C O N N E C n C L T L .S ./W O R L D O b b Hib linkBd Soviet diplomats ) w ( Eaef grbida out to Carbide funnel begin to leave aocond vfctory ~.pe«a4 p a g t s iBanrhffit^r H^ralh ) M^inchf’ ste'' City ot \I\W^qp. Ch^ffri Monday. Sapt. 22.1966 25 Cents Settlement Reagan S ItM in DEP suit blasts arrest E By Borry Schweld called ‘sham’ The Associcrted Press UNITED NA'nONS - President Reagan told the United Nations today that there has been move­ By Alex Oireiri expected cost about 828 million. AMOclete Editor ment in U.S.-Soviet negotiations to The result of the effort is that the reduce nuclear-missile arsenals, state will give grants totaling 112.8 but condemned Moscow’s deten­ P Manchester attorney Bruce million and a loan for the rest of the tion of an American reporter as “ a Beck, who represents the Man­ cost, which will put the town's cost chester Environmental Coalition, particularly disturbing example of within the 114.3 million limit set by Soviet transgressions against hu­ said today a settlement in a state voters last November. suit against Manchester over dis­ man rights” The suit was brought by the D E P "Th e world expects better." charges from the town’s sewage after the Manchester Environmen­ treatment plant is a "sham .” Reagan said in his fifth speech to tal Coalition, headed by Manches­ the United Nations. Beck said the suit. brought by the ter pharmacist Michael Dworkin. state Department of Environmen­ “ It expects contributions to the threatened to file suit against the cause of peace that only the leaders tal Protection, has "looked like a town If the D E P did not take action setup since day one” of the United States and the Soviet When the'DEP did sue. Beck said Union can make." Under the settlement released the coalition might enter the suit Meanwhile, Reagan's spokes­ Friday, the town will pay a fine of but it did not do so. M50 for having violated Its sewage man, Larry Speakes, said the Beck said today he does not know president and Soviet leader Mik­ treatment permit eight times in what further action the coalition IMS by discharging effluent from hail S. Gorbachev have now will take until he has studied the exchanged letters twice on the case the sewage treatment plant that settlement. of Nicholas Daniloff, the Moscow contained too many suspended But Beck said today that part of solids or too high a biochemical correspondent for U.S. News k the suit was based on the town’s World Report. f oxygen demand failure to notify both the D E P and In the suit, the state had asked Speakes would not detail either the coalition of all new hookups to exchange, nor would he say for flO.OM for each of the viola­ the sewage treatment system. tions. However. Assistant Attorney whether Gorbachev was less harsh He said It Is a unique legal theory than last week’s public characteri­ General Richard Webb, who re­ that permits a settlement In which presented the D E P . said the lower zation of Daniloff as a spy who had one of the parties Is not been caught "re d -h a n d ^,” figure was agreed to because the represented. town has not violated its permit Addressing the U N. General When he talked about the possi­ Assembly. Reagan said the Soviet this year. bility of joining the suit. Beck said 2 Union “ bears the responsibility for In addition, the lower fine was he thought "the only remedy that the consequences of Its action.” imposed because the town agreed would make sense Is a moratorium The president said there is no to a court-ordered timetable for on major sewer hookups” similarity in the cases against completing the repairs to the The settlement presumably re­ treatment plant. Webb said. Daniloff and Gennadiy Zakharov, moves one obstacle to commercial the Soviet physicist and U.N. Under terms of the Sept 1* development being planned for the settlement approved by Superior employee arrested on spying Buckland area OHIclals of the charges a week before K G B agents Court Judge Arthur L. Spada. the Eighth Utilities District, which Is town must have a plan by Nov. 30 to plucked Daniloff from a Moscow the sewer authority In most of street. finance construction of Improve­ northern Manchester, have been 2 Reagan called Zakharov "an ments to its plant. H ie town must reluctant to go forward with their Invite bids for the work by Jan 31 accused spy who should stand sewer plans in light of the pending trial” and Daniloff "an innocent and must complete It by Dec 31. suit hostage who should be released.” IMS Under terms of the new agree­ If the court order Is not complied ment. the town must notify the Despite the strains In U.S.-Soviet with, fines could be Imposed D E P and the coalition of any new relations caused by the reporter’s against the town. Manchester has hookups, according to Webb. Indictment and the administra­ already begun applying for grant The environmental coalition has tion’s expulsion of 25 Soviet diplo­ money, and town officials have opposed construction of the pro­ mats from the United Nations, said they expect construction to posed Mall at Buckland Hills, but Reagan gave an up-beat account of begin next spring and be finished Beck has denied any connection negotiations In Geneva to reduce by 1988. between that matter and the the nuclear arms race. The federal Environmental Pro­ coalition's concern over pollution tection Agency had set a comple­ Herald photo by Rocha He confirmed that the United of the Hockanum River by the States was prepared to consider tion deadline of 1988. but Webb said sewage effluent. Tenting hie ekllle "an interim measure” to reduce the court-order^ timetable puts D E P officials have similarly intercontinental missiles, bombers more pressure on the town to finish denied reports that the suit was Jason Bourbeau, 6, of Andover, tests his and submarines by less than the 50 the work. filed in an effort to block the residents who gathered at Indian Notch The town and the D E P have been creative skills at the Discovery Toys percent he Initially had demanded. coalition from taking legal action. Park for the event. More pictures on At the same time, Reagan said, cooperating In an effort to find The town was represented by booth during the Bolton Pest Saturday. page 3. financing for the improvements. the Soviets have “ embraced our Town Attorney John Cooney. Bourbeau was one of many area idea" of radical cutbacks. "So there has been movement," he said. The Soviets had rejected the Cc initial U.S. demand because it ConferencG adopts moasures to ease war threat Gi would have forced abandonment of many of the heavy land-based lliei STO C K H O LM , Sweden (AP) - conference. Delegates said they missiles that are the core of their antk According to military experts, build confidence,” said a N A TO The 35-natlon Stockhoim confer­ had to “ freeze” time because were not totally satisfied with the nuclear arsenal. tion the final document will enable military expert, who spoke on results, but agreed they got more ence today formally adopted the several issues were unresolved. N A TO , the Warsaw Pact and In a conciliatory vein, Reagan by condition he not be Identified than was expected. said, "we have sought to take first East-West security agree­ The .Tgreement was reached late neutral European nations to fore­ further. durii ment of the decade, an accord Sunday when Soviet and U.S. The negotiations, formally account of Soviet concerns.” But, see and judge with greater preci­ N A TO delegates, headed by U.S. •I designed to reduce the risk of an negotiators compromised on ar­ called the Conference on Securlty- over the long haul, he emphasized sion than before all sizeable chief negoUator Robert L. Barry, musi accidental war in Europe. rangements for notification, obser­ and Confidence-Building Measures that he seeks to halve strategic military nianeuvers and move­ and Soviet delegation head Oleg not ( During this morning’s final ses­ vation and on-site inspection of and Disarmament in Europe, nuclear weapons on both sides. ments in Europe. Grinevsky, speaking for the War­ shap sion of the 32-month conference, military maneuvers. brought together delegates from "There were issues we fought for saw Pact, hailed the agreement Aviv the United States, Canada, the Similarly, Reagan said he would 9 the clock remained at 10.56 p.m., ARer today’s final session, dele­ and did not achieve but the result is As Sunday as "a good start” on arms Soviet Union and all European like to see all m ^ium -ran ge U.S. the time it was stopped on Friday, gates celebrated the accord with definitely a step forward. It ena­ control. play, the original deadline for the champagne toasts. bles us to check the real will to and Soviet nuclear missiles in Barry and Grinevsky said they Please turn to page 10 Europe scrapped chan firew p c ^ l CAMBRIDGE REPORTS Highliqbts TODAY’S HERALD Religious leaders them pendi Inioititila tinlar PLO i split on Robertson ProlMters hit Yale CIHtmit organize Noisy anti-apartheid demonstra­ A new citizens’ group is urging WEST HAVEN (AP) - The Rev he would seek the Republican tors attempting to disrupt the Andover residents to take a more Richard Mallette ordered 500 peti­ nomination if 3 million people weekend inauguration of Yale active role in the affairs of the tions to get signatures u r^n g promised to back him.
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