Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1972-73 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 10-19-1972 The thI acan, 1972-10-19 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1972-73 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1972-10-19" (1972). The Ithacan, 1972-73. 7. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1972-73/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1972-73 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. - OCT 2 · 1T2 I 'The Ithacan, Ithaca, New York October 19, 1972 Hayden, Fonda, and Near at Cornell The '' Most Precious '' "A POLICY OF EXTERMINATION" FONDA EXHIBITS HONEYWELL ANTI-PERSONNEL NEAR EXPLAINS INFORMATION DISSEMINATION BOMB AT PRESS CONFERENCE Thc nol 1ccably weary but nonetheless ebulhant combination of art and struggle. Characteristically, Nixon's National Secur1 ty Advisor, Henry lndoch1na Peace Campaign rolled mto a near SRO she sang several beautiful anti-war songs. She K·issinger, likes to think of it, at least the Hollywood parties he attends, as a "fig leaf." "I Haill'y Ila II last Saturda}" night and shot new hfe struck the chord of her audience several times, but can't thmk of any other reason why he uses the 11110 ,1 rl'Jwakl'ncd Ithaca anti-war movement. most heartfelt was the hand-clappmg refrain they phrase unless he's afraid of somethmg being HL·twcl'n Holly Near's art1st1c ab1hty. Jane Fonda's sang along with her m a song to the antiimpenalist ex posed," Hayden said sardonically. In other cnl1ghlL'lllllg rcvt!Jt1ons concerning her trip to struggle of the Vietnamese: North V1cl11am. Jlld Tom 1-la}den s informative continued on page two pohl1L·JI dL·livL·ry. 11 1, easy to understand why "You gotta hang lfl there a little hit longer Though I know Its been too long lhL'Y havc hl'L'll wcll received throughout the major "Uncle Eddie" de A~uero l'!t•l·lor.il ,l,1ll'S they haVL' covered thus far. 2 7 years you have been jlgh tmg 2 7 years you have been :,trong" SEE MCGOVERN VICTORY AS TACTIC I hl' purpo,c of the IP(' has been to draw ,llll'nlwn lo thc Victnam war at this critical time HAYDEN, KISSINGER, AND THE "FIG LEAF" Art With prior to the election and to help raise money for Tom Hayden, whose political expenence ranges l\frcJ1cJI i\1d tor lndochma. They arc clearly from l11s cofoundmg of Students for a Democratic IIHlqll'nt of the ML·Govern CJmpa1gn but at the Society in 1962 to Chicago in 1968 to a recent A .. Message ,allll' t1mt· feel 111s victory 111 November, should 1t trip to Hanoi, spoke of "the policy of Ul't·ur. would bring an immediate end to the war exterminatwn" the Nixon Administration has now .If you find that your social schedule has left wht·r,·..1, under the Dikt' Bomber (ISO attacks embarked upon m Indochma. The facts at his you an open Saturday mght some weekend, you hetw,·en April 15 and July 31 according to French disposal seemed endless, yet this too has become might thmk about going down to 214 Utica Street journalist-photographer Mark Ribaud ). we can the trademark of those who have opposed the war and visiting Eduardo (Uncle Edd1eJ de Aguero. ,•:-.p,·ct "rour Morc Y cars." Furthermore. in line for so long. There have been, he said, 'carpet Ithaca College's own internationally-recognized with till' now wdl undcr,tood concept within the bombings and saturation (bombing) raids where 90 artist is more than happy to mix one a drink and muwment of ··taking th,· offens1v~ they are trymg tons of bombs are dropped simultaneously from show him his own private gallery. lo t·onfrtint thl' media to for,·e them to reevaluate B 5 2s on Haiphong in the middle of April on areas By the time he was sixteen years old, Ed de lilt' state of ..1ffairs in Vietnam and present the 1/2 mile wide and I¼ miles long." He emphasized Aguero had already had three one-man showmg of n,•ws in J mon.' humane way. The group reported the fact that rice being floated in from Chinese his paintings in his native Costa Rica. that tht'} had dis.-ov,•r,•d. whik in Syracuse. that vessels outside the mines m Haiphong harbor are Educated in public school there, he also onl~ one-fourth of CBS" affiliatt's had covered now "military targets'. In effect, this allows attended a Pharmacy school and a Fine Arts tlkGovern 's r,·,·t'nt spt'e,·h on the war. American jets to swoop in on Vietnamese on their school simultaneously for four years. Then after he With r,-spe,·t 10 the rco.:l'nl bombmg of the bamboo rafts (used so as not to disturb the mines) had shown his paintings at every gallery in Costa Ftl'nch ,•mbas.._,. in Hanoi l New York Times. floating out to receive the rice and either strafe or Rica, Ed came to the United States to study October l .l) Hayden rl'marked "'It is a reflection bomb them as they please. For this, Hayden painting. on lhl' kinil ol war wl' are w..1ging when whne remarked ''We are taking glorious credit." · Ed had a summer scholarship to Appalachian people arl' killed and it bel'omes an international Th.: Indochina Peace Campaign is trying to State Teacner's College in South Carolina. Once he inddent but when fiv.- Vielnamese die. it doesn't stress the fact that the war is not winding down. got there, however, he found that not only would t"\·~·n ·oo.:,·ur· on thl' inside pages." Fonda had "It costs S20 million each day to support the he be a student, but was hired as a Spanish earlil'r mentioned in a press ,·onfrreno.:e that the Saigon regime and the combined efforts of the professor. Naturally he kept painting, and Edward Soviet-Vietnamese Friendship Hospital in Hanoi l\avy and Air Force," Hayden said. "We can de. Aluero found that the U.S. was just as had :ilso been bombed while she was there. yet expect to lose ~O pilots each week the war interested in seeing his work as his native country. such incidents often go unreport.:d. continues (based on past averages) and the 39,000 He had a one-man showing while at Applachian Holly ~ear. a red-haired. bright and friendly troops remaining in Vietnam can be attacked or and several more at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. )'oung woman who toured with Fonda's Free The held hostage" at any time by a much stronger Thtn in 1953 Ed came to Cornell University to Army show. start.:d off th.: evening while: National Liberation Front. "The cost to the major in Linguistics and Spanish Literature. Before undaunted. Cornell's liberated dogs nonchalantly Indochinese people," he added, "is infinitely he ~ad graduated from Cornell, Ed had had several wandered a.:-ross the stage. Her personal work has. greater." conti-ed on pqe 2 likt the Vietnamese . .:entered around the As for the Saigon regime, Hayden related that - The Ithacan, October 19 1972 Page 2 minutes. When Jan.:, adm1ttedl~ quite confusl'd. 'Most Precious' looked Jround the• room lor SO!ll<' form of explanation ~he notiad ··,:\,:r> on<' \\ .i, ,·r~ 111g ·· Student Congress Acts Goals NOTHING MORE PRECIOUS lOnt,nuccl froni puJ<e one Thi, 1s th.: t~pe of exp.::r1.::11,·e· J.111.: FondJ. Tom 1-la\den, JnJ !loll> '\,:.ir l",Hr> \\ 1th the•m LlJ1\~. It on Recruitment Issue word-,, S,.11gon will numble and deca~ hut the 1,. ·in an 1ron1c: ,, .1~ . .i ,ottrcL' 1n~pir.1t1011 to l;n1ted C,tatc,· 1mdge, 1f all goc, d'> planned \\Ill ,,f them. Th,: lndoch1na P,:.i,·,: C.1mp.11gn e•nurnr.ig.:~ remain intact. 1 hi, led Hayden to propo,c that B~- Ken Holcombe .1pprc1,1111.1t,·I~ ~ll ,,ut ,,1 .1 Ill effect. not .i \ot.: for Ge·org.: \kGO\efll or Jll) K i"~inger and !\1xon run for the office of On 111gh t the· IC. p ,, , , 1 b I,' 7 ll ll , '1 f-, J 111 p II, other peac,: cJndidatt'. hut J n)\,: for 1\\.: Godfather, wherein a "new balancing act" of the Stt1J.:nt Congr.:". [,~ .1 \c>te• ,,f rc•,1de'llh ,'\c'I \ll(,·d 111 !he· p,,ll Vietnamese people HJ)d<'n rcp.:.it.:dl~ world's power,- would re-,ult in a "nuclear power -I 3 -1~ - 3 . de' C Ide d t U .1 l I Ll \\ 1n ll( h,·1 re'c"I Ult llle'llt bu,111e•,,. duh" who,e 'client," (1.e. ,mailer nauon, ,uch a, underscored the cr1t1cal tl!lle period\\ e Jft' 111. Th.: re·prt',e'llt.ltl\c'' Llf the' lln1t.:d th,· C,Higr,·"· r,·que·,1 h>r .111 Vietnam) would he "brought to heel." Ohv1r1u,ly. anu-war movement must exp.ind ,ind Like th.: StJt.:, 1111ltt.1r~ clll th<' c.1mpt1s ··jnjun,t 1,,11·· 111 l·,,111111u1111~ with our 3 OGG m1htary ha,e, around the world. offensive. he said. '·w Ith th.: feeh ng t ha I \II e Jrt' !or !lie' put pll~e' ,,( d1,,e'll1lnJt1ng c,,urt .l/!,1111,1 ,tllel\\ 111!! 1111ltt.11> there ,houl<l he no que,t1on who the head "Don" not a lunatic fringe.
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