Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Gloucestershire County Council November 2019 Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Notice This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for Gloucestershire County Council’s information and use in relation to the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Transport Plan Review. Atkins Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its contents. Document history Job number: 51894575153450 Document ref: ISA Report Appendices (Final) V2.0 Revision Purpose description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date V1.0 Draft for Comment ISA Team PMcE CW CW 22/10/19 V2.0 Final Issue ISA Team PMcE CW CW 07/11/19 Client signoff Client Gloucestershire County Council Project Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review ISA Document title Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Job no. Copy no. Document reference Atkins Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Table of contents Chapter Pages Appendix A. Organisations Consulted and Responses Received 4 Appendix B. Policy Documents Reviewed for ISA 46 Appendix C. Assessment of Strategic Alternatives 53 Appendix D. Assessment of Revised LTP Policies 60 D.1. Assessment of Policies – PD01 Reducing Transport Carbon Emissions 61 D.2. Assessment of Policies – PD0.2 Local Environmental Protection 70 D.3. Assessment of Policies - PD 0.3 - Maximising Investment in a Sustainable Transport Network 78 D.4. Assessment of Policies – PD04 Integration of land use planning and new development 81 D.5. Assessment of Policies – PD05 Community Health & Wellbeing 90 D.6. Assessment of Policies – PD0.6, PD1.7 and PD2.3 Influencing Travel Behaviour 97 D.7. Assessment of Policies – Large Infrastructure (Rail & Highways) Theme 104 D.8. Assessment of Policies – Public Transport Theme 112 D.9. Assessment of Policies – Pedestrians & Cycleways Theme 119 Appendix E. Scheme Assessments 125 E.1. Overview of Schemes 125 E.2. Scheme Assessments – Detailed Assessment Tables 132 Tables Table A-1 Responses received to Scoping Technical Note consultation 5 Table C-1 Assessment of reasonable alternatives – Option 1 ‘District Based’ versus Option 2 ‘CPS Area Approach’ 54 Atkins Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Appendix A. Organisations Consulted and Responses Received Atkins Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Table A-1 Responses received to Scoping Technical Note consultation Scoping Technical Note ‘Key Sustainability Issues‘, text and Comment / Suggestion Response/Action references Respondent: Robin Drake, Principal Planning Officer at Gloucestershire County Council (30 August 2019) – summary of representation below Table 1, page 7 Just a suggestion – you might want to Text updated. Other Local Plans in the Gloucestershire on air quality, especially near AQMAs, including the broaden this out to recognise growth more Gloucestershire area which include allocations proposed through Gloucester, Cheltenham and generally in the county not just one a allocations have been added. Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2017. particular plan – one which itself is now under review. Possible rephrasing – including allocations in the Table 1, page 12 Needs updating. The (2012-2013) Authority Text updated with latest information on In 2005 there were nearly 100 RIGS identified, surveyed and recorded Monitoring Report (AMR) for RIGS. throughout the Gloucestershire Cotswolds area, representing all aspects Gloucestershire reported 164 designated of geology and landscape in the area (Error! Bookmark not defined.). RIGS in the county. https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/media/5 918/amr_2012-2013-62599.pdf Table 1, page 12 Also worth noting that two nationally Mention of Geoparks has been added to In total, there are 31 Geological SSSI’s within the Gloucestershire designated Geoparks fall within text. Cotswolds region. Additionally, there are 36 GCR (Geological Gloucestershire – Cotswold Hills and Conservation Review Series) sites within the Cotswolds AONB area, all Abberley & Malvern Hills. of which are designated as SSSI’s, displaying sediments, rocks, fossils, and features of the landscapeError! Bookmark not defined.. Table 3, page 67 Suggest the following edit: Seek to reduce Text updated Original text: Seek to reduce fuel use by promoting a shift to more fuel use through fuel efficiency measures sustainable forms of transport? and a shift towards more sustainable forms of transport in the delivery of transport- related infrastructure projects; Whilst as an ambition this is clearly supported - not sure how it specifically relates to the prudent use of natural resources other than in at a very high level in terms of fossil fuel usage? I’ve Atkins 5 Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices added a suggestion revision as well… Table 3, page 67 Suggest the following edit: Improve Text updated Original text: Improve access to recycling centres? accessibility to the county’s waste management infrastructure, particularly those facilities that support recycling, composting and material recovery; This doesn’t need to be restricted to just ‘recycling centres’ which I am guessing relates to the county’s network of HRCs? Table 1, page 11 See track changes Text updated as per track changes Table 1, page 12 See track changes Text updated as per track changes Atkins 6 Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Table 1, pages 22 -24 See track changes Text updated as per track changes Atkins 7 Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Table 3, page 64 See track changes Text updated as per track changes Table 3, page 66 See track changes Text updated as per track changes Text updated as per track changes See track changes in the text Atkins 8 Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Appendix B. PPPs Review, page 84 Appendix B. PPPs Review, page 88 See track changes in the text Text updated as per track changes Respondent: Gary Kennison, Ecologist at Gloucestershire Country Council (4th September 2019) – summary of representation below Atkins 9 Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Table 1, page 5 Including the Habitats Regulations/Directive Summarised comment has been included in - aim to meet local and national objectives and targets for air which protects European Sites. The the text quality and be reflective of appropriate legislation. Cotswold Beechwoods SAC is already experiencing poor air quality (NOx especially) that is likely to affect its ecological interest. Another driver for improving air quality otherwise new roads and developments will not be able to pass the HRA process. Traffic, new developments and particularly agriculture need managing to improve air quality which will help to protect and recover the SAC site towards a more favourable situation. Suggest mentioning Habs Regs/European Sites here especially as biodiversity referenced in column 1 (3rd & 7th paras). Table 1, page 5 Surprised A48 not in here which links up Text updated. A48 has been added. The busiest routes of the Gloucestershire county with over 1000 HGV’s the A40 with the M48/M4/M5 at alone in a working day include sections of A40, A417, M50, M5, A46, Chepstow/Avonmouth. A438, A435, A43111. Table 1, page 9 Not part of Gloucestershire so delete this Text updated. Reference deleted Lower Woods is one of the largest ancient woodlands in South West reference. England, located in South Gloucestershire2. Table 1, page 10 Footnote appears to be inactive. Needs Footnote updated. Sites are designated for nature conservation purposes at the fixing. Perhaps reference is for Minerals International (European), National (UK) and Local level across the GCC Local Plan HRA Baseline Report 2017 at area and in neighbouring regions. There are 10 International/European 6 sites in and close to Gloucestershire . https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/plannin g-and-environment/ecology-and- landscape/habitats-regulations- assessment-hra/ 1 Draft Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire (2018-2032) Pre-Publication Consultation Draft (Sustainability Appraisal including Strategic Environmental Assessment, Pg-24 2 https://www.gloucestershirewildlifetrust.co.uk/nature-reserves/lower-woods Atkins 10 Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan Review Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendices Table 1, page 10 SPA/Ramsar Text updated to reflect number of SACs Within the Gloucestershire area there are 7 recognised Special Areas of and Ramsar sites 3 Conservation (SAC) and two Ramsar sites . Table 1, page 10 This is incorrect and so is the reference it Text updated. The number of SSSI has There are 1434 designated sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) of probably includes South Gloucestershire. been corrected. which only about 30 sites are located near a road corridor. There are now 123 SSSIs. Use different reference of Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire 2018-2032 May 2018 at https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/gloucest ershire-county-council-news/news-january-
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