Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:294 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes MONDAY . MAY 29. 2017 -Jawza 08, 1396 HS KABUL: Meshrano Jirga mem- bers on Monday divided over the selling of 72 acres of land to the Alokozy Group of Companies (AGC) by the government in Kab- ul. The government last year signed a deal with AGC for making in- vestment and doing business in the country. Under the contract, the AT News Report AGC was sold 72 acres of land near the Kabul Airport to estab- ABUL: Ministry of Refu lish six factories. gees and Repatriation on One acre of land was sold to Sunday said that over AGC against $5,000 and the com- K pany was expected to invest $350 140,000 Afghan refugees returned home mostly from Pakistan and million by construction of six fac- Iran in the past two months. tories. Some lawmakers had earli- “Some 89,299 refugees from Iran er demanded the contract with and 55,694 refugees from Pakistan AGC to be revoked because the land was sold at a low price with- returned home since be gaining of He said those opposing the try. Some lawmakers demanded solar year,” said Sayed Hussain out bidding process. But Farhad Sakhi, a lawmaker deal had connections with land investigation to individuals who Alemi Balkhi, refugees minister. He mafia and their attempt was to take tried to prevent the AGC from in- said that over 1,300 Afghan refu- from Kabul, said: “In foreign coun- tries, land is provided to investors money from the AGC in form of vestment in Afghanistan. Chairman gees returned to the country from commission. Fazal Hadi Muslimyar said a hand- European states, where out this free of cost. I have two factories in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Mohammad Alem Ezidyar, ful of servants of Iran and Paki- figure 987 were returned voluntar- first deputy chairman, supported stan were against Afghanistan’s ily and 329 were deported. In the for which the land was provided free of cost.” AGC investment and said: “We economic progress. He said the year of 2016, Afghan refugees de- should support investment com- upper house would investigate the ported from Europe were 580 Af- Mohammad Hanif Hanafi, an- other lawmaker, said “The agents ing to the country.” He said if there contract signed between the AGC ghans, he added. He said that to- was any problem, it should be re- and the government. “If there is tally 250,000 Afghans have sub- of Iran and Pakistan don’t want to see Afghanistan become economi- solved legally and no one should any issue, it would be resolved mitted documents for seeking asy- stop investment flow to the coun- through legal ways.” (Pajhwok) lum in the past two years. He said cally self-reliant.” that after flood of refugees from Afghanistan and other countries, the European countries made de- Several cision to deport back high number of refugees including Afghans. He stated that fortunately through dif- villages ferent meeting and agreement, Af- ghan government succeeded to fallen to slow down deportation of Afghan from European countries. Point- ing to Afghan refugees’ bad condi- Taliban in tion in different foreign countries particular in Greece, Minister said Badakhshan’s that earlier Afghan government had dispatched a delegation to Greece Tagab AT News Report liceman shot dead his six colleagues police, he added. to talk over issues, where fortu- in an outpost Saturday in Shinkai Insider attack is one of the main nately the delegation succeeded to KABUL: A local policeman said district,” said Provincial Council challenge in police and army crew, partly solve challenges. district to have been linked to the Taliban Member Assadullah Kakar. The Afghan forces often faced such at- militants killed his six of his col- killer fled to the Taliban after the tack in the past years, thus it is ocal security officials con leagues in southern Zabul province, attack, according to Kakar. Inves- required of the government to take firmed a number of villages said officials Sunday. “The po- tigation started over the case by a serious step to solve the issue. Lin Tagah district have been fallen to Taliban militants in north- eastern Badakhshan province. An official of National Direc- torate of Security (NDS) who wished to go unnamed said that AT News Report Taliban militants stormed a num- ber of security posts in Kato Bala ABUL: At least 50 mili area of Tagab on Saturday noon. TEHRAN: A group of six people har comes as the Afghan forces are tants were killed and 21 Around 11 villages were fallen were arrested by the Afghan secu- busy conducting counter-terrorism others were wounded in to militants during the fight that rity forces before they manage to operations against the offshoot of K continued until 7pm last evening, join militants of the ISIL terrorist the ISIL terrorist group in this different crackdowns within past 24 hours. the source said. Afghan security group in Eastern Afghanistan. province. The local officials had In a press release issued here, forces suffered no casualties and According to the local govern- earlier said that the majority of the Ministry of Defense, (MoD) said there is no information about the ment officials, at least three Paki- ISIL militants fighting in this prov- that Afghan National Army (ANA) militants’ fatalities, the official add- stanis are among those arrested ince are foreign nationals, mainly in collaboration with Afghan Na- ed. during an operation in Nangarhar from the tribal regions of Pakistan. Ghani tional Police (ANP) and National Kamil Baig Hussaini, a provin- province, Khaama Press reported. Provincial governor’s spokesman Directorate of Security (NDS) cial council member said around 25 The provincial governor’s Ataullah Khogyani last year that personal has conducted joint op- villages containing highest popu- spokesman Ataullah Khogyani the documents obtained from the dismissed erations against insurgents in dif- lation of the district, were overran confirmed the report and said the dead bodies and those arrested ferent areas of Nangarhar, Lagh- by militants due to negligence and individuals were arrested from the during the operations in Achin, man, Kapisa, Paktia, Paktika, lack of coordination among securi- vicinity of Rodat district. Kot, Haska Mina and other parts Herat Khost, Ghazni, Kandahar, Uruz- ty forces. Meanwhile, Zabihullah “Three Pakistanis and three of Nangarhar, reveal that they are AT News Report soor Ahmad Khan of Pakistan’s gan, Badghis Faryab, Kunduz, Mujahid a spokesman for Taliban Afghan nationals were arrested by originally residents of Orakzai mayor Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Baghlan, Herat, Badakhshan and militant claimed that security forc- the police forces from Rodat dis- Agency. Khogyani further added KABUL: The first meeting of the The Afghan delegation stressed Helmand provinces. The press re- es suffered heavy causalities in trict as they wanted to join the ISIL that the intelligence information AT News Report China-Afghanistan-Pakistan on the importance of economic lease added that in these opera- fight with militants during so called group,” he added. gathered by the government also (CAP) Practical Cooperation Di- cooperation especially regional tions, 50 insurgents including four Mansouri operation in Tagab dis- The anti-government armed reveal that the ISIL loyalists are KABUL: President Ashraf Ghani alogue was held in Beijing, the cap- connectivity to realize not only the Daesh fighters were killed and 21 trict in the past 24 hours. militant groups including the ISIL mostly comprised of Pakistani dismissed Herat Mayor—Farhad ital city of China, on Saturday. economic potential but also its others were injured. This joint He said that 13 security posts loyalists have not commented re- nationals. According to Khogyani, Niyayesh as a result of complaints In this meeting, three coun- impact on stability and peace in operation of the Defense Security including three strategic areas and garding the report so far. the residents of Tajikistan are also lodged against him by the local res- tries discussed regional coopera- the region, highlighting Afghani- Forces was supporting by the ar- 15 villages were captured by Tali- This comes as at least three fighting alongside the Pakistani idents, Munira Yousufzada, tion with a focus on infrastruc- stan’s geographic advantage to re- tillery and air forces, added state- ban in Tagab district. A number of Pakistanis were arrested during a nationals for ISIL terrorist group spokesperson for the Independent ture projects to advance practical alize the vision of a connected, in- ment. The ANA discovered and weapons and military equipments similar operation in Nangarhar who are mainly deployed after Directorate of Local Governance cooperation in various areas and tegrated region, the statement add- con iscated weapons and ammuni- also captured from Afghan forces, province last month. The arrest of completing training in Pakistan. (IDLG), said on Sunday. to promote mutual benefit and re- ed. In this connection, the Afghan tion in the operations as well. Mujahid said. (Pajhwok) the Pakistani nationals in Nangar- (FNA) Yousufzada in a statement said gional economic integration under side proposed a number of specif- that the suspended mayor would the framework of the One Belt and ic key connectivity projects in road resume his office once the investi- One Road (OBOR) Initiative, the and rail sectors as well as in the gation process over his two years Ministry of Finance said in a state- sectors of hydro and solar power of official activities to be complet- ment. generation. The three sides agreed Helicopters seen landing in Taliban ed. According to statement, the to make China-Afghanistan-Paki- According to the statement, mentioned meeting was co-chaired stan Practical Cooperation Dia- IDLG had been assigned investi- by Khalid Payenda, Senior Advis- logue a regular forum for coopera- gation to a fact-finding committee er to the Minister of Finance, Di- tion on infrastructure under OBOR controlled district in Ghazni rector General Xiao Qian from Initiative with the next round of to probe into the matter.
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