http://breezejmu.edu "Knowledge « Liberty" VOL. 76, N0.15 M M I N INSIDE TODAY'S WEATHER Partly sunny, high 72°F, p. 5: Gearing up for election tow54°F. season from the GOP POV Extended forecast on page 2 p.10: House Editorial. B R Pulling the administra- E z E tive switchcroo again U NT E K p. 20-21: Xtreme coolness ' '■'■■: .'. ■:*.;.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1998 ■'' : : '''■'■' ■■*■ ■'■■ , -': ■' ■•■ ■■'■!■■■' ■&:■..:.■■ ■:.».■.',:■;.■.•:,•.■:;>:-,.•: >:■;,:■: ■;:<:.>>:.::::,...;:;„.,ivi.K^ An Xtremely fun weekend p.m. football matchup Homecoming '98 between the Dukes and the proves a rollicking Tribe of William & Mary. The Homecoming Field good time again Fest featured Fighting GraW ty, a climbing wall and other i I ANGELA HAIN recreational games. There contributing writer were also food and beverages available for sale. Alumni from as far as "I mainly went to the Field California and Washington Fest to see the band," fresh- state came to JMU to partici- man Laurel Suiter said. pate in Homecoming events "Overall, it was a good place and tailgating before the to stop by and hang out before football game. the game." Tailgating Saturday was Sherry King, director of the spread throughout campus, Office of Alumni Relations, including at Hanson field, the said she thinks the Homecom- Hillside parking lot and at the ing events give alumni a sense Godwin Field Fest. Tailgating gave way to a 3 see HOMECOMING page 7 LEN ALWOGHT/coniribuiing photographer A JMU Football-inspired flower bed located near Godwin MEGHAN MOKTGOMERYIconlributmg photographer Hall popped up for Homecoming Weekend 1998. J-M-U D-U-K-E-S fens show off their school spirit Saturday at the football game in Bridgeforth Stadium. The Dukes lost 24-12 to the College of William & Mary, but fans had plenty to cheer about as alumni PARTY CENTRAL IN THE BURG: Another look at the festive from all over the country came back to the 'Burg to celebrate Xtreme Homecoming '98. sights from Homecoming Weekend 1998, pages 20-21 Friends of accused murderer speak out Fulton, spiritual advisor for Can- where they are all members of KATHERYN LENKER said they knew about the mur- Circuit Court. Police arrested terbury Episcopal Ministry. the Vestry, Canterbury's lead- der investigation before Harper Sept. 23 and charged him I news editor Junior Kristin Barkerding and ership team. Harper's arrest. with the Thanksgiving 1995 mur- senior Sally Tempest, two Tempest is currently senior "But it sort of phased out and der of his sister, Anne Harper. He Friends of Matthew Harper, a friends and fellow Canterbury warden, an office akin to pres- didn't matter [to us]," Tempest was also charged with the JMU student charged with his sis- members, attended Harper's ident, Barkerding is junior said. attempted murder of his mother, ter's murder, say people should- arraignment Sept. 25 and have warden, an office akin to vice Fulton said, "We're acting out Elizabeth and the malicious burn- n't assume he's guilty. continued to support him as he's president and Harper is a com- of love and using Jesus as our ing of his mother's Burke home. "One of the ways we're sup- returned to school while await- mittee head. model." Barkerding said Harper's attor- porting him is to accept him for ing his Nov. 30 trial. Both describe Harper as an About 12 friends traveled to ney, Steve Grafman, told the who hie is, just like we accept all Barkerding and Tempest met "integral part of Canterbury." Fairfax to attend Harper's our other members," said Sally Harper through Canterbury, Barkerding and Tempest both arraignment in Fairfax County see ACCUSED page 7 2 Monday, Oct. 19, 1998 The Breeze TABLE OF CONTENTS B R E E z E 'To the press alone, chequered as • pg. 25 — Midnight Madness NEWS • pg. 10 — Spotlight — JMU • pg. 17—CD review: Cheryl Crow it is with abuses, the world is • pg. 17 — Movie review: "Pecker" • pg. 27 —Field Hockey pg. 3 — Alcohol Awareness school spirit indebted for all the triumphs • pg. 18 — New Image Art Gallery • pg. 29 — Men's soccer which have been gained by (Week • -pg. 11 — DARTS AND PATS • pg. 31 — Mike Brizendine reason and humanity over error • pg. 3 — Habitat for Humanity • pg. 11 — Column: Underage Show soccer feature and oppression." • pg. 4 — College Republican drinking by Gabe Uhr FOCUS • pg. 33 — Volleyball — James Madison roverage • pg. 13 — Letters to the Editor • pg. 20-21 — Xtreme Homecoming • pg. 35 — Sports Beat pg. 4 — Visiting scholar lecture • pg. 15 — Column: Freshman LIFESTYLE FYI living by Randi Molofsky SPORTS OPINION 37 — • pg. 23 — JMU Football Cover- • P8- Horoscopes The Breeze is published Monday and • pg. 10 — House editorial: STYLE Thursday mornings and distributed Accreditation process at JMU • pg. 16 — Talent Jam age vs. William & Mary • pg. 37 _ Soap Opera Updates throughout James Madison University and the local Harrisonburg communi- ty. Comments and complaints should sion on Oct 16 at 12:46 Qjm. in the influence of alcohol on Oct. be addressed to Courtney A. Crowley, editor. P-lot The student had originally 15 at 1:10 a.m. on Bluestone MaMnfi addreaa: flagged down the officer and Drive. The Breeze POLICE LOG requested medical attention. » Non-student Brandy L Fra- Gl Anthony-Seeger Hall zier, 19, of Chesapeake, was MSC6805 James Madison University sumption of alcohol on Oct 16 at Alcohol Poisioning arrested and charged with driv- ISTEVEN LANDRY 12:33 a.m. in Bell Hal. Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807 * An officer responded to a JMU ing under ihe influence of atoohoi Phone: (540) 56&«127 mpolke reporter student suffering from alcohol on Oct 16 at 2:40 a.m. Fax:(540)568-6736 Campus police report the fol- Underage Possession of poisioning in Bell Hal on Oct 16 E4M addnm: Alcohol the_ breeze8jmu.edu lowing: at 12:33 a.m. Grand Larceny Breeze Net: • A student was judicaily The rescue squad transported • Unidentified individuals http://breeze.jmuedu Underage Consumption of charged with underage posses- the student to the RocWngham allegedly stole an Olympus Alcohol sion of alcohol on Oct. 15 at 1:12 Mode) CH8S Mechanical Stage Section phone number* Memorial Hospital. Opinion/Style: x3846 • A JMU student was judicially am. at the G-tolfjus stop. 4 lens microscope from Burruss News:x6699 charged with underage con- Driving Under the influence HallonOct2. Focus: x6729 sumption of alcohol on Oct 16 at Alcohol-Related Injury of Alcohol The microscope's serial num- Sports/Graphics: x6709 12:45am.inP-tat ber is 932983. Photo: x6749 • A JMU student refused medi- • Non-student Jason J.Webb, General Manager • A JMU sfcident was judicialy cal transport after an officer 24, of Arlington, was arrested Cheryl Floyd, x8084 charged with underage con- observed him with a facial abra- and charged with driving under seePCHMXioapaeeT Bookkeeper Susan Shifflett, x8089 LOCATION DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR The Breeze is located in the lower level of Anthony-Seeger Hall. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21 Cleveland • Association of Information Technology Professionals Meeting, 7 • CEO Workshop, 12.30 and 4 p.m., Taylor 302, call x2895 p.m., Zane Showker 102, e-mail Josh at rosentjl • Association of Information Technology Professionals Meeting 7 • Campus Assault Response Helpline, 6 p.m., Maury 205, call p.m., Zane Showker 101, e-mail Josh at rosentjl Melanie at 438-8053 • College Republicans Meeting 8 p.m., Taylor 400, call Stephanie at • Evening prayer, 9:30 p.m., CCM House (1052 S. Main St.), spon- 438-3160 * sored by Catholic Campus Ministry, call Christine at 574-0534 • Harry F. Byrd Symposium on Post Cold War Era, 4 p.m., Taylor 404 • Honors Program Brown Bag Lecture Series, 12:20 p.m., Hillcrest House, call x6953 • Rape Aggression Defense System Self-Defense for Women, 1 p.m., <JDB/R EEZE University Services 111, call x6727 • Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Large Group, 7 p.m., ISAT CFW • Visiting Scholar Lecture, 7 p.m., Highlands Room, with Dr. Harold Conference Room, call Susie at 438-1607 M. Barger • Rape Aggression Defense System Self-Defense for Women, 1 p.m., WEATHER University Services 111, call x6727 TUESDAY, OCT. TUESDAY: Sunny, high 62°F, low • Bible Study, 7:15 p.m., Canterbury Episcopal Campus Ministry, call THURSDAY, OCT. 22 44°F. Jason at 432-0302 WEDNESDAY: Partly cloudy, high • Alumni Relations Open House, 7 p.m., Chandler Study Lounge • Harmony Meeting 8:30 p.m., Taylor 311, call Chris Dolce at x6000 53°F,low41°F. • Bible Study, 8:15 p.m., Wesley Foundation, 690 S. Mason Street, call THURSDAY: Showers, high 48°F, • Madison Scholar Lecture, 7 p.m., Anthony-Seeger Auditorium, Ben at 434-3490 low44°F. with Political Science professor Glenn P. Hasted t • Delta Sigma Pi Charitable Fundraiser, all day, the Commons, e- FRIDAY: Showers, high 53°F, • SGA Meeting 5 p.m., Highlands Room, call x6376 mail Denisse at [email protected] low35°F. • Students for Camp Heartland Meeting 7 p.m., Taylor 309, call • Fellowship and Praise, 5:30 p.m., Baptist Student Union, call 434- Sarah at x6332 6822 CI^SSIFIEDS How to place a classified: Smelling of smoke MARKET WATCH Come to The Breeze office Morr in.thm hull <>|•! Americans naysay they rcgul*regularly mw: ;.l i> i* lo keep (hem from weekdays between 8 a.m. flpli ;<•' 'I cigarette smoke afterward. PlacesPla they uvoti Dow JONES NASDAQ S&P500 and 5 p.m. Bawk't:!.*. 71 % Cost $2.50 for the first 10 words, $2 for each additional Nightclubs |1174 |*M A 105642 10 words; boxed classified, Humes of smokers $10 per column inch. Restaurant" 4tft close: 8416.76 close: 1620.95 close: 1056.42 Deadlines: noon Friday for Monday issue, noon Tuesday Private parUcj* 33%) for Thursday issue.
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