43 ..~ Ration Calenerar OAtiO • •IN~ "J\" buo" I!U UIl .... :i tl 1004 ror ... ral. ea.; SHOES eoupOD ~7 •• pl,.1 Cooler June )1): 00 ...... £1 damp jU explr,. JIlOI 80; MEAT red stamp. " K an' L ,"ptr. Jun. 90,' PROCE88ED 1'0008 blu • IOWA; Coalei' In HIt and • '.ml'lI 1(, L 11)(1 ttj e)CpJre Jul, 1: THE DAILY IOWAN 8U Ak ooupou 18 e_pJre. Au,.. 16; celllnl portlOIl FUEL OIL .0. po" ~ upl... S.,I. N. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS TUB A8S0ClATED raB81 IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1943 Till AIIOC~'!U PIlU8 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 222 = U. S. Re,sumes {ongress Approves Heavy Aerial Anti-Strike legislation Permits Government Allies O.ccupy lamped usa-I To Seile War Plants Blasts al Kiska Threatened by Strike Bombers Make F()ur WASHINGTON, (AP)- Con- gress stamped its tinal approval Raids on Installations; last night on legislatlon to outlaw Bombers 'Pound Germ any Fighters Strafe Boats strikes in government-operated WASHINGTON, (AP)- The war industries .and to curb walk­ third phrase of the campaign to outs In privately-controlled plants. fALL Of LAMPEDOSA ERASES INVASION OBSTACLE br ak Japun's hold on lhe Wcstern De,1ounced by its opponents as Duesseldorf Hit Aleu'lians appeared yesterday to a bill Intended to "crucify 1abor," Isle Pounded have gotten under way with re­ the bristling Connally-Harness sumption of fairly heavy nerial measure won 55 to 2;1 approval of attacks on the nemy at K·islw the Senate on adoption of a con­ In Hour-Long From Air, Sea Island. , ference report composing previous A navy communique said th'1t on) differences between the two Thursday afternoon army medium houses. The house had passec:l the and heavy bombers with fighter, measure 219 jo 129 Friday. RAF Assault Before Capture escort made four attacks on in­ The bill authorizes government stallations at Kiska, scoring bomb seizure ot strike-threatened war hits on the runway and on gun plants and prescribes delaying emplacements. regulations betore walkouts can Gigantic Air Armada 24-Hour Bombardment Fighter planes slrafed barges be called in facilities not taken Does Great Damage By Americans, British found along the b aches. This was one of the heaviest President to Decide In Widespread Raids Meets No 0ppGsition days of action since the American It now goes to the White House conquest of enemy-held Altu where l>resident Roosevelt must By EDWARD D. BALL By DANIEL DeL £ Island and probably marked the! decide whether the legislation LONDON, (AP)- Hundreds of ALLIED HEAD UARTERS IN beginning of intensive efforts to shall become law. There have been British bombers rormlng the NORTH AFRICA (AP)-It ly's soften up Kiska for invasion. indications that parts of the legi-\ .' lanq Corlre of L mpedusa lur­ The tlrst phase ot the Aleuti­ slation at leasl have White House mlghUest all' fleet ver assembled, rendered y ~t rd y to the allles ans campa.lgn was aerial acUon NAVY Aviatlon MachinIst's Male approv'al.' Idealt Dusseldorf a crushing blow against Klska and to some extent Arthur William Schuett of .st. Senate passage came atter more FI'iday night with an hour-I ng BIter a 24-hour air and bom­ AUu. The second was the capture Louis displays a paper maple leaf than eight hours of debate, three assault which spread also over bardm nt. of Altu ItseU where final clean­ propaganda leaflet which U. S. of which were consumed by Sen- other German armament centers A whit flag wal rai ed lit 6:2!l aviators dropped at Klska. Jap­ atar Langer (R-ND) discussing liP IIperatlons are now in prog­ p. m .• (11:29 8. m, WT), the ress. The third, accord Inl!" to held base In the Aleutian Islands. political controversies. oC the Rulw and Rhineland. authoritative opinion here, Is Japs are said to have an aversion Thirty democrats and 25 re- While the RAF ann a u n c e d arne me<lns oC capitulation el­ almost certain to be a heavy for maple leaves. The warnin, publlcans favored the measure neither the total number of raiders t ct d at Pont lIerla f 'rid y. aerial poundhlg of Klska to I'eads, "You fUYS better get out while 16 democrats, 5 republicans nor the tonnage of bombs, the Allil'(j troops waiting ott shore weaken the defenses and the ot here while the rettlng's ,ood." and a progressive voted against it. tOI'malion was said to be the promptly beean landIng, Occupa­ lesourees which would enable Savvy, Tojo? WLP Glvell Power tion wos complete tit 7 p. m. (JZ the garrIson there to put UP a Admittedly aimed directly at greatest fleet or heavy bombers in long and costly resistance. providing new machinery to de a! history. I noon CWT). The navy communique said that with the ' coal wage dlspufe, the , Its striking power was believed -!- ---'_._- Allied oW el'S were surprl ed 66 Japanese stragglers were k i11ed Man Accus'ed . measure Cloihes the war labor to exceed that of the 1,250 RAF at th quIck conqu t of th is­ and one captUred Tuesday night board with statutory powel' 0 large, medium and light bombers VNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of Lampeduaa. leeondary Il.&lIan Ilea and air ba e, has eliminated land-but not Ii lurptl ed as an in the area b tween Sarana Bay settle all labor controversies in which attacked Cologne the night another obstacle previously faced by the alii In ue uti", landlnp on onllnental uropt'. tAil 0 pro­ and Cape Khleblolikof. .These two war Industries and gives It the of May 30, 1942, and the weight vIded by tlte fall of the tiny Mediterranean Isle 11 added protection for lIIed shlpplnr to the Ne r RAF Ii fa ant nDmi!d Coh n. points mark the northeastern tip In Amana Fire sublloer1a power ' it thus far has of bombs undoubtedly surpassed East. ot the island. "There is no enemy Incked to compei President John the 2,000 tons dumped on Dort- B LLETIN activity on other purts of Ule is­ DES MOINES (AP)-The fed- L. Lewis of the united mine Olund last May 23 . -) \.0 n N, I), .J land," the war bulletin reported. eral bUI'eau of investigation an- by mutual agreement between Roaring across the English lS, (AP)-Russlan 10u,-raDce ~ The Japanese casualties in the nounced lesterday that Louis work~'S to submit to its al'bitra- channel for the tirst time since As~ Rationing of Gas "leee Ct n.lo d m t than 600 Tuesday night fighting raised Roemig Jr., 44, had been charged tlon eN-orts. .' May 29, the RAF heavyweights Escape 2 U. S. Subs tons of bombs on Gerll1lln air­ their tola1 known losses tor the under the federal sabotag~ statute The bill auttlorizes govemment took up their part in the pre-in~ In Mid-Western Area Unsuccessful f()r 114 dromes }'rld y n\rllt, destroy­ AUu campaign to 1,911 dead and in connection with a $200,000 fire I seizurl! of mine~ or plants where vasion aerial bombal'dment or Ill( or damJlrln, "a ",eat num­ 21 captured. which destroyed the refl'igeratio'1 labor' ttoubles' threaten ' or bring Europe (l'om the west which wa! State Prisoners ber of en m alrcran," the The enemy probably had sev­ manufacturing plant at Middle about interruption of, production resumed Friday after a lull oC Presume~ Lost Congreumen, Ickes DES' MOINES (AP)-One hun­ Mo ow I'&dlo announeed rb eral hundred other deaths of Amana Monday night. and bar~~ strikes in such instanceR. nearly two \v k~ wheh mOr(! tClday In a broad t 1'ecorded which no evidence was founit by To Confer on Question dred and nlnete n Tow stote pri­ The plant was making cooling Labor conditions then are 1rozen, [than 200 Americnn heavies blasted Boners fled "over the hill" lo whll t by the ovid MonItor. American troops. At one Ume I equipment for the government except that chanies may be made Wilhelmshaven and Cuxhaven. In Capit.o.1 Tuesday they hoped was perman nt {r e­ the Japs were reported to be under army and navy col'itracts. by mutual agreement between Americlm and British planes On Patrol DulY dom in the five years ended last burning their tlead or burying J . L. balton, agent in chal'ge of workers and the employer Or by renewed the daylight b low s On Il routlne flight from Malta WAS Ii 1 N G TON (AP)-The Jan. 1. t\lem under the snow so their the Des Moines FBI ofJice, said WLB ol·del'. against axis Europe with wide­ WASHINGTON (AP3 _ The y terday afternoon hi plan was bodies could not be found. Tota.l Roemig was ordered held under In plants where the guvernment spread sweeps over France lute whole question of wh th r addi­ But only li"e are at larg today. AsserUna escap "do not Po)! United Slnt ubmarln , Amb r- torced down at mp <1u 11. The g~rrlson strenglh on AUu was ,$5,000 bond, pending pr~sehtatio~ ' does not cho~se to step in, work- yesterday. tional ga oline rotlonini hould be jack and Grampus, carrylnll an italian ran out, waving white Jlap believed to be about 2,500 or of the case to a grand Jury. The el's may strIke only after they Ventur'us and Bustons escorted impo ed on the middle west wl1l and the prisoner who ovoids re­ capture is mlahty rare," Chairman estimated 60 men Dch, have roll d lind cryinll: 8,000, accused ~an was arrested Fdd~y ~ave given 30-day notice and only by fighter planes, bomb~d encmy be gone Into Tuesday In an all­ to return from patrol opetations "Can you stop it?" The force on Kiska probably P.
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