
Ninth International Conference on Mars 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2089) 6334.pdf The chemostratigraphy of the lacustrine Murray formation in Gale crater, Mars, and evidence for large-scale diagenesis in Vera Rubin ridge bedrock as implied by ChemCam observations. J. Frydenvang1 ([email protected]), N. Mangold2, R.C. Wiens3, A.A. Fraeman4, L.A. Edgar5, C.M. Fedo6, J. L’Haridon2, C.C. Bedford7, S. Gupta8, J.P. Grotzinger9, J. Bridges10, B.C. Clark11, E.B. Rampe12, O. Forni13, P.J. Gasda3, N.L. Lanza3, A.M. Ollila3, P.-Y. Meslin13, V. Payré14, F. Calef4, M. Salvatore15, C. House16. 1University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2LPG, Univ. de Nantes; 3Los Alamos National Laboratory; 4Jet Pro- pulsion Laboratory; 5USGS - Flagstaff; 6Univ. of Tennessee; 7Open Univ.; 8Imperial College; 9Caltech; 10Univ. of Leicester; 11Space Science Institute; 12NASA Johnson Space Center; 13l'Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie; 14Rice Univ.; 15Northern Arizona Univ.; 16Penn State University. Introduction: The Mars Science Laboratory mis- lead to the interpretation that VRR is part of the Murray sion Curiosity rover reached the Murray formation at formation and is comprised of lithologies similar to the location (informally) Pahrump Hills ~750 Mars so- those observed in the underlying members of the Mur- lar days (Sols) after landing in Gale crater. From orbital ray formation [4,5]. Two stratigraphic members are and in-situ observations, the Murray formation is inter- identified on the ridge, the Pettegrove Point member preted to be the lowermost exposed member of the overlain by the Jura member [4,5]. The Pettegrove Mount Sharp Group that constitutes the lower part of Point member overlies the Blunts Point member of the the central mound, Aeolis Mons (informally Mount Murray formation. A notable feature of VRR bedrock Sharp), in Gale crater. In-situ observations of Murray is the presence of areas of gray coloration that are spec- formation bedrock reveal that it consists mainly of pla- trally distinct from the more ubiquitous reddish colored nar-laminated mudstone interpreted to have been de- rocks that display a stronger hematite spectral signature posited in a lacustrine environment [1]. Approximately [6]. Areas with gray rocks are mostly observed in the 250 m of Murray stratigraphy was mapped on the 11 Jura member, but are also present in the Pettegrove km traverse from Pahrump Hills to Vera Rubin ridge Point member. Gray rocks are typically found in topo- (VRR) where the Curiosity rover arrived on Sol 1800 graphic depressions, but contacts between red and gray in September 2017. Originally referred to as Hematite rocks are observed to crosscut stratigraphy [4,5]. ridge, VRR is a topographic ridge flanking portions of A key objective for the VRR investigation was to Mount Sharp that displays a strong hematite spectral characterize the geochemical profile of the ridge-form- signature observed from orbit [3]. As such, VRR was ing rocks, using the ChemCam and APXS instruments, the first new ‘spectral unit’ on Mount Sharp after reach- to understand the role of primary or diagenetic controls ing the Murray formation. Accordingly, understanding on the geochemistry and morphology of VRR. Here, we the origin of VRR and its stratigraphic relationship was present the results from ChemCam bedrock observa- a key objective for the mission even before landing. tions up through the Murray formation (fig. 1), high- The Curiosity rover spent ~500 sols exploring lighting the geochemical variations observed on and VRR, including two independent traverses across the across VRR. full vertical extent of the ridge. In-situ observations Methods: ChemCam measurements [7,8] enable the quantification of major [9] and some minor ele- ments [10]. Due to its speed and remote-sensing capa- bility, ChemCam provides the largest number of bed- rock geochemistry analyses in Gale crater, and hence the highest spatial resolution representation of chemical variations along the more than 20 km total traverse. Our extensive rover investigations of VRR include two independent (N-S) traverses of the stratigraphy of VRR separated by ~200 m of lateral distance. These traverses enable an understanding of both stratigraphic and lateral geochemical variability on VRR. Results: The VRR baseline bedrock geochemistry is within the compositional range observed in the un- derlying 250+ m of Murray formation stratigraphy. De- spite the strong hematite spectral signature observed on Figure 1: ChemCam observation points on Murray formation VRR from orbit, this includes the baseline iron content bedrock from Pahrump Hills. Points assigned to stratigraphic which is not elevated on VRR relative to overall Mur- members and plotted on HiRISE mosaic [2] of Gale crater. ray formation bedrock. However, notable geochemical Ninth International Conference on Mars 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2089) 6334.pdf Figure 3: Variation in bedrock Li-content observed across Figure 2: Variation in MnO content across VRR. MnO is ob- VRR. Li content drops in Pettegrove Point member bedrock, served to be substantially enriched at the contact between and only increases in Glen Torridon rocks (formerly referred Pettegrove Point and Jura. to as the clay unit) on the southern side of VRR. Given the cross-cutting nature of the contact between variations were observed across VRR relative to under- red and gray rocks, the gray areas on VRR are likely lying Murray formation bedrock. Key variations in- also the result of diagenesis. Outside of the substantial clude a decrease in Al2O3 and increase in K2O, causing small-scale iron mobilization seen in gray rocks, the the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) [12], which has composition of gray rocks is not altered substantially otherwise risen up-section in the Murray formation from that of red rocks. [13], to decrease in VRR rocks. Li is also observed to Mn is mobilized in low-pH fluids as well as reducing decrease substantially upwards across the Pettegrove fluids, but the apparent preferential MnO enrichment Point member (fig. 2). Additionally, a notable enrich- observed on VRR favors mobilization in a weakly re- ment in MnO is observed in the upper part of the Pette- ducing fluid [20]. A weakly reducing fluid is also con- grove Point member (fig. 3). sistent with the smaller scale iron mobilization observed The independent transects of VRR highlight that the in gray rocks [11]. The co-location of the drop in Li and observed geochemical variations follow the morphol- enrichment in MnO could be from preferential ground- ogy of the modern day ridge rather than elevation (a water flows caused by an earlier dissolution of clays. proxy for stratigraphic position given the near horizon- This would enable a later reducing fluid to pass through tal dip of the Murray formation). and mobilize Mn, and deposit this in an oxidizing envi- A defining feature of gray rocks observed on VRR ronment, e.g. oxygenated groundwater, above the more is apparent small-scale iron mobilization resulting in an impermeable Blunts Point member. abundance of dark sub-cm high-Fe concretions and References: [1] Grotzinger J.P. et al. (2015) Science, lighter-toned areas surrounding them showing very low 350. [2] Calef III, F.J., Parker, T. (2016) PDS Annex, U.S. iron content [11]. However, outside the zones of appar- Geological Survey. [3] Fraeman A.A. et al. (2016) JGR-P, ent iron mobilization, the baseline geochemistry of gray 121. [4] Fraeman A.A. et al. (2019) this meeting. [5] Fedo rocks is similar to that of red rocks, though the MgO C.M. et al. (2019) this meeting. [6] Horgan B. et al. (2019) abundance tends to be slightly lower in gray rocks. 50th LPSC, #1424. [7] Wiens R.C. et al. (2012), Space Sci Rev Discussion: In-situ ChemCam observations show- 170. [8] Maurice S. et al. (2012) Space Sci Rev 170. [9] Clegg ing that the geochemistry of VRR is within the range S.M. et al., (2017) Spectrochim. Acta B., 129. [10] Payré V. et seen in underlying Murray formation rocks are not com- al. (2017) JGR-P, 122. [11] L’Haridon J. et al. (2019) this patible hypotheses suggesting large scale precipitation meeting. [12] Nesbitt H.W. and Young G.M. (1984) Geochim. of iron on VRR, nor that VRR is a laterite deposit [14]. et Cosmo-chim., 48. [13] Mangold N. et al. (2019) this mee- The drop in Li up VRR is consistent with a drop in ting. 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