HAVERFORD NEWS. VOLUME 28—NUMBER 18 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE ). PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1937 YEAR Glee Club's Home Plans Conference I Hay.DelegatesWill Pres. Comfort Will Cap And Bells-Club Concert And Dance Attend 2nd Annual Speak At Banquet Announces Spring Announcing plans for the sec- ond Faculty-Student Dinner of Plans Announced Chem. Conference the year on Thursday, March Play And Director 11, T. ff. Saylor, Jr., '38, Chair- man, stated that President W. Will Broadcast April 17 Intercollegiate Group W. Comfort will give the only Tryouts In Roberts Hall Over National Hook- speech of the evening. Sing- Meets At Lafayette ing will forni the rest of the For French Farce Up From WCAU program as previously planned. College April 24 All students who have not yet Begun Last Night handed in table reservations Concert Seats Reserved and the names of their faculte Dr. Marshall Will Speak members must positively do no Mrs. Mudge Will Direct Announcement of the program by tomorrow noon. The second annual Intercollegiate W. H. Clark, Jr., '38, chairman for the Glee Club's annual Home Chemistry Conference, inaugurated Concert, to be held in Roberts Hall on this campus last year, will be of the Play Committee of Cap and on Friday evening, March 19, and held at Lafayette College on April Senior Committees Bells, announced Sunday night of the arrangements for the dance 24. F. E. Nulsen, '37, President that this year's. Spring perform- of the Chemistry Club, expects ance, to be held April 30 in Rob- in the gym which will immediately about 25 Haverfordians to attend. Named By Lester follow the concert, was made yes- erts Hall, would consist of "The As at the meetings last year, Farce of the Worthy Master Pate- terday by F. E. Nulsen, Business there will belle student speaker Manager. Nulsen also disclosed from each college. For the priori. Freund And Bond Are lin," by an unknown medieval au- that the Glee Club has been invited pal speaker, an outsider has again Prom, Class Day thor, and a one-act play not yet by the Columbia Broadcasting been chosen, Dr. Albert E. Mar selected. The-director wilrbe Mrs. shall of New York. lie is a recent William Mudge, and the first try- Company to broadcast a Nation- president of the American Institute Chairmen wide hook-up over WCAU on Sat- of Chemical Engineering and a outs were held last night. member of the American Chemical Senior Class committee were "The Farce of the Worthy Mas- urday, April 17, from 1.00 to 1.16 F. E. NULSEN, '37 ter Patelin," which originated in President of the Chemistry Society. Dr. Marshall has long announced Friday by J. A. Lester P. M. been interested in the problem of France shortly after the middle of Ed Hump and his 13-piece or- Club, who last week announc- Jr., '37, recently elected permanent 1 the fifteenth century, deals with ed the second annual Intercol- student chemical organization. class president. tthe machinations and pranks of a chestra have been chosen to play The Intercollegiate Student legiate Chemistry Conference 11, W. Taylor, Jr., was appointed ; shyster lawyer. M. Patelin, who at the dance. They were Faked, to be held at Lafayette in Chemists, the group sponsoring the according to Nulsen, because of in the end is beaten at his own April. conference, is discussing plans for chairman of the Class Gift Com- by a simple but bstinata the good reception given them at affiliation with the American-Chem- mittee and has announced that he the recent Sophomore-Senior ,shepherd. The scene is laid in a ical Society as a junior organiza- will welcome any suggestions from 'small French town. There are Duce, when they played at Hay- tion. Also, a mimeographed pub- members of the class as to what twelve male and seven female erford for the first time. Debaters To Meet lication entitled "The Photon" is this year's gift should be. Assist-i characters. All seats for the concert will be planned for appearance four times ing Taylor are W. W. Allen, 11I, One Aft Play Oo Program reserved, and will be priced at each year. R. M. Clayton, R. L. Grief, and P. 1 _ $1.00 and ;1.60. Reservations may supplementing this farce there be obtained by applying to E. L Minnesota Monday At the conference here last year. P. Rodman. 180 students from ten colleges at- The Class Day Committee i9 , s'',__HI.ir a one-act play, which will Hawkins, '37. Personnel Manager meted at a meeting of the of the Glee Club, tended. Dr. Webster N. Jones- of headed by W. H. Bond, and coniFs!ay To Argue Against Plan the Carnegie Institute of Technol- sists of J. R. Carson. J. D. Hoover, Play Commerce later this week. Last Concert of Year ogy was the principal speaker. His J. T. Rivers, Jr., J. W. Van Cleave, , A. ceording to Clark, students fail- With the exception of the radio Of President To Add subject was "Whither Chemistry'!" and M. A. Weightman. Suggeetione,'.n to Z Wain -. .roles in the tryouts broadcast, the Home Concert and Other colleges besides Lafayette for a Class Day speaker have been l :as...t.onlgtnryt will have an opportun- the Atlantic City performance at To Supreme Court and' Haverford, who are members requested. The Spoon Man ram- '"'' ` out again later in the the Hotel Chalfonte-Haddon Hall of the Intercollegiate .Stndent mittee is made up of J. A. Can- week for this shorter play. on the following evening will be Haverford's debaters, in their Chemists are Bryn Mawr, Dickin- Moll, chairman, H. C. Gulbrandsen, Mrs. Mudge, who will be in the final ones of the year. The con- son, Drexel, Gettysburg, Johns A. D. Hunt, Jr., and A. N. Wrig-charge of the direction, is an am- !seventh contest, are scheduled to 1 ateur who was formerly* with the certs at Buck Hill Fella, Ogortz meet a strong University of Min- Hopkins, Swarthmore, Ursine', ley. School. and Moorestown Friends and Delware: H. H. Freund, III, is chairman California(Berkeley Playhouse, Berkeley, School were the best received, nesote team here on Monday, of the Senior Prom Committee, and 1 Plaalyifeorsg a,ro andp d iwithziphi thetlade paplyhta xand Hawkins stated. The Club itself, March Ifs. B. H. French and W. is assisted by B. H. French, D. CI P. P. Rodman, '37, business man- led by W. H. Bond, '37. and A. Pointer, both of '37, are the Frysinger, E. L. Hawkins, Jr., G. ager and vice president of Cap and containing over fifty voices, is one probable speakers. They will up- Over 170 Couples Norirs, Jr., and W. A. Polster. On, Bells, plans to arrange for the of the largest in several years.. hold the negative of the subject the Graduation Invitations Commit- I piers to go on the road prior to The Committee for the dance is "Resolved: That the President's tee, H. C. Seibert will serve as the home performance, scheduled composed of those who are trying plan of expanding the Supreme At Soph-Sr. Dance chariman, and K. A. Beck and C.' for the day before Alumni Day. out for offices, and includes- I.. F. Court be adopted." The match Gaines will serve as committee- I Members of the Play Committee .; Norsworthy and I. Telling, Jr., of will take place upstairs in the of Cap and Bells are Clark, chair- th4. class of .'38, and J. H. Broady, Union in order to allow for a liamp's Orchestra And For 'the Graduation Day Break- ' man; Rodman; W. B. Bond, '37; D. C. Santee M. W. Steel; Jr., S. larger attendance than previous. fast Committee M. A. Linton, Jr., G. Norris, '37; C. R. Ebersol, '38; H. Thiermann and R. 0. Whitson, ly. Decorations Receive will act as chairman with W. H. L. C. Lewis, Jr., '39; Professor A. all '39. Hostesses for the dance The Minnesota debaters are mak- Daudt. H. B. Englemann, and A. 'Jardine Williamson; Russell Rich- have not yet been selected. ing the Haverford debate a stop. Favorable Comment Stark as assistants. The chairman l ie, '33; and Ross Garner, '36. "Carmen Haverfordieanum," in off on their trip to Norway, where of the Cap and Gown Committee is Dancing to the rhythm of Ed Cana frost Page 3, Col. 2 they plan to make a tour. T. K. H. H. Kreuner, who is to be aided Saylor, Jr., '38, who has spoken in Hemp and his 13-piece orchestra, by H. A. Andrews, J. A. Dailey, F . over 170 couples attended the an- several previous intercollegiate de- Jr., and R. H. Machlahon. ndersoun Club To Elect bates, has requested a large audi- nual Sophomore-Senior dance ence. The visitors are used to a which was held in the Gymnasium Store Committee Elects Friday night, March 5. In spite Three New Members At Dye Freshman Member good attendance, of threatening clouds in the sky, debating MtiTsgta stteds; there was no snow or drenching Westernizing Of Turkey Dinner Tomorrow Night And Discusses Agencies prominent activity. rain to hamper the dance-goers. Discussed By Dr. Wright As in former contests, the Ore- Decorations in the gym were in Two seniors and one junior will von Plan will be used, whereby one a black, red and silver motif and At Lecture Last Night bLierleacntenduait?..FouuentdteorsbeCIthd ?rt. S. M. Dye, '40 was chosen fresh- member of a team makes a formal received many favorable comments man member of the Store Commit- speech and is then cross-examined ' the Alumni RooM from those who were present.
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