November 17, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27207 Vorspan, Conregation Shir Ami, Woodland SALUTING MEG MCCRUMMEN AND country,’ for the love of their country, people Hills; Rabbi Moshe Waldoks, Temple Beth THE STUDENT BODY OF ST. from all over America have come to the Gulf Zion, Brookline; Rabbi Brian Walt, Rabbis PAUL’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL IN Coast to help clean up the mess left from hur- for Human Rights-N.A., West Tisbury; Rabbi MOBILE, ALABAMA ricanes; for the love of their country, individ- Philip Warmflash, Jewish Outreach Partner- uals support candidates whom they believe ship of Philadelphia, Melrose Park; Rabbi Andrew Warmflash; Rabbi Arthur Waskow, HON. JO BONNER will lead America well. The Shalom Center, Philadelphia; Rabbi Mi- OF ALABAMA ‘‘Patriotism goes far beyond wearing red, chael Wasserman, The New Shul, Scottsdale; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES white and blue on the Fourth of July; it is a very personal response of gratitude to Amer- Rabbi Mira Wasserman, Congregation Beth Thursday, November 17, 2005 Shalom, Bloomington; Rabbi Pamela Wax, ica. Loving America doesn’t at all mean blindly Kehillat Chaverim, White Plains; Rabbi Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, last Friday, agreeing with leaders. Patriots often speak out Deborah Waxman, Reconstructionist Rab- Americans from all walks of life—and from all against the government they believe is binical College, Wyncote; Rabbi Joshua Wax- corners of this great country—celebrated Vet- wrong—but it means acknowledging the tre- man, Or Hadash, Philadelphia; Rabbi Nancy erans Day 2005. mendous gift of being American. Wechsler-Azen, Congregation Beth Shalom, In our largest cities and our smallest towns ‘‘Every person here is blessed by the fact Carmichael; Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, Con- alike, people paused, even if for just a mo- that we are American. There is a contagious gregation Agudas Achim, Attleboro; Rabbi ment, to say thank you to the men and women spirit of justice and goodwill that is evident Sheila Weinberg, Amherst; Rabbi Daniel A. Weiner, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle. who over the years have helped to keep throughout our history of dealing with people. America free and strong. Our country is the envy of many others, and Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, The National Some communities held parades; others we know freedoms that some foreigners only Center for Jewish Healing, New York; Rabbi held rallies or prayer vigils, especially for the dream of. Samuel Weintraub, Kane Street Synagogue, Brooklyn; Rabbi Mimi Weisel, Jewish Com- men and women who are currently fighting for ‘‘But where does that leave us, here at St. munity High School of the Bay, San Fran- freedom in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Paul’s? When asked by his wife on Election cisco; Rabbi Lew Weiss, IHC, Indianapolis; And true to what living in a free country is Day who she should vote for, a soldier on ac- Rabbi Zari Weiss, Rodef Tzedek, Seattle; all about, there were also the occasional signs tive duty in Iraq replied, ‘You vote for whom- Rabbi Michael White, Temple Sinai of Ros- of protests from people in some parts of the ever you want to . that’s why I’m over here lyn, Roslyn; Rabbi Nancy Wiener, Hebrew country who oppose our current involvement fighting.’ Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, in the global war on terrorism or, for that mat- ‘‘Is there something worth fighting for? He New York City; Rabbi Dan Wigodsky, River- ter, oppose anything the majority of Americans believes so. I believe so. dale; Rabbi Jeffrey Wildstein, Temple Israel, support. ‘‘If not with guns, fight with service to our Minneapolis; Rabbi Avi Winokur, Society At St. Paul’s Episcopal School in Mobile, I community. If not in Iraq, then fight injustice in Hill Synagogue, Philadelphia; Rabbi Irvin had the opportunity to wear the hat of a proud Wise, Adath Israel Synagogue, Boulder; Mobile. And so, I challenge you to pray for our Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, The New North parent as the student body held what has be- leaders, love America actively, and be thankful Masorti London Synagogue, London; Rabbi come a tradition, the annual St. Paul’s school- for the men and women that saw fit to sac- Jeffrey Wohlberg, Adas Israel Congregation, wide assembly. This year’s assembly focused rifice their lives for her freedom.’’ Washington; Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf, Rabbi on the meaning of patriotism, as well as a sa- Well said, Meg. Well said. Emeritus, K.A.M. Isaiah Israel Congregation, lute to our veterans, a number of whom were f Chicago; Rabbi Joseph Wolf, Havurah Sha- in attendance. lom, Portland; Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan, Mr. Speaker, last Friday was a beautiful day A TRIBUTE TO LOUISE WILLIAMS Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco; in Mobile and everyone in attendance wit- BISHOP Rabbi Bridget Wynne, Kehilla Community nessed a wonderful tribute to our country, led Synagogue, Berkeley; Rabbi Moshe Yehudai; entirely by the student body. The presentation HON. ROBERT A. BRADY Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel, Temple Micah, Wash- by the music department set the tone early on ington; Rabbi Moshe Zemer, Director, Insti- OF PENNSYLVANIA tute of Progressive Halakhah, Tel Aviv with patriotic songs filling the air. It was truly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a ‘‘Kodak moment’’ of pride in America. Israel; Rabbi Irwin Zeplowitz, The Commu- Thursday, November 17, 2005 nity Synagogue, Port Washington; Rabbi Naturally, Jane´e and I were especially proud Shawn Zevit, Jewish Reconstructionist Fed- when it came time for our own 4th grader to Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I eration, Elkins Park; Rabbi Laurie Zimmer- represent her class and tell about what patriot- rise to honor my State Representative, Louise man, Congregation Shaarei Shamayim, ism means to her. While admitting some de- Williams Bishop upon her receipt of the Out- Madison; Rabbi Michael Zimmerman, Con- gree of prejudice, we were especially proud standing Community Leader award from the gregation Kehillat Israel, Lansing; Rabbi because Lee wrote her paper on her own, Friends of Labor Committee of Laborers’ Local Henry Zoob, Temple Beth David, Westwood; without either her mother or daddy’s input. 332. This amazing woman has simultaneously Rabbi David J. Zucker, Shalom Park, Au- That seemed to make her teacher, Mr. Fricke, distinguished herself in three separate ca- rora. pleased as well. reers: as a broadcaster, a Baptist minister, Cantors All of the students who took part in Friday’s and a State Representative. It defies the tribute did a great job. Every parent, grand- imagination even further to realize that she Cantor Shoshana Lash, Temple Ner Tamid, achieved all of this while raising four children. Bloomfield; Cantor Barbara Ostfeld, Amer- parent, teacher and friend had to be full of ican Conference of Cantors, Williamsville; pride as the words of more than a dozen Within a few years of graduating from high Cantor Jodi Schechtman, Temple Beth Am, young people were somehow woven together school, Louise Bishop was named the ’Young- Framingham; Cantor Kerith Spencer-Sha- to make a beautiful quilt of patriotism and love est Voice in Radio,’ earned a degree from the piro, Congregation Adas Emuno, Leonia; of country. American Foundation of Dramatic Arts, and Cantor Iris Beth Weiner, Kehillat Mevakshei While everyone did a superb job, one young later was awarded both an Honorary Doc- Derech, Jerusalem. lady, Meg McCrummen, a St. Paul’s junior torate of Humanities from Monrovia College Rabbinical Students who is secretary of the Student Government and an Honorary Doctorate of Law from East- Association, perhaps captured the moment as ern University. From the success of her own Student Susan Averbach, Kol Hadash—So- well as any I have ever heard with her essay career, Louise has nurtured the careers of ciety for Humanistic Judaism, San Fran- on patriotism. It is as follows: world-famous recording artists, including stars cisco; Student Leah Doberne-Schor, Hebrew ‘‘For the love of her country, Rosa Parks en- such as Aretha Franklin. Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, dangered her life for freedom; for the love of Called to the ministry early in life, Louise Brooklyn; Student Joshua Feigelson, River- dale; Student Daniel Friedman, Yeshivat his country, George Washington turned down was ordained as a Baptist minister in 1978. A Chovevai Torah, New York; Student Will a real chance for great power because he similar inspiration to benefit the community at Friedman, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, Rego knew America didn’t need a king; for the love large later led her to run for public office, and Park; Student Alexandria Shuval-Weiner, of his country, Jeremiah Denton endured tor- she was elected to the Pennsylvania State Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of ture in the Vietnam War, saying he was ‘hon- House of Representatives in 1988. The voting Religion, Manhattan Beach. ored to have had the opportunity to serve [his] public already knew her for her good works as VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:59 Mar 02, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00657 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK20\BR17NO05.DAT BR17NO05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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