VOL 30, NO. 44 JULY 29, 2015 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com SPEAKING OUT OUTspoken! marks one year of LGBTQ storytelling OUTspoken! curator David Fink (left) with event co-hosts Art Johnston and Kim Hunt at Sidetrack. Photo by Ken Martin BY CARRIE MAXWELL OUTspoken! is held the first Tuesday of every month at Side- track, 3349 N. Halsted St., and is free of charge. The next OUTspoken!, Chicago’s monthly LGBTQ storytelling event at event—featuring stories from Tracy Baim, Bea Cordelia, LeVan Sidetrack, is the brainchild of David Fink (co-founder, producer D. Hawkins, Archy Jamjun, Alexis Martinez and Jeffrey Tomlin- and board member at the Acorn Theatre in Three Oaks, Michi- son—will take place Aug. 4 at 7-9 p m. (Attendees must be at gan) and Art Johnston (co-owner of Sidetrack)—and is mark- least 21.) ing its first anniversary. Fink curates the event while Sidetrack General Manager Brad Fink, who lives part-time in both Chicago and Michigan, has Balof is the stage manager during the event. Johnston and held storytelling events at his theater on and off for about 12 Kim Hunt (outgoing executive director of Affinity Community years and wanted to do something similar in Chicago. Services) serve as co-hosts each month. “I’m good friends with Art, and I knew he had a great story “Art was very willing and anxious to do it and then we to tell,” said Fink. “I asked him if he would be willing to tell wanted a woman of color because the more white males you it at a storytelling show. He wasn’t sure what that meant so I have, the more it’s going to feel like Boystown,” said Fink. took him to one and he loved it and told his story. He asked “We wanted to make the event inclusive and diverse and since if there were any LGBTQ specific storytelling shows in Chicago Kim loves storytelling, is an activist and [is] well-known in the and I said I didn’t think there were any so he asked me if I community, she was the perfect choice to co-host alongside wanted to do one with him and I said ‘yes.’ Art.” “A group of us went through a number of different ideas Hunt explained that she got involved when Johnston called STRUCTURED for the name and the one we chose just sounded clever and her one day out of the blue last June. She was out of the office catchy. There are many, many events with the name OUT some- at the time so a staff person took the message. Hunt noted Architect Zurich Esposito lives out his childhood where in it and since all of our storytellers are out LGBTQ that it was odd because there’s never been a reason for John- dream. 9 individuals OUTspoken! seemed evocative, catchy and perfect ston to call her for anything in the past. Photo by Joe Mazza/Brave Lux for us.” Turn to page 15 NOW A WEEKLY SECTION FORMER CENTER ON HALSTED IN WINDY CITY TIMES! LEA DELARIA STAFF CRITICIZE LEADERSHIP Orange Is the New Black star covers See story and letter inside. Bowie on new CD. Photo of Modesto ‘Tico” Valle by Tracy Baim 8 18-20 Photo by Sophy Holland 14 2 July 29, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES 匀栀椀爀琀氀攀猀猀 匀甀洀洀攀爀㼀 䈀 䔀 䘀 伀 刀 䔀 䄀 䘀 吀 䔀 刀 䜀漀 愀栀攀愀搀⸀⸀⸀⸀琀愀欀攀 礀漀甀爀 猀栀椀爀琀 漀û 琀栀椀猀 猀甀洀洀攀爀⸀ 䔀渀樀漀礀 ␀㔀 伀䘀䘀 䈀漀搀礀 刀攀猀栀愀瀀椀渀最 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 匀攀瀀琀攀洀戀攀爀 猀琀⸀ 䴀䐀 倀 䰀 䄀 匀 吀 䤀 䌀 匀 唀 刀 䜀 䔀 刀夀 嘀椀猀椀琀 眀眀眀⸀搀愀瘀椀搀猀栀椀昀爀椀渀洀搀⸀挀漀洀 䌀愀氀氀 ⸀㌀㈀⸀㔀 ㈀⸀㘀㈀ WINDY CITY TIMES July 29, 2015 3 WINDY CITY TIMES INDEX Saturday, August 15, 2015 NEWS Equality Act, Kenya; column 4 DOWNLOAD New AFC initative 5THIS ISSUE Intersection forum; Bowman dies 6 AND BROWSE THE ARCHIVES at Protesters decry Rauner budget 7 Center on Halsted under fire 8 WWW.WINDYCITYTIMES.COM Profile: Zurich Esposito 9 Mombian; letter re Gay Games 10 ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS Scottish Play Scott 11 Theater reviews 12 OUTspoken marks one year 14 VOL 30, NO. 44 JULY 29, 2015 Lea DeLaria interview 15 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com SPEAKING OUT Sports Hall of Fame 17 OUTspoken! marks one year of LGBTQ storytelling NIGHTSPOTS 18 OUTspoken! curator David Fink (left) with event co-hosts Art Johnston and Kim Hunt at Sidetrack. Photo by Ken Martin BY CARRIE MAXWELL OUTspoken! is held the first Tuesday of every month at Side- OUTLINES track, 3349 N. Halsted St., and is free of charge. The next OUTspoken!, Chicago’s monthly LGBTQ storytelling event at event—featuring stories from Tracy Baim, Bea Cordelia, LeVan Sidetrack, is the brainchild of David Fink (co-founder, producer D. Hawkins, Archy Jamjun, Alexis Martinez and Jeffrey Tomlin- and board member at the Acorn Theatre in Three Oaks, Michi- son—will take place Aug. 4 at 7-9 p m. (Attendees must be at Calendar Q 21 gan) and Art Johnston (co-owner of Sidetrack)—and is mark- least 21.) ing its first anniversary. Fink curates the event while Sidetrack General Manager Brad Fink, who lives part-time in both Chicago and Michigan, has Balof is the stage manager during the event. Johnston and held storytelling events at his theater on and off for about 12 Kim Hunt (outgoing executive director of Affinity Community years and wanted to do something similar in Chicago. Services) serve as co-hosts each month. Classifieds 22 “I’m good friends with Art, and I knew he had a great story “Art was very willing and anxious to do it and then we to tell,” said Fink. “I asked him if he would be willing to tell wanted a woman of color because the more white males you it at a storytelling show. He wasn’t sure what that meant so I have, the more it’s going to feel like Boystown,” said Fink. took him to one and he loved it and told his story. He asked “We wanted to make the event inclusive and diverse and since if there were any LGBTQ specific storytelling shows in Chicago Kim loves storytelling, is an activist and [is] well-known in the and I said I didn’t think there were any so he asked me if I community, she was the perfect choice to co-host alongside wanted to do one with him and I said ‘yes.’ Art.” “A group of us went through a number of different ideas Hunt explained that she got involved when Johnston called STRUCTURED for the name and the one we chose just sounded clever and her one day out of the blue last June. She was out of the office catchy. There are many, many events with the name OUT some- at the time so a staff person took the message. Hunt noted Architect Zurich Esposito lives out his childhood where in it and since all of our storytellers are out LGBTQ that it was odd because there’s never been a reason for John- dream. 9 individuals OUTspoken! seemed evocative, catchy and perfect ston to call her for anything in the past. Photo by Joe Mazza/Brave-Lux for us.” Turn to page 15 NOW A WEEKLY SECTION FORMER CENTER ON HALSTED IN WINDY CITY TIMES! LEA DELARIA STAFF CRITICIZE LEADERSHIP Orange Is the New Black star covers See story and letter inside. Bowie on new CD. Photo of Modesto ‘Tico” Valle by Tracy Baim 8 18-20 Photo by Sophy Holland 14 online exclusives at www.WindyCityTimes.com ALPHABET SOUP The Black Alphabet Film Festival (left) celebrates LGBTQ stories. Photo by Skylar Baker-Jordan IN TUNE 5pm Hilton Chicago’s Grand Ballroom 7:30pm Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University PERFORMANCES BY Giordano Dance Chicago, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Joffrey Ballet, River North Dance Chicago, Chicago Human Rhythm Project, Same Planet Different World, C5 presenting a world premiere, and choreographer Randy Duncan’s highly acclaimed work STAND BY ME There are roundups of the Indigo Girls with special music arrangement by Ira Antelis show as well as Fed Up Fest. Photo of Indigo Girls’ Amy Ray by Vern Hester EMCEES Joey Bland and Tim Mason of The Second City BENEFICIARIES AIDS Foundation of Chicago and The Dancers’ Fund NET GAIN GALA LEVEL TICKETS $250-$600 | PERFORMANCE LEVEL TICKETS $15-$75 The Plus One Web series focuses on GLAAD TO BE HERE lesbian relationships. www.DanceforLifeChicago.org | 312-922-5812 /DanceForLifeChicago @danceforlifeChi MITCH PERFECT Mitch Grassi of the group Pentatonix talks about touring with Kelly Clarkson and being openly gay. Karl Watson, Visceral Dance Chicago Watson, Karl THAT’S SHOW BIZ Find out the latest about Chaz Bono, Sharon Stone and Greg Louganis. DANCER MEDIA PARTNERS a&u Magazine | 4Dancers.org | Best Gay Chicago | ChicagoPride.com | Sandro GLAAD Chicago marked the Leadership GC Magazine | GRAB Magazine | Positively Aware Magazine plus Council’s fifth anniversary at SeeChicagoDance.com | Windy City Media Group MillerCoors. PHOTOGRAPHY DAILY BREAKING NEWS Photo by Melissa Wasserman 4 July 29, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES Lawmakers introduce SPECIAL GUEST COLUMN Equality Act BY Matt SIMONETTE Good Cop? Bad Cop? No Cop! U.S. lawmakers, on the week of July 20, in- troduced sweeping legislation that would give federal protections to LGBT Americans in a Queer Resistance to Policing number of categories. BY THERESE QUINN AND ERICA R. MEINERS The legislation, known as the Equality Act, essentially extends to the LGBT community the In September 1969 a gay man, David Stienecker, same rights afforded to other groups under the wrote a column in the Mattachine Midwest (MM) Civil Rights Act and other laws, and broadly newsletter about a Chicago police officer named covers areas such as public accommodations, John Manley.
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