Eastern Illinois University The Keep September 2005 9-30-2005 Daily Eastern News: September 30, 2005 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_sep Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: September 30, 2005" (2005). September. 21. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_sep/21 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2005 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in September by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t(TelJ the truth and don't be afraid. " 01 TIE VEliE + Cnwlinc tnt. bar to bar like dnnkta llaltits FIIDIT SEPTEMBER 30 2005 Eastern lllitlois Univ~ity. Charkston cmLE&ISLAn Charleston places new requirements on keg permits Along with filling out a permit when months, we have had an increase in keg you have co include a photocopy," Charleston, the customer needs to go City asking for pwt:hasing a keg, the customer needs pamirs being unreadable or haYing fJ.lsc said Greg Neighbors, manager at to the CharlC!>ton Police Department photo I.D. to to pre.cnr a State-issued photo idenrifi· info." said Deputy Chief Mark Jenkins Gateway Liquors. to fill our a permit between thcir nor· canon, which will be photocopied. of the Charleston PolKX Deparonent. Along with a photocopy of the cus-­ mal busi.n~ ho~m of8 a.rn. to 5 p.m. ensure accuracy A copy of the identification needs In the past, a copy of the photo tomer's identi6cation, the sales clerks Neighbors said the biggest problem to be attached ro a copy of dle permit, idenrification was not needed, but the have to ~ign the permits to prove they Gateway Liquors has im'Olving keg Bv EarN MlllfR which will be given to the rusromer police deparrment hopes thrs will verified the informarion. permits is running out of them, nor CITY £01T01t and the CharJcsron Police eliminate some of the problems. In the event of an aJcohol-relared unreadable or fictitious permits. Department. About 10 pe!Wlt of.kcg permits are crime, the keg permit may give the Kegs at Gateway Liquors range Charleston's keg permit policy will The retailers will aJso keep a copy of urueadabk: or have false information, police department a way to find our &om $46 to $77.50, he said. change Saturday m prevent la:g permits the permit for their own records. Jenkins said. who bought the keg and from where. Ifa person has a keg without a per· with Wll'Cldable or false infonnarion. "Over the course of the past several "It will make thin~ h.a.rdtt because If a keg is purchased outside of mir, they will receive a $500 fine. s AmY Recent aHack gives new resonance to Take Back the Night march C ARRI( H O lLISffi IH~l!.Y EASTtRN ~ 1t111ttn of Delta Sipu Tlltta prtlllf Staul Auatlt CHIIIfill a1d ll1fcirutiol Strvict (SACIS) witll 1 "Take lack t'H lficllt" Hlllr for the .aro~ at the C•pa Pond ThtnU, tteailc. BY NICOL£ MllSTIAO pus, most participants fell this march house wa.o. present for the march to ACTI\IITIFS EDITOR had a higher significance than those in show their support. the pasr. "We don't go anywhere alone any­ With sc:xual assault on the rise, a "One of the girls that ~ att:K:ked more; ~ are always driven, .. Bell said. diverse group of more than 400 stu· was in our house," said Mcghan Bell, "It is very important that women ;ue dents gathered to say "no." sophomore demenrary education safe. We do not w.mt this to happen Sntdcnrs, survivors and voluntetrs major. "1 had a friend in high sd"IOOI that again." gathered at rhe campu~ pond was raped. You hear stories. but it does Many of Eastern's athletic teams More than 400 students gather fo r llmrsday for the 16th annual Take not become real ro you until it happens and sororities joined in the march. 16th annual march Back the Night M:uch. to one ofyour sisters or friends." \Vith the recem stabbing near cam· More thaJ\ half of rhc Kappa Delta m SAFETY PAGE 9 em EVEIJ'S B'r JENNI~tR ETliER has been an outward display ofcultur- approximatdy 200,000 pairs of pork Her succes~> with Oktoberk:.t is Oktoberfest S T1\H Rl I'OitTTR al backgrounds and pr.~cricc.~ in a sausage from Sept. 17 to Oct. 3. apparent. small town. This ye-.u- marks the 172nd year for "One day ofOktoberfesr is as big as German cuisine and polka music "The most importam thing is cl1e the Oktobcrfest in Germany; Farrar said. a whole month of income," she said. brings will fill the scrccts of Charleston's originality here in Charbron," said Although the Okto~rfest on the People come from as &r as St. Louis downtown square during thi\ year's Marianne Farrar, owner of Marianne's square will not compare ro the origi- to anend rhe f~tival, Farrar said. Germany Oktoberfest. Euro Deli. naJ festival in size or population, She will bring this tradition co life 'The owner of Marianne's Euro Ddi, Originating in Munich, Gcrrruny, Farrar ha$ made ira point to bring her with her homemade cuisine, and sur- to life on 615 Monroe Sr.. has been organitmg Oktobcrfest is the world's biggest fair. home to the ciry of Otarlesron. roWlding bars will hdp by serving Oktoberfcst for the p;m six years. Ir is attended by mo~ than 6 mil· Farrar w:u born and raised in beer ro the public. Oktoberfest, also known as Fall lion people who drink an average of 5 Mannheim. Gmnany; she came to square Festival, originared in Germany and million lirers of b«r and consume the United States in the 1970s. Sfl OKTOBERFEST p,.o,cr 9 FIVE-DAY OUROOK TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 72 78 80 82 83 48 63 62 60 57 Sunny Sunny Isolated T-storms Partly cloudy Sunny fRIDAY SE!•rEMBER 30. 2005 CAMPUS BRIEFS EASTERN NEWS TODAY'S EVENTS Pay day The Dally.Eastern News 1s produced by I he studcnh oi f-l>tem Illinois UnivNsity. All in for poker tournament All day 1 Paychecks will h 1s published daily Monday through Friday, be distributed to students .n Ch.ult•,lon, Ill., <luring fdll and 'Pring University Board will presem a Texas roday at the Speech-Language­ look ar Abraham Lincoln. and graduate assistants for semesters and twic:e weekly dunng 1he Hold'em tournament, the first event in Hearing Clinic. The performance will pre­ the Aug. 16 - Sept. 15 summer tenn except durtng <dmol vatdhons be or examinations. Subscription price: S50 per the board's poker tournament series. The tesllng, available for infants sented inside the Tarble Arts work period. Various wmester, $30 for summt!r, $95 dll y~~ar. The tournament will begin at noon Lhrough adulcs, begins ar 12:30 p.m. Center Atrium, with the auclience locations on campus n1e DEN is a member of The Associated Press, on Sarurday tn the University outside Tarble looking into the which is enhtl~ to exclusive use uf all articles Performance artist puts appearing in thts paper. Ballroom in the Marrin Luther King building through the east wing's PowerPoint workshop Jr. University Union. on Lincoln display glass wall. The audience will be 12:30 p.m. !Introductory STAFF LIST Hearing testing Visiting performance artist Pat seated on alum.i.rium blea~rs nor­ workshop to Microsoft's Eomla .. a.t • ... •. ja..a ~ Oleszko will Jead a cast of Eastern mally used for sporting events on PowerPoint. Booth Library ........... , ....... OENeiC~8Jnail.com Hearing testing will be available smdenrs in mking an irreverenr campus. room 44SO ~ EDITOII ••••••••• flluMf IEnu . • . • . ... ..•• DENmanagingOgmail.com Nfws EDITOII •••••••••••• Kru MA'nftiGH Hearing testing • . • . DENnewsdc<kttgmail.com By appointment I Call Alloc:IAn - EIIITOil •••••• ANrr s-­ Linda Huddlestun at 581 - .....•• DfN~fllgmall.com 0PNoN PAQ' EIIITOil , •• • • .AAIIoN SUou1z 2712 for appointments or DENopinions$'gmail.com more information. ACIMTIES EIIITOil •••••••• Ntc:ou Mlurun /-Iuman Services Building DENactiv•h<:SOgmail.cum second floor ADMINn'UnoH ED1T011 •••• 5.u.&H w.-,. DENadministrationOgmail.com On EIIITOil ..... ........... &IN Mlusl Study abroad .•. , . DENcitydeskeptl.com 'I p.m. I An informational c-. 1111'1011 •••••••••• MfGAH ~ meeting for students .•.•D£Nc.1mpusC!'gma•l.< om S'ruDENr GOV. EDITOII •••••• • ••DA VID ~ interested in studying . .D£Nstudentgovegma•l.com abroad. Lawson Basement Pttoro 810'011 •••• •••••• DN~U. WlU&AMs • . • • DENphotoC!'gmatl.com AlloaAn rttcnO EDITOII •••• CAD. 1tcx.w . , . • ...... .... DENphotoCl'J:matl.tom 5Polns EIIITOil •• • • • •••• • •• • • DAH IIINial . DENspo<15deskogmaJI.tom ONLINE POLL Alloc:IATIIPOII'Ill EDITOII • MA1111lW S'm'INf . • . .. DEN~I'\SdeskC>gmail.com \'act Hli'I'OI •••••••• • 1 • • IAulu CilufRnt Thia week we ask our readers . • • . •• DENvergeogmatl.com how do JOU fHI about Jamea AsloaATI YlltGI: DIITOR •• llawl O'M .W.b .................. DENvergee»gmail.com Brown'a performance laat ~ EDITOII • , •••••••••••• M4TT Wau weekend. • . • • • . • .. OENonltnedeskCPgma•l.com 4DvamiiNc MAH4CBI ••••••• s-Claa. • A) "Superbad" PltoMcmoHs MAHAca •••••• DAW) tiANuY NATIOHoU Almlmi!HC •• ••• Kw.v f'INNc.ul B) "I teet good" ._MAHAGIJI •••••••• lkrJy Mlu.oiT C) I want a "payback." IU> OBJCN M.Uoi4CDI •••••••• TO!« McAuY D) I didn't go see the show. ~TE ASSIStANT • , •• • Hou.Y H DdCHEN Eon'oiiiAl ~ • • • •• • ••••• jof CISONDI DANIEL WILLIAMSII'Hf·lWIY EASTERN NEWS VOTE 41! WWW THEDAILY ..• , .••••..•.djjgffeiu.edu ~ .................. JoHN ltYNI D1nakeli daai of the Krishna Center in Champaip talks to Keith Toloh, senior art major, and Adriaue HanJer, senior EASTERNNEWS.COM • ........ , ..... ... , .djmri4Jeru.e<kr art major, about tranaoendentalism Thursday in the Ubrary Quad.
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