Bibliography from ADS file: haisch.bib Antunes, A., Haisch, B., & Schmitt, J. H. M. M., “ASCA observations of X-ray August 16, 2021 flares on Proxima Centauri”, 1995AAS...186.2102A ADS Haisch, B., Uchida, Y., Kosugi, T., & Hudson, H. S.: 1995, Stellar x-ray flares, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. Report 1995lock.reptR....H ADS Haisch, B. M., Sims, M., & Lindblom, J., “The Cosmos Portal and the IYA2009 Ayres, T. R., Fleming, T. A., Simon, T., et al., “The RIASS Coro- Project”, 2009AAS...21440001H ADS nathon: Joint X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations of Normal F–K Stars”, Haisch, B. M., Sims, M., & Lindblom, J., “The Cosmos Portal and the IYA2009 1995ApJS...96..223A ADS Project”, 2009AAS...21346508H ADS Haisch, B., Antunes, A., & Schmitt, J. H. M. M., “ASCA Observations of Solar- Haisch, B. M., Lindblom, J., & Terzian, Y., “Astronomy in the Digital Universe”, like M-flares on Proxima Centauri”, 1994AAS...185.4505H ADS 2006AAS...209.9402H ADS Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Haisch, B. M., & Drake, J. J., “A Spectroscopic Measure- Davis, E. W., Teofilo, V. L., Haisch, B., et al., “Review of Experimental Concepts ment of the Coronal Density of Procyon”, 1994Sci...265.1420S ADS for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Field”, 2006AIPC..813.1390D ADS Drake, J. J., Laming, J. M., Widing, K. G., et al., “The First Measurement of Rueda, A. & Haisch, B., “Gravity and the quantum vacuum inertia hypothesis”, Stellar Coronal Abundances: The Absence of the FIP Effect in the Corona of 2005AnP...517..479R ADS Procyon”, 1994AAS...184.0522D ADS Craig, N., Mendez, B. J., Hanisch, R. J., et al., “The Virtual Cosmos Project: Bowyer, S., Malina, R., & Haisch, B., “Observing a partly cloudy universe.”, Astronomical Data access for General Public via the National Virtual Obser- 1994S&T....88f..36B ADS vatory”, 2005AAS...206.0509C ADS Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Haisch, B. M., & Drake, J. J., “The High-Energy View of Deardoff, J., Haisch, B., Maccabee, B., & Puthoff, H. E., “Inflation-Theory Im- the Nearby Star Procyon”, 1994HEAD...26...13S ADS plications for Extraterrestrial Visitation”, 2005JBIS...58...43D ADS Mewe, R., Schrijver, C. J., Kaastra, J. S., Alkemade, F. J. M., & Haisch, Mendez, B., Craig, N., Haisch, B., et al., “The Digital Universe Coalition: Build- B. M., “EUVE Spectroscopy of XI UMa; sigma Gem; and Chi 1 ORI”, ing a Prototype NVO E/PO Portal”, 2004AAS...204.7805M ADS 1994ASPC...64...41M ADS Rueda, A. & Haisch, B.: 2003, The Inertia Reaction Force and Its Vacuum Ori- Haisch, B., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., & Barwig, H., “Impulsive Soft X-ray Bursts on gin, Vol. 126, 447 2003grco.book..447R ADS the Flare Star UV Ceti”, 1993AAS...18312303H ADS Haisch, B., Rueda, A., Nickisch, L. J., & Mollere, J., “Update on an Electro- Malina, R. F., Finley, D., Warren, J., et al., “Implications of Initial Results magnetic Basis for Inertia, Gravitation, the Principle of Equivalence, Spin from the EUVE Observatory for the FUSE EUV Spectrometer and a Possi- and Particle Mass Ratios”, 2003AIPC..654..922H ADS ble EUVE Extended Mission”, 1993AAS...183.1716M ADS Pease, D., Drake, J. J., Kashyap, V., et al., “A Lot of Observations of the Coronae Haisch, B., Bowyer, S., & Malina, R. F., “The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer of AR Lac”, 2002ASPC..277..551P ADS mission: overview and initial results.”, 1993JBIS...46R.331H ADS Rueda, A. & Haisch, B., “The Inertia Reaction Force and its Vacuum Origin”, Haisch, B., Bowyer, S., & Malina, R. F., “The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer 2002gchr.conf..447R ADS mission - Overview and initial results”, 1993JBIS...46Q.331H ADS Rueda, A., Haisch, B., & Tung, R., “Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Haisch, B., Drake, J., & Schmitt, J. H. M. M., “The EUV Coronal Spectrum of Inertia Hypothesis. I. 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