Plays is protected by U.S. copyright law. Only current subscribers may use this Dramatized Classic (Upper Grades) play (www.playsmagazine.com). Dracula A tension-filled adaptation of Bram Stoker’s thrilling tale. Adapted by Joellen K. Bland Characters luggage ) It’s Jonathan Harker. .the lawyer you sent for from London! ( No JONATHAN HARKER answer ) The coachman said I should come in. ( Crosses center, sets down lug - COUNT DRACULA gage. Suddenly, door slams behind THREE VAMPIRES him. He turns quickly. ) Count? ( Opens door, looks out, steps in, closing door ) MINA HARKER That’s odd. ( Looks around ) Gloomy old place. ( Notices table ) Ah, see here, the LUCY WESTENRA table is set! ( Stands with back to win - dow. COUNT DRACULA, in black, DR. JOHN SEWARD with black cape, suddenly enters at PROF. ABRAHAM VAN HELSING window .) RENFIELD, a patient DRACULA : Welcome to Castle Dracula, Mr. Harker! KARNES, an attendant HARKER (Startled; turning ): Oh! Count Dracula? ( DRACULA bows .) Forgive SCENE 1 me. ( Bows ) I didn’t hear you come in. I TIME : Turn of the century. apologize for arriving so late. It must be well after midnight. SETTING : A gloomy room in Castle Dracula, in Transylvania. Torches over DRACULA : I am often up at this hour of fireplace give flickering light. Table, the night. You will need food and rest center, is set with dishes of food, etc. after your long journey. ( Crosses to Large open window is at left, and work - table ) Won’t you sit down and eat? ing door, at right. HARKER (As DRACULA pours wine ): AT RISE : After a moment of silence, a Thank you. Will you join me? knock is heard. DRACULA : I have already dined, and I JONATHAN HARKER (Calling off right ): do not drink. .wine, that is. Hello? ( Creaking sound is heard as HARKER opens door and looks in. ) HARKER (Sitting at table ): I’ve never Count Dracula? ( Steps in, carrying eaten on gold tableware. PLAYS • playsmag.com 21 DRACULA : It has been in my family for DRACULA (Rushing to HARKER; fierce - many generations. ly ): Your finger bleeds! HARKER (Holding up plate ): Extremely HARKER (Drawing back, alarmed ): It’s well polished! I can see my reflection in only a scratch. ( Pulls out handkerchief, this piece. ( He starts, then looks quick - wraps it around his finger ) ly up at DRACULA .) That’s odd. DRACULA (Slowly turning away, DRACULA (Quickly stepping aside ): Is breathing hard ): Take care, Mr. Har- something the matter? ker. A cut. .can be very dangerous. HARKER (With a nervous laugh ): I did - HARKER : Yes, it was clumsy of me. n’t see your reflection in the plate, but (Uncomfortably ) I had planned to stay I thought you were standing beside only a day or two, Count. me. DRACULA (Icily ): You will stay as long DRACULA : The shadows in this room as I need you! ( Fiercely gazes at HARK - can be deceiving, Mr. Harker. Please— ER, then turns and sits ) enjoy your meal. ( Sits in opposite chair ) HARKER (Uneasily ): Very well. I will write to my wife and tell her my visit HARKER (Staring at DRACULA a will be longer than I expected. moment, then beginning to eat ): This is delicious. ( Sound of wolves howling is DRACULA : Good. ( Calmly ) Now, tell me heard off left; HARKER looks up, about the house you have purchased alarmed .) Wolves! They sound very for me. close. ( Continues to eat ) HARKER (Clearing his throat ): Yes, of DRACULA (Pleased ): Listen to them! course. It is called Carfax, and dates The children of the night. What music back to medieval times. they make! ( With a sly smile ) But you are a city dweller, and perhaps you do DRACULA : That will suit me perfectly. I not share my feelings. am of an ancient family. ( Harshly ) The blood of Attila the Hun flows in my HARKER : I’m afraid not. But you’ll soon veins! ( Quietly ) Shall I have any close be a city dweller yourself, Count, once neighbors at Carfax? you move to London. HARKER : Only Dr. John Seward, a DRACULA (Sighing ): Yes. I have read of respectable gentleman who operates a your great city, and I long to go there, private hospital for the insane. to share its life and ( Mysteriously ) its death. I want you to arrange my jour - DRACULA : Very well. ( Sound of howl - ney to England, Mr. Harker. I shall ing ) Ah! An hour until dawn. ( Rises ) I require your services for at least a must leave you now. Sleep well, Mr. month. Harker. ( Smiles, baring his teeth ) And dream well! ( Bows and sweeps out ) HARKER (Startled ): A month! ( He cuts himself on knife; in pain ) Ah! HARKER : What a strange man! ( Sound of howling ) I’m beginning to wish I DRACULA : What is it? hadn’t come! ( Goes to luggage ) I must write all this down in my journal, but HARKER : I’ve cut my finger. first a letter to Mina. ( Takes paper 2 PLAYS • playsmag.com from bag ) It’s so dim in here. I’d better exit right. DRACULA looks trium- ask the Count for a candle. ( Crosses to phantly at HARKER .) You will remain door, tries to open it, finds it locked ) here for as long as I command! ( DRAC - Locked! ( Pounds on door ) Count ULA crosses to window, spreads cape Dracula! ( No answer ) Count Dracula! and swoops out. Lights slowly fade up (No answer; he turns away .) Why as HARKER stirs and awakens .) would he lock me in? Am I his guest or his prisoner? ( Sound of howling; he HARKER : What horrid dream was this? crosses to window .) This window must Or was it a dream? ( Sits up ) Those be a hundred feet above ground! How creatures meant to suck my blood! brightly the moon shines. ( Leans out (Rushes to door, frantically shakes window ) What’s that? Something mov - handle ) Still locked! ( Stumbles back to ing below me! ( Leans out window; couch ) What is happening? I must get astonished ) I can’t believe my eyes! out of this place! ( Blackout. After a Count Dracula, crawling down the cas - moment, lights come up on tired-look - tle wall—head first—with his cloak ing HARKER, who is at table, writing .) spread out behind him like the wings Today marks my fourth week here, of a bat! ( Turns into room, overcome and I have not left this room. I fear I with fear ) What is this creature in the shall never leave it! Count Dracula has form of a man? ( Stumbles to couch ) always been very secretive, and he has What’s happening to me? ( Wipes brow ) destroyed every personal letter I have There’s a mist before me. .something tried to send. His fierce, hypnotic eyes cloudy. .I can’t move! ( With effort ) I. terrify me, and his hand, whenever it . I feel sleepy, but I can’t close my eyes. happens to brush against mine, is cold (Lies motionless as THREE VAM- as death! Every night in his terrible PIRES in white gowns enter righ t) presence I become more weak, help - less, unable to control my own will! 1ST VAMPIRE (Urgently, to 3RD ): Go Every night—( He looks up, struck with on. You are first tonight. sudden thought .) Every night! Why have I never seen him by day? He and 2ND VAMPIRE : Yes, go on. The master those hideous, laughing women always has brought him here for us. vanish at dawn! ( Rises, putting note- book into pocket ) Tomorrow the Count 3RD VAMPIRE : But the master said we leaves for England—he has also must not touch him! arranged to ship fifty large boxes—but he has said nothing about my depar - 1ST VAMPIRE : We are hungry! This ture. He must plan to leave me man’s blood is warm and waiting. Go behind—a helpless prisoner. Those on! ( 3RD VAMPIRE bends over HARK - women. .they must be waiting for my ER, baring her teeth. 1ST and 2ND blood! ( Rushes to window ) I must get VAMPIRES hover expectantly. out of this room! If Dracula can find Sudden-ly, DRACULA swoops in from footholds along these walls, so can I! If window, furious. He flings 3RD VAM - what I suspect is true, I must find him PIRE aside and angrily gestures the before the sun sets! ( Climbs out win - other two away .) dow. Curtain ) * * * DRACULA : How dare you touch him SCENE 2 when I have forbidden it! This man SETTING : A burial vault in castle. Two belongs to me! When I have finished coffins with closed lids are center. with him, then you may have him. Now, go and seek your prey in the vil - AT RISE : HARKER enters left, carrying lage! ( Laughing harshly, VAMPIRES a candle. 3 PLAYS • playsmag.com HARKER : This underground crypt terri - almost three months without a word, I fies me. ( Sees coffins ) What’s this? have a letter from my beloved Jona- (Looks closer ) A shipping label directed than, in a hospital in Budapest. He has to Carfax? Why would Count Dracula been dangerously ill, the result of some send coffins to England? ( Cautiously, terrible shock. But he is nearly well he lifts lid of one box ) Dirt? A coffin full and will soon be home. If only I could of dirt? ( Lifts lid of second coffin, then be equally happy for my poor friend recoils in horror ) Count Dracula! Lucy! Her strange illness is much Dead? ( Looks closer ) No, he can’t be! worse, and Dr. John Seward has His eyes are open. .yet they are brought her here to his private hospi - glassy. His lips are red. .blood-red! tal. It is quiet except for one patient (Holds his hand before DRACULA’s who escapes from his room every day.
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