I I Green types show their party spirit I I I I I I - I www.allstonbrightontab.com FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2005 Vol. 9, No. 52 40 Pages 3 SectiJs 75¢ F OOTB RU LAJCA,RUN BC / cruisi~' formdre boozi~' By Audltl Guha STAFF WRITER raffic backup in ~righton is common, es~ally when TBoston Colle e games begin or end in the ~ II. Neither, said residents, are dru~ks. But Boston Colle e officials believe that an additi nal hour of pregame tailgating at Shea Field may help ease traffic congestion in the neighborhood. The Mayor's Offitje of Neigh­ borhood Services <f.d District City Councilor Jerry McDermott cosponsored Mon~'s meeting at the Brighton M ne Hospital to review the college s proposal to expand it<; ente1tainn;1ent license. The college reqpested three hours of tailgating i~stead of two, according to Boston College spokesman Tom Kehdy. "We are doing th.is because of tmffic, \\ hiLh start'> 10 accumulate before our \•ames sthrt," he said. He said it ha-; a nci\\ program in plaL:e this sca-.on to keep people Pablo Barron and girlfriend Vl;:,nn"'Y v~ 1 ,.,,,.,,,,.1a ~f 1311 oft the field -and strfch and to get BC, page 12 I A-Ba big no go zone for those who have to go By Audlti Guha • , • "I guess it couldn't hu ,"she said. "It STAFF WRITER Neighborhood. doesn t have a lot to you-know-what in would ~e1p to have c11 an bathrooms Public toilets? There aren't any in All­ around.' ston-Brighton, unless you count dark al­ 'There i.., a true necJ h> ha\ c public re­ park. No public restroom." families to use their facilities, whether or "It\ not like downto* and people in leys or park bushes. stroo1m in our p<lrb and public space-.," While most agree there are no general not they were purchasing anything," the neighborhood are a I t more relaxed But resident-; can't agree 1f that\ a said Rosie Hanlon of Brighton \fain public restrooms in the Brighton, several Hanlon agreed. "On the whole, commu­ and allow people to us it," said Paul good thing. Some think it\ an obvious Street,. ·Thi, i-. a big problem for our local businesses allov. pa-;sersby to use nity-wide, the local merchants allow Holloway from the may r's office. need at local parks and fields, while oth­ Lillie League~. Fo1 txample. Rogef'I their.. These include local bar., Starbucks, public restroom acces<.,.'' With new advertisirlg boards and ers fear it will just attract more trouble to Park i-. a \el)' busy p•u·i.. spnng. summer White Hen Pantry and Burger King. Allston resident Julia Chandler said street furniture such a<; bps stops by Wall the neighborhood. and full. Hundred'> of kid-. utiliLe this "[Many] allow the mass quantity of she uses the bar'> and they usually let her TQILETS, page 12 Oh, what a fine mess we're in By Auditl Guha the Kelton Condo Trust at 248 S • ~ · TE Kelton St. , owing $1 ,300 Where trash -.coftla\\s are con­ in fines for having mor~ than I cerned. Bngh on boast-. the big­ cubic yard of trash and other in­ ger fine' anJ the greater number fractions. ENT RTA•N MENT of defaulter:-.. They are followed by Carol A look at the Jn-,pectiona Ser­ Ave. LLC at 3 Carol Ave., which vice Department records from owes the city $1,000 for illegal Sights & sounds JanuaI) to June indicate page. of dumping. fines still O\\ed the ci~. ranging Unpaiil trash ticketc, seem to be of Cape Cod from 15 ticket' to S 1.000. concentrated on certain busy baseball In Brighton, the top defaulter is SCOFFLAWS, page 13 P'iOT BY l.AAA WN<'I ..,.SEE PAGE 27 City Council candidate Kevin McCrea at his South End apartment. The developet, a Brighton New church scandal native, Is running for office for the first time. INSIDE Sources: Archdiocese embezzled Commentary 10 First time the charm? By Audltl Guha perpetual care," said spokesman STAI' ,.,~ ' Tl By Audltl Guha EUCTION the 38-year-0ld South End Brian McNiff. "There are laws 'iP- ;$' J;; Community Notes 24 STAFF WRITER ...,. resident. ·-~ell me what Secretal) ot State Wi ll iam that gi\.'e this office jurisdiction He hardly wears suits and he won't deliver the you 'r~ gonna do;, It seems Crime 13 Gal, in ha.-. filed a civil uit this over cemetery funds.'' week that accuses the Boston The Archdiocese did not re­ usual lines. Running for At-Large City Council 2f 005 very s1mplelo me. Archdiocese of embeZlling turn calls by press time. seat, Kevin McCrea said he wants to be the kind Unimpressed with the way c ty government is Destinations 20 rur, he said he jumped into th race because he mone) from 1t cemeter; fund. Three Presentation School of candidate he would want to vote for. Foundation members contacted ''I'm tired of platitudes from politicians," said FIRST TIME, page 8 Ubrary Notes 22 ..It ha-. to do "'ith accounting of money that people put 111 for CHURCH, page 13 Obituaries 21 Ca I For a Free 21 'I \EL The Finest People . Mar et Analysis I C:lllHOPH \C:TIC: m Mortgage Loans Polttlcal Notebook 4 Swiss Watch Repair Local knowledge. Authorized Sales & Sen-ice BEST OF BOSTON Experienced answers. All Sizes & WidttlS ~21. 3 2 Many Styles Shawoiut Properties 134 Tremont Street• Brighton (Al ALPHA OMEGA Peoples & Colors DIAMONDS SINCE 1978 federal Savings Bank Your N11igliborTwod Realto ~ • (111,.,,,<ai iflrt<lr l: <IH,""°"cl.J)>mcrfut• All i\MERICAN H ME i\ID, INC. Allston 229 1'onh Harvard Street rJ.-C: l '-. fl I> 556 Cambrid~e St .• Brighton Natdl Mair 50&-655-4700 Butfing1on Mall 781·2n"4016 Brighton 43 5 Market Street Tel. 617-787-2121 Prudenllal Clr. Boston 617.. 24-9030 (617) 254-0707 • www.prsb.com 151 Sutherland . • Brighton (617) 787-8700 \.. www.C2lshawmut.com ~ Harvard Square, Carroridge 617-864-1227 @ M··,.,P,,. FDlr 617-713 300 7 2 I Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, August 5, 2005 www.allstonbrightontab.com I Allston-Brighton History I Then Now· By Wllllam Marchione college architecture. With the growth of Allston and of the St. Luke's congregation, there was by BRIGHTON ALLSTON •· • :lRlCAL COMMISSION 1913 a need for expanded facllltles, whereupon the present St. Luke's Church was built In front of We thought this week's contest was going to be another hard one, but a lot of readers knew this the older buildings, the chapel becoming at that point a parish house. In 1969, St. Luke's Church lovely old building was St. Luke's Church. Here we see the orlgJnal buildings of St. Luke's Episcopal absorbed Its older sister, becoming at that point St. Luke's and St. Margaret's Church. Church, situated at the southwest corner of Brighton Avenue and St. Luke's Road In Allston. The parish was organized on Aprll 15, 1892, by Allston's Eplscopallans In the home of Mrs. Francis Lyman Winship at 88 Gardner St. St. Luke's was the second Episcopal church In Allston-Brighton, the first being St. Margaret's Church In Brighton Center, which dated from the early 1860s. The members of St. Luke's Parish met at Union Hall In Union Square Allston until 1895, when the l\ ext vveek's buildings pictured here were constructed, a rectory, left, and a chapel, right. Bishop Wiiiiam contest Lawrence dellvered the Inaugural sermon. These handsome Jacobean style structures were designed by MIT-educated Boston architect Francis R. Allen, whose specialty was ecclesiastic and Hint: Here we see a circa 1920 Oak Square streetscape. Can you Identify the street? If so, fax your Winners answer t o 781-433-8202 or e-mail It to [email protected]. If you are correct, we wlll put your 1. Barbara Berry 3. Maureen McGrail 5. Richard B. Sullivan name In next week's paper. Good 2. Barbara Forbes 4. Colleen Salmon luck. ..' The Allston-Brighton TAB wants you for a readers network I' 1 ll I I I 8 • ll H Have strong opinions? Do you ston-Brighton TAB ! From chim- to get the be t lice of pizza. you We want your news! contacts: want your voice heard? Would ing in on the neighborhood\ can help this paper become more Key you like to be a part of the All- worst potholes to picking \\here reader-0riented. Editor ................. ....... Nick Katz (781) 433-8365 The All'>ton-Brighton TAB is Welcome to the Allston-Brighton ............. , .......•..........•.. [email protected] looking for re~idents to be part of TAB! We are eager to serve as a IJ". Reporter .......•.........•.. Audit! Guha (781) 433-8333 our Readers Advisory Network. forum for the community. Please ·· i . .......••... , • • . .•.•... [email protected] Readers \\ho join will be sur­ send us calendar listings, social news .·.·. " . Editor in chief ...•...•...... Greg Reibman (781) 433-8345 and an) other items of community .., \'eyed tor opinion about impor­ . .. ................. [email protected] the Katz tant issues. feedback on the paper interest. Please mail information Nl~ Advertising Directer . .......... Crls Warren (781) 433·8313 to Nick Kall~ editor, Allston­ and s!OI) ideas. All we need is Advertising sales •... .. .. Harriet Steinberg (781) 433-7865 yo ur e-mail addres~ . Brighton TAB, P.O. Box 9112. Real Estate sales ....•... Mark R. Macrelli (781) 433-8204 " Your e-mail address will be Needham, MA 02492. You may fax Russian section acvertising Yurl Tabansky (617) 965-1673 WEEKLY SPECIALS kept confidential and not shared material to (781l433-82ft2.
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