VOL. X., NO. 15 APRIL 10, 1915 PRICE 10 CENTS ¥ \ own rier Seattle •^IBL» Saturday t/S'A Miss Phyllis Davis of Victoria, B. C, as a powder puff in her song, "Just a Teenty, Tiny Touch," in the musi­ cal revue "Stop, Look, and Listen!' at the Moore aTU*9S Theatre, April 19 uosxpvW y -mfr T 1-TT„ P - and 20 SELECTING | COKING FURNACE COAL INVESTMENTS If you know how to use coking coal in your furnace and want to Many business men are so occupy; cut your fuel cost and get more than the usual satisfaction, order with tho care and details of their af­ fairs that they have little tinle 0: opportunity to make a study of se POCAHONTAS STEAM COAL emit lea. The officers of this bank are cor Mined by the POCAHONTAS COAL & COKE CO. in King County. stantly in touch with investment con­ ditions and are pleased at any ^j New Mine Careful Preparation to place their knowledge and experi- Sold at Retail by: Wholesale by: a i the service of customers ir J. P. McNamee Elliott 4347 Pocahontas Coal & Coke Co. the selection of high-grade securi­ Wainwright & McI.eod_Elliott 1218 509 White Building, ties, combining unquestioned safet; Edgewater Fuel Co North 1681 Phone Main 5001. and a satisfactory interest return You will find Northern Bank & All sorts of finest Imported and r Domestic Delicacies at shorthand rs a &epp/77<fst077eTrus t Company Jacobi's German Delicatessen (D baseless success, or<3 mi/H-torze^— Fourth Ave. and Pike St. and Lunch Room <&pencrt/i^upon how cc^/I I/OLL le&cn t&. SEATTLE, WASH. M. C. Jacobl, Proprietor. Sausages and Luncheons Our W&tzach you ri$\t HYAfT'fUWELLS ^^W Specialty. 12 24 THIRD AVENUE " OXFORD' Corner University St. SPECIALIZING Phone Elliott 6043. The Seattle National Bank in BUSINESS MEN'S SUITS Gentlemen's Hats SECOND AT COLUMBIA at Cleaned & Blocked. Panamas made $35.00 TO $45.00 like new. All work guaranteed RESOURCES: $17,000,000 "19 years right here Is your 109 Prefontaine Place guarantee." Opposite City Light Office Oxford Tailoring Co. ORGANIZED EFFICIENCY 711 Third Ave. New York Bloc> WE IMPORT PROMPT SERVICE Selected Berries "Safety We Are Pleasing Others :: :: We Can Please You b(!end and roast them by our own process to make first" \ Crescent The First National Bank in food is more im­ Established 1882 Cream PIONEER SQUARE, SEATTLE portant even than it Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 is in your contact Coffee M. A. ARNOLD, President with mechanical dan­ D. H. MOSS, Vice-President C. A. PHILBKICK, Cashier M. McMICKEN, Vice-Presdent A. R. TRUAX, Assistant Cashier gers around you. 0 0 The delicious taste ifcs?^ ™^ ^ NEW ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY [NVITED Your first duty is and flavor is sealed in air-tight tins— to your health and you get it in the that of your family. cup. DOMESTIC OO^LL STEAM In Try "Crescent PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. Cream" today I Main 8040 Phones ^Elliott 92 Maplewood Brand LARGEST FLOATING DRY DOCK EQUIPMENT Milk and Cream ON THE PACIFIC COAST you have the abso­ Completely Equipped Shops for Ship, Engine and Boiler lute assurance of pur­ ity-safety. Have these prod­ REPAIRS ucts delivered at your home every day. BARLOW MARINE ELEVATORS Phone Ship Builders, Engine Builders, Boiler Makers | Iron Founders, Brass Founders, Lumber Manufacturers | PARSONS MARINE STEAM TURBINES YARROW BOILERS Pure Milk Dairy, Inc. 1514 Seventh Avenue. SEATTLE CONSTRUCTION & DRY DOCK COMPANY Main 2545 Elliott 4344 THE TOWN CRIER VOL. X NO. XV. SEATTLE, U. S. A., APRIL 10, 1915. PRICE, 10 CENTS. Official publication of the Northwest Music Better Advice Needed Nevertheless, the errant patrolman has appealed Teachers' Association. his case to the supreme court. Prosecuting At­ Official publication of the Seattle Pine Arts So­ It is now proposed to build a $1,000,000 retaining torney Alfred H. Lundin is dissatisfied. No one ciety. wall to hold the waters of the Cedar River in the Member Washington State Press Association. would expect a prosecutor to be otherwise; but place prepared for them behind the city's $1,500,000 Published every Saturday by Mr. Lundin gives some pretty sound reasons for dam. City Engineer Dimock is said to be con­ WOOD & REBER (Inc.) his frame of mind. "The man has been convicted vinced that the "puddling" process which he first 703-4-5-6 Northern Bank Building, Seattle of one of the most despicable crimes on the calen­ Telephone Main 6302 proposed, and which would cost from half a mil­ dar," points out the prosecuting attorney. "An James A. Wood Editor lion up, would not serve the purpose. On second officer of the law is more culpable because he is E. L. Reber Manager thought he has decided that what is needed is a Entered as second-class matter at the United depended upon to uphold the law, and therefore States postoffice at Seattle. retaining wall. What The Town Crier would like deserves a sentence as heavy, if not heavier than SUBSCRIPTION: One year, in advance, $3.00; to know is this: Is there any sort of assurance six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single a civilian when found guilty. There is a moral copies, 10 cents. Foreign subscriptions (countries in that the useless dam can be made useful by the effect which should not be overlooked." Postal Union) $4.00 a year. For sale by all News­ adoption of either of Mr. Dimock's suggestions, or, dealers. in fact, of any suggestion that he is capable of But the convicted one has had the consummate Payments should be made by Check, Draft, Postal nerve to demand an appeal to the supreme court. Order, payable to THE TOWN CRIER, or by Regis­ making? Mr. Dimock may not have been responsi­ tered Letter. ble for locating the dam where it should not have Suould a new trial be ordered and the blackmailer For Advertising Rates address Suite 703, Northern be found once more guilty, The Town Crier hopes Bank Building, Seattle. Inquiries within city limits been located; but if he is competent to solve any of of Seattle, made by mail or by telephone to Main Seattle's engineering problems he certainly should that Mr. Paul R. Schuman, ex-patrolman and 6302, will be personally responded to by a repre­ sentative of THE TOWN CRIER when requested. not have waited until the dam was completed before despicable grafter, in spite of his "tender" years Unsolicited manuscript must be accompanied by making the discovery of its uselessness. The taxpay­ and the fact of first offense, will get the absolute stamps sufficient for return if found unavailable for publication. ers of Seattle, always willing to spend money for limit. what they need, and often too eager to bond them­ Printed by R. L. Davis Co., Arcade Building. selves and posterity for what they have been led to think they need, will still hesitate about acting on "' Stop, Look, Listen !'' Close the Gates Mr. Dimock's further advice in the way of large A striking and unique manifestation of the close friendship existing between Seattle and Brit­ After escaping the spectacle known as the expenditures. It will require something more than ish Columbia will be the presentation by Vancouver "Round-up" for a number of years since it became his say-so to justify sending another million after and Victoria society folk of the charming revue, an occasional diversion in sections of the country the one and a half million already misspent on given over to stock ra:sing, Seattle is again threat­ the dam. "Stop, Look and Listen," at the Moore theater, ened with an exhibition of this sort, scheduled for * * * April 19 and 20. This entertainment, originally next July. As a seaport city, with limited area gotten up by talented young people of the Canadian for ranging, Seattle doesn't raise cattle, but the It Always Happens cities in aid of the Red Cross fund, proved such a promise is now made that several car loads of What the Seattle Star calls "unexpected op­ complete success that its promoters decided to animals will be shipped in, accompanied by scores position" has developed in the city council to bring it across the "imaginary line." Fifty per of cowboys and cowgirls. Promoters are already the plan for the creation of a Bureau of Mu­ cent of the net proceeds will be devoted to local announcing through the press a program of such nicipal Research. A resolution intended to con­ charities, the remaining revenue being devoted, edifying pastimes as roping, bull-dogging, throwing, vey the impression that the council looked with as before, to the work of mercy in war-torn Europe. broncho-busting, and other ingenious forms of mal­ favor on the plan for such a Bureau, has been All expenses are borne by public-spirited Vancou­ treating the dumb and driven brutes to be brought hung up on the insistence of Councilmen Hesketh ver people. here for the purpose. One of the local saloon­ and Erickson. Mr. Hesketh voices his fears of a Seattle visitors who have seen "Stop, Look and keepers financially interested in the undertaking concealed plot of "hand-picking;" in other words, Listen" declare it a delightful melange of music, says it is intended "to make this an annual event, he has dreadful apprehensions that a Bureau of dancing and amusing comedy, utterly devoid of so that 'Let 'er buck' may become a familiar Seat­ Municipal Research might bring some intelligence the vulgarisms which not infrequently mar pro­ tle by-word." and expert knowledge into an investigation of fessional products of the sort.
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