---- - --------------------------~ -e- :_ fitrst:i~'ational Conference on Eliminating \\ . - - . -Rflcial'and Ethnic Bias in the Courts KF - / ~~J 3 . A15 NJ0, Jq9£ Siale Justice mi Institute National Center for State Courts 300 Newport Avenue Williamsburg, Virginia _23185 Library 804-253-2000 • 804-220-0449 (FAX) Notional Center for Stole Courts 300 Newport Ave. 0 - ©1994 '.\Williamsburg, VA 23187-8798 ,. - "::.This doc:Ument,.was prepared and reproduced with funds from the State Justice Institute, Grant Number · . SJI-93-12A,C·B' 198-P94-(1-3), for the First National Conference on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Bias in '- the Courls. · ttiis noteboOk reflects the opinions of its compilers and is not an official statement of either · the State-Justice Institute or the National Center for State Courts. /Jbuquerque Con.-ention Center March 2-5, 1995 Albuquerque, New Mexico First National Confernce on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Courts ....-~ Table of Contents Welcome A Letter of Welcome General Information Acknowledgments Conference Objectives Planning Committee and Staff Disclaimers Endorsements 1. Schedule of Events Conference Schedule Concurrent Educational Sessions :. Public Participants Sessions II. Presenters/Faculty Faculty List Biographical Sketches Ill. Participants Participant List IV. State Tearns State T earn List V. Resources Organizations at the Conference Summary: 1994 Survey Bibliography VI. Evaluation Evaluation • Acknowledgments: The Planning Committee and the National Center for State Courts express their appreciation to the State Justice Institute, the Federal Judicial Genter and the Supreme _Court of New Mexico for their continuing support of judicial education and the sharing of experiences and knowledge among the conference participants. We also wish to express our deepest gratitude to the many organizations, institutions, and states who have offered both financial and technical support. Throughout the planning and executing stages of this conference their support has included financial backing of faculty members, conference staff, and public relations assistance. The contribution of these organizations has greatly enhanced the important impact of this conference. The assistance of the Federal Judicial Center (FJC) has been overwhelming and we appreciate their active support of the program. The FJC provided funding that allowed judges and others from thirteen federal circuits to participate, has sponsored faculty and has provided all conference participants with copies of two relevant FJC publications: Studying the Role of Gender in the Federal Courts: A Research Guide and Diversity in the Courts: A Federal Judicial Center Guide for Assessment and Training. We wish to thank Sekio Matsumoto for designing the conference logo and layout. The logo represents people of all races surrounding the scales of justice with their arms raised together in celebration. The shading and gradation of the colors • represents a fusion of these different peoples into an indivisible whole, while still maintaining individual identity. The conference theme, "Justice for All: Eliminating Bias in the Courts", is presented in the background in 14 languages: Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Navajo, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, KiSwahili, and Vietnamese. We are also indebted to the co-chairs of the Washington State Minority and Justice Task Force, Justice James M. Dolliver and Justice Charles Z. Smith, and other members of the task force, for sharing Mr. Matsumoto's logo which is part of the overall conference layout. Finally, the following persons provided language translations of the conference theme: Esther Yazzie (Navajo); Jackie Noh (Korean); Patricia Michelsen (Spanish); Vong Nguyen, (Vietnamese); Jackie Luk (Chinese); and John Ono (Japanese). Special thanks are extended to the Albuquerque Convention Center and the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center for providing the Dineh-tah Dancers for the Conference Welcome Dinner on Thursday evening and to Highland High School Junior ROTC, of Albuquerque, for presenting the colors at the opening plenary session on Friday ;:- morning. • JIJSTICE FOR ALL: Eliminating Bias in the Courts WELCOME TO THE COI\IFEREI\ICE! Dear Conference Attendee: Welcome to the First National Conference on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Courts. We are excited we are that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to join us here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Planning Committee and the Conference Staff have been working diligently to ensure that your participation in this weekend's activities will be both personally and professionally rewarding. A collection of the most qualified professionals in the nation's judicial system have been gathered as faculty to offer an intriguing presentation of educational and thought provoking material. "Justice For All: Eliminating Bias in the Courts" is the conference theme. Each of you will play an extensive role in creating state and nationwide strategy for eliminating bias. Your contribution to the sessions and meetings that you will attend •• will ensure that the conference objectives are met with complete success. Thank you for your interest in this important endeavor and for your participation in the First National Conference on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Courts. If you need any information or assistance during the conference, please feel free to contact a member of the Planning Committee or the conference staff. Respectfully, v~.CAQ.~~ Honorable Veronica Simmons McBeth H. Clifton randy Chair, Planning Committee Project Director Conference Tracks The conference has three specific tracks, each with a different function and a different conference outcome. Your role at the conference and the track in which • you will participate will be determined by the type of participant you are. Three times during the conference- Friday at 2:30 pm; Saturday at 4:30 prri; and Sunday at 8:30am- the group will split. The three types of participants are as follows: State Team Memben- two thirds of the conference attendees are state team members. They were selected by their state chief justice to work as a state group in developing a strategy for addressing bias in their home states. The sessions specifically designed for state team members are annotated in the agenda as "State Team Members Only." Public Participants- are composed of attendees who were not appointed by a Chief Justice to be a member of a state team. This group is a rich mixture of judges, academics, trial court administrators, public defenders, probation officers, civil rights attorneys and representatives of interested organizations. The public participants' role is to contribute to the conference via their three town forums which will examine public perceptions and the courts, juveniles in the court system and criminal law and procedure. The sessions specifically designed for Public Participants are annotated in the agenda as "Public Participants Only." Federal Court Participants- have been selected by either the chief judge of their circuit or the Federal Judicial Center to attend this conference. The federal court •• participants will attend sessions which are tailored to address the special issues of the federal courts. The sessions specifically designed for Federal Court Participants are annotated in the agenda as "Federal Court Participants Only." In an effort to maintain each session's integrity we ask that you observe the guidelines that have been set and attend only those sessions appropriate for your role. Please check your agenda for location and time of your specific session. Conference Office The conference office is located directly outside the entrance to the Kiva Auditorium on the upper level of the Albuquerque Convention Center, West Complex. The office will be open from 2:00 pm -6:30pm Thursday, March 2; 8:00 am -5:00pm Friday and Saturday, March 3 & 4; and 8:00 am - 11 :30 pm Sunday, March 5. Audio Taping The plenary and education sessions of this conference are being audiotaped by Teach 'em, Inc. Cassette recordings of the sessions will be available the day following the session in the conference office. The cost is $10 per cassette with various discounts offered based on the number of cassettes purchased. Order •• forms will be available in the conference office. r I ' First National Conference on Eliminating •• Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Courts JUSTICE FOR ALL: Eliminating Bias in the Courts The conference is an action-oriented event that brings together teams from each state's judicial branch, the federal judiciary, and the public. Participants will share and exchange information and strategies that will help judicial leaders and court managers identify racial and ethnic bias in the judicial branch and develop innovative strategies for its elimination. OBJECTIVES • To change the attitudes of judicial leaders toward the existence of bias in the judicial branch. • To present an analytical framework for understanding how personal, institutional, and systemic racial and ethnic biases operate in the judicial environment. • To provide a forum to assess the policy and management implications of both the existence and elimination of bias. • To inform the conference participants about successful measures taken to eliminate bias from the courts. • To inspire representatives from each jurisdiction to develop and implement a strategy for eliminating racial and ethnic bias from their •• systems . The First National Conference
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