E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2017 No. 1 House of Representatives This being the day fixed by the 20th The CLERK. As directed by law, the Lee Panetta Speier Amendment to the Constitution of the Clerk of the House has prepared the of- Lieu, Ted Pelosi Swalwell Lofgren Peters Takano United States, for the meeting of the ficial roll of the Representatives-elect. Lowenthal Rohrabacher Thompson 115th Congress of the United States, Certificates of election covering 435 Matsui Roybal-Allard Torres the Representatives-elect met in their seats in the 115th Congress have been McCarthy Royce Valadao McClintock Ruiz Hall, and at noon were called to order received by the Clerk of the House, and Vargas McNerney Sanchez Walters, Mimi Napolitano Schiff by the Clerk of the House of Represent- the names of those persons whose cre- Waters, Maxine atives, Hon. Karen L. Haas. dentials show that they were regularly Nunes Sherman elected as Representatives in accord- Very Reverend Paul Ugo Arinze, St. COLORADO John Vianney Roman Catholic Church, ance with the laws of their respective Buck Lamborn Tipton Janesville, Wisconsin, offered the fol- States or of the United States will be Coffman Perlmutter lowing prayer: called. DeGette Polis Almighty and ever-living God, as this The Representatives-elect will record 115th Congress is gaveled in to begin their presence by electronic device and CONNECTICUT their work for the people of this great their names will be reported in alpha- Courtney Esty Larson Nation, we ask You to send down Your betical order by State, beginning with DeLauro Himes spirit upon the men and women of this the State of Alabama, to determine DELAWARE whether a quorum is present. House. Blunt Rochester Give them wisdom, so that they may Representatives-elect will have a lead the people of our country into minimum of 15 minutes to record their FLORIDA peace and prosperity. Grant them an presence by electronic device. Bilirakis Frankel Ros-Lehtinen open spirit to listen to each other and Representatives-elect who have not Buchanan Gaetz Ross to work with each other. obtained their voting ID cards may do Castor Hastings Rutherford so now in the Speaker’s lobby. Crist Lawson Soto Endow them with courage that is Curbelo Mast Wasserman borne of loyalty to all that is noble and The call was taken by electronic de- Demings Murphy Schultz worthy; loyalty to their families, loy- vice, and the following Representa- DeSantis Posey Webster tives-elect responded to their names: Deutch Rooney, Francis Wilson alty to their constituents, loyalty to Diaz-Balart Rooney, Thomas Yoho the Constitution, and loyalty to our [Roll No. 1] Dunn J. country—loyalty that scorns to com- ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—434 GEORGIA promise with vice and injustice and ALABAMA Allen Graves Price, Tom knows no fear when truths and rights Aderholt Palmer Sewell are in jeopardy. Bishop Hice, Jody B. Scott, Austin Brooks Roby Carter Johnson Scott, David Byrne Rogers Grant them new forms of friendship Collins Lewis Woodall and new opportunities for service. ALASKA Ferguson Loudermilk May they always show forth in their Young HAWAII lives and works the ideals of our coun- try: one nation under God, indivisible, ARIZONA Gabbard Hanabusa with liberty and justice for all. Biggs Grijalva O’Halleran Franks Gosar Sinema IDAHO Amen. Gallego McSally Schweikert Labrador Simpson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ARKANSAS ILLINOIS The CLERK. The Representatives- Crawford Westerman Bost elect and their guests will please re- Hill Womack Hultgren Quigley Bustos Kelly Roskam main standing and join in the Pledge of CALIFORNIA Davis, Danny Kinzinger Rush Allegiance. Davis, Rodney Krishnamoorthi Schakowsky ´ Aguilar Cardenas Eshoo Foster LaHood Schneider The Clerk led the Pledge of Alle- ´ Barragan Chu, Judy Garamendi Gutie´rrez Lipinski Shimkus giance as follows: Bass Cook Huffman Becerra Correa Hunter I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Bera Costa Issa INDIANA United States of America, and to the Repub- Brownley Davis Khanna Banks Carson Rokita lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Calvert Denham Knight Brooks Hollingsworth Visclosky indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Carbajal DeSaulnier LaMalfa Bucshon Messer Walorski b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:13 Jan 04, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03JA7.000 H03JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 3, 2017 IOWA OHIO ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK Blum Loebsack Beatty Jordan Stivers The CLERK. Credentials, regular in King Young Chabot Joyce Tiberi Davidson Kaptur Turner form, have been received showing the KANSAS Fudge Latta Wenstrup election of: Jenkins Pompeo Gibbs Renacci The Honorable JENNIFFER GONZALEZ- Marshall Yoder Johnson Ryan COLON as Resident Commissioner from KENTUCKY OKLAHOMA the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for Barr Guthrie Rogers Bridenstine Lucas Russell a term of 4 years beginning January 3, Comer Massie Yarmuth Cole Mullin 2017; The Honorable ELEANOR HOLMES LOUISIANA OREGON NORTON as Delegate from the District Abraham Higgins Richmond Blumenauer DeFazio of Columbia; Graves Johnson Scalise Bonamici Walden The Honorable MADELEINE Z. MAINE PENNSYLVANIA BORDALLO as Delegate from Guam; Pingree Poliquin Barletta Doyle, Michael Murphy The Honorable STACEY E. PLASKETT MARYLAND Boyle, Brendan F. Perry as Delegate from the Virgin Islands; F. Evans Rothfus The Honorable AMATA COLEMAN Brown Harris Ruppersberger Brady Fitzpatrick Shuster Cummings Hoyer Sarbanes RADEWAGEN as Delegate from American Cartwright Kelly Smucker Delaney Raskin Costello Marino Thompson Samoa; and MASSACHUSETTS Dent Meehan The Honorable GREGORIO SABLAN as Delegate from the Commonwealth of Capuano Kennedy Moulton RHODE ISLAND Clark Lynch Neal the Northern Mariana Islands. Cicilline Langevin Keating McGovern Tsongas f MICHIGAN SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTION OF SPEAKER Amash Huizenga Moolenaar The CLERK. Pursuant to law and Bergman Kildee Trott Clyburn Mulvaney Wilson (SC) Duncan (SC) Rice (SC) Bishop Lawrence Upton precedent, the next order of business is Gowdy Sanford Conyers Levin Walberg the election of the Speaker of the Dingell Mitchell SOUTH DAKOTA House of Representatives for the 115th MINNESOTA Noem Congress. Ellison McCollum Peterson Nominations are now in order. Emmer Nolan Walz TENNESSEE The Clerk recognizes the gentle- Lewis Paulsen Black Cooper Fleischmann woman from Washington (Mrs. MCMOR- MISSISSIPPI Blackburn DesJarlais Kustoff (TN) RIS RODGERS). Cohen Duncan (TN) Roe (TN) Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Whether Harper Palazzo Kelly Thompson TEXAS you are from the Evergreen State or the Badger State, we gather here on MISSOURI Arrington Flores McCaul Babin Gohmert Olson the House floor representing very di- Clay Hartzler Smith Barton Gonzalez O’Rourke verse backgrounds and walks of life. Cleaver Long Wagner Brady Granger Poe This House, the people’s House, the Graves Luetkemeyer Burgess Green, Al Ratcliffe center of our government, is where MONTANA Carter Green, Gene Sessions Castro Hensarling Smith views and beliefs of millions are rep- Zinke Conaway Hurd Thornberry resented, where ideas are considered, Cuellar Jackson Lee Veasey NEBRASKA Culberson Johnson, E.B. Vela debated, and crafted into laws. No one Bacon Fortenberry Smith Doggett Johnson, Sam Weber understands this better than our Farenthold Marchant Williams Speaker of the House, PAUL RYAN. He NEVADA UTAH truly is the people’s Speaker because Amodei Rosen he understands the responsibility given Kihuen Titus Bishop Love Chaffetz Stewart to this body by our Founders. NEW HAMPSHIRE It is our responsibility to protect the Kuster Shea-Porter VERMONT Constitution and the balance of power Welch so that representative government, the NEW JERSEY VIRGINIA rule of law, and equal opportunity for Frelinghuysen MacArthur Payne all is protected here in this Chamber Beyer Garrett Scott Gottheimer Norcross Sires Brat Goodlatte Taylor by the people and for the people. Lance Pallone Smith (NJ) Comstock Griffith Just over a year ago, when he picked LoBiondo Pascrell Watson Coleman Wittman Connolly McEachin up that gavel, Speaker RYAN chal- NEW MEXICO WASHINGTON lenged us to raise our gaze, to respect Luja´ n, Ben Ray Pearce this institution and open up the legis- Beutler Kilmer Newhouse Lujan Grisham, lative process which best represents M. DelBene Larsen Reichert Heck McMorris Smith the will of the people, to be account- NEW YORK Jayapal Rodgers able to the people we represent, to be Clarke King Serrano WEST VIRGINIA men and women of integrity, to serve Collins Lowey Slaughter our country with a sense of purpose, Jenkins McKinley Mooney Crowley Maloney, Stefanik and to empower everyone to reach Donovan Carolyn B. Suozzi Engel Maloney, Sean Tenney WISCONSIN their full potential. Espaillat Meeks Tonko Duffy Kind Ryan Speaker RYAN knows that the Faso Meng Vela´ zquez Gallagher Moore Sensenbrenner healthy competition of ideas between Higgins Nadler Zeldin Grothman Pocan Jeffries Reed our passionate and talented Members is Katko Rice WYOMING an asset of representative government. NORTH CAROLINA Cheney As Speaker, PAUL RYAN made a com- mitment to getting this institution Adams Hudson Price working, and as
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