Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXV] FRIDAY, 6 FEBRUARY, 2004 shortstaffed? select the best! • Preferred supplier of staff to the Queensland Government • Government experienced candidates • Volume recruitment • E commerce Capabilities • Human Resource Consulting • Personality & Psychological Profiling • Panel interviewing For more information, please contact our Government Specialists Level 9, 157 Ann Street GPO Box 2260 Brisbane Q 4001 Ph: (07) 3243 3900 Fax: (07) 3243 3993 www.selectappointments.com.au Email: [email protected] Quality Endorsed Company ISO 9001 27630 [359] Queensland Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXV] WEDNESDAY, 4 FEBRUARY, 2004 [No. 20 Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Brisbane, 4 February, 2004 I, Judith Spence, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy for the State of Queensland, pursuant to sections 8 and 24 of the Community Services (Aborigines) Regulation 1998, do hereby give notice of approval that: (a) the Palm Island Aboriginal Council consist of seven councillors, including the chairperson; and (b) the direct election of the chairperson of the Palm Island Aboriginal Council. JUDITH SPENCE, MP Minister for Families and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Minister for Disability Services and Minister for Seniors BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 4 February, 2004 280669—1 [361] Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXV] FRIDAY, 6 FEBRUARY, 2004 [No. 21 QUARTERLY STATEMENT This Quarterly Statement for the Consolidated Fund has been prepared pursuant to Section 38 of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977. As at 31 December 2003, the Consolidated Fund had a total balance of $13,946.6 million (as shown in the table below). Amounts shown in this Quarterly Statement have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. As a result amounts may not add to totals both across and downwards. TREASURER’S CONSOLIDATED FUND BANK ACCOUNT AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNT BALANCES for the Quarter ended 31 December 2003 Notes Operating Investment Total Total Account Account Quarter Ended Quarter Ended 31-Dec-03 31-Dec-02 Consolidated Fund $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Balance as at 1 October 190 784 12 542 163 12 732 947 12 530 870 Receipts Collections received from Departments 1 4 428 493 . 4 428 493 3 802 783 Investment Interest . - 4 519 Dividends, Tax Equivalents and Sundry Tax 752 836 . 752 836 862 940 Superannuation, Long Service Leave and Queensland Government Insurance Fund Contributions 237 577 . 237 577 214 013 Receipts from Public Enterprises . 15 000 Other 8 064 . 8 064 1 5 426 970 . 5 426 970 4 890 218 Payments Appropriations provided to Departments 2 4 213 299 . 4 213 299 4 120 310 4 213 299 . 4 213 299 4 120 310 Net Effect of Investments Funds to/from Treasurer’s Account 85 020 - 85 020 . Consolidated Fund Balance as at 31 December 1 489 476 12 457 143 13 946 619 13 300 778 Notes: 1. Refer to Statement of Amounts Received from Departments. 2. Refer to Statement of Appropriations Provided to Departments. 280333—1 362 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 21 [6 February, 2004 Note 1 AMOUNTS RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENTS Department Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Half Year Ended Half Year Ended 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Arts Queensland 370 . 370 - 20 Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy 83 89 165 173 Department of Corrective Services 150 136 257 276 Disability Services Queensland . 25 . 268 Department of Education 251 266 231 929 456 777 408 869 Electoral Commission of Queensland 5 1 5 8 Department of Emergency Services 36 2 44 3 873 Department of Employment and Training 6 084 6 008 12 169 12 025 Environmental Protection Agency 3 667 2 812 7 115 4 947 Department of Families 102 150 189 727 Department of Health 6 . 41 - 4 636 Department of Housing . 905 . 905 Department of Industrial Relations 5 549 5 204 11 791 12 128 Department of Innovation and Information Economy, Sport and Recreation Queensland 58 217 . 94 738 - 180 Department of Justice and Attorney-General 25 062 26 138 48 445 36 073 Legislative Assembly and Parliamentary Service . 3 Department of Local Government and Planning 71 804 68 850 143 654 137 698 Department of Main Roads 50 552 54 974 80 338 56 024 Department of Natural Resources and Mines 223 536 215 930 464 328 489 634 Office of the Ombudsman and Office of Information Commissioner . 7 Department of Police 6 110 1 628 7 134 3 055 Department of the Premier and Cabinet 612 607 1 231 1 247 Department of Primary Industries 286 267 286 547 Department of Public Works . 66 Queensland Audit Office . 6 Department of Tourism, Racing and Fair Trading 7 108 10 143 21 866 22 143 Department of Transport 262 464 208 449 494 798 434 364 Treasury Department 3 455 425 2 968 536 6 420 288 5 702 291 TOTAL AMOUNTS RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENTS 4 428 493 3 802 783 8 266 029 7 322 521 6 February, 2004] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 21 363 Note 2 APPROPRIATIONS PROVIDED TO DEPARTMENTS Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Half Year Ended Half Year Ended 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Arts Queensland Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 11 610 13 950 26 122 31 387 Equity Adjustment . 230 Administered Items 22 954 21 899 22 954 21 899 Total for Department 34 564 35 849 49 076 53 516 Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 21 484 24 962 40 481 48 512 Equity Adjustment 3 000 . 7 000 . Administered Items 180 70 180 70 Total for Department 24 664 25 032 47 661 48 582 Department of Corrective Services Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 79 527 77 742 176 472 174 919 Equity Adjustment 5 382 7 402 9 907 26 199 Administered Items . Total for Department 84 909 85 144 186 379 201 118 Disability Services Queensland Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 67 988 63 323 142 290 125 918 Equity Adjustment 4 955 1 743 10 455 2 453 Administered Items . Total for Department 72 943 65 066 152 745 128 371 Department of Education Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 698 667 656 640 1 566 634 1 477 440 Equity Adjustment . 85 707 111 645 85 707 Administered Items 355 986 360 293 355 986 360 293 Total for Department 1 054 653 1 102 640 2 034 265 1 923 440 Electoral Commission of Queensland Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 4 470 2 006 9 720 4 263 Equity Adjustment 50 . 200 . Administered Items . Total for Department 4 520 2 006 9 920 4 263 Department of Emergency Services Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 68 303 49 737 155 853 107 899 Equity Adjustment 1 435 . 5 370 1 000 Administered Items . Total for Department 69 738 49 737 161 223 108 899 Department of Employment and Training Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 121 806 118 366 271 387 265 928 Equity Adjustment . Administered Items 471 . 471 . Total for Department 122 277 118 366 271 858 265 928 364 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 21 [6 February, 2004 Note 2 APPROPRIATIONS PROVIDED TO DEPARTMENTS - continued Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Half Year Ended Half Year Ended 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Environmental Protection Agency Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 43 672 52 827 96 473 107 679 Equity Adjustment 1 138 2 703 2 401 4 469 Administered Items . Total for Department 44 810 55 530 98 874 112 148 Department of Families Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 81 466 75 722 177 833 169 367 Equity Adjustment 5 700 3 805 5 700 3 805 Administered Items 32 142 30 695 32 142 30 695 Total for Department 119 308 110 222 215 675 203 867 Department of Health Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 545 790 509 946 1 228 027 1 147 378 Equity Adjustment . 11 701 Administered Items . Total for Department 545 790 509 946 1 228 027 1 159 079 Department of Housing Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 18 474 19 230 41 566 42 690 Equity Adjustment . Administered Items 3 170 2 513 3 170 2 513 Total for Department 21 644 21 743 44 736 45 203 Department of Industrial Relations Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 12 597 12 180 28 249 30 420 Equity Adjustment . Administered Items . Total for Department 12 597 12 180 28 249 30 420 Department of Innovation and Information Economy, Sport and Recreation Queensland Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 53 280 43 104 108 791 96 984 Equity Adjustment 2 162 . 5 444 . Administered Items 56 515 15 200 56 975 15 200 Total for Department 111 957 58 304 171 210 112 184 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 35 496 35 365 79 896 80 492 Equity Adjustment 5 347 2 751 12 037 5 343 Administered Items 21 952 20 788 21 952 20 788 Total for Department 62 795 58 904 113 885 106 623 Legislative Assembly and Parliamentary Service Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 11 352 11 028 25 542 24 813 Equity Adjustment . 1 137 Administered Items . Total for Department 11 352 11 028 25 542 25 950 6 February, 2004] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 21 365 Note 2 APPROPRIATIONS PROVIDED TO DEPARTMENTS - continued Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Half Year Ended Half Year Ended 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Department of Local Government and Planning Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 40 628 43 182 90 735 94 302 Equity Adjustment 120 164 277 164 Administered Items 78 672 116 759 78 672 116 759 Total for Department 119 420 160 105 169 684 211 225 Department of Main Roads Controlled Items Departmental Outputs 222 006 240 210 489 666 540 472 Equity Adjustment 50 907 - 19 511 90 175 - 50 773 Administered Items .
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