MUTUAL UFO NETWORK UFO JOURNAL APRIL 1993 ~f NUMBER 300 $3 THE ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS by Raymond E. Fowler OUR 300™ ISSUE! MUFON UFO JOURNAL OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK SINCE 1967 APRIL 1993 NUMBER 300 THE ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS Raymond E. Fowler SLOW FIREBALL STARTLES MANY Walter N. Webb REJOINDER TO CRITIQUE OF BUDD HOPKINS Walt Andrus 8 REPTILIANS 8. OTHER UNMENTIONABLES John Carpenter 10 STANLEY INGRAM 8. THE PLANTOS GAMES Don Worley 12 NEWS 8, VIEWS 14 THE UFO PRESS 16 CURRENT CASES 17 MUFON FORUM Letters 19 READERS'-CLASSIFIEDS 20 THE MAY NIGHT SKY Walter N. Webb 21 DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE" Walter H. Andrus, Jr. 24 COVER- Charles Rak (Charlie Foltz being operated on.) MUFON UFO JOURNAL Copyright 1993 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved. (USPS 002-970) No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of (ISSN 0270-6822) the Copyright Owners. Permission is hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one arti- 103 Oldtowne Rd. cle, provided the author is credited, and the statement, "Copyright 1993 by the Mutual UFO Seguin, TX 78155-4099 Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd, Seguin, Texas 78155," is included. Tel: (210) 379-9216 The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editors and do not necessari- ly reflect the official position of the Mutual UFO Network. Opinions expressed are solely those EDITOR of the individual authors. Dennis Stacy The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly supported organization of the type ASSOCIATE EDITOR described in Section 509 (a) (2). Donors may deduct contributions from their Federal Income Walter H. Andrus, Jr. Tax. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers or gifts are also deductible for estate and gift purposes, provided they meet the applicable provisions of Sections 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Internal COLUMNISTS Revenue Code. Walter N. Webb The MUFON UFO Journal is published monthly by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc., Seguin, John S. Carpenter Texas. Membership/Subscription rates: $25 per year in the U.S.A.; $30 foreign in U.S. funds. Second class postage paid at Seguin, TX. ART DIRECTOR Vince Johnson POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to advise change of address to: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099. MUFON UFO JOURNAL THE ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS Four weekend campers in Northern Maine find themselves taking the canoe trip of a lifetime! By Raymond E. Fowler MUFON Director of Investigations Charlie Foltz can see his three naked friends waiting on a bench. Drawing by C. Foltz. n Friday night, August 20, 1976, four young motionless and soundless about 200-300 feet above the art students in their early twenties left southeastern rim of the cove." O Boston, Massachusetts for a canoe and Chuck yelled for the others to look behind them. camping trip in a wilderness area of Northern Maine There, rising above the trees was a huge oval glowing along the Allagash River. The group consisted of object. As their eyes became adapted to its intense identical twins, Jack and Jim Weiner, Charlie Foltz brightness, a gyroscopic motion was noted, as if there and Chuck Rak. Upon arrival at a staging point, they were pathways :of energy flowing equatorially and hired a pontoon airplane which flew them and their longitudinally from pole to pole. This divided the canoes to TeTos Lake on the Allagash Waterway. sphere into four oscillating quadrants of bright colored During the next several days they canoed and camped light. The color changes were very liquid and envelop- along the Waterway. ing, as if the entire object had a plasmatic motion to it, On the evening of Thursday, August 26, they reached like a thick sauce does as it starts a rolling boil. Eagle Lake, set up camp and decided to go night fishing Charlie grabbed a flashlight and blinked it at the ob- for trout. The pitch darkness of the area necessitated the ject. Instantly, the huge rising glowing object came to an building of a huge bonfire to mark their campsite so that abrupt halt and began to slowly approach the canoe. they could find their way back to it. Shortly after be- Simultaneously, a tube-shaped beam of light erupted ginning to fish, Chuck became aware of a feeling of be- from the object and hit the water. A glowing ring with a ing watched. He told us that: dark center reflected on the water's surface, indicating "I turned toward the direction from where I felt this that the beam was hollow. The object and its beam of and saw a large bright sphere of colored light hovering light began moving toward the canoe. Terrified, the APRIL 1993 NUMBER 300 PAGE 3 MUFON UFO JOURNAL doctors asked him to report any unusual experiences The tube-like light seemed to hold the ca- that might be symptomatic of his condition. Jim de- noe steady as each man was put back In his scribed strange experiences that he and his friends had original seating position. experienced since the UFO encounter. These included awaking at night to see strange creatures, levitation campers began paddling frantically toward their bonfire from bed, and temporary paralysis while something was and camp as the beam swept across the lake directly at done to the genitals. He also described their encounter them and engulfed them. with a UFO and the period of missing time. Jim's doc- It was from this point on that the conscious memories tors advised him to contact a UFO researcher as they felt of the four differed according to each witness' vantage that Jim and his friends may have been involved in a point. The next thing Charlie remembered was pad- UFO abduction experience. Jim contacted me during one dling for shore and standing at the campsite with the of my UFO lectures in the Boston area. others, watching the object move away. In January of 1989,1 initiated a formal investigation Chuck Rak remembers staying in the canoe after the with MUFON Investigator and CEIII/IV specialist, others had piled out in panic onto the shore. Transfixed, David Webb (Solar Physicist) and with MUFON still holding his idle paddle, he could not take his eyes Consultant, Anthony (Tony) Constantino (Professional off the object. Hypnotist). It was conducted in a careful and meticulous Jack and Jim were able to consciously remember a bit manner over a period of 24 months. more. Jack said that "It was just behind us and I could It was obvious to us that the period of missing time see that we were never going to outrun the Beam. It was had to be sandwiched between sighting the object and advancing too fast and I remember thinking, 'Holy shit! reaching shore. The beam of light hitting the canoe This is it! We'll never get away.' The next thing I knew, seemed to be the dividing point between memory and we were on the shore getting out of the canoe looking di- amnesia. During the first of a long series of hypnosis rectly at the object which was now about 20 or 30 feet sessions, it was decided to concentrate on this segment above the water. The beam was coming out of the bot- of the terrifying encounter. tom of it like the object was sitting on the beam. It hov- Under hypnosis, all four witnesses relived detailed ered there, right in front of us, completely silent for and traumatic UFO abduction experiences during the pe- what seemed like four or five minutes. riod of missing time. All were transferred from their ca- "Suddenly the beam was pointing up towards the noe into the UFO by the hollow tube-like beam of light. sky. The object began to move up and away from us to- On board, they encountered strange humanoid crea- wards the southwestern sky and then shot into the stars tures that exerted some kind of mind control over them and was gone in just a second." so that they could not resist their demands. Jim Weiner said that "There was no mistake that it was coming directly to us. Then I remember standing on ll were made to undress and sit on a plastic-like the lakeshore watching the object hovering above the Abench in an area illuminated by diffuse white light. lake 50 to 75 yards in front of us ... Then the search After looking at their eyes and in their mouths with a beam went upward into the sky and we saw it moving pencil-sized rod with a light on its tip, the aliens placed away at a tremendous speed. them in a harness and flexed their arms and legs. Then, "We all seemed to be in a state of shock . We just one by one they were made to lie on a table where each stood there unable to move or talk." was examined by a number of strange hand-held and larger machine-like instruments that were lowered over hen the strange anesthetizing effect wore off, their bodies. During this segment of the examination, the W Chuck got out of the canoe and joined the others alien entities removed samples of saliva, skin scrap- as they trudged dreamily up the beach to their camp. ings, blood, feces, urine and sperm from each of the ab- Even in this state, they were dumbfounded when they re- ductees. alized what had happened to the huge bonfire that had After the examinations, the abductees were made to just been blazing several minutes ago.
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