MftV13^21 RCUD STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT of NATURAL and CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION of PARKS and RECREATION 172 Pembroke Road Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Phone: (603)271-3556 Fax: (603)271-3553 Web: www.nhstateparks.org May 18,2021 k His Excellency, Governor Christopher T. Sununu and the Honorable Executive Council State House Concord, New Hampshire 03301 REQUESTED ACTION Pursuant to RSA 261:97-c, Use of Funds, and in accordance with Section 8.1 of the License Agreement approved by the Governor and Executive Council on April 8, 2020, Item #44, authorize the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation, to allow the use of Conservation Plate Funds in partnership with the Nansen Ski Club, Inc.(VC #156231), Berlin, NH in the amount of $35,000 for the cost-sharing of the re-grading of the historic landing hills at the Nansen Ski Jump site effective upon Governor and Executive Council. 100% Other Funds. Funding is available in account, Conservation Plate Fund, as follows: FY2021 03-035-t035-3500ip-34050000-103-502664- Contracts for Op Services $35,000 EXPLANATION The Conservation Number Plate Fund is used to promote the use and conservation of cultural resources in New Hampshire and to preserve the cultural heritage that belongs to all New Hampshire citizens by providing for the preservation of publicly owned historic properties. in April 2020, the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation (Department) received approval from the Governor and Executive Council to enter into a License Agreement (License) with the Nansen Ski Club (NSC), the Friends Group associated with helping steward the State-owned historic 1936 ski jump known as the "Big Nansen." This License enables NSC, in partnership with DNCR, to restore the jump and re-engineer the landing slopes in preparation of its operation as a functioning and US Nordic-sanctioned ski jump. Additionally, Section 8.1 of the License, allows the Department, at its sole discretion, to support NSC activities through the cost-sharing of projects and support of Department staff, as budgets and project plans allow. It is for this reason, the Department requests permission to provide a portion of funding to NSC for re-grading of the landing hills at the Nansen Ski Jump site, a necessary improvement to allow the jump to be used for ski jumping. Respectfully submitted. Concurred, Philip A. Bryce Sarah L. Stewart Director Commissioner STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT of NATURAL and CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION ofPARKS and RECREATION BUREAU OF HISTORIC SITES 172 Pembroke Road Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Phone:(603) 271-3556 Fax:(603) 271-3553 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nhstateparks.org March 27,2020 His Excellency, Governor Christopher T. Sununu and the Honorable Executive Council State House Concord, New Hampshire 03301 REQUESTED ACTION Pursuant to RSA 216-A:3-g and RSA 227-H:9, authorize the Department of Natural tmd Cultural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation(DNCR) to enter into a License Agreement(License) with the Nansen Ski Club, Inc.(NSC), of Berlin, NH,for the improvements to and operation of US Nordic- sanctioned ski jump competitions at the Nansen Ski Jump from the date of Governor and Executive Council approval through June 30,2030, wi^ one ten(10) year option to renew with approval from the Governor and Executive Council. EXPLANATION The DNCR requests approval to enter into a License with the Nansen Ski Club(NSC), the Friends group associated with helping steward the state-owned historic 1936 ski jump known as the Big Nansen. This License enables NSC, in partnership with DNCR,to restore the jump and re^ngineer the landing slopes in preparation of its operation as a functioning and US Nordic-sanctioned ski jump. Once the work is complete in December 2020, the Big Nansen is expected to be an important piece of the North Country's economic revival, with a typical ski jump event attracting thousands of spectators to the area. This License also enables the NSC to access $250,000 in grant funding awarded to the NSC in July 2019, by the Northern Border Regional Commission. Respectfully submitted, ^Concurred, Philip A. B Sarah L. Stewart Director Commissioner PAB/ACAtl-032720 Attachment LICENSE AGREEMENT between the NH DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES and (he NANSEN SKICLUBJNC. In accordance with RSA 2l6-A:3. this License A^recmem (''License") is cnieied inio by and beivvcai the State of Nevv Hampshire, Dcponmeni of Natural and Cultural Resources (''State'' or ''Dcpanmcnt"). Division of Parks and Recreation ("DPR")and the Nansen Ski Club. Inc., including but not limited to its ofTicers, agents, assigns, employees, members and volunteers, C'NSC*). P.O. Bo.s 222, Berlin, NH 03570. Whereas, the Nansen Ski Jump (''Property"), a State Historic Site located in the town of Milan, New Hampshire, is owned by the State of New Hampshire and managed through the Division of Parks and Recreation; and ' Whereas, the Nansen Ski Jump, when consirucied in 1937, was the largest siecl-towercd jump in the world and is one of the few remaining prc-World War II ski jumps of its class that still possess structural integrity; and Whereas,the Nansen Ski Jump, in 1938 and 1939, hosted the first two U.S. Winter Olympic Trials and hosted four Naiioiu! Championships, si.x Nonh American Champion.ships, and numerous Intcmalional Invitational ski jumping events; and Whereas, the Nansen Ski Jump is the only ski jump in New Hampshire of qualifying size to be able to hold U.S. Cup events, which constitutes the premier domestic series; and Whereas, in 2019, the Nansen Ski Jump was named to the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places for both its architecture and its imponani role in the hisloi7 of U.S. ski jumping; and Whereas, the //rrcvi/ set fonh for the Division of Parks and Recreation is established by law under RSA 216-A:I, which states: '7/ is flitf hitenf ofthe general cowl that a comprehenxht shite park system shall he developed, operated, and maintained lo acliiew thefollowing purposes in order ofthefollowing priority: I. To protect and prcser\>e unusual scenic, scientific, historical, recreational, and natural areas within the state. //. To continually pivridc such additional park areas andfacilities as may he neces.sary lo meet the recreational needs ofthe citizen.s ofall region.s ofthe .state. ,III. To make these areas accessible to the publicfor recrcaiional, education, .scientific, and other ii.scs consistent with their /jrotcction and presenaiion. ly. To encowage and supfxjrt tourism and related economic activity within the state: Whereas, the Ten-Year Strategic Development And Capital Improvement Plan directs the Division of Parks and Recreation to "take advantage ofinnovation and partnerships to increase the qualify of stewardship" and to "formalizeframework(s) ofagieemcnts....tlHti serves as an imfnowd basisfor all park "friends groups parks affiUate.s. park operations, and relationships:" and Whereas, the Nansen Ski Club, Inc., Is a non-profit organization and the oldest coniinually operated ski club in the United States, established in 1872 for the purpose of protnoiing and supporting public skiing and related winter aciivitics, and is registered with the NH Dcpajimeni of Justice. Charitable Trust Division (Regn. #12588), and is in "Good Standing" with the Secretary of Stale's Office (Bus. ID #61848); and Whereas, the Nansen Ski Club has been historically prominent in the sport of Nordic skiing having had four of theirmcnibcrs enshrined in the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame; and -I- Whereas,since 2006, ihc State and the NSC has held a long-standing, collaborative partnership that permits NSC to operate winter recreational activities at Milan Hill State Park; and Whereas, the Northeni Border Regional Commission (*'MBRC") is '"a Fcdcrul-Sttilc partnership for economic and community development in northern Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York... that provides Federal funds for critical economic and community development projects throughout the northeast" with its mission "to catalyze regional, collaborative, and transformative community economic development approaches that alleviate economic distress and positiort the region for economic growth;" and Whereas, with the support of the DPR Bureau of Historic Sites, the NSC applied for and was awarded a grant from the Northern Border Regional Commission in the amount of $250,000, with a match amouitt of $62,500, to "redevelop the Nansen Ski Jump for the purpose of holding U.S. Ski and Snowboard sanctioned competitions and the development of a North Country youth jumping program, while at the same lime promoting economic development through recreation tourism;*' and Whereas, the focus of the gram project is. in pan, to "preserve this conimuniiy icon long into Uic future by breathing nevv activity and stewardship into the historic site... [to] allow the Nansen ski club to bring back the sport of ski jumping to a cotnmunity that has deep roots in this Nordic tradition... [to] attract o new dcn>ographic of tourist to the Nonh Country seeking all ihc various recreation and event opponunitics available throughout the year"; and Whereas, the Northern Border Regional Commission seeks evidence of a long-icnn commiimenl between the parties to ensure project support by the State, which is the landowner of the Property: Now therefore, in consideration of the above reciiaiions, the Department, the DPR and the NSC agree to the following terms: 1. PURPOSE. This License grants the NSC access to and use of certain areas and facilities of the Property, as specifically idcnlificd in Exhibit A: Premises ^Premises"), to implement improvements funded by Ihc Northern Border Regional Commission (''NBRC'*) gram; and to conduct activities and events to achieve the parties' mutual goals of providing sievynrdship to and enhancing public recreational opportunities at the.Property.
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