The Rt. Rev. Don Adger Wimberly Fund for The Rt. Rev. Stacy F. Sauls Fund for Youth and Young Adult Ministries Reading Camp/Literacy Programs on Adger Wimberly was born on June 10, tacy F. Sauls first looked at a legal career D 1937, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He at- S and is a graduate of Furman University in tended Louisiana State University where he Atlanta, Georgia, and the University of Vir- received his undergraduate degree in business ginia School of Law. He worked as a corporate and economics and did post-graduate work in lawyer, most notably with Delta Airlines. law school. He served in the United States Army and spent five years as a corporate ana- He graduated from General Theological Semi- lyst for Kerr-McGee in Oklahoma City. nary and was ordained a priest in 1989. He The Bishops’ Funds continued his parish ministry at St. Bartholo- He attended seminary at the Virginia Theo- mew’s Church, Atlanta, and St. Thomas’ Established by Episcopal Church Woman of the Diocese of Lexington logical Seminary. He was ordained to the di- Church, Savannah, Georgia. aconate and the priesthood in 1971. Upon graduation from V.T.S., he served briefly in The Rt. Rev. Stacy F. Sauls was elected sixth ~ Give a gift that lives—a gift to perpetuate the lives and dreams upper New York State. His ministry then took bishop of Lexington in 2000. His episcopacy is of those whom we have called Bishop ~ him and his family back to the southwestern recognized for his creative work on mission. part of the country. He served in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and was rector of a large He was also known for his work with youth, The last Sunday of October each year in the Diocese of Lexington is known as church in Overland Park, Kansas. He served in and under his leadership, the successful Read- Bishops’ Fund Sunday. On this day, we seek to honor those whom we have called Kansas until his election as Dean of St. John’s ing Camp program was established. Designed Bishop. Designated offerings from each parish go toward one of the six bishops’ funds Cathedral in Jacksonville, Florida. initially to help children from Appalachia, the that have been created to perpetuate the life and work of our bishops. Contributions Reading Camp program has been replicated in may be directed toward a specific fund. Undesignated offerings will be divided among He was elected the fifth Bishop of Lexington in a number of other settings across the country the six funds. All Contributions are tax deductible. Mail to your parish or to Mission 1984 and became Bishop Coadjutor on Sep- and has spread to South Africa and Liberia. Hose, PO Box 610, Lexington, KY 40588-0610, Attention: ECW Bishops’ Funds. tember 22, 1984. He became the Bishop of Lexington in September of 1985. Several congregations were redeveloped while he was bishop, with one new congregation Prior to coming to Lexington, he served as started. He implemented an innovative pro- chair of the Jacksonville Episcopal High School gram, the Network for Pastoral Leadership Foundation. During his tenure as bishop, he and Congregational Development, which was active on the Board of Trustees and gained much attention. This program placed L to R: The Rt. Rev. Board of Regents at The University of the newly ordained priests into congregations in a William Lewis Burton; South at Sewanee, Tennessee. He was elected training and support program. The Rt. Rev. Henry Prior Chancellor of Sewanee in 1997. Almon Abbott; The Rt. Rev. General Theological Seminary presented him William Robert Moody In 1999, after fifteen years as the Bishop of with a DD honoris causa in 2001, as did the Lexington, the Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly re- University of the South. He earned a master’s signed in order to accept an appointment as degree in canon law from Cardiff University in Assistant Bishop for the Diocese of Texas. 2009. Don A. Wimberly’s involvement with youth In 2011 he resigned as Bishop of Lexington to and young adult ministry is one of the hall- accept an appointment as Chief Operating marks of his Christian journey and provides Officer for the Episcopal Church. L to R: The Rt. Rev. Addison the rationale for this fund. Hosea; The Rt. Rev. Don In recognition of Bishop Sauls’ work with the Adger Wimberly; The Rt. All contributions to the Rt. Rev. Don A. Wim- Reading Camp program, all contributions to Rev. Stacy F. Sauls berly Fund are designated for youth ministry the Rt. Rev. Stacy F. Sauls Fund are desig- and to young adult ministries within the nated for Reading Camp/ Literacy Programs in Diocese of Lexington. the Diocese of Lexington. The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Burton Fund The Rt. Rev. Henry Prior Almon Abbott The Rt. Rev. William Robert Moody Fund The Rt. Rev. Addison Hosea Fund for for Scholarships Fund for Diocesan Missions for the Cathedral Domain Continuing Education ishop Moody will always be remembered ishop Burton would be proud to be assist- t is entirely appropriate that the fund for ddison Hosea was a great teacher who as the bishop who gave the Diocese the ing seminarians in the Diocese in their assisting new and continuing missionary B A inspired others to learn. He was born in B I place which came to be known as its heart — training through the fund which bears his work in the diocese be named for the second 1914, in Pikeville, North Carolina, and re- the Cathedral Domain. name. Bishop of Lexington. ceived his B.A. degree cum laude from At- lantic Christian College, Wilson, North Caro- He was born in Columbus, Mississippi, on Lewis William Burton was born in 1852 and The Rt. Rev. Henry Prior Almon Abbott inher- lina. He taught in and served as principal of January 12, 1900. He received his B.A. degree attended the public schools of Cleveland and ited a missionary diocese with a “floating” of- public schools. from Hampden-Sydney College in 1924 and Kenyon Grammar School, a preparatory fice in locations ranging from Lexington’s did post-graduate work at Columbia and school for Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, Church of the Good Shepherd to the Bank of He received his B.D. degree optime merins George Washington Universities. He received which he entered in 1869. He graduated from Commerce. from St. Luke’s Seminary, University of the his B.D. degree from the Virginia Theological Kenyon in 1873, first honorman and valedicto- South, Sewanee, Tennessee, in 1949, and Seminary. Later Hampden-Sydney, the Vir- rian of his class. In 1874 he entered the Phila- He was born July 11, 1881, in Halifax, Nova did his graduate studies in New Testament ginia Theological Seminary, and the University delphia Divinity School. Scotia. He received his B.A. in 1902 from at Union Theological Seminary and Duke of the South all honored him with Doctor of King’s College, Windsor, N.S.; his M.A. in University. Divinity degrees. After his graduation in 1877, he was ordained 1904 from St. Stephen’s House, Oxford, Eng- to the diaconate. After ordination to the land; and his D.D. in 1911 from Union Semi- He was ordained to the diaconate in 1948 He was ordained to the diaconate in 1926 and priesthood, he served as rector of All Saints nary. and to the priesthood in 1949. He served as to the priesthood in 1927. Moody was head of Church until 1880. He became assistant to his rector of St. Paul’s Church, Clinton, New the English Department at Greenbrier Military father, and then his successor at St. Mark’s He was ordained to the priesthood in 1905, Jersey, for five years prior to becoming rec- School in Lewisburg, West Virginia, from 1921 Church, Cleveland. and served as curate to St. Luke’s Cathedral, tor of St. John’s, Versailles, Kentucky, to 1923. Halifax, N.S.; Assistant at St. James the Apos- where he remained for 16 years (1954- In 1884 Burton accepted a call to St. John’s tle, Montreal, Canada; Dean of Niagara from 1970). He was priest-in-charge of St. Andrew’s Church in Richmond, Virginia. His rectorate 1911 to 1914; Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Church, Lawrenceville, Virginia; Emmanuel there resulted in the erection of a new chapel Cleveland, Ohio, from 1914 to 1919; rector of Bishop Hosea served as professor of New Church, Callaville, Virginia; and St. Mark’s and the beginning of a mission for an African- St. Peter’s Church, Baltimore, from 1919 to Testament Language and Literature at the Church, Cochran, Virginia, from 1927 to 1928. American congregation. He left the parish en- 1928; and St. Chrysostom’s Church, Chicago, Episcopal Theological Seminary in Kentucky He was rector of Silver Spring Parish, Mary- tirely free of debt and with the largest com- from 1928 to 1929. from 1954-1959 and 1965-1971. He re- land, from 1928 to 1933; and was instructor municant list of any Episcopal Church in the ceived the degree of Doctor of Divinity from of Sacred Studies at St. Alban’s Cathedral Diocese of Virginia. On October 1, 1893, Lewis He was consecrated as the second Bishop of Sewanee in 1970. He was widely sought School for Boys in Washington, D.C.; and rec- Burton became rector of St. Andrew’s Church the Diocese of Lexington on May 15, 1929, after throughout the country as a teacher tor of Christ Church, Baltimore, Maryland, in Louisville. and served until 1945. whose “School of Religion” touched many from 1939 to 1945, until his election as lives.
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