ALANBAA English28 Sunday, 25 November, 2012 Analysis Research A new shot heard round Sleep before exams, the world don’t study all night UPI -- “The shot heard round the world” is a ref- Jake Owen erence to events at Lex- ington, Mass., of April 19, Country Singer Jake Owen and 1775. The American mili- Wife Lacey Welcome Baby tia fired on British troops Olive Pearl http://eonli.ne/ and began the American Y88HJ9 Revolution. There is at this moment in our history another Ameri- can Revolution, clearly less bloody, but of greater con- sequence. This revolution has come about through the election of Barack Obama UPI -- Many students will be pulling all- for a second term as U.S. nighters to prepare for final exams, but U.S. president. researchers say a good night’s sleep may be a The United States has better idea. been ruled by an oligarchy Dr. Philip Alapat, medical director of the Har- Ryan through most of its history. ris Health Sleep Disorders Center and assistant Wealthy, well-positioned professor at Baylor College of Medicine, recom- Seacrest men and women controlled mends students study throughout the semester, the political process and set up study sessions in the evening because it How Ryan Seacrest, Julianne ruled through their surro- is the optimal time of alertness and concentra- Hough, Tori Spelling, and gates holding elective of- tion and get at least 8 hours of sleep the night More Celebs Spent Thanksgiv- fice at nearly every politi- They have ruled this coun- elite were to seize and hold influence diminished. before exams. ing http://eonli.ne/Qyqh7h cal level. try from its inception. power through an oligarchy That is perhaps until “Memory recall and ability to maintain con- This at least is how re- Taking the most critical of the wealthy throughout now. American society has centration are much improved when an individ- visionist historians under- understanding of our history the following decades. Dom- changed. The composition ual is rested,” Alapet said in a statement. “By stand our history and polit- we are meant to understand hoff describes the close per- of the society is altered by preparing early and being able to better recall ical processes. Revisionist that the American Revolu- sonal and family relation- the influence of the have what you have studied, your ability to perform American history allows a tion was begun as a rejec- ship among a number of nots. The once white, com- well on exams is increased.” less romanticized version of tion of the burden of taxa- our past presidents. placent, majority is no lon- College-aged students ideally should get 8 to our past and present. They tion and control of American The Roosevelts origi- ger the deciding factor of 9 hours of sleep a night, but most students gen- painfully cut to the quick, business held by the elite nally an American colonial the U.S. electorate. erally get much less, Alapat said. a dispassionate, less hys- of our early society. family of Dutch descent, There has been a great “Any prolonged sleep deprivation will affect terical, history. George Washington, per- are the clearest example. deal said of the brilliance your mood, energy level and ability to focus, The essence of revision- haps our greatest American There were a number of of Obama’s electoral cam- concentrate and learn, which directly affects Glee ism, a most pejorative de- hero, was more a corpora- intermarriages among the paign. There was far less your academic performance,” Alapat said. scription, is to reinterpret tion than an individual. He oligarchy to ensure contin- brilliance than there were The occasional all-nighter mixed with the con- Glee Recap: Ryder and Jake American history with a was the largest landowner uation by the elite in their the realities and the dy- sumption of caffeinated beverages and students Bond and the Warblers Return critical analysis of causes in the country and owned dominance of the Ameri- namics of the electorate are at risk for developing insomnia, as well as in “Dynamic Duets”! http:// and effect, decisions and the largest whiskey distill- can the political and eco- and the desire for dramat- increased risks for alcohol abuse and motor ve- eonli.ne/ShvuwX evidence. ery in the United States, nomic states. ic change and a rejection hicle accidents, the study said. G. William Domhoff, an exceptionally profitable The rich coalesced into a of what is seen by a ma- Young adults should recognize chronic sleep in his book “Who Rules undertaking. social class that developed jority as the obstruction- deprivation might contribute to development America” describes the po- The British Crown’s tax- institutions through which ist elite who make their of long-term diseases like diabetes, high blood litical process of the Unit- es on his business were op- the children of its members lives untenable. pressure and heart disease, Alapat said. ed States as one held cap- pressive. The same paternal were socialized into a per- No candidate represents tive by a small percentile position is true of nearly all manent upper class. Mem- this class better than did of the population, whose of the founding fathers of bers of this class control Mitt Romney. Romney ad- position and wealth allow America’s revolution. Ben- major corporations, the pri- mitted as much in his rev- Technology them control of the ordi- jamin Franklin was a busi- mary mechanism for gen- elation of the 47 percent of nary citizen’s political and ness man, a publisher and erating and holding wealth Americans receiving gov- economic state, a classic printer of newspapers, and in the United States. ernment assistance whom Gabriel Aubry oligarchy. books. Thomas Jefferson The ordinary American he, and his class hold in Last U.K-made type- Domhoff first published was a plantation owner, a has had less power through contempt and hold as soci- Gabriel Aubry Injured, Arrest- his revisionist thesis in 1967 vast plantation, dependent the electoral process than eties parasites. A revealing writer goes to museum ed After Altercation With Ol- and added new editions in for its success on his prof- is understood. The ability thoughtless remark from a ivier Martinez Outside Halle ‘83, ‘98, ‘02 and ‘06. He it, absent taxation. for the electorate to force member of the oligarchy. Berry’s Home http://eonli.ne/ demonstrates the interre- The list goes on to include change and create a more The remarks were both an U14qSP lationship between Ameri- virtually all of the principal equitable society has been admission of the existence can presidents and their ex- members of the revolution severely limited by elite’s of the elite and their domi- tended families to show the who agitated so successfully resistance. nance, albeit revealing the close family ties of many among the American pop- Voting doesn’t necessar- frustration with the new de- of our presidents. ulace for the breach with ily make government re- mographics dominant, with- Their intent is to serve the British king. Taxation sponsive to the will of the in the social context and both on another and the larger of all colonies was neces- majority when the control contrary to the elite’s pur- oligarchy’s purpose. Main- sary to support the British of our government is in the pose and intent. tain the status quo that is monarch’s conquest of ter- hands of elites who won’t most to their advantage, po- ritory and rate payers. permit their primacy to be By MORGAN litically and economically. America’s revolutionary undone or their wealth and STRONG Chris Brown (UPI) -- A factory in Wales produced the fi- Chris Brown’s Rep Denies Showbiz nal typewriter made in Britain and immediately He Was Scared Away From dispatched it to a museum, officials said. Guyana Concert by Protest- Typewriter manufacturer Brother says it do- ers http://eonli.ne/QxY5kP nated the last machine made in its factory in Wr- 'Dallas' star Larry Hagman exham to London’s Science Museum. Edward Bryan, a worker at the factory that produced 5.9 million typewriters since opening in 1985, made the last one. dies at 81 “If people ever ask me, I can always say now, AFP -- Larry Hagman, cerous tumor. as a strange question, that I’ve made the last who shot to worldwide fame Three years later, he un- typewriter in the U.K.,” he told the BBC. for his portrayal of the oil- derwent a liver transplant The typewriter is widely considered as helping man villain J.R. Ewing in that saved his life. many women to enter the workforce, and still the US television series Once known for his par- has “a special place in the hearts” of members "Dallas," has died at the tying ways, Hagman gave of the public, said Phil Jones, head of Broth- Vampire age of 81 after losing a up drinking and smoking er in Britain. battle with cancer. following his liver diagnosis “Because of this, and the typewriter’s impor- Diaries Hagman first became and in later years became tance in the history of business communication, a TV star in 1965 in the an anti-smoking campaign- we felt that giving it a home at the Science Mu- Once Upon a Time, Vampire comedy series "I Dream er. In November 1996, the seum would be a fitting tribute.” Diaries, Teen Wolf and Parks of Jeannie," in which he actor starred in "Dallas: Brother said it stopped making typewriters in and Rec Bosses Reveal What played an amiable astronaut JR Returns", a two-hour Britain because of lack of demand.
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