REGI PV20120711 1 MINUTES Meeting of 11 July 2012, From

REGI PV20120711 1 MINUTES Meeting of 11 July 2012, From

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2009 - 2014 Committee on Regional Development REGI_PV20120711_1 MINUTES Meeting of 11 July 2012, from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 18.30, and 12 July 2012, from 09.00 to 12.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 09.05 on Wednesday 11 July 2012, with Danuta Maria Hübner (Chair) in the chair. 1. Adoption of agenda REGI_OJ (2012)0711v01-00 The agenda was adopted with modifications 2. Approval of minutes of the meeting of: 29-30 May 2012 PE 490.973v01-00 The minutes were approved. 3. Exchange of views with Mr Andreas Mavroyiannis, Deputy Minister for European Affairs, President in office of the Council, on the priorities of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council Speakers: Andreas Mavroyiannis, Georgios Stavrakakis, Nikos Chrysogelos, Lambert van Nistelrooij, Constanze Angela Krehl, François Alfonsi, Oldřich Vlasák, Ivars Godmanis, Charalampos Angourakis, Riikka Manner *** Voting time *** The following votes took place: The committee spent five hours and a half voting the mandate in form of AMS in PV\915010EN.doc PE496.320v02-00 EN United in diversity EN order to start inter-institutional negotiations on the EU cohesion package (Points 6 to 10). After the vote of the Amendments (AMs) to every Regulation the Chair asked whether the AMs voted could be considered the negotiating mandate and proposed the composition of the negotiating teams (NT). The mandates were adopted by a large majority or unanimity. The committee also accepted the composition of the NTs as proposed by the Chair (see below). In order to avoid misunderstandings, the Chair made clear before the votes the following points, which were all agreed by the committee: 1) The committee votes a detailed mandate in form of AMs to negotiate with the Council and the European Commission. 2) The vote cannot be considered in any manner the vote of the reports on the different regulations. This is only a vote on the AMs which will constitute a mandate in the sense of Rule 70.2. As any other mandate this is the point of departure and not the point of arrival. 3) The committee will need to complete its mandate on the part of the CPR which refers to financial rules; this will be when the Parliament's position on the Financial regulation is final. It also has to do with those parts to be decided by the MFF or related to it. 4) The committee decides on the Negotiating Teams (NTs) which will be composed - one per regulation - of the Chair, the Rapporteurs or Rapporteur and the shadow Rapporteurs; in the case of the CPR the draftsperson of the EMPL is also part of it. In principle, no other MEPs are allowed to participate in the NT meetings except if invited. 5) The negotiations shall be conducted in full observance of the Rules and Code of Conduct (Annex XXI) of the Rules of Procedure. In particular, the NTs shall report back to every committee meeting on the progress on the negotiations and that, on the NTs request, the committee may nuance, complete or change the mandate of a particular dossier. 6) When the committee decides to terminate the negotiations for whatever reason the Rapporteurs should present - all the Rapporteurs - a draft report revised with all the AMs resulting from agreements, plus those AMs not negotiated but adopted in committee in July and any other Compromise Amendment they considered pertinent. As it will be a draft report revised a deadline for AMs may be opened and all MEPs will have the opportunity to present AMs if they wish. 7) The Chair reminds that following the decision of the CofP of 5 July 2012: 1) Parliament's work on Multiannual Financial Framework and related legislative policies should be coordinated, 2) Committees may negotiate but not conclude first reading agreements or "sectoral deals" and PE496.320v02-00 2/16 PV\915010EN.doc EN 3) The principle for negotiations is "nothing is agreed until everything is agreed". 4. Establishment of a Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) REGI/7/08210 ***I 2011/0428(COD) COM(2011)0874 – C7-0498/2011 Rapporteur Patrice Tirolien (S&D) PA – PE489.549v01-00 for the AM – PE492.633v01-00 opinion: Responsible: ENVI – Jutta Haug (S&D) PR – PE489.483v01-00 Adoption of draft opinion Amendments adopted: COMP 4 (1,26,30),2, COMP 5 (3,31), 5, COMP 6 (8,35), 36, COMP 1 (9,37),10, COMP 2 (12,42),14,15,16,17,19,46,47,51,52,53,54,55,58,20,21,61,22, COMP 3 (23,64,71,72),24,25,68,69. Final result: The draft opinion was adopted with 39 votes in favour, 7 against and 0 abstention 5. European statistics on demography REGI/7/08379 ***I 2011/0440(COD) COM(2011)0903 – C7-0518/2011 Rapporteur Kerstin Westphal (S&D) PA – PE491.077v01-00 for the AM – PE492.625v01-00 opinion: Responsible: EMPL – Csaba Sógor (PPE) Adoption of draft opinion Amendments adopted: 1,2,3,4,5,7 (2nd part),8,9,10,11,12. Final result: The draft opinion was adopted with 42 votes in favour, 0 against and 4 abstentions 6. Common provisions on European Funds and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 REGI/7/07479 ***I 2011/0276(COD) COM(2011)0615 – C7-0335/2011 PV\915010EN.doc 3/16 PE496.320v02-00 EN Co- Constanze Angela Krehl (S&D) PR – PE487.740v03-00 rapporteur(s):Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE) AM – PE491.056v01-00 AM – PE491.054v01-00 AM – PE491.057v01-00 AM – PE489.656v01-00 AM – PE491.052v01-00 AM – PE491.163v01-00 AM – PE491.058v01-00 Responsible: REGI – Opinions: BUDG – Derek Vaughan (S&D) AD – PE488.045v02-00 AM – PE491.060v01-00 CONT – Derek Vaughan (S&D) AD – PE480.661v02-00 AM – PE489.347v01-00 ECON – Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) PA – PE486.023v01-00 AM – PE487.925v01-00 EMPL – Ádám Kósa (PPE) PA – PE486.190v01-00 AM – PE491.157v02-00 AM – PE489.560v02-00 ENVI – Sophie Auconie (PPE) AD – PE487.721v02-00 AM – PE489.530v01-00 ITRE – Patrizia Toia (S&D) AD – PE486.188v02-00 AM – PE489.408v01-00 AM – PE488.023v01-00 TRAN – Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE) AD – PE486.053v03-00 AM – PE489.578v01-00 AGRI – Salvatore Caronna (S&D) AD – PE483.804v02-00 AM – PE487.916v01-00 PECH – Jean-Paul Besset (Verts/ALE) AD – PE487.807v02-00 AM – PE491.082v01-00 CULT – Malika Benarab-Attou AD – PE485.907v02-00 (Verts/ALE) AM – PE487.799v01-00 FEMM – Inês Cristina Zuber (GUE/NGL) AD – PE487.962v02-00 AM – PE491.108v01-00 Consideration and adoption of amendments as a mandate Amendments adopted: 1, 19, COMP 1 (20-26,359,361-363,368,375, FEMM 12, EMPL 22), EMPL 25,COMP 2 (27,28,377,379,381-386, ITRE 17, EMPL 26-27), EMPL 30,COMP 3(29-33,397, 399,401,403,407-409,412,414-420,423,425,426,428,432-438,440,441,555, ITRE 22, AGRI 15, AGRI 27, EMPL 31, AGRI 18, EMPL 35, EMPL 33,421, COMP 4 (34,35,446,448-451,453-458, FEMM 17, EMPL 39, EMPL 40, COMP 5 (36,37,460- 465, ITRE 24, ENVI 19, PECH 5, PECH 6, COMP 6 (38,467,468,478,490,493,495, 496,498,500-503, 505,506, EMPL 44-46, EMPL 48, TRAN 9, TRAN 11, ITRE 29, FEMM 22-23, CULT 7), COMP 7 (39,519, EMPL 49), COMP 8 (40,41,524,526,527, 531,532,534,535, BUDG 23, EMPL 50,1301), COMP 9 (42,540,43,544,546, BUDG 24, ITRE 38, AGRI 25, ITRE 39, AGRI 24), 550, COMP 10 (44,557,560,45,563,558, 559,564, ITRE 41, AGRI 27,562, COMP 11 (46-52,599,567,568,570,571,576,577, 587,588,590,593,594,598,600-609,611-620,623, ITRE 49, TRAN 16,628,-630,634, EMPL 61, ENVI 29, ITRE 47, AGRI 31, FEMM 29, ITRE 48, PECH 12, EMPL 55, PE496.320v02-00 4/16 PV\915010EN.doc EN EMPL 59, EMPL 61-64,627, COMP 12 (53,54,643,644,646, AGRI 32,), COMP 13 (55,649,653,657, BUDG 25, EMPL 68, COMP 14 (56-58,659-663,665,669,673, 678,684,686,690, ITRE 53, AGRI 36, PECH 13, EMPL 70),59,693-696,698,699, BUDG 26, AGRI 37, EMPL 73, ITRE 55,60, COMP 15 (61,721-724, EMPL 80,62, 728-733, BUDG 28, ECON 14, EMPL 82, AGRI 39, PECH 15, FEMM 31, ECON17, COMP 16 (63,744,64,740-742,745-749,751,754,755, PECH 16, EMPL 83-85),COMP 17 (65,66,760,761, CONT 22, TRAN 19,763,764, CONT 23,768,769,775,COMP 18 (67,68,778,780,781), COMP 19 (69,783-786, EMPL 90),791, COMP 20 (70-73,796, 801,804), COMP 21 (74,75,76,78,79,809-815,817-824,828, AGRI 42, EMPL 94), COMP 22 (80-82,829,831-835,838,840), COMP 23 (83-85,841,842), COMP 32 (102, 934,936,939-943, EMPL 103, FEMM 42, CULT 13, EMPL 101-102), COMP 33 (948,950,952,953, EMPL 106-108), COMP 34 (103,104,956,957,964,968,971,972, EMPL 109),105, COMP 35 (106,107,977,979,980, ENVI 39, TRAN 24,990-992,996, EMPL 114, EMPL 116, COMP 36 (108-110,998,999,1002, EMPL 117), COMP 37 (111-113, CONT 29,1010,1013, ITRE 69,1021-1023,1025-1027,1029,1030, EMPL 123), COMP 38 (114,1033), COMP 39 (115,1035,1037, EMPL 125), COMP 40 (116, 117, 1039, 1041,1044, EMPL 128-129), COMP 41 (18,1046,1049-1051, ECON 20, EMPL 130), COMP 42 (1060-1062), COMP 43 (119,1065), COMP 44 (1078,-1084, EMPL 138), COMP 45(120,1091-1094, AGRI 43,1088,1089,1095), COMP 46 (121, 1100,1101), COMP 47 (122,1072,1104,1105, ITRE 73), CONT30, 1130,123, BUDG 30, ITRE 75, EMPL 142, AGRI 44,1137-1139,1148,1150,1154-1156, EMPL 143, CONT 32,1173,1174,1176, CONT 33,1189, COMP 48 (124,125,1196-1198,1201, 1202,1204,1205), COMP 49(1209-1212), COMP 50 (126-133,1213-1215,1217-1231, 1234-1245,1250-1252,1254-1256,1258,1260-1280,1282,1284-1286, ITRE 85, AGRI 46,1287-1300,1302-1315,1317-1319, EMPL 149, ITRE 82, ITRE 87, BUDG 34, AGRI 48, EMPL 150, CONT 47, ITRE 88,1643, COMP 51 (1322,-1330), EMPL 155, COMP 52 (134-140,1338-1340,1342-1347,1352-1362,1365, ENVI 44,1367,1369- 1380,1383,1387,1391,1398,1399, EMPL 164,1405-1407,1410-1416, ITRE 91,1364, ITRE 92, EMPL 158, CULT 16, EMPL 162, EMPL 163, EMPL 169-171),141,1425, 1428,1429, EMPL 174,1434,1436, COMP 53 (1439,1440,1442-1446,1448,1449, ITRE 99, ENVI 48), COMP 54 (1456,1457), COMP 55 (142,143,1462-1467), COMP 56 (144,1471-1474,1476,1477,1479-1481),1488, EMPL 179-180,1489, The meeting adjourned at 12.30 and resumed on at 15.00 with Danuta Maria Hübner (Chair) in the chair.

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