Blcmber ol Uw Audit BoreM of Clrcolatlona (Claoslfled Advertlolnx on Page S.) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1934. ROL. LIV|; no. 53. Seeks Safety Behind Bars FUTURE OF NRA :0AST GUARDS SAVE HRINERS’ SPECTACLE TO BE DECID |25 F R O M F R E I G H T E R ATTAUCTODAY DEPENDS ON WEATHER lesene Considered An Amaz- iUNER’SOFnCERS President to Confer With Prospect of Continued Rain SHRINERS’ DAY PROGRAM ing Feat Because of High ARE UNDER ARREST His Chief Advisers on 2:25 p. m.— Arrival of Aleppo Band and unlLa at Manchester depot Threatens to Prevent Big ill ;3 V s and a Fifty from Boston. Relief at the Little White 3:00 p. m.— Shrlners’ parade starts from Depot Square, Main *t7 . street to the South Terminus, countermarching to the Center. Parade — Expect 1,200 le. ! Acting Capt. Warms, Chief 4:00 p. m.— Concert in Center Park by mas.sed bands of H art- Hoose. ford. Boston, Springllcld and Providence. W alter Smith, cornetist,- to 1;500 Visiting Nohles featured soloist. Abbot of Morrow Castle gon, fdich., Dec. 1.— (A F ) — Warm Springs, Ga., Dec. 1.— (A P ) 5:00 p. ra.— Dinner. Masonic Temple and State Armory. pun Ive members ot the treight- 7- 8:00 p. m.—Conceits at State Armory by visiting bands. Here for Ceremonial To- 88i —The future of NRA and relief- “9 i^ CArt's crew reached shore Held. 8- 10:00 p. m.—Shrine ceremonial. State Armory. two of the most important Items on 'sly this morning, 11 bpurs after 10-11:00 p. m.— Entertainment and luncheon at State Armory for night in State Armory. the N ew Deal schedule___caught the Shrine nobility. i .ithe ship struck the MusAegon har- New York. Dec. 1— (AP) —Act- attention today of President Roose- ypor breakwater last night In a 00- Order of Parade ing Captain William F. Warms and velt. !^lnile gale. Harry L. Hopkins, Federal relief Division 1: Police patrol. Marshal Col. Harry B. Bisseli and aides, ONLY A DOWNPOI R M ^ n g their way to the break- CThlef Engineer Eben S. Abbott of administrator, and Donald Rlchbcrg, Rotentatc Nathan B. Richards and Divan of Sphinx Temple,. Hart- «ILL STOP PARADE 'water, band over hand, on a line the Morro Caatle are under arrest, chairman of the National Recovery forh; Sphinx band and drum corps, directors, patrol, nobility, candi- shot to the freighter b y Coast accused of criminal negligence In Executive Board and Emergency dates, past Potentates (in cars): floats. Nathan B. RIehards, General Guardsmen, the sailors fought their Chairman of the Shrlners* Parade the burning of the liner off the New Council, were on the President’s call- Division 2; .Palestine Potentate and Divan of Providence, R. I.; jivWay over a 'ntle of the wave-Iashcd and Ceremonial committee, an- Jersey shore September 8. ing list. Palestine Temple hand: Patrol. ^.y.'breakwater i shore. They are the first marine officers Mr. Roosevelt looked forward to Division 3: Pyramid Potentate and Divan of Bridgeport. Conn.; , nniineed nt 11 o’clock today that the me Injured parade due to start at 1 o’clock from to be held on such charges since a week-end visit with these two Palestine band, patrol. Chanters, directors. Oriental band. Bedouin I A ll were <hausted and-suffering ; Depot Sqiiari' would be held on 1904, when the excursion steamer principal aides, but it was empha- Patrol of New London, Conn. " from expos e. So-me had! to be as- i schedule unless a downpour of riain General Slocum burned with the sized at the Little White House that Division 4: Melba Potentate and Divan of Springfleld, Mass.; sisted to si ire, apparently Injured. : occurs at that hour. If the weather loss of more than 900 lives. A t least both subjects were stUl in the study Melba Band patrol, Legion Patrol. So far a) could be told, only 25 124 persons met death in the Morro unpenrs to be clearing at that time, stage so far as details were con- Division 5: Aleppo Potentate and Divan of Boston, Mass., Aleppo men were on the Cort when it Castle fire. cerned. the parade start will be postponed Band, Patrol, mounted patrol. :• truck. Grand Jury Report To Be Kept Secret ; until 4 o’clock. The rescue of all of them was con- Warms and Abbott were arrested Moreover, it was made clear that In any I'vent the scheduled drill of ■Idered an mazing feat in view of Sphinx Temple Patrol In Center late yesterday aa, under subpoena, all legislative propositions would be the high ^ I that was running and they paced bock and forth outside Arthur Flegenhelmer, the famous “Dutch” Schultz of New York's pre- kept in the study or secret stage Park hoe hern rancelled, due to the “V’l the 60-)#., ole. the room In which a Federal Grand repeal liquor racketeers, cowers behind the bars in Albany, N, Y., In until they are revealed to Congress storm. There will be plenty of The / hi' pounding against the street drills during the parade, the Jury Is reviewing the disaster. The fear of his fast shooting “friends". For a few moments, during re- at the opening In January. ^:::-rock))|fnc- .erance, seemed from arralgnmcnt on income lax charges, he thought that authorities were FAMILY FEUD A CAUSE chairman states, to satisfy all. Grand Jury's term expires Monday The President will make a report I Bhore^ ' settling and little hope and its report is expected by then. about to free him to face his foes. He’s shown here as he returned to the Nation later this month but was felt tl. It coul'd be saved. Conviction on the charges con- to his cell, held under $100,000 bail— and he won’t attempt to raise it. this is expected to be devoted to a Manche.stcr and Hartford Shrlners tained In the warrants— that be- discussion of fundamental princi- will be bost this afternoon to tbe MES BEBS OF CREW OF CARLISLE TRAGEDY cause of negligence “the lives of ples. Muskegon, Mich., Dec. 1.— (A P ) — greatest gathering of Shriners to upwards of fifty persons were des- He expects to consult freely pnd Charles H. Havlll. of Detroit, secre- troyed — carries a maximum sen- deal directly with Congress on the visit this town in ten years. Through tary and treasurer of the Lakeport tence of ten years in prison and a legislation to be advanced on the the effort-s of Potentate Nathan B. -Shipping and Navigation company, EXPERTS ARE DIVIDED Brother of Dead Man Tells POLICE CONTINUE administration calendar. which owns the wrecked ore frelght- $10,000 fine. Richards of Sphinx Temple of Hart- “W hat's it all about?” W arm s To Be Reorganized .ier- Henry Cort, reached the scene of ford, the annual fall ceremonlsd and kept asking as he was taken before A wholesale reorganization of the :the wreck here early today and Police There Had Been parade of the leading Shrine bands Garrett W. Cotter, United States relief policies is in sight with a. view HUNT FOR SKULL issued a partial list of the officers ON RELIEF m ENDITURES and parading units of Massachusetts commissioner, to answer the crimin- to providing more work relief and and crew ot the CorL The list: less direct relief. On the National and Connecticut will perform for Captain Charles Cox of Minden al charge. Abbott stared stolidly, Trouble for Years Among ahead. Recovery Act which expires next Manche.ster people for three hours, City. Mich.; Harry Mathews, 25, of with four hours reserved for the Croswell, Mich., watchman; August They were held in basil of $2,500 June, the President haa determined Nation’s Chief Executive U. S. AND BRITAIN upon retention of some principles Relatives. Cannot Understand Why It colorful Shriners ceremonial which Britz. 45. ol Marine City. Mich., chief each for further hearing December such as prohibition of child labor will take place in the state armory, :englneer; Lowle J. Rosie, 35, Muske- and maintenance of minimum wages beginning at. 8 o’clock this evening, iJAon H elghU, Jdich., second engineer: (Continued on Page Tw o) Was Not Found in Burned Must DecUe Imporlaul RAP OIL MONOPOLY and supervision of working hours Carlisle. Pa., Dec. 1.— ( A P ) — A Aleppo Band ifSFred Klrkbrlde, 35, of Croswell, third Chief among the many attiactions Genglneer- Ja ' Cox, 48, of Detroit, but the whole subject Is still pretty new clue to tho mj-stcrlous deaths I to be seen this afternoon in the t— fu lly aj th'er of the' captain; Question Soon — Vario'is _ __- - well open. House. of Elmo J. Noakes. his niece and | id wqek# .ji-* 5, of Detroit, whecls- Morgenthau Expected parade and in the public concert of ( WEST IS LASHED three "babes In the woods” cropped ;mari‘; .. am .^ady, 45, of Decker- Secretary Morgenthau Is expected notable Shrine bands, is the ap- Projects Are Proposed. Japan Notified She Has Vio* here also within the next day or so up, today— a family feud. Sti'vllle, Mfh., deck hand; Patrick Washlngrton, Conn., Dec. 1.— (A P I ^'Drouillard, 40, qf River Rouge, deck as well as Postmaster General Far- "There’s been trouble in the fam - BY FRIGID GALES ley, the chairman of the Democratic — Lieut. L. F. Carroll of the state "hand; John Meyers, 25, of Minden ily for years,” said R. U. Noakes, .x lated the Open Door ' city, oil#.; Leo Fuery, 23, of Minden Washington. Dec. 1.
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