The Role of Industrial Environment and Innovation PhenomenonAnalysis in the Development of Batik Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Malang and Batu Andi Normaladewi PascaSarjanaUniversitasBrawijaya e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The study analyzes the role of Batik SME’s industrial environment based on Porter’s Five Competition Forces. This study also analyzes the phenomenon of innovation in the expansion of Batik SME based on the type and nature.Method applied in this study uses phenomenological approach to describe and analyze phenomenon, events, social activities, behaviors, beliefs, and perceptions of batik entrepreneurs. The findings of this study are, first, product information makes customers more selective in choosing their batik needs offered; second, batik entrepreneurs collaborate with suppliers in Yogyakarta, Solo, and Pekalongan by purchasing tools and batik materials in large quantities. Batik entrepreneurs of Celaket act as suppliers of batik tools and materials as well especially in the area of Malang and Sukun; third, Batik SME in Malang and Batu are confronted by the presence of other businesses that produce dyed batik and printed batik, which are new kinds in the world of batik. Printed batik (batik printing) and dyed batik (batik celup) are produced in large quantities with fast processing time and very low price, so the traditional batik entrepreneurs deal with the competition by maintaining and improving the quality of batik and applying an appropriate pricing strategy; fourth, the dynamic environment of industry triggers some entrepreneurs to innovate in order to maintain existence in the world of batik.Finally, there is a value shift in the art of batik culture both motifs and philosophy due to market demand and economic needs. Keywords: IndustrialEnvironment, Porter’sFiveCompetitionForces, InnovationPhenomenon, BatikSME Abstrak: Penelitian ini menganalisis peran lingkungan industri Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Batik berdasarkan Lima Tekanan Kompetisi Porter. Penelitian ini juga menganalisis fenomena inovasi dalam ekspansi UKM Batik berdasarkan tipe dan sifat alami batik. Metode yang diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan fenomenologi untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis fenomena, kejadian-kejadian, aktivitas sosial, perilaku, kepercayaan, dan persepsi pengusaha batik. Hasil penelitian adalah, pertama, informasi produk membuat konsumen lebihselektifmemilih batik yang ditawarkan; kedua, para pengusaha batik berkolaborasi dengan supplier di Yogyakarta, Solo, dan Pekalongan dengan membeli peralatan dan bahan baku batik dalam jumlah besar. Pengusaha batik Celaket berperan sebagai supplier peralatan dan bahan baku batik khususnya di kawasan Malang dan Sukun; ketiga, UKM batik di Malang dan Batu menghadapi perlawanan dari kehadiran bisnis baru yang memproduksi batik celup dan batik printing yang merupakan varian baru dalam dunia perbatikan. Batik printing dan batik celup diproduksi dalam jumlah yang besar dengan waktu proses cepat dan harga yang sangat rendah, sehingga pengusaha batik tradisional mengatasi masalah ini dengan menjaga dan atau meningkatkan kualitas batik dan mengaplikasikan strategi harga yang tepat; keempat, dinamika lingkungan industri memicu beberapa pengusaha batik berinovasi untuk menjaga eksistensi di dunia perbatikan; dan terakhir, ada pergeseran nilai dalam budaya seni batik meliputi motif dan filosofi karena permintaan pasar dan kebutuhan ekonomi. Kata Kunci: Lingkungan Industri, Lima Tekanan Kompetisi Porter, Fenomena Inovasi, UKM Batik Andi Normaladewi, The Role of Industrial Environment and Innovation 71 Batik, literally, is Fabled Cloth of Java from the influence of the inland and derived from Javanese language, namely coastal yet it still respectively has the hambatik (batik), which means to write or characteristics of batik. Characteristics of to draw all complex shapes on fabric by Batik Malang consist of three components: using malam (wax) and a tool called canting (1) the basic component (tahanan), (2) main (Setyanti, 2013). Batik is a technique of motif (isian) and (3) decorative motif for coloring cloth using malamas fabric’s color tumpal or border motif with isen-isen. Some entry barrier to another. In the Batik Malang’s motifs are inspired from international literature (Amubode, 2009), reliefs of CandiMendut Malang, relics of batik production technique is known as Kanjurugan Kingdom, whereas some wax-resist dyeing. In addition, batik is other motifs pattern the symbols of defined as a method on a batik fabrics Malang such as Tugu Malang, SingoEdan making that includes two things: (1) the and other symbols, such as flowers and technique of cloth coloring using malam to fruits. On the other hand, motifs of Batik prevent partly fabric staining and (2) the Batu are dominated by motifs of fruits, fabric or clothing made with wax-resist such as apple and strawberry, vegetables, dyeing technique with typical motifs. A cow as well as wheel, which are the constructed artistic batik involves not only characteristics of the area. However, the change of fabric’s economic value, but innovation of Batik Malang and Batu also the type of motif influenced by the keeps pursued by the local governments social and cultural life that causes each and related organizations. This activity is motif to have specific meaning and use carried out as batik becomes one of art (Soesilo, 2008). products that could increase the foreign Batik consists of two major categories: exchange through the revitalization of the inland batik and coastal batik. Based on its Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), motif and colors, inland or classic batik which is classified as creative industry. contains philosophy of a very thick The development of batik in Malang Javanese culture and has natural colors and Batu is assessed as a positive and such as brown, white and blue. This type “courageous” action in an attempt to of batik develops in Yogyakarta and produce batik as regional specialty. Surakarta or Solo. Whereas, coastal batik is However, it faces numerous challenges, heavily influenced by foreign cultures such as how to remove the image of Batik such as China, India and Arab. Its motifs that has been generally known as Batik are more expressive and free and come out Yogyakarta, Solo and Pekalongan; how to with lighter and bolder colors. This kind of obtain a supply of tools and batik raw batik grows in the coastal area of Java such materials as well as to deal with as Cirebon, Pekalongan and Madura. competition from other similar businesses. Batikindustry in various regions in The series of challenges in the Indonesia has been growing rapidly development of batik SME in Malang and including in Malang and Batu. Unlike in Batu has become a particular challenge for Yogyakarta, Solo and Pekalongan, which the batik SMEs in both regions in are iconic regions of batik, batik in Malang maintaining their businesses. There are and Batu is still growing in the some small batik businesses in Malang developmental stage. It is inseparable and Batu shown in Table 1.1. 72 Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Tahun 21, Nomor 1, Maret 2016 Table 1.1. environment. Organization’s environment Data of Batik SMEs’ in Malang and Batu consists of two: internal and external environment. External environment is No Nama Kecamatan Kelurahan composed of two: general and task . Usaha environment or known as industrial Batik environment. Directly assessed, industrial 1. Batik Blimbing Balearjosari environment may have a significant Celup influence to achieve business objectives Balearjosar (Pearce and Robinson, 2003). i Environmental aspects of the industry is 2. Kampung Sukun Bandungrejosa Batik ri more directed at the aspect of competition Tulis between enterprises producing similar 3. Batik Tulis Lowokwar Samaan product in a certain area or region, for Celaket u example, batik’s industrial environment 4. Butik Batu Sisir for batik producersin Malang, which are Olive batik celaket, batik celup and batiksukun, as Batik well as batik’s industrial environment for 5. Batik Tulis Bumiaji Pandanrejo batik producer in Batu, which are Batik Tradisiona RadenWijaya and Batik Olive. Batik SMEs l Raden surviving the competition should be able Wijaya to reveal the dimensions of the industrial Source: Processed Data, 2014 environment. They are things that must be considered in the interest of business Research was conducted in the Batik competition. Tulis Celaket SME founded by husband and wife, 1. The Bargaining Power of Customers A. HananJalil and Ira Hartanti in 2002. The continued development of Formerly in Kampung Celaket, there was a information technology allows customers Batik Center, which unfortunately sank as to obtain information more widely so they the falling interest in batik in 1970’s. The can now be more selective in choosing business was founded to preserve the batik needs offered. Some factors culture of batik, which had begun to be considered by customers in choosing batik: abandoned by the people around. Research quality, price, product information, was also conducted in SME of Batik products type and consumer tastes are TulisTradisional Raden Wijaya in Batu, expressed in several statements. Below is which was founded by Lina Santoso in 1990. from the owner of Batik Raden Wijaya: This business runs as an attempt to preserve “ They were from Malaysia and Japan. They the culture of batik tulis (handwritten batik). prefer the natural dyes for it causes no irritation. Besides, nowadays there is more The Role of Industrial
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