OUR RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS Sunday 2nd December, 2012 Inspection from 11am - Sale commences 2pm Aust. Pont Stud Book, Riding Pony, Aust. Stock Horse & Thoroughbred Show Horses – Some entered for Canberra and Sydney Royal, Young Show horses being trained the unique Marena way, Broodmares, served by premier stallion Kolbeach Royal Print, plus foal at foot, Small Ponies - Companion Horses - School Horses – 2 Year Olds. Also Performed Show Horses for Private Sale Marena Windflower Five times Supreme Champion Marena Cadence Marena Amber Wish - 2012 Ridden APSB/ Sydney Royal Winner of 18 Royal Show Champions Riding Pony of the Year ne 14.2hh and HOY Awards Winners of 254 Royal Show Champions from 1974 to 2012 31 Horse of the Year Awards Marena Accent - Sup. Champ. ASH Syd. Marena Skylights - Supreme Champion Royal, ASH Nat. Show & HOY1996 Sydney Royal and NSW Breed Shows Marena Accent, Supreme Champion Sydney Royal and Supreme ASH National Champion Scone 1994. H.OY Galloway 1996. Marena Amber Folly Grand National Champion Pony 1993,1994 and 1995. Marena Windflower, Supreme Marena Hallmark - Sydney Royal 1986 - Champion Australian Saddle Pony Sydney Royal Shifting - Champion Sydney Royal 2000, First Lady’s Turnout and Champion Lady 2002 and 2004. Supreme Champion Rider. Brisbane 2002. Canberra 2004. Marena Mayflower - 3 Royal Show Champions, Marena Skylights - Supreme Champion at Marena Cadence - Winner of 18 Royal 3 Pony of the Years, National Pony of the Year, Sydney Royal 2002 also Champions at Show Champions in 3 years - Also Horse Supreme Riding Pony Show 5 times. Canberra, Brisbane, Riding Pony Shows of the Year in NSW and WA. and ASP State Shows. Marena Windflower - Supreme Champion Sydney Royal 5 times from 1994 to 2004 and Marena Cabaret - Garryowen and Marena Smart Guy - Champion Supreme at Riding Pony and ASP Shows. Esquire Trophies - Melbourne Melbourne Royal - H.O.Y. Galloway Royal 1988. 1983 and 1984. > M < Marena Stud Home of Australian Champions ABOUT MARENA STUD Maureen, Bruce and Lindy Walker have had a lifetime involvement with all kinds of horses. The Walkers began breeding horses in the 1950’s to work their rugged mountain cattle property Mt. Yango, south west of Wollombi NSW. This need for sensible and athletic horses has carried on over the years in their show horses, so the Marena horse or pony is very versatile. The Stud moved to its present location at Wyong in 1972 and so began the legend of Marena horses and riders that were highly successful on the show scene for the last 4 decades The time, thought and tradition that have gone into the breeding of the Marena horses have indeed made them unique. “It is the Stud’s aim to stay as close to nature as possible, hence all our horses are paddock reared. Constitution is a very important component in our particular jigsaw of breeding. We feel that constitution and temperament and useability are intrinsically linked. All the broodmares must have proved their ability either in the show ring, working or as a producer of quality saddle animals. We have used only daughters from these mares to continue our breeding programme. All our stallions also have had to prove their ability under saddle before we use them. We believe this explains the consistent excellence of the Marena horses’ performance over more than five decades of breeding. We rear the youngsters in a natural paddock environment to allow them time to grow and develop, physically and mentally, galloping to improve wind and muscle, and free as the breeze to develop an unhindered sense of freedom and character in an atmosphere of liberty, just as nature intended. All the horses, when they are broken in, undergo a comprehensive programme which includes dressage, hacking, fast work, jumping, cross country and road work. The young horses are well handled to lead, pick up legs and some have been mouthed ready to ride. We are in our sixth decade of horse breeding. Our horses have not only made their mark in the showring but have had success in all fields – showing, dressage, jumping, eventing, endurance, sporting, harness and Pony Club. Many have stayed competitive into their late teens because of their soundness and have been especially suitable for children. Marena horses are very versatile. Aiming for consistent quality over a period of 54 years of horse breeding we are gladdened by the testimonials we have received over the years about the success, and reliability of our horses.” Satisfied owners of successful horses in all states testify to the consistent excellence of Marena horses. We wish you the very best of luck with your purchases as you “Reach for the Stars.” Maureen Walker ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ Reach for the Stars > M < > M < Marena Stud Home of Australian Champions Hints to help the Buyer’s Choice Inspection commences on Saturday morning at 11:00 am. Sale commences at 2:00 pm Food & Drinks will be available on site. Twenty ponies and galloways will be offered for sale, most for unreserved sale. Some selected horses in show training will have reserve prices. Breeds in the Sale include Thoroughbred, Australian Stock Horses, Riding Ponies, Australian Saddle Ponies and Australian Pony Stud Book ponies. The horses are either registered or eligible for registration. People looking for mares or fillies for future breeding purposes will find some females that have been bred especially to concentrate our most successful bloodlines. Study the pedigrees, especially for names of stallions like Kalimah, Sun Puff (Imp), Lowlynn Silver Chief, Alcimaster (NZ), Marena Sky Chief, Jedda Park Little Sunray, Mr Folly of Kirkwood, Camargue Tribute(imp), Keston Royal Occasion, Fernleigh Fine Print. Pedigrees with names of beautiful mares like Marena Amber Folly, Marena Cadence, Marena Stardust, Marena Heartbeat, Marena Accent, Marena Caprice, Marena Mayflower, Marena Sundance, Marena Captivate, Marena True Love, Marena Cha Cha or any of the “Star” Family should attract your attention. Regular show goers will recognize that the pedigrees are loaded with Royal Show Champions. THE SIRES FOR ALL REASONS Marena Sky Chief’s progeny are unsurpassed as children’s mounts and are great jumpers. He was a good sire of all rounders and Royal Show Champions. Cedar Lodge Konrad – All his progeny are elegant, classy ponies, true to type and have proved to be excellent children’s ponies. Shifting – A winning racehorse and Royal Show Champion – His progeny shown great athleticism, effortless movement and have good natures. Kolbeach Scandal – An extremely well breed horse that left us some excellent foals. All the foals offered by him in the Reduction Sale were sold and we have retained his daughter. Kolbeach Royal Print - A son of perhaps the best producer of Riding Ponies in Australia out of England’s best mare, he has everything going for him. Broodmares in the Catalogue have been served by him. The four Broodmares have been served and may be returned to the same stallion in 2013 season if they do not produce a foal. All the horses are guaranteed to be drug-free. For people unable to attend the Sale in person, Phone Bids will be accepted if the bidder registers with us beforehand (so that our staff can contact you as the lots come up). Alternatively, bidders may place pre- sale bids with us by contacting us before the sale. Please contact Maureen or Lindy for more information. It is important to us that you get the right horse as it is to you, we will only be too happy to help you with your decision Maureen Walker ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ Reach for the Stars > M < Marena Brave Dance - Champion ASH Gelding Sydney Royal. Marena Mayflower Newcomber Galloway of the Year. EFA National Pony of the Supreme Champion Hack many Year 1985 shows. Marena Sundance - Galloway of the Year 1989, Champion Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne, Champion Riding Pony Marena Caprice - Royal Show Champion Show three years in a row. at Adelaide and twice at Melbourne Royals. Dam of winners of 20 Royal Marena Relais - Sydney Royal 1997 Champions. Winner of Mare Hacks at Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Weston Sun - Supreme Champion at Marena Relais - Champion Hack ASH Sun Puff (imp) Champion in England Sydney Royal and Riding Pony Shows National title Champion Brisbane - 14 Champions Ridden and Led. and Australia Sire of 42 Royal Show Royal, Reserve Champion Sydney Champions. Royal, many royal wins. Marena Memories - Champion Marena Maxina - Champion Brisbane Canberra, Reserve Sydney 2001, Royal, Four Champions Riding Pony Shifting - Champion and Supreme 2003, 2004 and Brisbane 2000. and twice Champion ASP Shows. Champion and Ridden Champion ANSA Brisbane Royal 2002 > M < Marena Stud Home of Australian Champions The Female Families The horses at Marena Stud are grouped into families tracing from mother to daughter to continue the tradition of producing versatile quality riding horses. The success of the Stud can be attributed largely to the strength of the female lines due to the Stud’s policy of only breeding from the best females. Over the years certain Families have proved their supremacy and handed down their “winning ways” and strong, sound physique unfailingly on to their progeny. Representatives of these powerful female lines are in the Catalogue. The DANCE Family – Marena Cha Cha, the great matriarch was the beginning of this most successful family. She had everything – good looks, hard clear bone and a placid nature. These attributes she passed on to her progeny down the generations. Her progeny have won 37 Royal Show Championships. Marena Star Dance is in this Catalogue. The STAR Family – Originating from Marena Valetta (Cha Cha’s smallest daughter) also was always mated to Jedda Park Little Sunray and produced a dynasty of Royal Champions of their own.
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