APRl. 12 1969 ls weekly Hundred .JOD thousand dollars AID for a season THE Rolling Stones may star in a leading Las Vegas nightspot. They have oeen offered a season at the new International Hotel, the latest and largest hotel in the YOKO Nevada gambling town. I A colossal fee, believed to be in the regio".' ~• 100,000 dollars is involved for the season. "!'his 1s the type of fee to be paid to singer Barbra Staesand when she appears at the nightspot. • •Elvis Presley is an­ other star named ,as a give possible for the venue. fi,!:~~:ss:,m.~,e":e~:=~ INSIDE could be obtained from the Rolling Stones. The Stones, whose contract in America their with London expires later this year, are believed to be the sub­ ject of offers from other record companies in the States. FILM side They are still re­ cording a new LP and a WHEN new single. No release dates have been fixed for either. ERIC Their film Sympathy For The Devil, which was originally titled One of the Plus One, directed by CLAPTON French director Jean­ Luc Godard, was shown last week at the Bra­ KIPPED xilian International Film Festival in Rio. It was expected to win an award despite ON story. competition from two other British - made films, Joanna, directed WATERl.80 by former since, Mike Sarne •nd Wonderw•II. for which Ceorge H•r• rison composed the Starts music. ,.. MM POLL WINNERS CONCERT AT page FESTIVAL HALL, LONDON, 9PM. THIS SATURDAY. SEE YOU THERE four SEE PAGE SIX • Barry's burns cause cancellations 111 I HEARD IT THROUCH THE CRAPEVINE ROBIN GIBB ILL Marvin Gaye, Tamla Motown fFf-GFE Rot'lm G1hh If 2 12l GENTLE ON MY MIND Dean Martin, Reprise •ufff"rtntt from nrrvnu11 e11 h11u ftU1 n and hu. nul hN'n 3 131 SORRY SUZANNE . .. ... Hollies, Parlophone ahk 111 tak" part 1n any 4 (8) BOOM BANC A BANC ,, .......... Lulu, Columbia NO FREEZING ON meeting w11h mana,tf!"r R1,l)l'n 5 1101 IN THE BAD OLD DAYS ,, . Foundations, Pye SI IJ[Wood S(I far An amicable solutmn ~ 6 (7J GAMES PEOPLE PLA y .. .. .. ... joe South, Capitol 1 7 t 181 ISRAELITES . Desmond Dekker. Pyramid ~:~rn."°;~~I ::~~~ v;;:u~dn~r~ 8 (51 MONSIEUR DUPONT .. ...... Sandie Shaw. Pye takr ~olo work and the. H'II BEATLES' ROYALTIES o f lhl' Rt"r-Cif"e"i 9 fl I J GET READY . Temptations, Tamla Motown Ovrrturl' followed by lh~ 10 (41 WHERE DO YOU CO TO ...... , Peter Sarstedt. United Artists THE BEATLES, as al­ Oany Don 7 Qunrtf' I an LAINIE KAZAN DISC 11 (6) SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SORROW ways, are in the news S1ephane Grappelly Friday (2) _ Traditional Style Con· C,lla Black, Parlophone again. Last week, a IC SI (ttt 5.30 pm) follOwt'd m LAJNIE KA/AN, thr Amro­ 12 1201 WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND .. ... Noel Hamson, Reprise High Court judge re­ lhl' evt'ninjl: hy !ht Orcht'Sl~8 ,an singer whn wa11 ond1; f-unse({Ut' and u-umpt l('r 81II cwdv 10 Barhra S1 re1-.and. ha, 13 1161 GOOD TIMES (BETTER TIMES) ...... Cl,ff R, chard, Columbia new smjlle relra-.ed io fused to freeze more Coleman 8 14 1171 I CAN HEAR MUSIC . .. .. .. .. Beach Boys, Capitol than Cl million of 8r1U1in h:V l\iGM on April 11 S;1turday (JJ - ~1ddlc­ Th'" llllt i~ " Wind,"'°'. Of I\()' 15 191 FIRST OF MAY . Bee Gees, Polydor royalties on Beatles stylc cnnh·st followed by a Mmd." wnth-n spenall)· for 16 1-J GOODBYE . .. ... , . .. Mary Hopkin, Apple records. modern 1am session and ht'r hy Chvt· W~ll;r,kr- TM B fcsuvu1 hall starring pianist 11 idc i,; •· 11°!1 Ynu •• 17 (24) PINBALL WIZARD . .......... .. .. ... Who, Track The order had been sou~ht Mill Bucknt'r ttnd drummer J!1 by lwo companies, Nem­ Sht· will prnhahly retum tu 18 flSJ IF I CAN DREAM . Elvis Presley, RCA J une." Sunday (•) - Trad• ffrilain fo r mnn.- TV and peror Hold1ng!I (formerly unnal jn'll ,;e:o,smn and nuddh-­ 19 112) WICHITA LINEMAN . .. ...... Glen Campbell. Ember p1-,..i;1hly ,nnc-erl) '" l~lr Nems Enterprises) a nd Tri- ftY lc ses~iC1n followt'd h) summt·r c, r t"arh :111tumn 20 t 14) YOU 'VE LOST THAN LOVIN ' FEELIH' umph Investment Trust, \1 1Jdern j111.7 contest and an which reared that lhc evf'.'mng concert fla1urmg lht" R,ghteou~ Brothers, London rontt'51 winners plus hluesman JEFF BECK BACK 21 121 I HARLEM SHUFFLE .. .. Bob and Earle. Island money might r::i II into the T -Bune Walker and 1h c Phil hands of a "somewhat Woods Quarte1 T HE Jft-1 Rcc-k ,:rnup ""' 22 123) HELLO WORLD .. ..................... Tremeloes. CBS dubious •· American busi­ jOHN U.NNON rurned to Britam la,;1 ,,.ttk • sc.ratc.hing the deck • 23 1131 THE WAY IT USED TO BE .. Engelbert Humperd1nck. Decca nessman Allen Klein curta1hn,1t lhf'ir US tour nw-,. MANFRED JINGLES has bttn pc-r!lonn"I chani,., 1n 24 127) I DON'T KNOW W HY ........ Stevie Wonder. Tamla Motown Mfh~us:; ::~kl:t':ff;asc!~~~ 10 0 DUNKIRK JAZZ Lhe grnup prior f(I the IOur - 25 (19) ONE ROAD .................................. Love Affair. CBS 1hal d11pulL'S ah,1ut reco rd MANFRED MANN and Mike drummer T<>n}' Newman replac royalties had gene on s 1nct: Hugg nrc continu ing their Waller, 26 (29) CUPID .. ........................ Johnny Nash. Major Minor PROGRAMMES have now mp Macky and hau the denth of Brian Eps1e1n now r:xtcns1ve work in writing J:Ultans t Ronn ll' V.-{)()(I leaving 27 1251 PASSIHC ST RANGERS Counsd fur 1he two com­ been sel for !he Dunkirk International Fe,;tival nf Jan, TV commercial jinJ?,les. They a nd rcjoinmi,: - and this 11 Sarah Vaughan and Billy Eckst1ne, Mercury panif"s, Mr Jeremiah Harman. hav'-" hee"n ,:iven an a~ard ror thought le, haVt" unse\lltd QC. said !hat sintt Epslein"s to he held from Thursday. l8 1221 PLEASE DON 'T GO ..................... Donald Peers, Columbia May I until Sunday ( J. In the b~t music track of 196K 8t"c:k death 1hc Scarles had formed • for Bulmer,; Woodpecker addition lu lhl' concert pre-- A spokesman fnr Lht' ~mup 29 (-) ROAD RUNNER .. Junior Walker and All Stars. Tamla Motown a rompan) called Apple, Ctder which had wntten 10 the EMI sentalrnns fca:urm,t inter• 30 (261 DO H JUAN ... Dave Dee. Dozy, Beaky, Mick and T,ch, Fontana na1111nal Ja7.l naml's, the They have been asked 10 t~c~~f~~he~::C!;~o-~~frw: record ct,mpany asking for a ll wnte music for a film aboul kOII\I, lhl"I l:0- a U!'iual t''ICUIC royall1f's 1n he paid d,rect to Feshval w,11 stage band conll"sls on 1hr« C1f the days QE2 hcin,: ,:nade. hy Cunard. bul in Jeff", case 1t IS ltUt" lht!m Ncmperor HnhJmJ!S and lht' thev wrole for " Ht' w,11 hf' ttsllnR l(lr • and Triumph Investments Five bands will lake pan 1n music Oulux whdt" and lhl'n he hnpt·$ IJ were seckmi:; a n order that each a Paint TV cummerc1al This tS the lml•Ur, for the ,s to be expandt'd into a ruli gt>I an Mlbum and Po~'thly a EMI should pa)' all royalt11.':!i s1 n,th:, \n~l"lher •n thl n1•,r;1 until 1he drspote WB.!11 St'ttled F1ts11val lnte rnat1nnal De Jau length song for possible s1nglt' BuL lht! JUd~t: dismissed lh(• - Thursda)' (I) - CnnC"el1 rt"lea!le ft' "" Wrt=k!> .. " rreca •· appl1cat111n John Lennon a lor;o said laSL v.1.-ek that his balanct· was .. scri.1chlnJ! lht- dec.k •• Dul BLUEBEAT he adm1t1cd he could still l:a, h1~ h nnds nn £50,000 in cash HOT 10 and of cuur 51;'." he , 1111 holds OTIS uver £J milllnn worth of 111 SEVEN or;ha res 1n Northern Stm~s He LETTERS has no mlcnttun of se\11ni: his Oenod Mo<_. CIAI I share-s m 1he rom1»1n)' tu 2 1•1 PRIVATE SPANN ATV CREAM'S GIHCER BAKE R: Leading the LP chart A~ stated IUI wcl'k. the NUMBER nt!xt Beath~ si n~lt wlll be­ uu. •· Ge1 Uack " hut nu rdl."a se top twenty albums . dale ha!! ~en -.t•t. A n1tw LP 3 1:21 YOU LOST IS ei.pectt>i,! 1n Jun(' and Lhe YOUR DATE gruup havt• alot.0 detidt'd on NU l&\t O'NI YOU CAN ALL JOIN IH GOOOlfl Creom IPolrdOf1 11 1'91 the Sf np1 fur their llc.'"ICI 1 • CST OF TH[ SUKUU Voroo.r. A1l°'h llllondl lcalurt• him, hul i.l('l a1l:o, ,..,t•n· • 121 I AM A KING 11 WORLD STAR FESTIVAL S,.dier• (Columbia! no, n111 annuunn·d Eolhop,c,,.,. CIAI 7 OIAHA •on AHO TH[ SUPREMfS Voroou, A,1,,1 ,Pt>,hpsl JOIN TH[ TIMPTATION.S u ,-, TWE...-n' TWENTY s (SI SPREAD ~ R.• ond lhe- !k.apre-mN 8NJCh Bon l(Ol)IIDI• CARL -ALAN AWARDS t4 11,, THE B£ATU5 !DOUBLE ALIUM YOUR BED '""' •o•, "'' fTomlo Ma1ow1u ~ CIAI S lNGCLllRT (koo!tr IAwk°I y.,"°'~ GUTBUCK[T Von- Arll'h !l1~flyl THf l~lll FruilMUln C.nmp11n) the real blues ("1, 1brtl H"'11prtdtndr. 1Dfo<(;.OI 15 Obi • 191 FIRST TASTE OF 17 )OUNO Of MUSIC S,")vl"ld lrodr. IRCAI 1161 G(Hnl ON MY MIH;) Diana Rott" nnd \ht' Supremes, flOCt( MACHIN[ I LOVl YOU Ocon Mortu, 1Repr•k"• d1-rjaJ Emperor Ru-.kn, 1he LOVE STON(DHENGE TC" Yoon Aller (O,coml VOfH..,._ AtllJ,h 1(851 17 I 71 Ray McV1.1,· l3and :ind lht' Phil Octtic.~ Morvar, ClAI 11 7 l ntll SARHl:DT II flJl FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT tfort>,ly (Repr1u-1 MOS\ t)rrht'ilrt1 .:ire amoni the , 1-1 FOR ONCE P Ir, 'i.onlftfjl !United Arltl"hl w,nno:-r, ol th1,; )car", tori­ ' f HAI.
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