E E D ......Franklin E?10' 175 Sr. Brilliant ball carrier B BERT SCHNEIDER • ■ • Los Angeles 5*08 160 Sr. EXceptional runners " Kicker .High Scorer. BB BOB HAMMOND........University 5*09 167 Sr. Terrific blocker,Tcps Comment t For thó first time since All Southern California Board of Football was created, in 1937, the players of two teams dominated tile All-City Team. Los Angeles placed three men on the squad — Fick, Eaton and'Schneider; while Frank­ lin likewise placed three stalwarts on the team — Marty, De pas quale and ReecU The siX players wore definite standouts, and deserved special honors. The Ail- City squad is a hefty one in the line, but tapéis down to a set of fast, shifty ball carriers in the backfield. Bert Schneider, Don Reed and Joe Solor were brilliant ball carriers. Bob Melendez tías an eXpert field general and eXcellent passer. Schneider did a fine job of punting. Hammond was a standout blocker 3 easily the best in'tho City, Throe Juniors gained berths on the All-City out­ fit — Eddie Eaton, Frank De Pas quale and Joe Soler. * ALL-CITY SECOND TEAM________________ * ALL-CITY THIRD TEAM________ TOS. FLAYER TEAM FOS. FLAYER TEAM E OSCAR CAI®. • Verdugo Hills E PAUL SALATA. , . Franklin E GENE NOHDYKE. Fremont E CHARLES CALVERT. Washington T GAEL HINDS. South Gate ‘ T WARREN MELROSE • • Canoga Park T ATOLLE STROMME , • Fremont T CLYDE BROWN. Hollywood G TONY CHUUCH. ♦ Hunt. Park G TONY SANDIFER. Dorsey G WILLIS WONG . • San Fernando G ALAN MC ADAM . , Canoga Park C RICHARD WAGNER, . • Wilson' 0 RALPH ABN* . Man, Arts" B DEWEY VROOM . , . • Fremont B BOB LEONCRD. , . University B PAUL BILLER . Narbonne B WARREN BRADLEY . Man. Arts B GORDON OLDHAM . ♦ South Gate B JAY IMEL .... * Narbonne B JAMES GREENHAV. ♦ * Franklin B CHARLES EHB. Los Angeles BB JOE PERKY . Jordan BB HAROLD MC COIMACK. Washington players chosen for All-Los Angelos City High School, and All-League teams will be presented with Helms Athletic Foundation awards. Presentation will be made at the All Southern California Board of Football'Award Program at the Silverwoods Athletic Hall of Fame on Set urctay morning, January 8th, at 10:3C o*clock, ' Those selections aró those of All Southern California Board of Football, com­ posed of John Beekman, Daily News; John de Ia Vega, Times; Bill Clark, EXaminer Bill Hunt', Herald-EXpre ss; Dick Saunders, Hollywood Citizen-Nows; and Bill Schroeder, Helms Athletic Foundation, © LA84 Foundation. All Rights Reserved. For Release: Friday ¿irteraoon, December 24, Saturday Morning, December 25 t " " 6 , ” / NORMAN ■ VEEH, Tustin High School, and BERT SCHNEIDER, Los Angeles High-School, Chosen PREP SCHOOL PLAYERS OF THE YEAR, For The 1943 FOOTBALL SEASON. v • . NORMAN VEEH, Tustin High School»s brilliant all-around backfield star, has been chosen Southern California High School ( C.I.F.
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