View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE Vlado Galičić: TOURISM IN CROATIA: TRUTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS Informatol. 48, 2015., 1-2, 78- 94 78 INFO- 2135 UDK: 338.48: 640.4:599.892.3:007 Primljeno/Received: 2014-09-22 Authors Review/Pregledni rad TOURISM IN CROATIA: TRUTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS TURIZAM U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ – ISTINE I ZABLUDE Vlado Galičić Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Rijeka, Opatija, Croatia Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Sveučilište u Rijeci Opatija, Hrvatska Abstract Sažetak The way in which the professional community, Percepcija stručne, medijske i političke javnosti u the media and the political community in Croatia Hrvatskoj o značenju turizma za njezino cje- perceive the importance of tourism for the coun- lokupno gospodarstvo različita je, u ovisnosti od try’s overall economy differs, depending on the privremenih partikularnih interesa određenog momentary particular interests of specific seg- segmenta tih javnosti. Najčešća metoda interpre- ments within these communities. Most often than tacije turističkih postignuća svodi se na iznošenje not, the interpretation of achievements in tourism podataka o ostvarenom fizičkom prometu (broju comes down to presenting physical-traffic data turističkih dolazaka i broju ostvarenih noćenja) a (number of tourist arrivals and overnights) and, vrlo rijetko se, osim ukupnog deviznog priljeva with the exception of overall tourism-generated od turizma, analitički interpretiraju podaci o ost- foreign exchange inflows, only rarely are at- varenim financijskim efektima turizma. U nedos- tempts made to provide an analytical interpreta- tatku drugih pozitivnih gospodarskih efekata, tu- tion of the financial effects of tourism. Because of rizam je često neopravdano i nezasluženo u the lack of other positive economic effects, tou- fokusu javnosti jer generira apsolutno malo fi- rism is often unjustifiably and undeservingly pla- nancijskih sredstava ali relativno značajno ced in the focus of the public. Althoughtourism sudjeluje u bruto društvenom proizvodu, što do- generates very small financial assets, its contribu- prinosi stvaranju nepotpune slike o stvarnoj ulozi tion to the GDP is fairly significant, and this fact i značenju turizma za gospodarstvo Hrvatske. To only adds to creating an incomplete picture of the je bio temeljni motiv za istraživanja u ovom radu, actual role and importance of tourism in the u kojem se kroz pregled fizičkih i financijskih po- Croatian economy. The need to set that picture kazatelja pokušavaju otkloniti zablude i utvrditi straight was the primary motivation behind istine o stvarnim karakteristikama turističke research in this paper, which set outs, by analy- ponude i efektima od turističke potražnje u Re- sing physical and financial indicators, to debunk publici Hrvatskoj. U radu se polazi od hipoteze misconceptions and establish the truths about the da je turizam značajna djelatnost za gospodarstvo real characteristics of the tourism offering and the Hrvatske, sa svim svojim komplementarnim effects of tourist demand in Croatia. The paper učincima, na zaposlenost, izvoz usluga, po- proceeds from the hypothesis that tourism, with trošnju, prehrambenu industriju, promet, ugosti- all its complementary effects on employment, the teljstvo i turističko posredovanje ali niti približno exportation of services, the food industry, traffic, s tolikim značajem, koliko joj se neopravdano and intermediation activities in hospitality and poklanja medijska pozornost. tourism, is indeed important for Croatia’s economy, but nowhere close to the level of im- portance attributed to tourism by media cove- rage. ISSN 1330-0067 Coden: IORME7 Vlado Galičić: TOURISM IN CROATIA: TRUTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS Vlado Galičić: TOURISM IN CROATIA: TRUTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS Informatol. 48, 2015., 1-2, 78- 94 79 Informatol. 48, 2015., 1-2, 78- 94 INFO- 2135 UDK: 338.48: 640.4:599.892.3:007 1. INTRODUCTION guests.Excessive ICT implementation first led Primljeno/Received: 2014-09-22 Authors Review/Pregledni rad to depersonalisation and in a later phase to the When the Republic of Croatia became dehumanisation of the hospitality and tourism a full member of the European Union in 2013, profession. Increased ICT usage has resulted in TOURISM IN CROATIA: TRUTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS it achieved a long-awaited political and a decrease in the number of workers (which is economic goal, which, while failing to im- normal and reasonable) who have to work more mediately improve the country’s economy as and longer (which is neither normal nor reaso- TURIZAM U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ – ISTINE I ZABLUDE expected, did help in promoting Croatia and nable for tourism). Croatian tourism. /1/ Whether resulting from 4. Workers in tourism will be hospitable and Vlado Galičić media coverage of the EU accession or not, the friendly even though they are poorly Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Rijeka, Opatija, Croatia 2013 tourist season proved to be very suc- paid.The nett salary of tourism and hospitality Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Sveučilište u Rijeci Opatija, Hrvatska cessful with a record-breaking number of workers is 15% less than the average salary in overnights (64.8 million) and tourist arrivals the Croatian economy. This is why pupils show Abstract Sažetak (12.8 million), an increase of more than two little interest in education in this profession in The way in which the professional community, Percepcija stručne, medijske i političke javnosti u million overnights relative to 2012. which they would have to spend their entire the media and the political community in Croatia Hrvatskoj o značenju turizma za njezino cje- Although no conclusive or ultimate working life. perceive the importance of tourism for the coun- lokupno gospodarstvo različita je, u ovisnosti od truths can be said about biases in tourism, 5. There is no use for workers over the age of try’s overall economy differs, depending on the privremenih partikularnih interesa određenog even the beginning of research into these 45.Workers over the age of 45 are a burden to momentary particular interests of specific seg- segmenta tih javnosti. Najčešća metoda interpre- biases provides interesting insight and food for employers because (according to the employers) ments within these communities. Most often than tacije turističkih postignuća svodi se na iznošenje thought. Several misconceptions, whichhave they are not capable of doing their jobs which not, the interpretation of achievements in tourism podataka o ostvarenom fizičkom prometu (broju become deeply embedded in tourism thinking, require them to be at the workplace from 10 to comes down to presenting physical-traffic data turističkih dolazaka i broju ostvarenih noćenja) a have plagued Croatia since its independence in 14 hours each day. (number of tourist arrivals and overnights) and, vrlo rijetko se, osim ukupnog deviznog priljeva 1991, the most important being the following: By providing a detailed analysis of physi- with the exception of overall tourism-generated od turizma, analitički interpretiraju podaci o ost- 1. The privatization of the hospitality and cal and financial data regarding tourism per- foreign exchange inflows, only rarely are at- varenim financijskim efektima turizma. U nedos- tourism portfolio was carried out under formance in Croatia, this paper seeks to ade- tempts made to provide an analytical interpreta- tatku drugih pozitivnih gospodarskih efekata, tu- equal conditions for all involved.The result quately support the arguments advanced to tion of the financial effects of tourism. Because of rizam je često neopravdano i nezasluženo u of an unfair and rash privatization process clear up the above misconceptions. the lack of other positive economic effects, tou- fokusu javnosti jer generira apsolutno malo fi- was, and still is, the formation of monopolistic rism is often unjustifiably and undeservingly pla- nancijskih sredstava ali relativno značajno competition, which can never be good for tou- 2. THE PERCEPTION OF TOURISM IN ced in the focus of the public. Althoughtourism sudjeluje u bruto društvenom proizvodu, što do- rism, including the Croatian hotel industry. /2/ CROATIA generates very small financial assets, its contribu- prinosi stvaranju nepotpune slike o stvarnoj ulozi 2. Foreign managers will teach domestic ma- tion to the GDP is fairly significant, and this fact i značenju turizma za gospodarstvo Hrvatske. To nagers how to perform successfully. Over The perception of tourism in Croatia only adds to creating an incomplete picture of the je bio temeljni motiv za istraživanja u ovom radu, the past twenty years, several hundred foreign can be examined through the perspective of actual role and importance of tourism in the u kojem se kroz pregled fizičkih i financijskih po- managers have paraded through Croatia, wi- several different interest groups and levels (Fi- Croatian economy. The need to set that picture kazatelja pokušavaju otkloniti zablude i utvrditi thout leaving any significant imprint of Croa- gure 1). These are the: straight was the primary motivation behind istine o stvarnim karakteristikama turističke tian tourism. 1. political, research in this paper, which set outs, by analy- ponude i efektima od turističke potražnje u Re- 3. Information and communication technolo- 2. economic, sing physical and financial indicators, to debunk publici Hrvatskoj. U radu se polazi od hipoteze gy (ICT) will help streamline
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