CRA.ISPIO/Forest Research Unit Roma “Ovile” Farm, Roma Research activities on the Cedrus atlantica and Cedrus libani provenances tests established in Italy. Ernesto FUSARO C.R.A.–ISPIO/ Unità di ricerca forestale, Roma; E-mail: [email protected]; www.populus.it Introduction • The total area reforested with cedar in Italy (islands included) is estimated to amount to about 3500-4000 hectares. • Cedrus atlantica is the most widespread species, followed by Cedrus deodara which covers about 500. • Cedrus libani on the other hand, can only be found in Natural Parks and in the parks of the main historical villas of the Italian territory, often with imposing specimen over one hundred years of age. • Cedars are generally used as secondary species in the reforestation of small (1-2 ha) hilly and montainous areas, together with other conifers such as Pinus nigra, Pinus pinaster, Pinus pinea, Cupressus sempervirens, Aabies alba, Castanea sativa, Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens, Q. suber, Acer ssp, Fraxinus sp.. • Most reforested areas are 20-30 years old, but in some of the oldest plantations in Tuscany, Calabria and Sardinia there are evidences of natural regeneration. Aim of the experimental trials • Most ecological-sylvicultural studies on areas reforested with cedar in Italy have been carried out by the CRA-Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura of Arezzo (Morandini and Mercurio, 1999; Cutini and Mercurio, 1994). • Research ISPIO of Roma, has been focused on the study of the genetic variability and on the assessment of the potential production of Cedrus species and provenances. Plantations established in Italy 1. 1982-83 Comparison between 14 provenances of Cedrus atlantica of Morocco (4 from Rif, 7 from the Middle Atlas and 3 from High Atlas realised in Tuscany, Lazio and Abruzzo. 2. 1994 Comparison between 12 provenances of Cedrus libani (6 from Turkey and 6 from Lebanon) and 7 of Cedrus atlantica (3 from Morocco, 3 from France and 1 from Italy) realised in Tuscany, Latium, Abruzzo and Calabria. 3. A clonal orchard was also established in Tuscany by grafting (Siniscalco, 1994) starting from an early selection of “plus” trees of provenances from Morocco, selected within the plantations established in Tuscany and Latium in 1982-83; 4. we also set up 2 maternal progeny tests of 35 “plus” trees from adult plantations located in Sardinia (1991 Tab.1: Provenances of Cedrus atlantica and Cedrus libani in the plantations managed by CRA/Ispio.RM. Provenances Cedrus atlantica, Morocco Provenances Cedrus libani e C. atlantica Plantations 1983-84 Plantations 1994 1 Rif, Targuist,Tidiguine Cedrus libani 2 Rif, Targuist, Dah Doh Turchia 3 Rif, Targuist, Jebel-Aarz 1- Arslankoy-1 11 Rif, Targuist, Tizi-Ifri 2- Sutlegen 4 M.A., Taza, Tamtrouchte 3- Pozanti-06 5 M.A., Taza, Tamjelt 4- Ciglikara 6 M.A., Taza, Tafferte 5- Arslankoy-11 7 M.A. Itzer, Talharine 6- Gokyurt 8 M.A.,Itzer, Col du Zad Libano 9 M.A. Itzer, Tanourdi 7- Kammouah-W 13 M.A., Taza,Tizi Dini 8- Kammouah-E 10 A A, Tounfite, Idikel, 9- Hadeth el Jebbe 12 A.A., Tounfite, Bouagoua 10- Barcuk 14 A A, ITounfite, Ich N’Timghilte 11- Ain Zhalta 12- Niha Cedrus atlantica Marocco 13- Rif 14- Medio Atlante 15- Alto Atlante Francia 16- Ventoux-01 17- Ventoux-02 18- Lubèron Italia 19- San Severino M 20- Sardegna Results • In the trials the following aspects were monitored: • field rooting and biotic and abiotic damages; • height and diameter increment at different ages; • phenological stages and morphology of the needles. Proven. C. atlantica Marocco, 24 years Fig. 1: Cedrus atlantica - Morocco: mean height, by provenance, at different ages Fig. 1: Cedrus atlantica Marocco, prova monoalbero, az. Ovile-RM altezza media delle provenienze a diverse età 7,00 6,00 5,00 Età, m a, i 3 4,00 5 med 7 a 3,00 z z 9 e t al 2,00 1,00 0,00 1234567891011121314 provenienze (in elenco nella tab.5: RIF n°1-2-3 e 13; MEDIO ATL. n°4-5-6-7-8-9 e 12; ALTO ATL. n°10-13 e 14) C. atlantica Marocco height of nineteen-year old plants F2: Cedrus atlantica Morocco. Differences between plantations in Latium (RM“Ovile”, single-tree plots, 50 m above sea level) and in Tuscany (FI “Rincine”, 1050 m above sea level). Fig. 2: Cedrus atlantica, Marocco. Differenza di accrescimento in altezza a 19 anni, tra gli impianti di Ovile-RM e Rincine-FI 14,00 12,00 10,00 m a, 8,00 FI edi m RM 6,00 zza e t al 4,00 2,00 0,00 1234567891011121314 Provenienze (in elenco nella tab.5: RIF n°1-2-3 e 13; MEDIO ATL. n°4-5-6-7-8-9 e 12; ALTO ATL. n°10-13 e 14) Tab. 2: Circonferenza media a m 1,30 (cm) e altezza media (m) delle provenienze di Cedrus atlantica del Marocco a 19 anni, disposte in ordine crescente secondo il test di Duncan (P=0,05). Prov. Lazio n.oss. P= 0,05 Lazio P= 0,05 Toscana P= 0,05 P= 0,05 n° Blocchi circ. Duncan Monoal Duncan Blocchi Duncan Duncan Test b Test Proven, Bloc. Circ., Proven, Circ., Proven, n.oss. Circ., H, m n° +Mon. media,c n° n° circ. cm m RIF 164 ss 50,4 * 115 oss 52,6* 178c+68 54,38* 8,50 * h M. A. 330 ss 53,7 * 216 oss 60,2 * 393c+15 56,08* 8,91 ** 1h A.A. 96 oss 63,7 * 180c+70 56,85* 9,17 * h Bl. N° II 118 49,09* N°32 II 182 52,8* I 131 51,06** 8 gruppi IV 192 56,1* III 126 54,4 * Omog. III 191 56,8** IV 119 55,4 5,4,20... I 185 57,7 * * 26,16,17 Prov. Lazio n.oss. P= 0,05 Lazio P= 0,05 Toscana P= 0,05 P= n° Blocchi circ. Duncan Test Monoalb Duncan Blocchi Duncan 0,05 Test Duncan Proven, Bloc. Circ., Proven, Circ., Proven, n.oss. Circ., H, m n° + media,cm n° n° circ. cm Mon. 1- Rif 3 55+29 48,0* 11 48,6* 11 11 48,9* 8,7* 2- Rif 2 56+29 49,9** 2 52,2** 3 57 51,7* 8,1* 3- Rif 6 51+32 50,2** 1 53,3** 5 53 52,6 * 8,4* 11-Rif 4 54+51 52,2*** 3 54,6*** 2 53 54,1 * 8,5* 4- M. 8 55+31 53,1*** 13 55,9*** 9 57 54,3 * 8,8* A. 5- M. 1 53+31 53,5*** 4 56,9*** 14 59 54,8 * 9,0* A. 6- M. 5 55+32 53,9 ** 7 59,5*** 10 61 55,2 * 8,7* A. 7 M. A. 9 59+29 55,2 ** 5 61,2*** 8 60 55,9 * 9,1* 8- M. 7 56+32 57,3 * 9 61,3*** 7 51 56,2 * 8,6** A. 9- M. m 31 12 62,7*** 4 57 57,5 * 9,3** A. 13- M. m 26 6 63,3 * 13 13 57,7 * 8,8** A. 10- m 32 8 63,7 * 6 55 58,0 * 9,3** A.A. 12- m 30 10 63,7 * 1 57 58,4 * 8,9** A.A. 14-A.A. m32 14 64,1 * 12 59 60,7 * 9,8** RIF 164 ss 50,4 * 115 oss 52,6* 178c+68h 54,38* 8,50 * M. A. 330 ss 53,7 * 216 oss 60,2 * 393c+151h 56,08* 8,91 ** A.A. 96 oss 63,7 * 180c+70h 56,85* 9,17 * Bl. N° II 118 49,09* N°32 II 182 52,8* I 131 51,06** 8 gruppi IV 192 56,1* III 126 54,4 * Omog. III 191 56,8** IV 119 55,4 * 5,4,20... I 185 57,7 * 26,16,17 Test of provenances Cedrus atlantica e C.libani, 1994 RISULTATI Cedrus atlantica e C.libani Survivals, 9 Y. Leban Moroc C. Locality Species on Turkey co France Italy Average C. atl. libani C.liban survival i C.libani C. atl. C. atl. C. atl. % Survival 80,50 84,70 88,90 87,50 86,90 Tuscany % %77,10% % % % 81,8% % 78,8% Survival 97,20 98,60 90,30 60,40 Latium % %96,50% % % % 92,5% 85,9% 96,9% Survival 68,70 62,50 86,10 37,50 Calabrian % %63,90% % % % 67,3% 69,5% 66,6% Survival 7920,0 % 82,1% % 81,9% 88,4% 61,5% 82,20% 80,9% 80,7% Tab. 5: Increments in height of ne-year old Cedrus atlantica and C.libani provenances in 4 comparison trials. Accrescimento provenienze di cedrus atlantica e c. libani dopo 6 anni nelle quattro località di confronto 4 m 3,5 a, Ovile i 3 d 2,5 e Rincine 2 1,5 Acqua S 1 zza m 0,5 e Barisc. t 0 al 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213 1415 16 1718 1920 provenienze 1-6 Turchia; 7-12 Libano; 13-15 Marocco; 16-18 Francia; 19-20 Italia Increments in height of nine-year old Cedrus atlantica and C.libani provenances in three comparison trials. provenienze di Cedrus libani e C. atlantica a 9 anni 7 6 5 Libano C.libani Turchia C.libani m 4 a , i Marocco C. atl. d e Francia C. atl. a m z Italia C. atl. z 3 e t C. atl. al C. libani 2 1 0 Toscana Lazio Calabria Località di confronto Increments in height of 9 year old Cedrus atlantica and C.libani provenances in three comparison trials.
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