Saint M ary’s College T he Observer NOT REDAME • I N DIANA VOL. XXIV NO. 17 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Professor: Thomas Opposition should be confirmed leader By DAVID KINNEY arrested A ssociate N ew s Editor ■ Confirmation news / page 4 TBILISI, U.S.S.R. (AP) — An opposition leader in the repub­ him in an awkward position. A number of key factors indi­ lic of Georgia was arrested cate that Supreme Court nomi­ This lack of substantive tes­ Monday, hours after thousands nee Clarence Thomas should be timony during the hearings has of protesters mobbed the capi­ led several on the Senate Judi­ confirmed by the Senate in the tal in the fiercest confrontation ciary Committee to say that coming weeks, according to yet over President Zviad Gam- Thomas is dodging the issues. Law School Professor Douglas sakhurdia. Kmiec, however, refutes this Kmiec. Georgy Chanturia, leader of claim. Thomas must first gain the the National Democratic Party, “Institutionally, judges ought approval of the Senate Judi­ was arrested with an aide, not to be publicly commenting ciary Committee, before which Irina Darishvili, at Tbilisi’s air­ about the facts and circum­ he is testifying. The committee port Monday evening, accord­ stances of likely cases,” said attempts to gain information ing to Russian television and Kmiec. “No one would want about the nominee’s qualifica­ the independent news agency their case pre judged.” tions and background during Express Khronika said. Others on the committee have this two-week hearing. A Soviet airliner carrying attacked Thomas for abandon­ Thomas has taken the ap­ Chanturia from Tbilisi to ing opinions that he wrote and proach of saying as little as Moscow was 15 minutes into its spoke about in the past. possible about cases that he flight when, on orders of Gam- Thomas has hurdled this ob­ might face if he is confirmed, sakhurdia, the plane turned stacle, as well, by adopting the according to Kmiec, a professor around and returned to Tbilisi, stance that “that was then, and of constitutional and property where Chanturia was arrested, this is now,” according to law and former assistant said Tamara Kalugina, a re­ Kmiec. attorney general of the United porter for the news agency. Thomas has emphasized that States. Chanturia was Gamsakhur- those decisions were written Thomas has continually reit­ Sight-seeing The Observer/Elisa Klostemfian dia’s leading opponent in presi­ when he was a policy maker erated that to render opinions dential elections last May that and an administrator; now he’s without the specific circum­ Sacred Heart Church is one of the many points of interest for visitors to stances of each case could put see THOMAS / page 4 the University, like these women on Monday. see GEORGIA/ page 4 Parisi talks about nature of memorv at SMC lecture By JENNIFER HABRYCH Mary’s O’Laughlin Auditorium. added that, “The storyteller vacation he took when he was ops intellectually and crosses Assistant Saint Mary's Editor “The life of the mind is not now sees an end to the action five years old. “It is only a over bridges in life. “The life of restricted to the classroom,” and makes it more structured in glimmer of a memory, probably the Mind is not solitary, but said Parisi, “an exit from one that context.” because it was retold so many communal,” stated Parisi, “it is Thomas Parisi, chairman of place (in your life), is an en­ times and not from actual not always intellectual, and the Saint Mary’s psychology trance to another.” One influence on Parisi’s life memory.” The trip took him to there are no answers.” department, said Monday that a and intellectual development South Bend, Indiana, specifi­ student should “select a major Parisi’s address focused on were the conversations that cally Notre Dame. “The Life of the mind centers in terms of interest, and not in the sharing of memories from took place at Sunday diners. In around kitchen tables ... read­ terms of a potential career.” his childhood, using his colle­ one anecdote, he said that in Parisi, who at the time was ing literature ... and walking in giate career to explain the evo­ the fall of 1963, he deduced living in the New York area, the woods,” he concluded, “It “Many key events in my life lution of the life of his mind. that because Robert Kennedy said, “It was a foreign place really is a communion, don’t have happened because I didn’t was on a campaign to stop the then, not common as it is to me miss it!” plan for them,” said Parisi. In his lecture, Parisi said that mafia, that “JFK and RFK are now. Now the gold dome has “memory is not only and not out to get Italians,” a view replaced the Brooklyn Bridge, Funded by the Fund for the Parisi summed-up the life of even mostly memory,” but a which caused him some prob­ and I am saddened by it.” Improvement of Postsecondary the mind as a system of bridges type of storytelling. Like all life lems when he shared them with Education (FIPSE), the Life of that connect one segment of our stories, he said, they are his seventh-grade class. These memories are viewed the Mind lecture series allows life to another in his lecture, “ambiguous and chaotic,” but by Parisi as important bridges select faculty members to share which opened the Life of the when told as “narratives, they Another early childhood in the life of the mind. Through brief autobiographies with stu­ Mind Lecture Series at Saint become clear and serene.” He memory that he shared was a these events, he said, one devel­ dents and colleagues. University Task Force researches possibility of no-smoking campus By MARK CAWLEY now, so we have to ease into it,” free dorms,” according to N ew s Writer she said. Mong. In the pursuit of that goal, the In a lone attempt to stop The possibility of a smoke-free Task Force has been con­ smoking in residence halls, the campus is being investigated by sidering three smoking policy Sorin Hall Council initiated a the Smoking Task Force, a options for residence halls. The referendum last year on the is­ committee established last year creation of completely smoke- sue of creating a smoke-free to create a policy on smoking at free dormitories is the first op­ dorm. On the referendum, “over Notre Dame. tion, but Mong admits that the 70 percent [of Sorin Hall resi­ “Our purpose is to set a w rit­ Task Force has anticipated dents] stated a preference for ten policy on where you can student opposition to this policy. no smoking,” according to Fa­ and cannot smoke at Notre The establishment of smoke- ther Stephen Newton, rector of Dame,” said Melissa Mong, an free 24-hour lounges in dorms Sorin Hall. ND junior and Task Force or permitting smoking only in member. private rooms are the other two The new policy, which took “W hat we re doing is deciding options under review, she said. effect this semester, restricts the University’s policy and The Task Force is awaiting smoking to one half of Sorin’s making the rules,” she added. the results of an informal poll of front porch where, “it is reluc­ The Task Force, composed of students conducted by the Hall tantly tolerated,” said Newton. students, faculty, and staff, has Presidents Council (HPC) this Newton said he feels other determined its goal to be “the week to clarify student opinions residence halls should follow creation of a healthier envi­ toward smoking on campus. Sorin’s lead in the interim of a ronment on campus,” according University policy on smoking. to Mong. At last w eek’s HPC m eeting, an unofficial vote was taken on “We know too much about the “In my opinion, the ultimate the issue of smoking in dormi­ dangers of smoking to simply Odlight napping The Observer/Elisa Klosterman goal is a smoke-free campus, tories and, “at least 75 percent roll over and let others impose Jeff Hoelscher, ND junior, takes a quick break from his studies in a but that’s not realistic right of them were in favor of smoke- second hand smoke upon us.” booth in La Fortune Monday. _________________________________ page 2 The Observer Tuesday, September 17, 1991 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST: WEATHER REPORT f Mostly sunny today, h ig h s in th e 7 0 's. Magazines » e _ 7 0 . Cloudiness tonight with 40 percent chance of showers. portray the Cloudy and cooler W ed. “fearful” man TEMPERATURES: Mademoiselle, last City H Athens 84 week’s Chicago Tribune Atlanta 96 magazine, and every other Berlin 66 magazine I pick up are Boston 90 Chicago 77 seriously damaging my Dallas-Ft.Worth 89 image of men. Denver 75 Detroit 86 Men, what do you think Honolulu 90 of a title like “Guy Anxiety: Houston 92 His 8 Greatest Love Indianapolis 92 Fears”? Gil Schwartz, Anna Marie Tabor London 70 SMC Accent Editor Los Angeles 85 among many other male Madrid 95 writers, decided to Miami Beach 85 Moscow 57 enlighten us clueless women with the answers New York 92 to questions regarding puzzling masculine New Orleans 93 Paris 75 behavior. Philadelphia 94 Are you afraid of eating with silverware, Rome 75 watching anything other than NFL games, St. Louis 83 "V" y Cold front • High pressure Showers Thu nderstormsrx Snow San Francisco 72 being neat, meeting your girlfriend’s friends, Seattle 78 having meaningful conversation, changing, a* Warm front South Bend 80 Flurries Cloudy Pt.
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